Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-six, painstakingly

"Little guy, cherish your luck..."

After hearing Letizia's innermost thoughts, Cardinal Joseph Fish finally understood her intentions.

That's right, the father of Her Royal Highness Princess Teresa is the important Grand Duke Karl in the Habsburg royal family. Judging from the current historical experience, if his nephew really fails, as long as Princess Teresa pleads, with the help of his father With the prestige of her husband, it shouldn't be a problem to save her life for her husband.

This is also a cover for the worst-case scenario.

When he thought of this, he nodded repeatedly.

"If you think about it from this aspect, Her Highness Teresa is indeed the most suitable..."

Today's powerful countries on the European continent, the French royal family is the sworn enemy of the Bonaparte family, the Russian royal family is also an enemy, and the British royal family does not need to think about it, so looking around, the only one that can accommodate young people is really only the Austrian royal family .

From this point of view, although Letizia is simple and pious, after all, she has lived for so many years, has seen so many storms and waves, and can judge the situation and make a decision in an instant.

After reaching a consensus, he no longer struggled with this issue.

"Aigron must have come to ask us for help." The cardinal changed the subject. "Since he wants to restart the family business, he must be in urgent need of help—help in every sense."

"Then how do you think we should respond?" Letizia didn't answer, but asked him instead.

"Of course I will do my best to help." The Cardinal replied without thinking, "My Cardinal of Lyon was conferred by his father. According to the principle of loyalty, since he is the sole heir to the empire, I naturally have to be loyal to him." he--"

"You are very principled!" Letizia was noncommittal, just smiled, picked up the glass and took a sip of the fruit wine.

The cardinal didn't speak any more, but looked up at his sister, as if waiting for the old lady's statement.

When he said such a series of words, he was actually implying to his sister, "Everything you have was given by His Majesty the Emperor. If His Majesty's heir needs help, you should also help..."

Unlike her negative sister, the cardinal is full of expectations for her nephew. He also hopes that this nephew and grandson who has never met can revive the family's prestige and make a great career.

Although the future is difficult and he doesn't know if he will be successful, but life is only lived once, and leaving no regrets is more important than anything else.

"You look eager to try." Letizia saw the excitement of his younger brother, "I thought that after living in seclusion with me for so many years, you are too old to forget the past."

"I have long since lost my personal ambitions, and I will no longer have a place in the church." The cardinal shrugged, "But he is different. I was the one who baptized him when he was born. I once Shout Long Live the King of Rome along with billions of other subjects! How lucky is a man to have such a glorious birth?

Although the empire has collapsed, I am very relieved to see that the fire in his heart ignited by God has not been extinguished. He will work hard for this family to rule Europe again, and even give up all the glory bestowed on him by Austria! I admire this ambition. Maybe the final result is in vain, but as long as he has struggled and fought hard, at least his life has not been in vain. "

The cardinal became more and more excited as he spoke, and even his eyes seemed to be burning with fire. He had not been so excited for a long time.

For someone like him who once touched the pinnacle of world power, the feeling of being forgotten by the world is not a good one.

"Your speech is indeed touching, Joseph, but... I'm still hesitant." Letizia frowned.

"Why are you hesitating? What else is there to hesitate?" The cardinal smiled, "We have reached our age, what else is there to worry about? Can you still tie gold, silver and jewels on your body and take them to heaven together?" ? Or are you afraid that something bad will happen to you again? "

"Don't say such things!" Being provoked by his younger brother,

Letizia glared at him.

"I am not reluctant to give up money or afraid of trouble. In 1815, I followed Napoleon from Elba Island to France and then marched into Paris. What was I afraid of at that time? I was worried. If I rashly take whatever I want, it will be harmful. Had a child.”

"What?" The cardinal didn't understand.

"Actually, you are right. The money in my hand is a gift from my son. I am already 78 years old, and I can't take it to heaven if I keep it. It stands to reason that if my grandson comes to ask for it, I will It should be generous." Letizia nodded first, then sighed, "If he gets engaged to Teresa, he can rest assured that he will be the Prince of Austria in the future, and then come to Rome to visit me together. Money to give them to run their household, because I know it will only make my children and grandchildren more comfortable in the future;

But now, the situation is completely different. He is about to embark on the most dangerous adventure, which is not as easy as a young man imagines! We haven't met each other for more than ten years. I don't know what kind of person he has grown into, and I don't know whether he is relying on a moment of blood or really has any plans. If you run out to take risks under the instigation of supporters, it is better to forget about nothing. At least you can still live to continue the blood of our family! In this case, the more help I gave him, the more I hurt him. "

When she said this, Letizia's eyes suddenly turned red, obviously remembering the sad past, "Who in the world doesn't love their grandson? I hope that he can live in peace more than anyone else in the world." , instead of being sent to a desert island again and then dying in a foreign land."

When Letizia said this, she sighed sincerely. The cardinal who stayed next to her all year round naturally understood that this was what her sister was saying.

As a grandmother, she values ​​her grandson's safety more than the empire or the throne, which did not belong to their family in the first place.

"Then what do you want us to do?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Aigron can't come to see me now for safety reasons. In this situation, I can't suddenly run out of Rome to see him... So you can follow the maid to find him, and then do it for me Look, what kind of person my grandson has grown into now." Letizia expressed her plan, "If he has the legacy of his father, is courageous and resourceful, and knows how to achieve great things, then we will give him our full support. Try your best to help him, no matter whether you succeed or not, you should at least give it a try; if he is not the material, then tell him to quickly find a place to live anonymously, and stop letting illusory things constrain yourself, and stop squandering other people's things. Life is at stake..."

