Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and fifty-four, sincere and good at tempting

"To win."

Seeing how harmonious Edmond Dantès and Andre Davout were, Egron felt relieved.

In his opinion, these two people are both his confidants, and they are both capable and loyal. They are really rare talents. If the two of them can unite sincerely, then his next arrangement will be foolproof.

"Okay, I have said what needs to be said. I will place my hope on you next. You should do your best." Aigron said his last instructions, "In addition, you all remember that you are all mine." The people I rely on the most, I will need you in the future, so you should take good care of your lives and don’t let me suffer unbearable losses because of stupid confidence and recklessness——"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Both of them accepted the young man's instructions with a moved attitude.

After making the most important strategic arrangements, Agron devoted all his energy to the new deployment. He also summoned Michel Ney, his cousin Charlie and other confidants, He announced his decision to them.

In his plan, these people will follow him, attack as quickly as possible and defeat the enemy in front of him, and then return to rescue Nafpaktos who is facing siege.

His strategy immediately aroused doubts. After all, it was indeed a bit bold to do so under the current situation.

However, in the face of his tough attitude, those who had doubts had to bow their heads and obey Aigron's instructions.

As a result, everyone was revolving around his decision. Whether they were following the attack or staying to defend, they all clearly understood their responsibilities.

Because of the initial victory, his march stopped at Nafpaktos. After this period of rest, the army gradually became slack, and after Aegron waved his riding crop again, it had to start again. Be refreshed and face the new action with the same nervousness you have experienced before.

Everyone was performing their duties, and during the intense action, one person was accidentally forgotten and had nothing to do - that of course was Mr. Edgar de Treville.

Although he was driven by his father to follow His Majesty, after being put under His Majesty's command, he was not reused, and was only assigned an extremely insignificant errand, but he personally had no complaints about it, and was even happy to be idle.

However, after Aigron decided on his next move, he couldn't sit still.

So, after Aigron finished the meeting with the officers,

He requested an audience with his lord.

Although Agron was already busy with his busy schedule, he still took time to meet with this member of the Treville family.

"Your Majesty!" Upon seeing Aigron, Edgar first saluted gracefully, "I haven't seen you for a few days, but you are still in high spirits."

"You look very good too." Aigron just nodded very calmly, and then asked, "Why do you want to see me?"

"I have been imagining a painting for you recently. The inspiration came to me yesterday and I completed the painting. I would like to ask you to take a look at it -" Edgar replied respectfully.

Upon hearing this, Aigron also became interested, so he nodded again. "Then let me see it."

So, Edgar took out the rolled canvas behind him, then stood in front of Aigron and spread the canvas on the table.

As the canvas slowly unfolded, Aigron could clearly see the pictures on it.

The tone of the painting is colder, and it depicts the scene of marching - the sky at this time seems to be at dawn, only the sky in the east shows a little light, a group of soldiers in black military uniforms are moving forward, the golden light is falling in mid-air, and In the center of the canvas, a young man also wearing a black military uniform, standing on a rock, is looking into the distance with imposing eyes, as if waiting for a desperate fight.

I have to admit that Edgar's painting skills are really good. He paints the young people in the painting majesticly, and the rising sun is just in line with Aigron's intention - the expressive power is even a bit beyond Aigron's own expectations.

"Very good." Aigron immediately gave corresponding compliments, and then looked up at Edgar, "Edgar, you have created a masterpiece...I will keep it forever."

"It is my greatest honor to receive your praise, and my efforts have not been in vain." Edgar replied with a smile, "Also, if you don't mind, I will make a few copies of this painting and send it to you. sent back to France, and I believe my father would have loved to see it spread."

Naturally, this is also Aigron's idea - he has always wanted to use painting to promote himself, and Edgar's talent can also serve his goal.

Due to reality, it is impossible for him to return to France right now, but he needs to let the French people gradually get to know himself, the prince who has been away from the country for more than ten years and grew up in a strange court.

"Of course—" Aigron nodded, "tell your father, these paintings can be distributed widely, I think the French people will admire you as much as I do, don't worry, although I can't make the creation of the paintings The name of the author will be published, but one day, your talents will be applauded accordingly."

Edgar just smiled indifferently at the young man's words. Although he loved his paintings very much, for him, this kind of Wei Guangzheng paintings full of political propaganda meant that his creation was greatly limited and was far inferior to what he had done. He is proud of the private paintings drawn by the ladies and ladies.

