Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty, sisters.

"God bless you!"

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Agnes also silently prayed for her sister and her child.

Compared with the polite words of everyone present, her prayer was countless times more sincere - she had loved her sister since she was a child and hoped that she could be happy. It was precisely because of Alice's request that she was able to He left his comfortable home complainingly and came to a foreign country thousands of miles away.

I don’t know what happened to my sister and the child? She couldn't help but feel worried again.

Although she is young, she also knows that childbirth is tantamount to torture for women, and she will die if she is not careful. Even queens and princesses often have tragedies caused by difficult childbirth. At this time, her sister has obviously already When the due date arrives, my husband and sister, who are supposed to be by my side, travel to a foreign country and are unable to take care of them. How can this not make people worry?

When she thought of this, she glanced slightly from the corner of her eyes and found that Edgar was smiling brightly, talking to Princess Teresa and others sentence by sentence, smiling happily.

Your wife is suffering and your children are also in danger. How can you smile so naturally and happily? ! She couldn't help but complain secretly in her heart.

She followed Edgar along the way. Although her brother-in-law was very polite to her and did not dare to be disrespectful in any way, she could also see that he did not miss his wife and children too much, but instead missed the life in Paris that she could no longer enjoy for the time being.

She only met Edgar through her sister. Although her father had always opposed her sister's relationship with him and was more resolutely opposed to marriage, she openly sided with her sister in family disputes, even quarreling with her beloved father. In the end, at the insistence of their sisters, their father had to give in.

At that time, she did have a very good impression of Edgar. After all, he was handsome, elegant in conversation, and highly artistic. He was a handsome young man who was loved by ladies and ladies. She was not immune to this; but more importantly, she firmly believed that in this case The smart sister chose Edgar without any hesitation, so Edgar must be the best choice and the only person who can make her happy.

Their seemingly happy life after marriage also deepened Agnes's thoughts.

However, the scenes along the way until now forced her to face the real world behind the stage curtain, which made her doubt her previous thoughts - is this really the happiest choice?

She had already seen that in Edgar's heart, Alice's position was not more important than his own, and he did not love his sister as much as she loved him.

So, were all the sacrifices Alice made for him really worth it? She doesn't know the answer.

But no matter what, now that we have reached this point, there is no point in doubting it anymore. My sister has already married into the Treville family, and is peacefully raising children for Edgar, and is doing her best with both brain and heart. Make plans for the future of this family - there is no turning back, we can only grit our teeth and walk the road to the end.

And she could never let her sister go on alone like this, so she could only grit her teeth and try her best to help her go.

However, as she walked on, she also secretly swore in her heart that if Edgar dared to let down her sister, let all her hopes be in vain, and make her life's efforts become a joke, then she would He will definitely step forward and let Edgar suffer the unbearable punishment on behalf of God.

Of course, she desperately hoped that she was just overthinking and everything would be as beautiful as in her dreams.

Edmond Dantès, who was sitting next to her, seemed to be aware of the confusion in the girl's heart at this moment.

"Miss Agnes, you seem to be worried?" He put down the wine glass and asked in a low voice.

"No, I'm just not used to being in crowded situations." Agnes retracted her thoughts and replied with a smile, "You don't have to pay attention to me, just enjoy the joy of the moment."

“It’s okay that’s okay.

Edmond Dantès laughed, "I think you must be a little homesick, right?" Even I, a provincial, have never forgotten Paris after seeing its prosperity, let alone you who grew up there. "

"Actually...that's it. I don't miss it too much." Agnes shrugged, and then said, "Actually, strictly speaking, Paris is not the place where I was born. We are not as you imagine. Have been living in heaven - I am afraid you have forgotten that our family was in exile for many years before returning to the country. From the outbreak of the revolution until the rule of the Restoration Dynasty was completely consolidated in 1816, my grandparents and my father had been traveling all over Italy. To avoid the war, I was born there in 1811 - that year your current Majesty was just born, and he received the blessings of the whole world, but I could only wander around with my family, worrying about my livelihood tomorrow."

Perhaps it was the effect of the alcohol, but the scenes deep in the memory poured out of her mind like a floodgate opening. Agnes's face turned slightly red, and then she continued, "You also know, like us The exiles are like flowers that have lost their roots. They look beautiful but are nothing more than decorations. They all say they are dukes and marquises, but what do these titles mean after leaving France? No one else is too lazy to pay for them. So I bow to you!

At first, because they brought some jewelry with them when they fled, their grandparents and father lived a relatively comfortable life. But how could the hastily brought property be able to withstand the expenses they had been accustomed to since childhood? A year or two doesn't matter, but they have been in exile for more than 20 years! It didn't take long for their money to be empty, and they had to find other livelihoods like other exiles. My grandmother worked as a tailor, but my father, who was always too shy to tell anyone about it, found a job with a wealthy local businessman. The tutor and the accountant... Hey, you can't hear these things from the noble adults in the palace today. Everyone just wants to forget it as a nightmare, but the fact is the fact, how can it be possible? What about truly erasing it from memory? I'm different from them. I don't think there's anything to be ashamed of. What's the shame in finding a way to support my family? "

Listening to Agnes's narration, Edmond Dantès was speechless for a moment.

Agnes's voice was full of emotion, and she spoke it with such candor that he did not doubt the truth of a word.

But to be honest, he doesn't particularly sympathize with the other party - after all, he himself has been in the mire of prison for more than ten years, and ordinary misery can no longer touch his heart. Besides, in these years, how many people are more miserable than them? awful.

