Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and nineteen, two-faced

119, two-faced119, two-faced ←→:

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 119, Two-faced "That's because my motherland is here, Your Majesty, and I can only consider issues based on its interests."

Alexander's response made Aiglon extremely satisfied.

Because he was a well-known illegitimate son of the emperor, even though he was not an official member of the Bonaparte family, Aigron regarded him as half a relative of his own, so he took a high look at this "brother" and specially cultivated and promoted him. .

And this young count does have the brains that a member of the Bonaparte family should have. He knows how to measure and will never act like a "royal brother" in front of the outside world. When considering issues, he always thinks of France and Bonaparte. The interests of the Ba family are given priority, and this also shows that his "achievement" in history is not a fluke.

The historical Count Alexander Valewski was vigorously promoted by Napoleon III, and finally became the foreign minister of the empire in 1855. As soon as he came to power, as the Crimean War gradually came to an end, , began to seek reconciliation, and finally helped his cousin sign the 1856 "Paris Peace Treaty", which allowed the French Empire to end the Crimean War with dignity as a "victorious country" and also ended the huge war consumption.

After that, he has always shown a friendly attitude towards Russia, and finally made the French Empire and the Russian Empire shake hands and make peace, and there was no further armed conflict.

How could he like the Russians as a half-Pole and the son of Emperor Napoleon?

The reason why he became a "pro-Russian" was simply because he thought it would be beneficial to the empire.

So Aiglon likes this about him. He needs his ministers to be loyal only to himself and the Bonaparte family, and does not want them to have other starting points when considering problems.

"You said it very well, Earl." So Aiglon smiled and nodded in approval. "I appreciate your attitude very much, and I think you are right. We cannot risk our lives for Poland, because it only benefits us in name and has no actual benefits. It will also make our family fall into another war. Among the risks of direct confrontation between powerful enemies - even before his death, the late Emperor regretted completely offending Russia for the sake of Poland, and we cannot repeat the same mistake. "

Seeing Aiglon's answer so clearly and clearly, Alexander felt a lot relieved. He was deeply afraid that Aiglon was young and energetic. Seeing that Russia was in trouble, he would boldly stand up against the Tsar, and ultimately let the empire fight for the sake of Russia. False name but real disaster.

Now it seems that although His Majesty is young, his vision and government are first-class, and Prince Talleyrand always reminds him that he will not make such low-level mistakes.

"The Russians have indeed made a fool of themselves now, but if anyone underestimates Russia, they will definitely seek evil consequences." Eggron continued to talk, "Although they are now being attacked head-on by the Poles, I think that as few as three Months, up to half a year, when the Russians reorganize their army and gather more soldiers, then the Polish army will no longer be able to compete... The strength gap between the two sides is too great, and there is no possibility of a second result. "

"Yes, I think so too, Your Majesty." Alexander immediately agreed, "So I think we should stay out of the matter and wait until the matter comes to an end before making a statement."

"No, I can't do that." Aigron suddenly shook his head and denied the other party's opinion. "Now I need to make a statement, and I can't be too accommodating to the Tsar. From my position, if I don't say anything about it, That would be disappointing and not in our interest.”

This sudden reply stunned the young earl. He looked at Aigron in confusion, wondering what the young majesty was up to.

"No matter what the final outcome will be, at least now, the Polish people are engaged in a lamentable struggle and have indeed achieved a lot of results, so now there are a large number of people in France who sympathize with them. Every day in Parliament Some people made impassioned speeches in support of Poland, and the newspapers were also very excited. They were always agitating for public opinion and calling for support for the Poles... and the loudest ones were the republicans. They may not really support Poland, but they are happy to hide in The safe zone sings the praises of human equality, while despising us realist dwarfs..."

When Aigron said this, his tone couldn't help but contain a hint of ridicule.

In fact, he knows the details of the current "support for Poland" public sentiment in France better than anyone else.

Because he has just come to power and has received widespread support and love from the people, it is difficult for the various political factions who oppose him to publicly accuse him, so they sing the tune of "political correctness" to reflect their political purity. , even more taking the opportunity to secretly criticize the imperial government's cold-bloodedness and weakness.

