Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eighth, rewards for meritorious deeds

"Then let's see the result."

Aigron's response was flat and reserved.

Indeed, both of them are smart people. He knows that no matter how impassioned and hype he speaks, it is useless. Smart people only look at facts and results.

Only when good results are obtained, can they cooperate further, and then gain the loyalty of each other, there is no other way.

Panos-Kolokotronis said no more.

Although he tried his best to encourage his father to launch a coup before, he was still apprehensive about François Bonaparte, who he had never met before, for fear that the other party was just a second-generation ancestor with great ambition and lack of talent, or a stunned head with no blood. Green only.

And from the short meeting and conversation between the two, he found that although the other party was young, he was not inferior to an adult's mind, and even had extraordinary eloquence, and a kind of calmness, which gave him confidence.

Although these temperaments do not necessarily bring success, they are all necessary conditions for successful people.

Maybe he can actually deliver on those promises...let's see how it turns out. he thought.

While the two were talking, the soldiers on the fleet were disembarking one by one.

Panos watched them secretly from the corner of his eye, counting the number of people in his mind.

It seems that there are not many people, but judging from their actions and order, they have indeed received good training.

Just now he asked the head of the group how many people he brought over, but the other party cleverly dodged it, so now he doesn't intend to dwell on this question anymore.

"Do you have your knights as officers?" he asked circumstantially.

"Yes, they are all carefully selected by me from my followers. They have the most loyal will and also have military experience." Aigron replied casually, "Only by relying on them can I build an army that belongs only to me." .”

"But it also means you can't massively expand your military," Panos pointed out sharply.

"I don't need a large-scale military expansion." Aigron shrugged, "For me, an army that can command smoothly and only obey me is much more meaningful than a mob that seems to have a large number of people. The Badars did not rely on numbers to defeat the Persian army.


"Absolutely correct conclusion." Panos nodded, and then he asked again, "Then do you need me to arrange a residence for you?"

"No need." Egron shook his head, "Edmond will prepare everything for me, I just hope you can approve our request."

Panos hesitated for a moment, but did not raise any objections.

To be honest, even if the other party came directly to grab a piece of land, he didn't have a good solution right now, so it was enough to save face.

"You do have an extremely capable subordinate, the Count of Monte Cristo is excellent and loyal." He praised Edmond Dantès and agreed with Egron in disguise.

Next, he changed the topic, "Then when do you plan to meet my father?"

"We'll meet after I've settled everything," Eggron replied with a smile. "Besides, I want to correct you. It's not that I'm going to see him, but he's coming to see me. After all, it's your government and The Council invited me to come and help you, and I deserve it—"

Aigron's words stunned Panos again.

It seems that this young man is not as talkative as he appears on the surface.

This was their first confrontation, and the meaning was much more important than the surface. Since the other party had a tough attitude, he could only find a compromise.

"Then, let's make an appointment for you to meet him there, do you think it's okay?" He asked cautiously, "We will give you the courtesy you deserve, and you can also decide the time."

Ok, now you know how to be polite to me! Aigron sneered in his heart.

It seems that his first appearance really made a very deep impression on this young man, so the other party changed his attitude.

This is a good beginning.

While the two were talking, the thunder in the sky became louder and louder, and it seemed that it was going to rain.

"Let me take you to the place where you are staying." Panos suggested immediately. "Also, if you don't mind, I will hold a banquet there for you tonight." Panos said again, "Many people want to know you."

"Please lead the way." Eggron replied immediately. "I am glad to."

"Okay, please follow me." Panos didn't delay anymore, he turned and looked at the people around him.

"Your Excellency has just said that the grandest banquet will be held here tonight to celebrate our greatest friendship!" He shouted to everyone present in Greek, "There will be plenty of delicious food and wine at that time, let's drink as much as we want!"

His words sparked another round of applause.

In this way, amidst the roar of another round of salutes, the brief welcome ceremony ended. Panos Kolokotronis led Aigron's party from the sea to the residential area in the port, and accompanied him The soldiers who came across the sea were also properly arranged to camp by the sea. Under the prior arrangements of Panos and Edmond Dantès, everything was in order.

The hotel he arranged for Aigron is the best hotel in the small town, but for safety reasons, all the guests have been cleared out and replaced by Aigron and the people around him—of course, in return , Aigron also paid several times more travel expenses to the hotel owner.

After bringing Aigron to the hotel, Panos took his leave temporarily and left. He still had too many things to do.

Aigron's room is of course the most luxurious room in the hotel. There is a balcony next to the bedroom. Because the terrain is higher, standing on the balcony can overlook the sea view in the distance.

Aegron didn't rest, he called his cronies to his side.

Teresa and Charles were naturally among them, and the two envoys he sent to Greece—his cousin, Prince Louis, and Edmond Dantès, Count of Monte Cristo—also came, and his captain Andre -Davout, as well as his army commander, Duke Michel Ney of Elchingen, and others were also present—even the old priest Faria, who was paralyzed, was carried over.

When he was on the island, the old priest insisted on going on the journey with Aigron, but now his wish is fulfilled.

It had already started to rain in the sky, and the sea outside the window was also choppy, but this did not affect Aigron's good mood.

He looked at all the people present, and then he waved to Teresa and motioned her to sit next to him.

Teresa obeyed Aggron's order with a smile on her face, and sat down beside him.

"This is my cousin Louis, Charlie's brother, the son of the former Dutch king." Aigron first looked at his cousin Louis, and then introduced to Teresa.