"Mr. Count, please don't misunderstand. I don't want to show off to you how much hardship I have endured... After all, too many people suffered in those years, and many people lost their lives. At least our family returned to France and regained its prominence. Get up, we are already lucky enough in comparison, so what right do we have to complain?" At this moment, Agnes smiled slightly, "I was just lamenting that when we are rich, it is always easy for brothers and sisters to lose their affection. Each other regards the other as a competitor, but the adversity has given me an unforgettable family relationship - I am not proud of the adversity, but the adversity has really made my sister and I inseparable."

"Although I have only met Madam once, I can see that the relationship between you and Madam is indeed extraordinary." Edmond Dantès nodded, "Madam is indeed a very smart and considerate person. I have a lot of respect for her.”

"My respect is ten thousand times greater than yours, because... I was raised by my sister." Agnes replied in a low voice, "I just mentioned that my parents were busy making a living in order to support the family. , so the children can only be left to the care of Alice, the eldest daughter. She tries her best to feed us with her meager money every day, but she is always the last. I liked to eat when I was a child Apples, she sometimes even deliberately stopped eating, just to save some money and buy apples for me. She was just a child at that time... Sometimes she would go to the street to sell handkerchiefs knitted by her mother, because she was afraid that no one would look after me. , she carried me behind her back. One time she didn’t sell any of them, and I kept crying behind her back. She was so anxious that she didn’t know what to do, then she turned her head and looked at me and cried together, and then she comforted me after she finished crying. Carry me back again."

At this point, Agnes suddenly choked up and stopped.

Then, she picked up the wine glass again and took a sip of wine to calm her agitated mind again. "I'm sorry, saying these words on such an occasion really made you laugh."

"No, miss... I'm very touched." Edmond Dantès shook his head quickly, "This true feeling is really touching. I finally understand the feelings between you."

"I am willing to go through fire and water for my sister's happiness. Just do whatever she wants me to do, as long as it's worth it." Agnes seemed to answer him, but also said to herself.

Next, she seemed to remember something again.

"By the way, by the way, since you left, Mr. Danglars has inquired about you several times with our family. It seems that he still has some doubts about your identity, but I have tried to put him away."

When he heard the name Danglars, Edmond Dantès subconsciously acted like a hedgehog, his eyes becoming extremely sharp.

This is the name of his enemy, and he will never forget it.

The last time he came to Paris, it was through Agnes's introduction that he was able to successfully meet the banker, establish a relationship with him, and make a deal.

At the moment, he is busy with His Majesty's expedition and has no time to pay attention to this poisonous snake, but he knows that one day he will have to have a thorough reckoning with him.

"It seems that you are also a person with a lot of stories..." Seeing Edmond Dantès's expression, Agnes smiled slightly.

She could see that Edmond Dantès definitely knew and hated Danglars, so he tried his best to get close to him.

However, she didn't want to interfere.

Edmond Dantès must have had his reasons for doing this, and she chose to side with him.

"Maybe you are not a real earl, but so what? My father was not a duke before. We are all just survivors under the torrent, struggling for our own lives and dreams... For me, who is sitting on the throne? Being the king is not important at all, and it doesn't even matter if I am forced to leave France again. As long as my family can be saved, that will be fine. We have experienced everything, so I will not be afraid."

"You are very respectable, Mademoiselle." Edmond Dantès was silent for a moment, and then said to her with a little respect, "Before, I was in awe of your family background, your skill, and your unattainable grace. …And now, I respect you even more for your forthrightness and open-mindedness, which, believe me, is an extremely rare quality.”

"I think so too." Agnes nodded, then raised her head and looked at the other party proudly, "And you can also add one more thing, that is self-confidence! I firmly believe that everything depends on man-made efforts. As long as I work hard, I will succeed." You can protect your sister’s happiness.”

"I firmly believe so!" Edmond Dantès also laughed.

Then, he picked up the wine glass and handed it to Agnes solemnly, "Can I share your confidence and courage?"

"No problem" Agnes returned to her previous smile.

Then she also picked up the wine glass and touched it gently with Edmond Dantès's wine glass.

Although no one said it explicitly, Edmond Dantès knew that he was already Agnes's friend.

He felt it was his honor.

So, he picked up the wine glass and drank the liquid in it with a bit of emotion and a bit of joy.

I really hope this young lady can have the best possible destination... he thought to himself.

Precisely because he had been severely stepped into the abyss by the devil, he knew the preciousness of light. He hoped that this young lady would not be swallowed up by the mud of time, and that her good wishes would be realized smoothly.

In any case, if good deeds are not rewarded with good deeds, what is the point of civilization and society?

And as time went by, this reception banquet also came to an end.

Under the starry sky in the middle of the night, Aigron made his final speech, and then left amid the cheers of the crowd.

After the reception banquet, in a short period of time, the news that "General Treville's son came to serve His Majesty" spread among these Bonapartists, which also cheered them up.

The news that Agnes came with her was blocked by Aigron's order, not only because she was a prostitute, but also to avoid embarrassing her father - after all, what if the big shots in Paris knew that the Duke's daughter actually defected to the rebels? Dang, I'm afraid the Duke is going to be in dire straits.

Agnes also consciously avoided living in the hotel, easily hiding from others, and only interacted with a limited number of people such as her brother-in-law and Theresa. Soon, the storm gradually subsided.

Aigron continued to work hard on his plan, and he ordered Edmond Dantès to hand over the first three million francs of financial support to his allies in accordance with his promise.

This would almost deplete the cash he had on hand now, but he knew it would be worth it.

The piece fell, and now it was his turn.

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