Eagle’s Glory

Thirteen, successor

"The Glory of the Young Eagle ()" Find the latest chapter!

"—Edgar, I hope you will not disappoint my expectations."

Aigron looked directly at Edgar as he spoke.

Edgar understood that although the young man's tone was very polite, it was not a request - it was an order.

I don't know why, but looking at his eyes, Edgar suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

"Okay, I will try my best - no, I will do my best, Your Majesty." He blurted out quickly.

"Very good." Seeing how obedient he was, Aigron nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he patted Edgar on the shoulder to encourage him. "Then it'll be hard on you, Edgar. Since you don't have much time, let's start as soon as possible."

"Start now?" Edgar was a little confused.

"Start now." Eggron replied decisively.

Then, he walked up and down the grass with his hands behind his back, just as he was composing a script in Schonbrunn Palace.

"First of all, the image of Napoleon himself must be highlighted. He must occupy the center position and be taller than anyone in the picture-I know he is not tall, but it doesn't matter, no one can steal the limelight from His Majesty the Emperor." Aigron While pacing, he asked Edgar, "Have you seen His Majesty the Emperor?"

"I've seen it." Edgar quickly nodded and replied, "Before the empire fell, my father took me to participate in court activities, and gave me the honor of meeting the emperor... Although I was still young at the time, But his face is forever etched in my memory."

"Very good." Eggron nodded.

To be honest, even if he was not a time traveler but the original Roman king, he probably didn’t remember what Napoleon looked like—after all, he was brought to Austria when he was four years old.

"When you draw him, you should try to beautify it, preferably holding a scepter or riding a horse. You should portray him as Jupiter holding a thunderbolt. His expression should be solemn and majestic, but without losing kindness. Enemies kneel down in front of him, remember, there must be no bloody and cruel pictures! We can't remind the peasants of the endless military service, and we have to create a romantic idol instead of a terrifying devil." Aigron continued, "In addition, when I appeared in the picture book, I was portrayed as a child standing next to the god, enjoying his incomparable expectations. Let everyone know that Jupiter gifted me to After leaving France, I am destined to shoulder a great destiny and complete his legacy."

After thinking about it, Agron added, "I have been away from France for more than ten years. No French person has really witnessed my growth. This is too fatal... So in order to let the French people be familiar with my current appearance, your The picture album should be done step by step, enriching my image little by little around Napoleon, from my childhood to my youth, and I want the farmers to follow God and witness my adulthood."

Aiglon kept talking for a long time, while Edgar listened in stunned silence.

"Edgar, remember?" Eggron asked.

"...I don't remember it completely, Your Majesty, you spoke a bit fast." Edgar replied with a little embarrassment, "Can you elaborate more?"

Aiglon sighed secretly in his heart.

He had to admit that this lovely Mr. Edgar de Treville was much more difficult to use than Chanel - Chanel never had to say it a second time when recording his dictation to himself.

Forget it, there are not many people in the world who are as passionate about their career as Chanel. You can't ask for too much in everything.

So Aiglon explained his request in detail.

As he explained, Edgar gradually began to find his state, and began to participate in discussions with the young people as a painter. On the one hand, he gave professional suggestions, and on the other hand, he also asked Egron to delete some unrealistic ideas. requirements.

With his help, the ideas that originally had only a few outlines in the young man's mind gradually turned into a very clear and clear composition.

Although there is still a long way to go before putting it on paper, Aigron believes that with Edgar's talent, he will be able to complete this task.

"Edgar, the next thing will depend on you." Aigron looked at the young man across from him expectantly, "In the next few days, you will draw a sketch of what the two of us have discussed, and then I will finally see what needs to be revised, and as soon as the final draft is completed, I will find a way to find a place to print it in large quantities, and finally send it to France for distribution.”

"Okay, I will try my best, Your Majesty!" Edgar agreed confidently, "I dare not guarantee you if you ask me to do anything else, but if you ask me to paint, this is my specialty, and I will never You won’t be disappointed!”

Then he asked again, "By the way, have you decided on a title for the album?"

Aigron thought for a moment and then answered. "The title is called - Successor."

"By the way, try not to show my mother in all these pictures." As if thinking of something, Egron suddenly added.

"...Why?" Edgar didn't understand.

"She's Mrs. Nepeg now." Aggron shrugged.

He had no problem with Louisa remarrying after Napoleon's death, but he did not want the French to think that his mother was now the monarch of a small Italian state under the rule of the Habsburg Empire.

"Okay, I will pay attention, Your Majesty!" Edgar suddenly realized, and then agreed.

Seeing that things went so smoothly, Aigron also became in a better mood.

Facing the rustling spring breeze in the woods, he leisurely looked up at the blue sky.

This is just the first edition of the album. If necessary, he can continue to conceive more in the future. He must use this effective propaganda method to arouse French farmers' memories of the glory of the Empire and arouse their respect for Bonaparte. In memory of the Ba family.

Although this cannot make them stand up in rebellion and support him to return to the country and proclaim himself emperor, Aigron believes that as long as he continues to carry out similar propaganda, sooner or later he will be the support of the people - after all, farmers are still the main body of the French population. .

This is a long journey, and he must go step by step, but he is confident that he can reach the glorious end.

Agron ended his conversation with Edgar, leaving the painter time to put his ideas on canvas, while he continued his walk among the hedges and woods.

To his surprise, after Edgar went back, his wife Alice came to him.

"Mr. Memmingen." Alice saluted the young man respectfully.

"Madame de Treville, do you have any orders?" asked Aigron.

"How dare I tell you?" Alice smiled warmly, "I have a request, and I wonder if you can agree to it."

