Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and seventeen, making great achievements

"Well, Victor, if you want a reconnaissance mission, I'll allow you that."

Although the marshal spoke very softly, Marquis Treville, who had just made an impassioned speech, breathed a sigh of relief.

Reconnaissance operation?

What is a reconnaissance operation? Sending out dozens of people to harass someone is a reconnaissance operation. Sending out hundreds or even thousands of people is also called a reconnaissance operation. This vague term gave the two people present a great deal of freedom.

In a combat operation, the outcome is of great importance, and it is very likely to affect domestic public opinion; but in a reconnaissance operation, the nature is completely different, and it can advance or retreat.

And now, he finally proved his commitment with practical actions.

With this in mind, General Treville, dressed in military uniform, walked into the living room, which was not spacious.

This current situation makes these ambitious officers extremely dissatisfied. They have written to senior officials many times, hoping to launch further military operations. However, their wishes have never been satisfied, which has also caused a lot of resentment and complaints. Many people even think that they have fallen into a "pit of fire" by mistake.

Of course, this is also full of dangers, and it is by no means a smooth road. Every step during the process may fall and be shattered into pieces. After all, there are many generals who have the same "dream" as the Marquis of Treville, and there are fierce personnel matters within the army. In the midst of a struggle, anyone may suddenly lose their footing and their future may be ruined.

But now that he has embarked on this road, there is no turning back, and the Marquis of Treville has no intention of turning back.

Soon, a written order signed by the marshal was delivered to him, and he was authorized to lead a "reconnaissance operation." Moreover, the marshal also specifically emphasized in the order that the Marquis of Treville can select the officers and troops he deems appropriate to perform this task, as long as the total number does not exceed the limit.

The general knew that the marshal, considering everyone's years of friendship, specially opened an opening for himself to give himself the opportunity to make contributions.

"Everyone, I called you here specifically to tell you good news... Just now, Your Majesty the Marshal agreed to my attack plan and allowed us to conduct a large-scale reconnaissance operation-"

"So, everyone, please tell me now, are you willing to go to pieces for the empire and His Majesty?"

The Marquis didn't play any tricks to titillate, but said it directly.

I fought tooth and nail for your father and son to protect my family's wealth and prosperity. This transaction is fair and reasonable, isn't it? I have nothing to feel sorry for your family...

Anyway, he is ten or twenty years younger than most marshals. As long as he can survive, after those marshals pass away, he will eventually be able to rely on the tradition of "seniority" to reach the top step by step.

So, you have to do it! And win.

And if the Marquis speaks kind words to me, then obviously, my bright future will be right in front of me.

This authorization with a high degree of freedom let the Marquis know that the marshal had given him enough space, and then it was time for him to express himself.

Since arriving in Algeria, the Marquis of Treville has been deliberately making friends with young officers in the local army. After all, he knows that although he has His Majesty's favor, his relationship within the army is very weak because he has been retired for a long time. . If this situation continues, even if I am forcibly promoted by His Majesty in the future, I will still be like duckweed in the wind, unable to exert my power.

"Great!" the officers all shouted in unison.

"Everyone, to tell you the truth, I met with His Majesty before I came here, and Your Majesty also told me that there is a long-term peace on the European continent, and the only place where soldiers can make achievements is in Algeria, so I was sent to North Africa is where His Majesty hopes I can make a difference.

"Thank you for your trust, Your Excellency Marshal." He was moved and quickly thanked the Marshal, "I will always remember your help to me..."

And he has always been a very active person. He immediately summoned several officers who he had investigated and attracted during this period to come to his mansion to discuss the next action.

Now, all he needs to do is give them a little more chicken blood, and he can win them all under his command and use them for his own purposes.

In 1805, the Marquis of Treville returned to France from the German exile and was reused by Emperor Napoleon, who liked the old aristocracy. He also repaid Emperor Napoleon with his desperate performance on the battlefield; and in 1831, the once high-spirited The young man has turned into a middle-aged man with gray temples, but he still embarks on the same road.

