Eagle’s Glory

Forty-five, goodbye and rights

After the grandchild and grandson met, Queen Mother Letizia's excitement was palpable. That night she took her grandson and chatted for a long time. It was not until the early hours of the morning that she reluctantly went to rest, finally ending this reunion after a long separation.

The energy of the elderly declines, so they soon fall into dreams amid fatigue.

But Aigron still had some thoughts on his mind, sitting on the edge of the bed thoughtfully.

"Your Majesty, it's already very late. You should go to bed early." Chanel couldn't stand it anymore and whispered to him to rest.

"Chanel, I have a question to ask you." Aiglon said suddenly.

"Huh? Just ask." Shanel was a little surprised at first, but quickly nodded in agreement.

"Um... uh..." Aigron hesitated.

Chanel looked at Aigron strangely. This was a behavior she had never seen from her master before. Even if the road ahead was difficult and dangerous, he always looked confident. How could he be so hesitant?

"What are you worried about?" she asked quickly.

"...Did you just hear what my grandmother said to me?" Aigron no longer hesitated and asked in a low voice, "She is very fond of Theresa."

"Yes, I knew it before, what happened?" Chanel still didn't quite understand.

"Actually, I am not against my grandmother's decision, but... but you also know what happened between Sophie and me. If Theresa knew... knew how far we had crossed the line, what would she think?" Egger Uncharacteristically, Long continued hesitantly, "Will she...will she be furious? And will she feel that she made the wrong decision?"

Ever since he met Teresa again and was moved by her, this has been a question that has been hidden in his heart for a long time. Only when he is close to someone like Chanel can he share it.

Although he talks eloquently, he is really not sure about this issue.

If it were before, he would not have cared about this issue at all, because he had already decided to leave Theresa and wrote a farewell letter; but now, since he has "renewed his relationship" with Theresa, then this issue It would inevitably surface and make him worry about gains and losses.

Seeing that Theresa was going back to Austria next, this issue could not be avoided, so he was indeed a little depressed.

Seeing his hesitant look, Chanel couldn't help laughing.

"It turns out that Your Majesty also has such difficult times..." Then, she couldn't help but speak with laughter, "I saw your unconcerned look before, and I thought you had already won the victory, just win them all. I’m so fascinated that I obey you!”

"Stop teasing me." Aiglon smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I need your advice now, Chanel, what do you think I should do?"

Chanel didn't dare to make fun of her master anymore, so she also suppressed her smile and began to think seriously about the young man. "Your Majesty, do you think you can do anything? Are you willing to keep Teresa by your side and prevent her from going back; or are you able to hide this matter forever?" She then asked.

Aigron thought for a moment and then had an answer.

Obviously, neither can.

"If you can't, then what's the point of thinking about it?" Perhaps seeing what he was thinking, Chanel continued to ask, "You don't have to worry about things that you can't control."

Yes, that seems to be true.

Aiglon found that Chanel's words hit the mark.

Since it was impossible to hide this matter from Teresa forever, then what was the point of bothering to think about it so much.

Since he couldn't control it, he might as well leave it to Teresa to make her own decision. Although this was obviously a disadvantage to Teresa, it seemed that he could only make this decision at the moment.

I have to take responsibility for what I do. If Teresa can't accept it, then I won't lose anything more. At worst, everything will go back to the way it was before.

When he thought of this, he was no longer depressed.

"Thank you, Chanel, you gave me very good advice.


"Your Majesty, you are very grateful. I can't help you with anything. At most, I just clarify the reality with you." Chanel shook his head gently, "Besides, I actually don't think you need to worry so much... everything. It will be fine."

"Why?" Aigron was a little curious.

"I think with Her Majesty Theresa's wisdom, she should have already guessed what happened. Since she still insists on you until now, it means that she already has the answer." Chanel smiled, " Besides, if I were her, I would give the same answer, maybe you can look forward to my judgment?"

"Then, let's see what happens next." Aigron has completely regained his usual composure, "I have to go to bed, and we'll talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow."


Just as Aigron expected, after receiving Aigron's letter, Teresa immediately expressed her intention to visit her friend. Although the maid around her deliberately blocked her, under Teresa's insistent request, she finally decided to visit her friend. Concessions were made.

"I'm going back to Austria soon. Don't I have the right to say goodbye to my friends before I leave? Don't worry, I will set off home immediately after meeting." This is what she said.

In a sense, she didn't lie this time.

In this way, she arrived at Aigron the morning after Letizia arrived.

In order not to attract attention, she wore an extremely simple dress, her hair was only tied up with a hairband, and she even took off the simple jewelry she originally wore, making her no different from a maid.

But even so, it couldn't cover up her original appearance and the light of joy flashing in her eyes.

Will all this really be let down again?

Under the guidance, she quietly rushed to the room located deep in the hotel.

After opening the door, she found that Letizia and Her Royal Highness, whom she had longed for, were here.

Thank God! She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and only now dared to feel relieved.

All the efforts were finally in vain...

"Teresa!" The old man smiled and opened his arms towards her, "I'm so happy to finally see you again."

"I'm very happy too, Your Majesty." Teresa couldn't help but choked with excitement.

Then, she walked quickly to the old man, threw herself into his arms obediently, and whispered, "I heard that you strictly ordered His Highness to come to me, so you gave me love and happiness... I really don’t know how to express my gratitude to you in words!”

