Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirteen, cross-examination and conditions

In the early morning, His Excellency Metternich, Prime Minister of the Austrian Empire, rushed to Schönbrunn Palace despite his busy schedule.

Unlike usual, after meeting His Majesty the Emperor today, he did not leave directly as usual. Instead, under the leadership of his attendants, he went to the princess' bedroom to meet His Royal Highness Princess Sophie.

At this time, Sophie had just woken up and was still dressing up under the service of the maid.

The attendant passed on the news of the prime minister's audience to her, and in almost an instant, Sophie, who was originally indifferent, saw herself in the mirror flashing a fierce expression that was almost ferocious.

But she knew that at this time she had no right to refuse.

So she just nodded indifferently. "Let him wait a while."

She looked at the mirror again, and the young woman in the mirror was as beautiful as ever, and she had the mature motherhood just after giving birth, which can be described as glamorous.

However, this beautiful face is always a little frowning, as if it contains too much pain, and there is always a bit of sadness in the eyes.

Since returning to the palace, she has regained her former status and dignity, and nothing seems to have changed, but under the surface, everything has changed beyond recognition.

The splendid ceremony couldn't make her feel excited, and the flattery around her also couldn't anesthetize herself. The two people she was worrying about, now there is no news of them, how could she be happy?

God bless you all...

She sighed in her heart, then finished her grooming and received the Prime Minister.

Under the leadership of the attendants, Metternich walked into the room, and immediately saw Her Highness Sophie sitting on the sofa with a blank expression.

He walked in front of the other party with the usual etiquette, and then bowed respectfully.

"Your Highness, I am very happy and relieved to see you have returned to your former style."

Metternich started the conversation between the two with a cold politeness.

"Your Excellency, I am also very pleased to see that you have aged a little compared to the last time we met." Sophie replied with a gentle smile.

Her obvious provocation made Metternich uneasy, but because he had prepared himself before, he was not angry.

There was no change in his expression, it was just a breeze blowing on his face.

"With all due respect, your attitude towards a loyal minister of the empire is not in line with your status." He just said calmly, "Especially, this loyal minister still respects you after you have committed such a mistake, and works hard Preserve your status and reputation."

"You not only maintained my status, but also protected my daughter... I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart!" Sophie's smile remained unchanged, but her eyes had a piercing gleam.

Since giving birth to her daughter, she has never seen her face again. Apart from giving her the name "Crystal", she can't give her anything. Even if her daughter lives or dies now Know nothing.

As a mother for the first time, every time she thinks of her daughter, she can't help but feel heartbroken, and this pain has turned into incomprehensible hatred.

However, her hateful gaze made Metternich happy instead. He knew that this newly born baby was a tool to make this arrogant woman bow her head.

"I really didn't expect you to have the nerve to mention this?" He looked at the other party with great interest, and then replied with a smile, "You disregarded your own obligations, did not keep your chastity, violated God's will, and He What a disgrace to the House of Habsburgs to have an illegitimate daughter! You have dishonored yourself, and I have taken great pains to suppress this and clear it for you You can continue to stay in this palace without gossip, you don’t thank me, but you still hold a grudge against me... What kind of ungrateful is this?! Hey, loyalty and kindness have been so betrayed, my heart But it was all broken by you."

After being belittled by him with a gun and a stick, Sophie was suddenly ashamed and angry, and her whole body trembled. She tightly held the ivory folding fan in her hand, and almost broke the poor thing.

Seeing that she was about to jump out of anger, Metternich finally stopped with full enjoyment.

"Okay, the past is in the past, since His Majesty has chosen not to blame the past, we can only look forward." He let his voice become gentle again, "His Royal Highness Sophie, I did not intend to quarrel with you , but want to tell you a piece of good news—"

"Hmph, good news?" Sophie frowned tightly, and then glared at the other party, "It's the best news that you disappear from my presence immediately."

"Are you sure you don't want to hear it? This is news about that little bastard." Metternich smiled.

Sophie's eyes lit up immediately, and even the angry look on her face disappeared inadvertently.

But the pride in her bones prevented her from begging the other party, so she forced herself to calm down, and then looked at the other party coldly, "Say what you want."

Metternich didn't intend to play tricks on her anymore, so he just said it out. "According to the urgent news we received, His Royal Highness the Duke of Lechstedt recently appeared in Methony, Greece. He claimed that he came for the cause of the liberation of Greece, and that he would use his wealth and life for the independence of this nation. And fight..."

Sophie listened carefully to every word Metternich said, until finally, she closed her eyes.


Thank God, he is still safe and sound.

However, it is really unexpected that he would go to Greece to take risks...

Immediately, she was a little worried about his future safety.

It's just that she is in the deep palace right now, and she can't help at all. She can only pray to the Almighty Lord to continue to bless this poor child and make everything go well for him.

"Are you all right, Your Highness?" Just as she was still immersed in her own thoughts, Metternich asked abruptly on the opposite side.

Sophie forcibly interrupted her thoughts, and then looked at Metternich again.

"What is your purpose in telling me this? I don't believe that you will show mercy to me."

"Even I have a little sympathy for you, after all... you are the one who has suffered all the tragic losses, and he is out there at ease," Metternich said with a smile. "Your pain is just something he can show off in the future."

"If you think this kind of boring provocation is useful, then you are naive." Sophie replied stubbornly, "I am reluctant to let him go, but I also know that his heart is not here! So I am very happy that he can be here Spreading his wings and flying high outside is not only because he deserves it, but also because only in this way can he live comfortably and for a long time! The decadent and corrupt air here will only make Eggron prematurely aging, and make his heart and his body Ambition withered together... So if there must be someone among us who has to suffer, then I would rather be me, because I can survive here, I can live until the day we meet again, and I can live until the day without you in the world! I will wait patiently!"