Then, he planned to introduce Teresa's identity to his cousin - among all the people present, he was the only one who didn't know Teresa. "My cousin, this is Teresa—my fiancée."

A little surprise appeared on Louis' face.

But like Edmond Dantès, he quickly recovered his composure.

"I didn't expect that I would actually be able to see this girl with my own eyes one day." Before he continued to introduce, Louis suddenly blew a whistle, and then said with a big laugh. "I stayed in Vienna. At that time, everyone was rumored that you would become the son-in-law of Grand Duke Karl. Out of curiosity, I also inquired about the princess He Mo, but it was a pity that we had no chance to see him after we ran away... But it's really you, I didn't expect that she would come here with you! This is really touching love."

When he said that, Teresa immediately blushed with embarrassment.

"Well, since you already know, I won't say much. In short, from now on, she will be the mistress of the Bonaparte family, and my career is her career." Aigron quickly took over Huatou, and then seriously warned the other party, "Louis, I know you usually like to joke, it's okay, Teresa is also a humble person, and she doesn't care about other people's occasional offense-but I hope you don't disrespect her, please remember her Her will is my will, and anyone who doesn't respect her doesn't respect me."

"Okay, I understand." Seeing Aigron speak so harshly, Louis didn't dare to joke anymore, and quickly agreed.

Then, he looked at Teresa, stood up, and saluted her respectfully. "Your Highness Teresa, please forgive my offense just now - I assure you, I will treat you with the same respect as Her Majesty the Queen in the future."

"You are talking too much, Your Royal Highness." Teresa quickly nodded to him, "You are the oldest in the generation of the Bonaparte family, in other words, you are also my eldest brother. I respect you! Besides, I am several years younger than you, and my life experience cannot be compared with yours. I still have a lot to ask for your advice... I hope we can work together to revive this family .”

After Louis communicated with Teresa, Aigron finally got all his cronies to accept and recognize Teresa's existence.

Everyone turned their attention to the young man, now it's time to get down to business.

"Shall we congratulate Louis and Edmond first?" Aigron suggested. "It is because of their efforts that my far-fetched dream can truly become a reality and we can come here. I am full of gratitude to both of them."

Then, he took the lead in applauding gently.

After his demonstration, everyone present began to applaud as a way of showing appreciation for their efforts.

"Of course, you have made such great contributions. It is meaningless for me to express my gratitude with words and applause, so I decided to express my gratitude with more valuable things." Aigron made a slight gesture, and the corner beside him remained silent. Chanel who was standing came over, picked up two small boxes from her hand, and put them in front of them.

When they opened it, they found that there was a huge gem in their box, which exuded a round luster in the dim light, and they were worth a lot of money at first glance.

"Mere gems can't express my gratitude to you, but please forgive me, I don't have anything better to reward you right now." Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, Aigron continued, "I'm with you Guaranteed, as long as we achieve great things in the future, I will give you better things to reward you, whether it is titles or fiefdoms, I will definitely be as generous as the first emperor-and I also promise others that as long as you establish If you have achieved meritorious service, you will always remember it in your heart, and you will be rewarded heavily in the future!"

His words immediately triggered another round of applause, and this time, because everyone's interests are closely related, the applause was even more enthusiastic and passionate.

Amidst the thunderous applause, Edmond Dantès' vision seemed a little blurred.

He thought back to his youth.

At that time, he was a sailor on a small merchant ship named "Pharaoh" in the Mediterranean Sea. The captain appreciated him very much and promoted him to first mate. He could command a ship at a young age. and several sailors above. At that time, his dream was to become a captain, own his own merchant ship, and live a hard but rich life.

Who can imagine what happened to him later in life?

No matter how many trials and tribulations he has gone through, he has met yet another man who appreciates and believes in himself, who gives him a title and entrusts him with a task that almost affects history.

The sailor, lost forever in memory, is now Edmond Dantès, Count of Monte Cristo, vassal of His Majesty Napoleon II.

But whether it is to the dead captain or to the current Majesty, he is full of gratitude in his heart, and he is willing to use all his talents, and even his life, to repay this trust and appreciation.

For the captain, he braved the wind and waves, and navigated the sea full of dangers; for his majesty, he would go through fire and water, and for him to overcome obstacles on the road to revive the empire.

gem? money? title? Fiefdom? What does all this mean to me, a former convict who narrowly escaped death in the Château d'If? I only wish my benefactor all the best.

With excitement, thought Edmond Dantès.

"I hope that everyone here can follow the example of the two of them and try their best to fulfill their duties." After the applause subsided, Aigron continued, "Okay, I have finished what I want to say, you next Go about your own business."

Under the order of the young man, the people dispersed one after another, and Edmond Dantès also planned to leave.

But at this moment, Aigron suddenly stopped him.


"Is there any other order? Your Majesty?" Edmond Dantès asked quickly.

"Can you help me contact their opponents?" Aigron walked up to him, and asked in a low voice, "I mean, those who are dissatisfied with Kolokotronis and his son, especially The ones they locked up."

Edmond Dantès opened his eyes wide in astonishment. "Your Majesty, didn't you just cooperate with them?"

"Don't be surprised, I'm not going to betray our allies now, and maybe I never will, but Edmond... we can't just put our eggs in one basket, we have to allow ourselves to have multiple options at the same time , so that we will have more room to act." Aigron explained to him in a low voice. "Edmond, sometimes we have to do this. Things change, and we must try to be as prepared as possible."

Edmond Dantès fell into deep thought.

After a moment, he nodded.

"I can."

"Okay, let's do it first, remember, you only need to know." Aigron whispered.


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