Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-five, hurry up

248 Chapter 135

"See you later!"

Aigron, who had already boarded the fishing boat, of course could not hear Panos' blessing. He just sat silently on the small fishing boat and calmly looked at the land across the Patras Bay.

In the darkness of the night, the outline of the hills loomed in his sight, as if some ghost was waving to him.

Yes... here I am. He meditated in his heart.

Before long, he will set foot on the land of northern Greece, and then look for fighter planes to fight with his enemies.

His confidant, Edmond Dantès, Count of Monte Cristo, was sitting next to him at this time.

Originally, he wanted to leave Edmond in Mesoni to assist Theresa in controlling the rear, but Edmond Dantès insisted on accompanying him on the expedition, and said that he could be responsible for negotiating with the locals and collecting enemy troops. After considering the intelligence of the army, Aigron agreed to his request.

Edmond Dantès would never tolerate doing nothing in the rear while his companions were working hard. In his opinion, that was a great insult to his dignity.

"Your Majesty." While Aigron was deep in thought, Edmond Dantès spoke softly. "I have already discussed with the leader of the fleet. They have special guides who can avoid the Turkish sentries on the seaside and lead our fleet to land at a secret location at night."

"Where exactly?" Aigron asked directly.

"In a hidden bay, about ten kilometers away from Nafpaktos." Edmond Dantès replied in a low voice.

Aiglon fell into thought again.

"We have a guide here. Once we land, we can immediately head towards Nafpaktos..." Edmond Dantès suggested.

"No, no." Aigron immediately shook his head and rejected his proposal. "We have been marching for a day, and the soldiers are very tired. This is not the time to march immediately... Besides, it is difficult for us to launch an attack at night. If we try forcefully, the result may not be very good."

Aiglon knows the quality of his army - although there are a group of reliable officers, the soldiers are inexperienced, and some of them are even just recruited from Greece. With such a group of people, he can only rely on the authority established by the discipline of the officers. Come lead.

Marching for a long time at night may leave a large number of his soldiers behind, let alone organizing a battle, which is simply beyond their current capabilities. If they are unlucky, the entire army may suddenly collapse.

Although he doesn't expect to become famous all over the world in one battle, he definitely doesn't want to become a laughing stock as soon as he comes out.

So, he frowned and began to think about his next action.

There is no doubt that his biggest advantage now is suddenness, so he must seize the opportunity to launch an attack as soon as possible; but the objective reality makes him have to wait for the night to pass.

So the answer is ready to come out...

"I have decided that we will rest after we get off the ship. We will march in a hurry as soon as dawn arrives, and then launch an attack at dawn." Aigron waved his hands heavily to express his determination, "If we march in a hurry for more than ten kilometers, then We can get there in about two hours and launch an attack immediately."

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, "Once we launch an attack, we must win, and everyone must work hard - after dawn, I will see that it belongs to me!"

Seeing the young man's excited expression, Edmond Dantès couldn't help but be infected.

He felt that His Majesty's plan was indeed the most reasonable.

The young man's loud shout was like a heavy hammer hitting his ears, making his heart tremble.

He knew that he was witnessing history with his own eyes, and he was a glorious part of it - that unknown little sailor, how could he have ever thought that he would have such a day in the future?

Edmond Dantès stood up, and then solemnly asked the young man.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to charge into battle for you when the time comes."

"No... no." Aigron was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "Edmund, you have a more important mission, stay with me and obey my orders."

"Your Majesty!" Edmond Dantès rarely contradicted the young man's words. "When I accept the test of fate, please allow me to live like a warrior! I have endured humiliation for so long, and now I have someone in front of me. An opportunity, let me tell myself that I can be a person who controls my destiny! Maybe I will fail in the test, but even so I have no regrets; on the contrary, if I just stay by your side like a coward, watching If others go through life and death, then I will never be able to wash away the imprint left by Castle Eve on my soul! That would be more uncomfortable for me than death."

Edmond Dantès's words were full of surging passion, so much so that Aigron was infected in an instant.

Yes, all this means a lot to him. He is not only fighting the Turks for Aiglon, but also fighting fate for himself. He is eager to prove that Edmond Dantès is higher than fate. The rank set for him.

He didn't want to see Edmund make any mistakes, but he also understood that the Count of Monte Cristo was a sword he had made for himself, but so far, this sword was just a primitive embryo that needed to be forged and sharpened.

Therefore, because of this, he cannot be reluctant to sharpen the sword just because he cherishes it. That will only make the sword dull and unusable.

Well...since you have also been the protagonist, I believe you will also be lucky and fate will bless you.

"Since you are so insistent...well, I promise you." Aigron nodded. "But you also have to promise me to save your own life. I still have too many things that I need from you. Remember, your life was bought at a price by me, and it doesn't just belong to you."

"Your Majesty!" Edmond Dantes was overjoyed and immediately thanked him, "Don't worry! I will keep my life and continue to serve you..."

While the two people were talking, the fishing boat they were on gradually completed their journey under the cover of night.

Aigron and Edmond Dantès staggered off the fishing boat and stood on the beach.

With the help of starlight and dim lights, Aigron discovered that beside them, countless small boats had also come to the beach. Soldiers in black uniforms got off the boats and followed him across the narrow Patras. bay.

Aigron looked around.

Theoretically, they were now in enemy territory, but the surrounding scenery was no different from the place he had just left.

Yes... they belong to the same country, so what's the difference?

