Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and sixteen, go

"I'm not afraid of him..."

Seeing her sister's reaction, Alice couldn't help but smile.

Agnes has been proud and arrogant since she was a child, and she has never been convinced by anyone, and her glorious record has increased her self-confidence and pride. I am afraid that in her eyes, no one of her peers can compare to herself.

After meeting that young man, the two fought against each other regardless of the outcome. Her self-esteem was seriously threatened, so she became more and more unwilling to be convinced.

However, this does not mean that she hates that majesty, on the contrary, it may be a kind of respect and fear - if it is the same as those defeated generals, Agnes probably would not bother to mention it.

"It's fine if you say these things in front of me, but you must never say them in front of my husband and my father-in-law... After all, they are all followers of His Majesty." Alice told her sister again, "In addition, even if it is for Ed Plus, you have to respect him too, Agnes, I'm not kidding you, this is a very serious matter."

"Okay, okay...I understand." Seeing her sister start to preach, Agnes could only change her words, and she spread her hands openly, "Don't worry, I will respect him! Is this the head office? Really? Well... now that he hasn't returned to the country, you are so sincere and fearful, why bother? God knows whether he will be able to succeed in the restoration, as far as I can see, it is still far away!"

Alice just pretended not to hear her sister's complaints.

She knew very well in her heart that the Marquis de Treville had long been rejected by the royal family and the government because he insisted on his political stance. Although he is not yet fifty years old, he has lost all his prospects, and the family has also fallen along with it. .

And the only one who can change this situation is that young man.

As long as he can really restore the empire and take the throne, the dark clouds over the Treville family will immediately dissipate, and their loyalty will be rewarded enough, and then they will flourish.

It was like in a betting match, the Marquis de Treville had placed all his bets on the Bonaparte family, he had no way out, and he could not allow him to take a step back.

Although Alice doesn't have much desire for power, since her father-in-law has made this decision, she can only follow along.

Only in this way can her husband and her children have a place in the future.

Alice didn't intend to explain these words to her sister. All she could give Agnes was an ambiguous and gentle smile.


His victory is our victory, so we can only pray for his victory. "

After the two sisters talked for a while, there was a light knock at the door of the room.

"Edgar?" Alice interrupted the conversation, looked towards the door, and then a smile appeared on her face. "You're back."

"Honey, I'm back." Edgar walked in, and then he looked at Agnes next to him, "Agnes, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon." Agnes also greeted her brother-in-law respectfully.

Edgar, who had just been taught a lesson by his father, was of course in a very bad mood at this time, but after seeing the pair of sisters, he immediately hid his annoyance in his heart, and greeted them with the brightest smile.

"I just got an instruction from my father." He walked up to his wife, and kissed her graciously on the cheek. "He asked me to go to Greece immediately to serve His Majesty. He believes that the future of our family depends on this." .”

"Actually, that's my opinion too, Edgar." Alice replied with a smile. "I was still making suggestions to my father in the morning. I know this may be a bit uncomfortable for you, but please bear with us for the sake of our family and our children... I believe His Majesty will not It's too embarrassing for you, after all, our Treville family is also very useful to him."

"Alice, I'm not worried about myself at all. I'm willing to sacrifice and dedicate myself to you and our children, and I'm willing to take on the obligations of the family." Edgar immediately shook his head, "I'm just worried about you... After I left, there was no one to take care of you, and I couldn't let go, if I wasn't there when you gave birth, it would be a crime for me!"

Years of training in the social arena, coupled with his talent for being pleasing, he has long since tempered the ability to please his wives. These words are almost like instinct, and he can say them proficiently without thinking .

Even he himself can't tell how much is true and how much is not.

"It's okay, I can take care of myself, not to mention that my father is here." Alice was greatly moved by hearing this, and then comforted her husband, "Sometimes we have to make a little sacrifice for the future, and it's worth it. After you go, you must be careful to protect your own safety, and respect His Majesty, no matter what order he gives you, you must complete it, and don't provoke him."

"I know, these fathers have already explained to me." Edgar nodded, "I will definitely follow His Majesty, and if I have the opportunity, I will draw some pictures to let the world know his glorious image! I think that's what he lacks the most."

"That depends on your performance." Alice replied with a smile.

Next, she looked at Agnes again, "Agnes, I have given Edgar to you, and you must help me deliver him safely to His Majesty."

"Leave it on me! Don't worry!" Agnes immediately agreed.

"If possible, Agnes should not come back immediately, and stay there to protect me..." At this moment, Edgar suddenly proposed. "I think His Majesty will also welcome Agnes very much."

The reason why he made such a proposal was on the one hand because he was timid and hoped that someone around him would protect him, but on the other hand, he also wanted to complete the task assigned by his father.

