Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-two, genius

The protracted "Polish Crisis" suddenly became the focus of attention across Europe as the French Emperor came to the Parliament in person to deliver a special speech.

Just as Aigron expected and expected, after he finished his speech, the full text of his speech also spread quickly through official and unofficial channels in Paris, like a fierce wave. In just a few days, It spread from France to the United Kingdom and the entire Western Europe, and was reprinted by newspapers in Central and Eastern Europe, and finally reached St. Petersburg.

Although this speech was short, some of its explosive words easily aroused heated discussions among public opinion in various countries.

However, international public opinion showed a very "fragmented" response to his speech. Officials from various countries were very cold, either making no comment at all, or implicitly criticizing the young French emperor for "managing too much." It violates the "Vienna Spirit" of respecting national borders and sovereignty of all countries.

As a party involved, the reaction of the Russian Empire was naturally more intense. Because Russia still had not appointed an ambassador to France at this time, the "chargé d'affaires" protested to the imperial government. However, although this protest was fierce in words, it was meaningless. It was more like It's just a formality.

However, among the people of various countries, this passionate and "humanitarian" speech has won acclaim. Many newspapers not only reprinted the full text, but also attached comments from the newspaper itself to express support for this speech. Even within Russia itself, liberals who sympathized with the Decembrists secretly agreed with the spirit of the emperor's speech.

This is not only because Aiglon caters to the "political correctness" of Europe at this time, but also because he finally brought a little "new atmosphere" to Europe.

Since the establishment of the Vienna System in 1815, Europe has enjoyed a long period of peace, but at the same time it has also fallen into dreary "mediocrity."

Some of the progressive measures implemented by the French during the Great Revolution were cancelled. Countries with autocratic monarchies formed the Holy Alliance, ready to unite to suppress revolutions in various countries. The reactionary forces achieved unprecedented "great unity."

Not only have the ideological conservatives achieved "suppression", but even the monarchs of various countries have made people feel sluggish.

What did the monarchs of the major European countries look like in 1831?

The 68-year-old British King George IV has just passed away, but the successor to the throne is his 65-year-old brother William IV; the Austrian Emperor Franz is 63 years old; the Prussian King Frederick William III is 61 years old, the only younger monarch. It was the 35-year-old Tsar Nicholas I. However, this young man was more reactionary and conservative than the old monarchs, and even more terrifying.

These "old men" have entered the twilight years of their lives, so they are dull and boring. They all particularly like conservatism, which also makes the courts and governments of various countries look lifeless, and these monarchs are simply unable to satisfy the emerging bourgeoisie and citizen class. The taste is difficult to be loved.

At this time, the 21-year-old French Emperor Napoleon II turned out. He had a fresh image, was young and energetic, and kept talking about "national freedom" and "humanism", which catered to the emerging classes in Europe at this time. The interest of public opinion naturally gave him a sense of recognition that transcended national boundaries.

Even if they don’t like the French or the Bonaparte family, people who are dissatisfied with the lifeless environment will feel that it is a good thing to have a young monarch to bring a little fresh air at this time-the emperor has already He said that he did not want to fight for Poland, and no one would face any risks anyway, so why not applaud the emperor and just be "tu Yi Le".

In such a turmoil of public opinion, everyone is watching the excitement, and no one is harmed. The only victims are naturally the Poles who are resisting the tsar alone at this moment, shedding blood and tears.

At this moment, the Poles were able to barely hold on, and even achieved several tactical victories, forcing back part of the Russian legions. However, since they did not receive any substantial "international support", no amount of public opinion support would have any effect, and the uprising The ending of being suppressed is naturally close at hand, as if it is a destined ending.

Faced with this destined outcome, some Poles (mainly landowners and nobles) began to waver, hoping to compromise with the Tsar as soon as possible in exchange for retaining their own privileges and wealth; some were inspired by patriotism, even if they knew they would die. He died for his country, hoping to let other countries see the indomitable spirit of resistance of the Polish people; while the largest proportion of people watched the development of the situation with an indifferent attitude, waiting for everything to end and order to be restored. After all, they were For them, life is the most important thing, and who to rule is a secondary issue.

Of course, there are still some people, some intellectuals and nobles who know that there is no hope for independence and are unwilling to continue to be obedient subjects of the Tsar, who choose to go into exile. These exiled Poles will also disperse in the next few decades, and they will carry their own ideals. The attachment to the "motherland" awaits the day when the country becomes truly independent.

And the French Empire, just as the emperor promised, welcomes these guests who are forced to live in foreign lands with open arms, allowing them to receive safe asylum without fear of being repatriated. France will also become their second home.

At this time, a Polish exile quietly came to this beautiful palace under the warm invitation of the Fontainebleau Palace.

After getting off the carriage, the young musician Chopin walked among the palaces. Looking at this beautiful palace and the green mountains and green waters surrounding it, he felt as if he was in a dream.

Not long ago, he had just escaped from the chaotic motherland and arrived in Paris. At that time, he was in a state of panic and desolation, and the bloody turmoil in his motherland made him even more worried; however, after just a few months, he Suddenly one day, I received notification from my friends that the young French Emperor invited me to perform at Fontainebleau.

He also learned from his friends that after His Majesty the Emperor heard about his talent, he admired him very much and wanted to listen to his performance, and even planned to hire himself as a court musician.

A helpless exile is about to become a famous musician in the blink of an eye. Is there any more fantastic experience than this?

As an artist, it is naturally a great honor to be invited to "perform art" in the French court. Even Chopin, who has a proud personality, is naturally a little complacent.

However, it is difficult for him to be happy considering the dangers his country is currently experiencing and the suffering his friends and family are enduring.

Under the leadership of the guards, he passed through the corridor decorated with portraits and was then taken to the reception room of His Majesty the Emperor.

He didn't wait long, the door to the room reopened, and then a young couple in casual clothes walked in together.

Even if no one informed them, the young musician naturally knew who the young couple were, so he immediately bowed respectfully to the two Supreme Beings, "Your Majesty, I am honored to be invited by the palace. Thank you for your invitation." Thank you for your love, I will do my best to repay you with my talents!"

"Mr. Chopin, you don't have to be so formal." At this time, the young man responded in an easy-going tone, "You are our respected guest. Now there is only an ordinary couple and a talented artist here. We should be more harmonious." attitudes toward each other, because art knows no class.”

After getting permission from His Majesty the Emperor, Chopin raised his head again and carefully looked at the young couple in front of him.

As per the outside rumors, the couple is young, handsome, elegant and full of affinity.

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