Of course, their advocacy of defending the freedom and independence of the Polish nation is purely rhetorical. Their purpose is to stand on the moral high ground to earn praise and put the royal family on the fire.

In fact, if Aigron really gets mad and orders war against Russia, will these high-profile opponents join the army and risk their lives for France and for the cause of human freedom? This is absolutely impossible - on the contrary, they will sit back and watch from the other side. If they win, they will take the credit for themselves. If they lose, they will overthrow the empire and take power themselves.

In 1870, Napoleon III had to declare war on Prussia because of the high-profile nationalism in France. As a result, he suffered a disastrous defeat on the front line. A revolution immediately broke out in Paris and overthrew his dynasty. This is the real situation.

And now these republicans and revolutionaries who are high-profile in support of Poland, do they really hate the authoritarian Russia that much?

This is not the case. After all, in the original history, in 1892, it was the French Third Republic that signed the "Franco-Russian Secret Treaty" with Russia, becoming the first French political system to form a military alliance with Tsarist Russia.

It can be seen that in the hearts of republicans, ideology is not that important, and national interests and national interests are the first priority. They held power and acted no differently than the kings and emperors before them.

It is precisely because Aigron is well aware of the subtle hidden meanings in the turbulent public opinion that Aigron decided not to be fooled and was determined not to be an anti-Russian leader——

"Your Majesty, these noisemakers are deliberately inciting people with ulterior motives, and we must not let them succeed!" So Alexander immediately gritted his teeth and made suggestions to Aigron, "They can sing high-pitched tunes anyway, and you are the one who takes the risk! If you don't If you make a move, they will laugh at you as a coward who has forgotten your father's cause; if you make a move, they are eager for you to collapse because of the risk, so you must not have any tolerance for them, otherwise you will only be led by their noses. "

"That's true, but Earl, don't forget, the reason why their clamor is effective is precisely because there is indeed a very strong anti-Russian sentiment among our people." Aigron replied in a low voice, " It is impossible for me to take risks because of their instigation, but I also do not want to appear to be groveling to the Tsar. On the contrary, I want to show an attitude of neither being humble nor arrogant towards Russia, because anti-Russia is also a choice in the future, but I cannot make this because of Poland. It’s just a choice, but if the international community has a tougher attitude towards Russia, then I am willing to join in.”

At this time, Alexander finally had a little idea of ​​his "brother's" true intentions.

"Are you saying that there might be an international alliance against the Russians in the future?" he asked cautiously.

"It's possible, but it's not certain. I can only say that we should make some preparations for this." Aigron nodded. "Now Russia is expanding in Europe, squeezing the space of Turkey and Austria. In Asia, it is expanding to The march into Afghanistan also left a thorn in the back of the British in India. I have already felt that the anti-French sentiment that once permeated European countries is slowly dissipating, replaced by the fear of the Tsar's iron heel... And this fear is what we can do If one day, the British feel that they must teach the Russians a lesson, then I can come out and smash the Holy Alliance! Everyone knows that the French Emperor is not afraid of the Czar and is willing to work hard for justice and order in Europe."

Eggron knew that with his unexpected rise to power, history was being changed. Originally, Britain might not go to war with Russia, but at least he knew that at this time, Britain was indeed gradually increasing its fear and hatred of the Russians, and Slowly considering teaching the greedy Russians a bloody lesson.

This emotion is exactly what he can take advantage of.

In addition to the British, even "close allies" such as Prussia and Austria feel the iron hooves of the Tsar's continuous march on their backs at this moment. Although they do not dare to demonstrate against Russia due to their strength gap, at least they also hope that someone will able to stop it in its tracks.

Therefore, although Eggron does not want to be an "anti-Russian leader" and risk fighting for Poland and Russia, he also does not want to make more concessions to the Tsar. After all, if there is a possible anti-Russian alliance in the future, then Eggron Long was also happy to serve as the leader, taking the opportunity to crush the Russian ambitions and reshape the Viennese order that was unfavorable to France.

Therefore, even though he knew that some of the public opinion in the country actually had ulterior motives, he was still willing to go with the flow. On the one hand, he firmly refused to give up, and on the other hand, he firmly supported the just cause of the Polish people. This not only showed that he did not coward the Russians, He can also take advantage of Europe's current dislike of the czar and the autocratic system and become a future anti-Russian leader.