"Please tell me—" Aiglon replied.

To be honest, he was a little curious.

"Next we are going to go boating on Lake Constance and enjoy the beautiful scenery... Mr. Memmingen, may I have the honor to invite you to go with me?" Alice asked with a smile.

This is really surprising. Aigron suddenly looked at the other party in surprise, not understanding what this meant.

"Don't worry, I don't have any special intention. I just think that if you are here, my trip will be more memorable. After all, maybe my husband's trip is more for you than for me." Ai Li Si continued to look at him with a smile, "I wonder if you can grant me such an honor?"

Seeing her smile, Aigron's heart sank.

She always felt like she was complaining about something.

Do you feel unwilling to be taken advantage of, or do you feel resentful that your wedding trip has turned into a cover for a conspiracy?

"Are you protesting against us?" Aigron thought for a moment and then asked directly. "If that's the case, I'm sorry... but all I can say is that each of us has to do something that we can't help but do."

"I'm a little annoyed. I believe that with your magnanimity, you will tolerate my emotions." Alice's smile disappeared, and then she sighed softly, "But now that things have developed to this point, I will What's the point of sighing? I might as well think about how to make things more perfect. In a sense, it is also a rare honor in the world to have Napoleon's son as a guest on my wedding trip, right?"

"Is this so-called optimism?" Aigron couldn't help laughing.

"I prefer to call it realism." Alice opened her eyes wide, and then looked at the young man challengingly, "How about, sir, are you willing to spend some time to compensate for my shortcomings?"

"Yes, of course." Aigron agreed without thinking.

Now that Alice has made it clear, he doesn't want to play any guessing games anymore, "If you don't mind meeting the Ogre King face to face, then of course I will be happy to be your guest and entertain you on your wedding trip."

It has been two months since he came to Switzerland, and Switzerland, which was originally very nervous, has become more relaxed now.

He was not a wanted criminal in the first place, and the Swiss had no motivation to search the country for just a rumor. After two months of dealing with it, they were too lazy to continue the investigation.

So now as long as he is careful not to show off, it won't be a problem to go boating on the lake.

"If you are the Ogre King, then we are probably also the Goblin Chiefs." Alice sighed again, "So what else do you need to mind now? To be honest, I married Ed. When I joined, I should have thought of today. After all, General Treville has never concealed his political stance... Alas, I once had a chance, hoping that the old general's thoughts were just castles in the air and would not affect my marriage. Your future life, because you stayed in Austria, and it seems that you will live as a member of the Austrian royal family in the future and will no longer interfere with France. Who could have thought...who could have thought..."

"Who would have thought that my ambition would be so tenacious and refuse to be extinguished in Vienna?" Aigron smiled and finished what Alice had not said.

Then, he continued, "There are many things in the world that make people helpless, madam. My ambition has not been extinguished, and General Treville's ambition has not been extinguished, so we decided to do some big things together, everything It's that simple, I have never forced anyone to work for me, and I don't have the ability to force anyone now, so everything is people's own choice——"

"You don't need to explain to me. I understand. I figured it out during the sleepless night last night. You have no responsibility, and there is nothing wrong with the Treville family. You are just executing your own will." Ai Li Silk smiled wryly and nodded, "Everyone has their own pursuit and bears the price for their own decision, and I also bear all the price for my decision—I insisted on marrying Edgar, and I knew it beforehand. There are risks involved, so I will never blame others when things come to an end."

After a while, she added, "And even now I have no regrets. I am Alice-de-Tréville, and if my husband and father-in-law honor you as your Majesty, then you are also mine." Your Majesty, I only hope that your career will succeed as soon as possible, and that the sacrifices involved will be as small as possible..."

"We can do this if we try hard enough," Aigron replied.

But to be honest, he couldn't guarantee it. After all, sacrifices are inevitable, and he himself sacrificed a lot.

"Then, Your Majesty, I am waiting for your arrival." Alice saluted the young man again to show her respect for him.

After a while, she seemed to think of something again, "By the way, I heard from Edgar that you want to have a fair fight with Agnes to learn sword skills?"

"Yeah, I have this idea." Eggron admitted. "Of course, if you don't want her to fight with others, then I can take back my request."

"That's not necessary. It's good for Agnes to learn a lesson..." Alice said again at this time, she smiled and closed her mouth, and looked at her sister who was walking in the distance with an umbrella, "Like her This kind of little girl who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth doesn't know how to restrain herself after she goes out, if she really kills someone, it will be troublesome."

Then she changed the subject, "It's just... are you really confident that you can win? My sister is very powerful. If you make any mistakes, it will be a serious crime for us!"

"It just so happens that I'm a person who has too much confidence in myself. I believe I can win." Aegron raised his chin proudly, looking at the young woman in front of him, "Don't worry, if Agnes can really beat me, I'll gladly admit defeat. It's just a game, there's nothing wrong with it, and I'm not the kind of trash who just takes anger out on others."

"Since that's the case, then I'm relieved..." Alice pursed her lips and smiled, "Then I'm looking forward to your performance—and besides... I have one more thing to ask you."

Alice raised her head, and then looked at the young man solemnly, "Agnes is innocent, her surname is not Treville, and she doesn't even know anything about what happened now...I don't want her to be involved Please let her stay out of this troublesome matter! If the worst happens, I will silently accompany my husband in prison or exile, but Agnes has no reason to suffer the same crime!"

Looking at her persistent and nervous eyes, Aigron couldn't help being moved.

It seemed that there was a reason for Agnes to be so close to her and desperately want to protect her.

"I am happy to agree to your request." Aigron immediately agreed.

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