In order for Alice to help him persuade Agnes, Edgar and his wife secretly looked at each other, suggesting that she would also come out to help.

Agnes was still a little ignorant, she didn't quite understand what was going on, but Alice was very clear about her husband's plan - after all, General Treville had mentioned it to her before.

It seems that my father-in-law is indeed a vigorous and resolute person. He just asked for his opinion, and immediately turned around and gave instructions to his husband.

So, what should I do?

As far as she was concerned, of course she was not happy to see Agnes getting involved in right and wrong; but deep down she also admitted that the young man was indeed very good, and she was worthy of Agnes in every way. , and maybe even Agnes is currently the only person among her peers who looks up to her.

Therefore, regardless of the grievances and grievances between the Bonaparte family and the Bourbon family, this is indeed a fate worthy of blessing.

The interests of the Marquis of Treville and the sisterhood in her heart were entangled in her heart.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally made a decision——

Neither encourage nor discourage, leave it to God to judge.

If nothing happens, then everyone has nothing to lose; if Agnes really falls in love with His Majesty, it is also an honor for the family.

So, after hesitating, she nodded slightly.

"Agnes, if you have time and don't feel tired, stay there for a while. This trip will mean you will be far away for a long time. If you have two relatives to take care of each other, it's better than being alone... "

Seeing her sister and brother-in-law saying that, Agnes thought for a while and agreed.

"Okay, then I'll stay for a while longer to protect my poor brother-in-law!" Agnes said confidently. "Are you satisfied now?"

Seeing her sister's impassioned look, Alice felt more and more guilty, lowered her head and didn't want to talk anymore.

However, Edgar was secretly delighted.

In order to please Agnes, he flattered the girl deliberately and graciously.

"With the brave and beautiful Miss Agnes protecting me, I will surely have smooth sailing. When the time comes, we will return with honor together! When my child grows up, he will also be proud of the feats of his father and aunt."

"I'm not interested in this kind of honor." Agnes replied with a smile, "When the time comes, you'll have to enjoy the honor alone. If Dad knows that I'm going to help the Bonapartists, he will scold me to death... ..."

Although she said so in her mouth, her smile revealed the eagerness in her heart.

After all, at her age, how many people don't have any dreams of adventure in their hearts?

"Okay, now that everything is settled, let's go to dinner together." Edgar suggested. "My father would like to thank you personally."

After speaking, he helped his wife and brought the pair of sisters to the dining room. At this time, the Marquis de Treville was already waiting here.

"Agnes, thank you for helping us." Upon seeing Agnes, the Marquis de Treville immediately expressed his gratitude to her, "I believe that with you here, Edgar will surely reach His Majesty's side safely, To serve our Majesty."

Then, he sighed again half-truthfully, "Oh, if my son had the ability like you, I wouldn't have to worry about it! He really doesn't live up to expectations."

"You don't have to sigh, Edgar is also very good, otherwise why would my sister fall in love with him so much?" Agnes replied with a smile, "Everyone agrees on his paintings! Although I don't know much about painting, But every time I see his work, I think it's great!"

"For our family, what's the use of just being able to paint? There's no way to shine with a paintbrush." ​​General Treville disagreed, "Besides, even if it's painting, Edgar can only be called Excellent, there are many people in the country who are better than him, but you are different, you are the best among your peers, even among the elders, few can beat you, you are the pride of France."

As an elder, although he didn't have much contact with Agnes, he had heard about Agnes's skills and achievements for a long time. At this moment, in order to please Agnes, he exaggerated a bit.

"What you said is too exaggerated, I haven't reached that point yet..." Such an exaggerated compliment made Agnes feel a little embarrassed, "However, I am still far from this evaluation. , but I will work hard to achieve this goal, and I hope that one day I will reach the finish line and live up to your expectations."

Seeing Agnes's humble and confident appearance, the Marquis de Treville admired her even more.

What an excellent child this is!

Looking at the sisters Alice and Agnes in front of him, he couldn't help but feel jealous of their father——

He had never had a good relationship with the Duke of Nordelion, and the Duke was unwilling to associate with the Bonapartists, and he also disdained the Duke. In his eyes, the duke is nothing more than a mediocre man, who was favored by the court by luck due to the shadow of his ancestors, so he has quite a status in the upper class. So even after the two became in-laws, they still looked down on each other, and they had no relationship at all.

God knows how lucky this guy is to have such a good child!

But myself...

Alas, it's too late to say anything now, and we can only place our hopes on the next generation.

Since it is Alice's child, it must not be bad.