When Aigron told Alexander his true plan in detail.

After listening to this, Alexander also fell into deep thought - although he was not completely convinced, at least he understood Aigron's thinking logic, and he had to admit that this approach did make sense.

"Your Majesty, I understand what you mean. You want to use double-dealing methods. Although this does work, it is also risky and may even lead to unpredictable consequences."

"My life's experience tells me that if you want to achieve great things, you must not be afraid of taking risks." Aigron stopped smiling, and then replied seriously, "As long as the certainty of success is greater than the certainty of failure, then I will do it, and I will never give up halfway - because being timid and looking forward and backward will only miss opportunities and achieve nothing. History often favors those who dare to think and do. If I can only be timid after becoming an emperor, then what is the point of being an emperor? ?”

Your Majesty, you are still a young man after all...

Facing Aiglon's proud declaration, the Count thought to himself.

However, such a declaration also resonated with the earl, because the earl was also a young man who was only one year older than Aiglon.

What young person doesn’t like taking risks?

As a result, a fire gradually lit up in his heart.

"So, Your Majesty, how do you plan to use your double-dealing tactics? And what do you need me to do?" So, he asked immediately.

Aigron did not intend to hide the count's problem, so he continued to talk.

"First of all, I will personally deliver a speech in Parliament, explaining the imperial government's peace-loving position and never intending to go to war because of foreign disputes, so that governments can rest assured that there is no need to prepare for a possible anti-French war; however, I want to tell the world , I am very sympathetic to the suffering of the Polish people and hope that they will receive the rights they deserve and not be treated as a slave nation; and I am willing to provide Poland with material help within my ability and accept some Polish refugees to demonstrate my commitment to freedom. , the persistence of fraternity... In short, in addition to being determined not to fight, I will face the world as a good friend of the Polish people. It doesn't matter even if I offend the Tsar for this, anyway, the Tsar can't do anything to me now, and neither can the British. He will only applaud my position.”

In the final analysis, Eggron's plan is to use his "high popularity" at this time to forcibly suppress public opinion. At the same time, he declares his sympathy for the freedom cause of the Polish people in a high-profile way, complying with the people's will, and at the same time "promoting his own status" and turning himself into an emperor. Become a spokesperson for universal values.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't touch the bottom line, no one in the world can stop him from performing.

After finishing what he wanted to do, Aigron looked at the count again, "As for you, I hope you will go to Warsaw as an envoy before Poland is destroyed to convey my sympathy and condolences, and to create a helpless public opinion. By the way, we can bring some of the Polish leadership back to France and place them secretly as our friendly people - of course, all this must be done as low-key as possible, so as not to let the tsar catch clear evidence. Apart from that, I I have complete trust in you and you can go ahead and do it.”

In the original historical line, the count in 1830 was also sent as an envoy to Poland by the Duke of Orleans who usurped the throne... It can only be said that the methods of modern French monarchs are very different, and they all compete between "international power" and "Political correctness" is playing double-dealing.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The Earl responded immediately.

At this time, he had fully understood Aiglon's intention, and he also knew in his heart that Prince Talleyrand must also be involved in the planning. In other words, this was the collective will of the empire, and he was the chosen executor - unable to Refusal must also be carried out.

After the monarch and his ministers had concluded their discussion, Aigron started talking about something off-topic.

"By the way, in order to perform a full set of plays, I will also warmly receive Polish refugees at the court during this period. Are there any outstanding talents among the Polish refugees you know in Paris? I want to set an example to the world. "

"I do know someone..." After pondering for a while, the count replied, "There is a very excellent composer who has just been exiled to Paris. Someone introduced me to him. He is truly amazing and talented."

"What's his name?" Aigron seemed to have thought of something, but still held back his temper and asked.

"Chopin... seems to have this last name." The count thought for a moment before answering.

After all, the musician is just a "craftsman" to the Earl, a promising politician, and he doesn't have much time to remember the other person's name.

"Chopin..." Aigron put on a casual look, "Well, let him know and I'll invite him to come to Fontainebleau Palace to perform for the royal family."

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