"My child, I should be grateful to you. You had so many easy paths to take, but you chose to favor me as your grandson... This is his blessing." Letizia looked at her very moved, "I The things I have done for you are not enough to compensate you. I just hope that you will be happy in the future, so that your sacrifice will not be in vain."

"I will work hard for it." Teresa replied, "Grandma..."

Letizia was stunned by this call.

"My grandmother passed away when my father was young, so I haven't seen my grandmother since the day I was born. This is one of the few regrets I have since I was a child." Theresa also said this He smiled bitterly, "Everyone thinks that since they are members of the royal family, they must be extraordinary and carefree, but they often forget that we are actually just a group of mortals, with all our weaknesses and desires, and family love is almost what we lack most. Something.”

Then, she raised her head again and looked at the old woman in front of her sincerely, "If you don't dislike it, I am willing to treat you as my grandmother. I am willing to stay with you forever and treat you like my grandmother. You... …Are you willing to accept it?”

Under her nervous gaze, Letizia couldn't help but laugh.

How could the old man not be moved by words so humble and full of emotion?

"Silly boy, why do you have to be so humble? Who am I to dislike you? It would be better if you didn't dislike our down-and-out family with nothing but titles!"

Then, Letizia turned her head again and glared at Aigron next to her.

"You bastard, you did so many cruel things to Teresa, do you really have a guilty conscience?"

Aigron was speechless and could only laugh.

"Can't you say something now?" Letizia frowned, seeming to urge him.

"Don't blame His Highness. He had his own reasons before." In this awkward atmosphere, Teresa promptly smoothed things over. "In short, the past is in the past, and none of us can control the past. , but we can at least create the future, right?"

Teresa knew that the more humble she was in front of the old man, the more willing Grandma Letizia would be to accept her. And as long as he gets blessings from his elders, His Highness's attitude will naturally loosen.

Everything that follows will naturally fall into place.

Letizia stopped talking, but looked at her grandson, seeming to blame him for why he was still silent.

Didn't you guys hug each other and talk from the beginning? How could I interrupt...Aigron thought to himself.

Then, he put aside his distracting thoughts and walked to their side.

"Teresa, I'm sorry." He apologized sincerely first, "I have apologized before, but today in front of my grandmother, I still want to say sorry to you. I am very grateful for everything you have done for me. , I am also willing to do my best to make up for my mistakes in the future——"

"I don't want any compensation, Your Highness." Theresa's voice became softer, "I just want... you stick to the promise you made."

Although she didn't explicitly mean it, Agron certainly knew what she meant.

"I will," he answered shortly. "Theresa, my grandma is right next to you now. She is the witness. As long as you don't change your mind, then I will definitely keep my promise."

Under his gaze, Teresa blushed instantly and lowered her head, full of shyness and joy.

"Then I'm waiting for that day."

"Look, isn't everything very simple and clear?" Letizia was elated.

She didn't know why, but the more she looked at Teresa, the more pleasing and satisfied she became. She felt that now she would have no regrets in her later years.

"Aiglon, I won't disturb your alone time anymore. Let's have a nice chat." Then she said goodbye to the two children, "Don't let Theresa down!"

Then she left the room, leaving the place to the young man.

The room suddenly fell silent.

Eggron looked at Theresa. Although she didn't wear makeup, her girlish appearance and youthful vitality still made Theresa full of charm.

"Teresa..." He couldn't help calling softly.

"Yes, Your Highness." Theresa nodded slightly.

"Thank you for giving me another chance." Aigron said with deep feeling, "It is really an honor of my life to be cherished by you so much."

"Then you must cherish this honor in the future..." Theresa covered her mouth and smiled. "Your Highness, actually I don't really ask for much. I wish you could just continue to treat me like you do today!"

In addition to being amused, she was also secretly glad.

Fortunately, I never gave up...and I was able to get today's results.

Now that there were no other people here, she was no longer so shy, but boldly came to the young man's side, and then leaned on his shoulder.

"Your Highness, we will be separated soon. This is indeed sad, but I think this is also the price that must be paid. I will definitely finish the things there as soon as possible, and then come to find you... Please wait. I."

"I will." Aigron nodded, "Teresa, I wish you all the best."

Teresa leaned next to the young man, enjoying a moment of tranquility.

Then, she said another thing, "Your Highness, do you remember that master Beethoven?"

"Remember." Aigron nodded.

"He passed away in March." Teresa sighed pitifully. "God did not show much mercy to him. This is really a loss for all mankind."

...Aigron was silent.

It seems that this master was still taken away by the disease just like in the original history - this is indeed a tragic loss for civilization.

He still remembers the time he and Teresa visited the talented musician.

Although he was old and deaf, even so, the vigorous spiritual power still infected him. The two had a written confrontation. Although neither one convinced the other, he admired the other's character and integrity. .

As long as a person believes in his own principles, he is better than someone without principles.

"I couldn't attend his funeral, but I contributed some money to help him be buried smoothly." After mourning for a moment, Teresa continued, "Your Highness, his last works are also with me. "

"Legacy..." Aigron suddenly remembered something.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Theresa, who nodded shyly.

It's all said and done.

It seems obvious that after she escaped, Teresa continued to insist on asking the musician to compose this song before she died... When she thought of this. His heart couldn't help but feel a little throbbing.

Apart from the throbbing pain, it was just touching.

"Don't worry, I won't run away this time." All these touches finally turned into this sentence.

Yes, I won’t run away. I’ll leave everything to you to decide. This is your right.

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