Although her words were very ugly, there was a soul-stirring charm and vigor in her expression and eyes, so much so that Metternich couldn't help admiring secretly.

So this time he didn't make any more sarcastic remarks.

"Well, since you are happy to sacrifice, what can I say?" He shrugged, and then spoke again, "According to our information, the little guy took out a large amount of jewelry and money in public, According to his own statement, it was Napoleon who secretly asked his supporters to stay for him before the empire collapsed... This story is very touching, but to be honest, I don't really believe it, so please tell me, did you secretly Sponsored him? If so, how much?"

"Unfortunately, because of the rush of time, I only had time to give him the pendant I carried with me, which was given to me by my mother before I was married. It was very precious to me, but it was necessary for his career. It's a trivial thing, so it has nothing to do with me." Sophie replied frankly, "Of course, if I have time and opportunity, I'd be happy to give him my money, as long as he asks."

Sophie's answer made Metternich suspicious. He didn't quite believe Sophie's words, but judging from the other party's expression, it didn't look like he was lying.

"Instead of doubting me, you might as well doubt another person." At this time, Sophie spoke again.

"Who?" Metternich asked.

"Who else could it be? Of course you guys found him a good fiancee..." Sophie replied with a mocking and unwilling smile, "When I just returned to the palace, she found me during the banquet, and then Tell me that she plans to go to His Highness. If others say it, I will just treat it as a child talking nonsense, but I am afraid it will be different, she can really do it, so at the moment, she must have already run to the side of her sweetheart Bar……"

When Teresa just said it, Sophie didn't choose to tell the truth. Now that this time has come, Sophie feels that there is no point in keeping it a secret, so she just said it.

Not for any reason, just to see Metternich's expression at the moment.

Sure enough, just as she expected, Metternich's expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

Shocked and angry, his already aging body trembled.

"Huh!?" He snorted aggressively, then paced the room anxiously.

Since Duke Lechstedt fled, Princess Teresa rarely appeared in the public eye, but Metternich didn't think there was anything unusual, only that she couldn't bear the humiliation, so she didn't dare to appear in public, so No more attention.

Who would have thought...

"Is there such a silly girl in the world!? After suffering such humiliation, she still... still ran over to suffer again? Stupid! Confused!" Metternich couldn't help cursing as he paced, "What a shame! A spoiled child who only knows how to be willful and reckless, and doesn't have the consciousness of a member of the royal family at all!"

Cursing and cursing, he scolded Teresa's father again, "And that grand duke is also completely confused! As a younger brother, he has no sense of the overall situation, and he allowed his daughter to mess around like this! They don't know what they are doing. How much trouble has the empire added!"

Of course he imagined that Grand Duke Karl would never let his daughter run out alone, and would definitely prepare a large sum of money for her.

Even if this is not all the wealth in the hands of the Duke of Reichstedt, it is enough to arouse suspicion.

So if other countries learn about Teresa's news, they must reasonably guess whether it is the Austrian royal family and him secretly playing some conspiracy, and how much trouble will this cause him?

After cursing for a while, he finally managed to regain his composure.

He walked back in front of Princess Sophie, and then looked at her with gloomy eyes.

"Your Highness, your willful and reckless actions have brought unfathomable disasters to our country, so I think you have an obligation to make up for it."

"I don't think I've caused any trouble." Sophie replied with a sneer, "It's you who should be troubled. What does it have to do with me?"

"Would you like to see your daughter?" Metternich asked suddenly. "She is a lovely child, and she is very healthy."

When it came to her daughter, Sophie could no longer maintain her composure.

"You have been in a high position for decades, and now you threaten others with a baby, don't you feel ashamed? I am ashamed of you!"

"Threats? No, I think it's a deal." Metternich replied coldly, "Tell me first, do you want to see her?"

"Is there any mother in the world who doesn't want to see her daughter!?" Sophie shouted back.

"Okay, then we have something to talk about." Metternich nodded slightly, "Although Miss Christel is destined to be an illegitimate child who will never see the light of day, let a mother be with her forever It is really inhumane to separate your daughter, so if you are willing, I can make it easier for you to see her regularly."

The sudden excitement made Sophie short of breath.

But she knows it won't be a free lunch.

"How long is the regular period?" Sophie managed to calm down, and then asked.

"Once a month, no more." Metternich thought for a while, then replied.

Then, he added, "In addition, this young lady will grow up in an environment where there is no need to worry about food and clothing. There will be people who serve her, and of course there will be people who are responsible for educating her—although we can't give her the title of princess , but it is not difficult to give the princess the education she deserves."

The more Metternich talked, the more excited Sophie became, and it was almost impossible to control herself.

She knew that this was already the best condition she could get for Christel under the current circumstances.

Her poor daughter, at least, won't be an ignorant waif.

Moreover, if I can see her regularly, no matter how short the time is, I can witness her growth...

Of course, she knew better that Metternich's promise was definitely not out of sympathy or respect for her, but definitely had his purpose.

"Okay, you just talked about the deal, then tell me... What is the price? What do you want me to do?" She gritted her teeth and asked the other party, "If you want me to cooperate with you in murdering Aigron, then I'm sorry, I will never agree."

"It's not that harsh. I don't like cruelty, my esteemed madam." Metternich spread his hands, and then replied quite chicly, "I don't need you to do anything now, let's wait quietly and see Let's see what happens next."

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