Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and four, treasury

At Teresa's insistence, Aigron finally agreed to take her on the journey to Greece.

After the two finished their walk, Aigron and Teresa returned to their residence together, and at this time, Chanel was already packing his luggage for him as he ordered.

"Chanel, pack up for Teresa too, she's going too." Eggron reminded her.

"Is Your Highness going now?" Chanel was a little surprised, and then looked at Teresa worriedly, "She is still sick, maybe it's better to rest for a while."

"No, I have already made up my mind. I must follow His Highness." Before Eggron could explain, Teresa replied directly, "Chanel, I know you have good intentions, but this is better for me. So don't persuade me."

Since Teresa was so determined, Chanel didn't dare to say anything more, so she could only bow and salute, and accepted her order. "Yes, Your Highness."

Then, silently, she began to pack Teresa's luggage.

Before Teresa arrived, Aigron had already promised her that she would definitely take her to Greece. Although she was not willing to share the glory with His Majesty, deep down in her heart she had imagined that she would live and die with His Majesty. He did his best.

In the end, he didn't expect that he was not the one who won this honor in the end.

Her Highness Teresa will enjoy all the honors, everyone will respect her, and she and His Majesty will create history and become legends... Thinking of this, she still feels a little sour in her heart.

But at least, I can also witness all this beside His Majesty, she silently comforted herself in her heart.

She knew that from the very beginning, there was only so much she could hope for.

Although regrettable, but also satisfied.

So now my duty is to serve the two masters with all my strength, so that they can devote themselves to the great cause of revitalizing the empire without any worries.

Of course, Egron couldn't hear the turmoil and relief in Chanel's heart, and his attention had already focused on another place at the moment.

He walked to his bedroom, and in front of the two of them, he lifted the sheet, looked at the boxes under the bed, and remained silent.

This is a huge amount of wealth, and it is also the foundation of my career.

"Your Highness, are you bothered about how to deal with them?" Teresa immediately understood what Aigron was thinking.

Aegron nodded slightly.

If he left the island of Monte Cristo, he would definitely not return for a long time. What should he do with the remaining treasures?

Putting it here, he can't rest assured, God knows if someone will come in and steal the treasure after he leaves.

So we should find a way to take it away.

But in full view, how to send it away?

"How about mixing it with my luggage and transporting it to the ship?" Teresa thought for a while, and then suggested. "After we leave, it's too unsafe to keep the treasure here, and it's not convenient for you to use..."

Before going to the island, she bought a boat to carry her dowry and luggage. This boat is still moored at the pier on the island and can be used at any time.

Aigron could disguise them all as luggage brought by Teresa and transport them to that ship together.

"That's a good idea." Aegron thought for a while, and then replied.

"Then, Your Highness, why don't you just take that ship with me and set off... Because I'm sick, it should be justifiable for you to accompany me on that ship, right?" Teresa suddenly laughed.

Aegron couldn't help laughing too.

"Okay, let's make it our flagship—" he agreed with a nod.

Now that it has been decided what to do with these treasures, the next question is how to move them without drawing too much attention.

When they first came to the island, Aigron and Chanel took advantage of the night to move these treasures to their rooms in batches for several days. If you do it, it will not only be unseemly, but also easily attract the attention of others.

So you should think about getting someone else to do it.

"Your Majesty, let me come..." Chanel volunteered, "As the head maid of His Highness, I have the responsibility to pack her luggage."

"You can't do it alone." Aigron shook his head.

Then, he motioned to Chanel, "Go and call Andre over and tell him that I have an important task for him."

He intends to ask André Davout to help him transport the treasure.

After a period of observation, he was very satisfied with the captain he had chosen. He was not just a famous surname. It's worth putting some trust in.

"Let Captain Foresty help too," Teresa suggested suddenly. "He's trustworthy—and it's better for the two of them to come together."

Aegron thought for a moment, then nodded again.

Indeed, the captain had been with him for so many years, and he knew his character very well. Now that he was ordered to follow Teresa, he would not disobey Teresa's order.

Let the two of them supervise each other, and it will be foolproof.

So, he nodded to Chanel and motioned her to carry out the orders of the two.

Chanel did not hesitate, and immediately took the order to go.

André Davout happened to be with Captain Foresty at this moment.

Ever since Aigron proposed to the captain, the captain agreed to teach his subordinates sword skills, and Andre, who was obsessed with sword skills, suddenly became the most enthusiastic student. Practice your sword skills and willpower.

Although he has already passed the best study age, according to his own words, he has made great progress now, at least he will not lose too badly when he meets Agnes in the future.

Today, the two of them were sparring as usual, but the arrival of Chanel interrupted their practice.

As soon as they heard His Majesty's order, the two rushed over immediately.

"Your Majesty, do you have any orders?" André Davout saluted as soon as he came to Aigron, and then asked immediately.

"Andre, we will be leaving for Greece soon." Aigron directly entered the topic, "If there are no mistakes in the plan, I will receive an invitation from the Greek government in a few days, and then I will set foot on the Our journey—of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t receive it, I must go. And you, as the captain of my guard, will protect the safety of my side and march with me.”

