Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and sixty-six, justice?

"Count, please answer me——"

Facing the question from Prosecutor Villefort, Edmond fell silent for a moment.

If it were the eighteen-year-old sailor Edmond Dantès in 1815, he would have shouted here, "Anyway, I didn't know, so I was wronged!".

But now he is the Count of Monte Cristo in 1831. He has not only witnessed the changes in politics, but has even become a part of politics himself.

Not long ago, he worked with the Villefort prosecutor to investigate the "Treason Case of Marshal Marmont" and ruined the reputation of his old enemy, the dead Fernand, and became the center of the treason case. figure.

Because he has been deeply involved in all this, he already knows that in the world of politics, there is no knowing or not knowing, and it does not matter whether he is innocent or guilty. Politics looks at the results, "needs", and who is more in control. situation, and then control the right to speak, and then "define" the opponent's crime.

Because the captain suddenly fell seriously ill, he sent a secret message to the captain, went to Elba Island and met Emperor Napoleon. Then he was the "messenger" of the Bonaparte party, and he was inadvertently tied to Bonaparte. On the Ba family’s warship.

There is no doubt that if Emperor Napoleon had really won and the "Hundred Days Dynasty" had not only lived for a hundred days, then he would have rewarded himself if he was leisurely;

But there is also no doubt that when Emperor Napoleon is completely defeated and the Bourbon family makes a comeback, he will also be the target of liquidation - even if he has no idea about it, it is an irrefutable fact that he sent a message to Napoleon. .

Are you innocent or guilty?

The correct answer is: for a Bonaparte court, he is not only innocent but also meritorious; but for a Bourbon court, he is a political prisoner, and "ignorance" is not a defense. reasons.

For cases such as family disputes, debt disputes, and even vendettas, "justice" is an obvious thing, something that can be defined in thick legal books. However, when the highest power is involved, "justice" "It has become a very vague thing, it all depends on the position.

Was it justice for the National Assembly to chop off Louis XVI's head? Was it justice for the Thermidorians to chop off Robespierre's head? Is it justice for Emperor Napoleon to stage a coup and seize power?

"Justice" can no longer define these things, but the results of these events define what "justice" is.

The National Assembly won, so they executed justice by killing the king. The Thermidorians succeeded in their coup, so they killed Robespierre to execute justice. Napoleon won, so he became emperor, and they became justice.

Therefore, according to what Villefort said, under the premise that "the Bourbons have temporarily won", even if a judge who "enforces the law impartially" does come, then he will definitely only judge himself according to the justice of the Bourbons. .

Even if the verdict is completely fair, he cannot escape the reputation of "rebeling the party".

In politics, ignorance is no excuse for oneself. In the past few decades, how many people were sent to the guillotine without knowing it. Who cares about their cries?

This is what Villefort is unconvinced about - because at that time, even if a royalist came to Marseille as a prosecutor, as long as his affairs were discovered, he would "have trouble escaping the law" because he was already a member of the royal family of Bourbon. "An enemy of justice", as long as he is in the land ruled by Bourbon, he must be a criminal, and his crime is unpardonable.

So, in this case, what will happen to you?

Maybe it would be better than before, and it would be sent to exile and hard labor instead of being sent to the dark Castle of Eve; but it is entirely possible to be shot during the liquidation, or be tortured to death in the exile.

Edmund has discussed these things with His Majesty before. He has gained a lot of insights from his experiences in the past few years, so he will come to a very different conclusion from that little sailor - he is really not completely "innocent" .

Of course, this was a blessing in disguise. It was by being imprisoned for delivering a letter to Emperor Napoleon that he accumulated his first political capital. Then he was regarded as a confidant by the second generation leader of the Bonaparte family and was promoted to the previous position. Unimaginable location.

Although he paid an unimaginable and painful price, he received unimaginable rewards in the end. However, all of this was taken away and sent to him by fate, and he was just at the mercy of fate.

In a short period of time, thousands of thoughts flooded Edmund's mind, but he did not explain anything to Prosecutor Villefort.

In terms of eloquence, he is definitely not as good as Villefort, who has been practicing law for more than 20 years. This is not a court, so there is no need for him to argue.

He just looked indifferently at Villefort, who looked unconvinced in front of him.

With the signing of the marriage contract, the hatred is slowly dissipating, but "pity" or "family affection" are impossible.

"I know what you mean, and I also know that, to a certain extent, you are indeed reasonable - but it is this kind of 'reasonableness' that makes people extremely desperate and resentful." Then, he responded slowly , "You are the superior Prosecutor Villefort. Your family is superior and even the king knows your name. You are also smart enough to play with the laws as you like and send people you don't like to prison... You can always While doing all the bad things, claiming that your hands are clean, you won't even feel that you are at fault, because everything is so natural. Isn't the law created to protect gentlemen like you?

But just because you always win, always win, and win with a ‘clear conscience’, the morality of the world has declined to such an extent! Everyone is sanctimonious but shameless, and you are arrogant when it comes to following others, because everyone has seen how you are doing evil while pretending to be innocent! You are such a good role model. In the name of justice and law, you cruelly played with the fate of little people and easily ruined the happiness of others. You took me away from my wedding and made me and my lover live forever. After separation, looking back, you can still teach me a lesson with confidence, I am not innocent! "

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