"When Alice's child grows up, can you take the time to teach it?" he wondered, and then said to Agnes, "I don't expect the child to grow up to be a swordsman, but I think, If you practice swordsmanship from an early age, you can hone your children's will, and perseverance is the most useful thing for people."

"Of course!" Agnes agreed without thinking. "As an aunt I would love to teach my nephews and nieces."

Then, she laughed again, "It's just that I don't have enough experience as a teacher, so if the child cries, please don't ask me to settle the score!"

Her words caused the three present to burst into laughter.

"Never, I promise." After laughing, the Marquis de Treville replied solemnly.

She is a rose with thorns, but if it is His Majesty, there should be no problem, right? he secretly thought.

"Come on, let's toast to the rest of the journey!" He leisurely picked up the cup and greeted the three juniors present.



It was already night, and as usual, Duke Nordleen stayed in the study alone after dinner, dealing with the paperwork and letters he had accumulated during the day.

However, he soon heard a rapid knock on the door.

Even without asking, he knew who was coming—after all, the only person in the family who dared to knock on the door like this was his precious little daughter.

"Agnes, come in!" he called, taking off his glasses.

The door opened instantly, and Agnes walked in quickly.

"Daddy, good evening~" She raised her skirt and saluted the Duke.

Seeing his daughter's respectful appearance, the Duke cried out inwardly. After all, every time his daughter did this, it meant that she was going to make some uncomfortable demands next.

But now, he had no choice but to nod.

"Good evening, my daughter, what can you do for me?"

"I want to take a long trip recently..." Agnes didn't go around in circles, and directly put forward her request.

"Huh? Where are you going?" The Duke's heart skipped a beat immediately.

"Go to Italy." Agnes replied with a smile, "My teacher recently stayed in Tuscany, and she wrote to me to invite me to go there. We haven't seen each other for so long, and I miss her, so I want to go there... If possible, I will live there for a while and learn from the teacher."

Although Agnes' tone and expression were very normal, and the reasons she said were quite reasonable, Duke Nordleyen always felt that something was wrong.

"Going to Italy? Really?" He couldn't help asking.

"Of course it's true..." Agnes walked up to her father, then blinked, "Please allow me..."

"If I remember correctly, you went to the Marquis de Treville's house today, and then had dinner at his house." The Duke frowned slightly, "My daughter, if you suddenly make this request, you won't have anything to do with them." Does it matter?"

"It doesn't matter..." Agnes shook her head hastily, "I went there just to visit my sister, we didn't talk about anything else, we came back after dinner..."

Hearing what his daughter said, the Duke finally felt a little relieved.

"You should avoid dealing with their family in the future. They are all die-hard Bonapartists. It's just because they are descendants of a famous family, so the king didn't deal with it... You don't want to be influenced by them."

"But my sister is already married, and now we are all relatives, why should we have such births?" Agnes had some opinions.

"That was the result of Alice's insistence. I couldn't hold back and had no choice but to agree, but my aversion to them in my heart has not disappeared, on the contrary it has become even stronger!" The Duke frowned, "They took my daughter away, I will never Forgive them!"

"Now that Alice is about to give birth, don't you want to ignore it?" Agnes asked, "If others find out, they will only think we are heartless, right? This is really unreasonable."

The Duke took a few deep breaths, then shook his head, "I will give you the gifts I should have. After all, I am a grandfather, but don't expect me to step into their house!"

Then, he waved his hand impatiently, "Okay, since the matter with Alice is already like this, I don't want to say anything more, but you can't repeat the same mistakes."

"Okay, I get it." Agnes knew that her father was angry, and she couldn't quarrel anymore, so she agreed disapprovingly, "Then will you agree to my request?"

The Duke hesitated.

"Father..." Agnes grabbed the Duke's right hand and shook it lightly, "Just promise me!"

Seeing the little daughter begging, the Duke remembered that she hadn't acted like a baby with him for many years.

So he relented.

Well, just promise her.

"Well, I will arrange someone to accompany you. I wish you a smooth journey." Finally he nodded, "Remember to write to me."

"Yes, I will!" Agnes promised again and again.

Undoubtedly, she won't be able to hide it from her father for long, but as long as she arrives at her destination, even if her father is furious, he will help her hide it - after all, he dare not let others know that his daughter went to the Bonaparte traitor .

"If you meet the Count of Monte Cristo, say hello to him for me," said the Duke casually.

Agnes was about to ask who the Count of Monte Cristo was, but for a moment she remembered the former Mr. Edmond Dantès.

"Well, I will!" She nodded immediately, "Almost I also want to see how he has improved during this time!"

After getting her father's permission, Agnes no longer had any scruples, and she packed her luggage immediately.

Two days later, Agnes and Edgar embarked on a journey to the unknown.

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