"Great!" Hearing the news suddenly, Andre was overjoyed, his eyes burst into ecstasy. "Your Majesty! I will follow you to the death! I promise, no one will be able to hurt you before I fall."

"It's better not to say such unlucky words." Aigron shrugged, and then became serious again, "Before that, I have an important task for you and the captain."

"What?" Andre was a little puzzled, and Captain Foresty was also very puzzled, and the two looked at each other.

"Next, I want to show you an absolute secret, and I hope you keep it a secret." Aigron looked at the two with piercing eyes.

The two immediately made a pledge.

"Follow me." Aigron didn't say any more, and turned around and led them into his bedroom.

Once inside, they found that Princess Teresa and Chanel were staying here.

Before they could be surprised, their eyes were immediately attracted by the boxes and treasures under the bed.

This brilliant jewel brilliance made the young Andre's eyes straighten. Even the captain, who was usually very calm, couldn't help breathing heavily at this moment.

"My God." He sighed softly.

"This is the wealth I have now. It has many sources, most of which come from donations from my supporters, so this also represents a heavy obligation." Aigron explained to the two of them in a low voice, "It is now our The coffers of the organization, from which all our strength comes, and upon which all our future depends, I do not think it necessary for me to explain to you the importance of money."

Aigron knew that he couldn't keep this secret among a few people all the time, and he could only gradually let the people around him know of its existence—by today, he should also start to gradually reveal the secret.

This is the first step, and a necessary one.

Aigron paused for a moment, waiting for the two people to come back to their senses, "After I go to Greece, this will definitely become my most important trump card, so I must keep them under strict supervision, and I must use the most trusted person to take care of them—— "

André Davout understood immediately what he meant.

"Your Majesty, do you want us to guard your vault?"

"Yes, I want you two to become defenders, you have the ability." Aigron nodded. "Andre, I don't need to repeat the importance of this task, please don't slack off."

"Captain, please don't refuse, please do us this favor." At this time, Teresa, who had been silent all this time, also spoke. She looked at the captain, and then gave the order to him sincerely. "Inside these treasures, there is also my property... Yes, this is the common property of me and Your Highness, so I hope you, who are loyal to me, will guard it for me and prevent anyone who is not qualified to touch it."

Now that the two of them had reached this point, André Davout and the captain had no room for refusal.

In fact, they are honored that they have the confidence of the teenage fiancee.

"Yes." They both replied at the same time.

"Very well, then I'll rely on you guys." Aigron nodded and heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, he made a solemn promise to the two of them, "Everyone has been together for so long, you can see that I am not obsessed with money, and no gold, silver or jewelry can impress me. In my opinion, they are just tools to achieve my goal." , what I pursue is something else... I am also happy to treat my subordinates in the most generous way-as long as I achieve great things, each of you will become rich if you think about it, I can say it and do it, and That's what I should do."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" André Davout responded loudly, expressing his heart.

The captain sighed softly, "I don't care about the glory and wealth, Your Highness, I just hope that I can complete my mission."

"The two are not contradictory." Teresa smiled and blinked her eyes. "You can be noble while getting the reward you deserve. The world always thinks that as long as you get rewarded, you are derogating the noble, but they don't know this is stupid. Is it true? Is a person of noble character destined to be poor? There is no such reason! I like to reward those who act noblely, so that people know what an example is, and are willing to learn and practice it. Don't refuse , you are worthy of a heavy responsibility, and you are worthy of a generous reward, the two should be one, and we have no reason for people to sacrifice blindly."

Under Teresa's praise, the captain only felt a lot more comfortable, so he didn't say anything more.

"Your Highness, don't worry, I will do my best to carry out your mission."

"Okay, that's it. From today on, the two of you will be the custodians of the treasury." Aigron ordered.

Then, he pointed to Chanel next to him, "Except for the two of us, Chanel is also entitled to spend, if we don't nod to her, no one is allowed to take any gold coin from it, can you do it? "

"I can do it." The two immediately promised.

And this also means that Aigron's goal has been achieved.

With these two "custodians", it will be much easier for him to deal with these treasures.

He didn't intend to waste any more time, and directly stated his next plan——

"Then, I'm going to trouble you two next, please cooperate with Chanel, in the name of helping Teresa deliver the salute, and transport these treasures to Teresa's ship in batches-remember, this It can only pass through the hands of the three of you. Do you understand?"

"Okay." He immediately got an affirmative answer.

Aigron and Teresa looked at each other, then smiled knowingly.

"Then you can start directly, don't delay, time waits for no one." He gave the last order.

The others started their tasks without further delay.

They reboxed the treasures, while Chanel packed the clothes and jewelry that Teresa had brought, which would be mixed with Teresa's other gifts and sent to the ship in boxes.

At the same time, Aigron announced his decision to the island.

His decision immediately ignited the passion of the people. The members of the Knights who had been on the island for so long were excited that they could finally unsheath their swords and take risks for His Majesty.

At this time of excitement, no one noticed that Princess Teresa's entourage was also packing her luggage-in people's eyes, this is the most normal thing.

People's passion reached its peak three days later.

On this day, Egron received a resolution and a formal invitation from the Greek government.

it's time.

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