"I understand." The cardinal nodded solemnly, "I will observe it carefully, leave it to me."

"In addition, just tell him about Theresa. He owes Theresa a debt of gratitude both emotionally and rationally. He was hurt so deeply, but she was still willing to never leave her. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for him. In any case, you should not throw others aside based on a few pages of paper. This will be punished by God!" Letizia added, "Tell him that I like Teresa very much and I am very fond of her. I am happy to see her become my granddaughter-in-law and the matron of this family after me. If he still recognizes me as his grandmother and wants my help, then the prerequisite is to reconcile with Teresa! I look forward to him and Teresa. The days when I laughed with Lesa at my knees.”

If it were before, the Cardinal would have disapproved of it. After all, those who achieve great things always have to make some sacrifices. According to the standards of politicians, abandoning Teresa is not a bad thing; but Letizia said that she After thinking about it in his heart, he agreed with his sister a little bit.

Letizia thought carefully and was not obsessed by the glorious fantasy after success. Instead, she first considered how to find a better end for her grandson after failure.

That's not bad.

"Okay, I will convey all these words to Aigron." He nodded, "Then I will go back to see Miss Noel."

Letizia nodded.

The cardinal walked to the door of the restaurant and prepared to go to the reception room.

"Tell Egron that I love him and that I miss him."

At this moment, he heard the voice coming from behind, as well as the suppressed sobs.

He didn't stop, just nodded silently.

At this time, Chanel was waiting obediently in the reception room, waiting for Her Majesty the Queen Mother and the Cardinal to receive her after breakfast.

After a while, the old cardinal came over and looked at the girl with a kind face.

"Miss Noel, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"This is what I should do." Chanel quickly saluted the Cardinal.

"My sister is not in a good mental state right now, so she has entrusted me with full authority to handle this matter." The cardinal said gently to Chanel, "Now can you tell me what His Majesty wants to convey through you?"

Chanel looked around to make sure no one else could hear, then whispered back to the cardinal.

"His Majesty has come to Rome in person and is now staying in a hotel outside the city. He very much hopes to see his grandmother, but under the current situation, he cannot rush here rashly, so he has to entrust me to come first Tell Her Majesty the Queen Mother to speak to you."

"I can understand His Majesty's mood..." the cardinal sighed, "We are also very worried about his safety and often pray for him. If there is anything else that worries about my sister in the world, it is mainly Aiglon."

"I believe that your two majesties will be able to meet soon..." Chanel replied tremblingly.

Chanel was deeply impressed by the simplicity and kindness shown by Letizia just now, and she unconsciously felt extremely sad that her grandfather and grandson could not see each other for the time being.

"What does he need us to do for him?" the cardinal asked again.

Now that there are no unrelated people waiting, Chanel no longer concealed it, but briefly stated Aigron's current situation.

"Your Majesty has now occupied a small island with his supporters. He is recruiting troops everywhere to expand his strength. For the next plan, he needs a lot of money, and he hopes to get some kind of contact with the highest level of the church. , if possible, it is best to find a direct way to His Majesty the Pope."

"Oh? Oh!" Listening to Chanel's introduction, the cardinal was both puzzled and amazed. "He intends to find His Holiness the Pope!? It will cost a lot of money."

"Your Majesty thinks this is of great benefit, so there is no need to be stingy with money." Chanel replied, "He plans to form a volunteer army next to help Greece liberate itself from the rule of the Turks. If the Pope can publicly commend this kind of If it is a righteous act, then the Christian world will also applaud His Majesty...and Your Majesty will be able to take the opportunity to use your wrists to get what you want."

"Is that so?" The cardinal's spirit was greatly stimulated.

"It does...it does work." After thinking about it for a while, he came to a conclusion. "This is a good plan, although it will definitely cost tens of thousands."

"So His Majesty came to see you..." Chanel also laughed and looked at the cardinal, "My Lord Bishop, I ask you to help His Majesty. There are too few people he can rely on. As his closest relative, please You must lend a helping hand..."

The cardinal knew that he and Letizia could help his ambitious nephew, both financially and with connections within the church.

As close relatives, they also have every reason to help the younger generation of the family to restore the family's reputation.

And judging from the information we have now, that boy seems worthy of help.

However, even now, the cardinal has not forgotten the painstaking efforts his sister just said.

"What you said makes sense. My sister and I will seriously consider it - but before that, can you allow me to meet with His Majesty for a while?" He made his request, "After all, this matter is very important. I My sister and I needed to use the most careful judgment before making the decision.”

Chanel understands each other's thoughts.

It was empty talk, and now Aigron asked the two old siblings to sponsor his dangerous career. If he didn't meet someone, he might not be able to make that decision.

Even if you were a female liar, wouldn't you have defrauded a large sum of money in vain?

"Of course!" Chanel nodded immediately, "I can take you to meet His Majesty. Your Majesty told me before I left. He is waiting to see you and Her Majesty the Queen Mother at any time."

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"Very good, so be it." The cardinal smiled happily, "I'm looking forward to meeting with His Majesty. Maybe you don't know, but I presided over his baptism. I watched it with great honor. He applied holy water to his body - from that moment on, I expected him to stand on the shoulders of his fathers and achieve the most glorious career... Although fate made a bad joke, I am very happy to still be able to see him. Keep fighting for it."

Next, he was in a good mood and nodded to Chanel, "As soon as I saw you, I felt that you are an independent and smart girl. Having you by His Majesty's side will definitely help him a lot. "

"You're flattering me..." Chanel replied sheepishly, "I still have too many shortcomings. I should be even better for Your Majesty."

The cardinal was silent for a moment, then spoke again.

"Okay, without further ado, let's get there as soon as possible."

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