The sound of the waves drowned out all sounds, and the surrounding area was hidden in the night.

"Your Majesty!" Andre Davout, the captain of his personal guard, walked up to him and saluted him, "We are all going well!"

"It's just that everything is going well for now." Aigron replied calmly, "Andre, I don't expect us to be able to hide our whereabouts forever. After all, we are thousands of people, not thousands of ants. I think now News of our group's landing must have spread throughout this land - but thankfully, our enemies also have their weaknesses. Their forces are scattered and slow to move, and it is impossible to quickly gather their forces to deal with us. .”

After a moment of silence, Aigron said confidently, "As long as we act fast enough and capture Nafpaktos, we can then wait and see and decide our next actions based on their actions."

After finishing speaking, he told Andre his order, "Go and pass the order. We will rest here tonight! We will set off to attack immediately at dawn tomorrow!"

Andre Davout was not surprised or scared at all. On the contrary, he was full of excitement. "Yes! Your Majesty!"

Then he turned to deliver the order.

Under Aigron's order, the whole army began to camp and rest on a slightly higher flat land on the seashore. Aigron himself also set up a tent and lived in it.

But he didn't fall asleep because he couldn't sleep at all.

His mind was filled with excited blood, as if his whole body was burning with it, and there was no trace of sleep at all.

He knew where this excitement came from—a gambler's excitement.

Just like a gambler, after placing a bet, he stares at the dice cup, waiting for the fate to be pronounced.

He has done all the things he can do. He has made a decision and left. There is no turning back. The next step is to see how the fate is pronounced.

This is not to say that he left everything to luck. He had exhausted his mental and physical energy for this day's actions, and he had worked hard enough.

Aigron lay on the camp bed, breathing the cool and humid air of the autumn night, tossing and turning but unable to fall asleep.

Forget it, if he couldn't sleep, he couldn't sleep. He simply opened a corner of the tent, then lay on the bed and looked at the night sky outside the window.

He kept his eyes wide open, looking at the stars in the sky, while mentally recalling everything he had experienced in this life.

Those people he liked, those he hated, those excitements and those angers... He thought about them one by one.

Although he knew that if he had not done these things, he could have had a relatively happy life - but he did not regret his choice for a second.

No matter how much you get from relying on others, you have begged it from others; when you bet on your own destiny, even if you lose everything, it is still a choice you made for yourself. These are two completely different feelings.

There is only one regret - it's a pity that Sophie...can't see with her own eyes what she has done.

She must be praying for herself right now.

Aiglon suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and then he covered his chest.

It doesn't matter, just wait for me, I will come back to see you! And see you in the way that makes you most proud.

While he was thinking wildly, time passed slowly and ruthlessly.

The stars in the sky gradually began to disappear in the sky, and the night sky began to turn into a gray curtain, with only a few places carrying a dull golden color.

Aigron slowly sat up from the cot, and then looked carefully to the east.

At this time, the mountains in the east have revealed a vague image, and a little milky white buds have sprouted on the horizon.

It's almost dawn.

Yes, the time has come.

It's about to begin!

Aigron jumped up from the bed and quickly changed his clothes.

Although he didn't sleep all night, he was full of energy and did not feel tired at all.

There is endless power burning in his chest and abdomen, just waiting to be vented and set the earth on fire.

After quickly putting on his military uniform, he rushed out of his tent, and then he found that Andre Davout and Edmond Dantes were already standing outside the tent.

"Didn't you sleep last night?" Aigron understood instantly.

The two men also looked at each other and smiled.

"Very good." Aigron nodded with a smile, and then immediately became serious again. "Let's begin! Let's all march."

Following Aigron's order, sharp orders sounded almost simultaneously throughout the camp. Under the urging of the officers, the soldiers got out of the tents one after another, changed their clothes, put on their backpacks, and then The weapon was carefully inspected.

They ate the dry food they had prepared before and regrouped.

"Your Majesty!" His army commander, Duke Michel Ney of Elchingen, walked up to him, "We have already assembled and are just waiting for your order."

Aigron did not reply immediately, but turned his head to look east again.

With the help of the morning light shining slightly from the sky, Aigron carefully observed the fields and mountains over there, and found no suspicious traces.

In other words, at least for now, his actions have not been alerted.

He's racing against time, and so far everything seems to be going well.

At least for now, the dice rolls favor him, but he won't take it lightly. The real challenge comes next.

"Michelle..." Aigron spoke slowly. "lets go!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Michel Ney loudly responded to the young man's order, then turned and looked at his officers, "You give the order, go down, you give the order, we march quickly! Everyone abandon unnecessary Objects, travel lightly, we will reach Nafpaktos in two hours and capture it!”

"go ahead!"

"go ahead!"

Order after order echoed among the various squads, and the entire army took action immediately like a clockwork clock, marching along the path between the mountains under the leadership of the guide.

Because they were marching in a hurry, their pace was very fast, and the sound of thousands of people stepping on the ground at the same time was like a detailed drumbeat.

Aegron was also part of the drumbeat. He stood at the front of his army and strode forward.

And beside him was Edmond Dantès.

At this time, the Count of Monte Cristo's expression showed no fear or excitement, on the contrary, it was solemn and solemn.

He looks more like a devout priest than a warrior ready to fight.

"We are all declaring war on our own destiny, aren't we?" Eggron whispered in a voice that only he could hear clearly, "I bet we win."

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