"Don't say such things, Victor." However, the marshal only responded indifferently, "I promise you only because your words convinced me. You made me believe that your actions are beneficial to our army and His Majesty, rather than outright. Regarding our personal relationship. As I said just now, the people here belong to Your Majesty, not toy to you or me. I am just taking command on Your Majesty’s behalf... So, if you really want to thank me, then you can Please handle things beautifully so that it won’t be difficult for me to explain to His Majesty, and don’t let His Majesty live up to his expectations.”

The Marquis of Treville basically refused to refuse anyone. As long as someone approached, he would treat them politely, never put on the airs of a general, and showed an attitude of "thirsty for talents."

At this time, several officers in military uniforms were already sitting in the living room. After seeing General Treville, they all stood up from their seats and saluted the general.

For Marshal Moncey, he is old and has reached the pinnacle of honor. Now he only wants to guard the door for His Majesty, and then retire at the right time to return to his country and live in his old age. He does not want to cause any trouble again. Later, it affected his final reputation; but, deep down in his heart, he was also a soldier who had spent his whole life in the military. He also admired the aggressive and decisive Marquis de Treville, and he also admired Bonaparte. The loyalty of the Ba family also made him believe that the empire would still need him as a pillar to support him in the future, so there was a hint of "entrustment" in his words.

Because of Edgar's scandal, the Treville family is now in danger and is ridiculed by the outside world. Correspondingly, its "value" is also declining - although there are no signs of falling out of favor now, if you don't work hard, the consequences can be imagined. .

Therefore, the Marquis of Treville needed to recruit his subordinates, and some frustrated officers also wanted to find a backer. The two sides almost hit it off. In just a few months, many officers in the North African garrison took the initiative to approach him, and gave explicit hints. Want to take refuge.

However, Marquis Treville also has a clear understanding of his own strength. No matter how hard he works now, he will still be unable to compare with Marshal Soult, who is at the peak of his qualifications and prestige, nor can he compare with several old marshals, so His position for himself is to strive to become a senior army officer as soon as possible and to be the leader of a smaller faction.

However, the general at this moment was full of murderous intent, his eyes were cold, and he looked like he was choosing people to devour.

In order to expand his power, he is now extremely eager to recruit subordinates. Only in this way can he climb to a higher position.

Seeing these people gearing up and impatient, the Marquis also secretly laughed in his heart.

This was also the action plan that the Marquis of Treville agreed to in disguise.

Marquis Treville also understood this. At this moment, his heart was already filled with joy and gratitude.

Just as he expected, his words immediately triggered cheers from the audience.

It is already spring in Algiers, and the climate is warm and cool. Through the window of the living room, you can see the azure sea covered with sunshine, which is a refreshing view.

Because His Majesty continued to re-appoint Marshal Soult as Minister of War after he ascended the throne, and Marshal Soult, in the name of "helping Your Majesty purge the traitors", carried out a large-scale purge in the army, excluded dissidents, and promoted his own party members, so now the army The most powerful among them are Sirte's cronies and old friends, who occupy almost most of the key positions in the army, and are extremely powerful; but this also means that officers from other factions, or those without factions, have limited room for development.

His biggest capital now is that he gained His Majesty's trust because he took refuge with His Majesty earlier. It is precisely because of His Majesty's favoritism and connivance that he was able to get such a good opportunity to come to North Africa to gild and be ahead of all potential competitors. Half a body.

The Marquis of Treville has been paying attention to public opinion in the military since he came to North Africa, and the people he most deliberately win over are those junior officers who are usually full of complaints about the current situation and are ambitious, and has repeatedly stated that he will lead They go and make great achievements.

As he spoke, the Marquis of Treville showed Marshal Moncey's warrant to everyone, and this easily aroused the flames of ambition in these people's hearts.


After all, the Army is the place where factions and seniority are most important. Generals who lead troops all year round have a lot of old troops and retinues in their hands. Naturally, they will give priority to promoting these confidants; and these people have great respect for their benefactors. , are often in a state of dependence and form a close alliance.

Only victory is the only way to crush all doubts and regain trust.

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