Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-four, hospitality is hard to refuse

Chapter 1071 124, hospitality is hard to refuse

Under the watchful eyes of the emperor and empress, Chopin, a talented musician who had fled from Poland, completed his performance in an almost perfect state.

Although there were only two people in the audience, this was enough to become an unforgettable milestone in Chopin's life - because it was after this performance that he "became famous" and would enter the music altar that was looked up to by the world.

After he finished playing, both Agron and Teresa felt that the music was still lingering.

The couple both grew up in Vienna, and their appreciation of art was much higher than ordinary people's. Therefore, they were amazed by Chopin's ability to combine his talents in composition and performance.

After their eyes were opened, they all unanimously came up with the idea of ​​"cherishing talents".

"Mr. Chopin, you have completely proven your talent, and I admire you very much." Aigron reached out his hand to the young musician, "Congratulations."

Chopin had not recovered from his passionate performance at this time, and his face was pale and tired. However, facing the kindness of His Majesty the Emperor, he certainly could not neglect it, so he gently raised his hand and shook hands with Aiglon.

While shaking hands, Aigron also carefully observed the young man in front of him.

His forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and his pale skin showed redness due to exertion. Playing the piano with passion for two or three hours was indeed a "physical job". No wonder he was so exhausted. .

However, at least for the moment, Chopin looks very healthy.

However, Aigron knew that this was only temporary.

Historically, Chopin died of tuberculosis at the age of only 39. According to later records, his sister was infected with tuberculosis when he was a teenager and may have transmitted the disease to him. When he was about 25 years old, he began to officially become ill. Frequent high fever and coughing up blood.

In other words, although he is still healthy at the moment, there should be only a few years left before he becomes ill.

In the more than ten years after the onset of the disease, Chopin was repeatedly tortured by illness, and eventually died young, without having time to leave greater achievements. He was truly jealous of his talents.

This is really a pity...Aigron thought to himself.

Tuberculosis is still an incurable disease in this era. No matter in the West or the East, people talk about it in a "ghastly manner". Patients who have this disease can only watch their lives unfold in the midst of uncontrollable coughs. Wither, and be despised and distanced by the world.

In order to avoid infection, many specialized sanatoriums have been built in Europe, where tuberculosis patients are forced to undergo isolation and recuperation. As for the effectiveness of this "recuperation" and whether it accelerates the patient's death, it is a matter of opinion.

Of course, as a famous musician, Chopin in history was not forced to isolate. He had enough money to support his own life, and at the same time, he could also protect the people he came into contact with in his life. He and the famous female literature George Sang has lived together for several years, and the other party has not been infected.

When he thought that the genius in front of him would die young in more than ten years, the excitement in Aigron's heart suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving only emotion.

However, is there nothing else to do except sigh?

Although tuberculosis is indeed an incurable disease, as an emperor, he has huge power and countless talents and scientific resources. He can also use his "hindsight" to help doctors avoid detours and find tuberculosis early. (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), help doctors find prevention and treatment strategies, and even help doctors develop effective drugs against tuberculosis so that it no longer becomes an incurable disease.

All this is not only for the young talented musician Chopin, but also for the millions of poor people who are tortured by this disease. These people may not be all his people, but they also have the right to live in this land. Humanity under the blue sky.

And if I make such a huge contribution, wouldn't I have created immeasurable "merits"?

When you have power, you are more proud to save ten thousand people than to kill ten thousand people. After all, killing people is easier.

When he thought of this, Aigron, who was originally depressed, became excited again.

"Dear, what's wrong with you?" At this time, Teresa saw that her husband seemed to be a little distracted, so she asked with concern.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly thought of something else..." Aigron smiled sheepishly, and then focused his attention on Chopin again, "Mr. Chopin, I can confirm that you are not just the Polish people. I am proud of you, and you will also be a precious treasure of European civilization. Next, I hope that more people will be lucky enough to listen to your performance like me. I believe this will also be an unforgettable memory for them - I Please also take good care of your health, because only in this way will your artistic creation be long-lasting and praised by the world."

Aigron's high-level praise made even Chopin, who had always been proud, feel a little "flattered". However, he did not take it personally and directly accepted His Majesty the Emperor's words. "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. From now on, I will definitely concentrate on my creation and contribute more works to the world."

When the topic shifted from Poland to music, the tragic atmosphere in the conversation disappeared. The three people chatted happily and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

But in this harmonious atmosphere, Teresa had another idea.

Although Chopin was a helpless exile, with his talents, even if he went to London or Vienna, he would definitely not lack fans and ensure a worry-free life.

In other words, he can actually settle in any country, and the upper class in any country will treat him as a guest - even the Russian tsar will give him a favor as long as he is willing.

However, Teresa is also a bit "talented". She feels that such artists should stay in their own country, so as to show the brilliance of the couple's governance in the world.

Of course, artists all have their own personalities, and if you want to retain them, you may have to pay some high-standard treatment, but this is not a problem for her.

After making up her mind, she took the initiative to ask Chopin questions.

"Mr. Chopin, what are your plans for your next destination? Where do you plan to settle?"

"Your Majesty, I haven't thought about this issue carefully." Chopin shook his head. "I have been traveling back and forth between several countries for more than a year, and I just came to Paris not long ago."

"Then do you like our country and the city of Paris?" Teresa asked again.

"I like it very much, Your Majesty." Chopin immediately replied without hesitation, "This country treats me very warmly and appreciates my talent, and I will always remember that I am half-French in blood...Paris also makes me linger and forget to leave. I even have a soul resonance, besides my hometown Warsaw, this is my favorite city.”

"So, before I can return to Warsaw one day, can I invite you to live in Paris for a long time?" Teresa asked with a smile, "We will warmly entertain you, and I believe that with your talent, you will be able to Popular among the public, you can enjoy a very refined and comfortable life here——"

Faced with Teresa's warm invitation, Chopin was immediately moved.

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