However, of course he did not dare to say these words.

Taking advantage of Aigron's good mood, Edgar changed the subject again.

"By the way, Your Majesty, I heard that you are preparing for the next move?" He asked in a low voice.

Aigron was not surprised why he knew - after all, although Edgar was not taken seriously, he had very good relationships with many of his subordinates, and it was normal for him to have channels for inquiring about information.

"Yes, we are going to start a new battle next." Aigron didn't intend to hide it, and told him directly.

He roughly stated his strategic deployment, and then reminded Edgar, "Edgar, I know you don't plan to charge into the battle, so I can give you a choice after dividing the troops. You can choose to continue following me, or you can Choose to stay here.”

Of course it's safer to stay by your side... Edgar thought to himself.

"What are you talking about? There is no choice for me." He pretended to be impassioned on the surface, and then loudly responded to the young man, "The task my father gave me is to follow you to the death. This is also As your natural servant, I cannot violate it, and I must record your heroic deeds so that your reputation and bravery can be passed down to the world through my hands! So, Your Majesty, please allow me to follow you!"

Although he knew that Edgar was speaking politely, Aigron was still delighted to hear it.

This guy is really too good at people-pleasing... Aggron thought.

Unknowingly, his original dissatisfaction with Edgar dissipated.

Even if he can't be a civil servant or military general, it would be nice to let him be a jester.

"Okay, that's as you wish." Aiglon nodded slightly, and then looked at him affectionately, "But let me remind you, this time we are also very tight on time, and in pursuit of fast maneuvers, we don't have that much Baggage, you'd better train yourself and keep up with us, otherwise you will only cause trouble for everyone——"

"I will definitely be able to do it, please believe me." Edgar immediately confirmed.

Then, he suddenly changed the subject, "By the way, Your Majesty, I have one more thing to ask you..."

"What's the matter?" Seeing his mysterious look, Aigron felt a little strange, so he asked.

Edgar hesitated, then lowered his voice and asked him.

"Have you accepted a group of Austrians to stay with you? And veterans of previous service."

This sudden question shocked Aigron. He originally planned to keep this matter secret for the time being, but somehow, Edgar figured it out so quickly.

For a moment, he wondered if someone close to him had leaked the secret to Edgar.

Could it be Agnes or André Davout?

"Don't get me wrong, no one told me this secretly!" As soon as he saw Aiglon's reaction, Edgar knew that he had guessed correctly, so he quickly explained to the young man, "Although I am not with you, But after all, I live not far from you. When Andre and I were interacting with each other before, I almost remembered the faces of the guards around you. But today there are suddenly a few unfamiliar faces around you, so I can't help but pay attention. After a while, sure enough, they were whispering to each other in German, and I happened to have learned German and understood a little bit of what they were saying..."

Listening to his narration, although Aigron put aside his doubts, he was still a little shocked. He never thought that Edgar had such observation ability.

"You can think of it as the keenness of a painter... In order to paint, we must always pay attention to subtle changes in the surrounding environment." Edgar said with a little pride. "Even the smallest details can affect the overall beauty."

"You are right, Edgar." Seeing that he could no longer hide it, Aigron also spread his hands, "It is true that several Austrian soldiers have recently joined my command. I hope you will stop asking and just pretend that you have not seen anything. Just arrive.”

Aigron's answer was tantamount to hinting at their origins.

Edgar's original doubts were instantly confirmed - it seemed that they were the reinforcements that Princess Teresa had moved from her parents' home.

If it were Prince Charles, he would probably be even more jealous, but it didn't matter to him. After all, it didn't matter to him whether the Bonapartists or the Austrians were dominant around His Majesty.

However, on the surface he still pretended to be dignified.

"Your Majesty, first of all, I congratulate you for getting help. You ordered me not to ask any more questions about this matter. I can obey it completely, but I still have a few words in my heart that I want to tell you."

Aigron felt a little impatient, but still nodded, "Let's talk."

"You have just been saying that you hope to establish your image in the hearts of the French people, so starting from this goal, you should comply with their wishes to some extent." Edgar continued in a sincere tone, "Nothing. There is no doubt that the French people are happy to see a vigorous and magnificent young man leading them to a glorious new era. However, they even hope to see that this young man is deeply connected mentally and emotionally with the rich and beautiful land of France. Together, his progress, his victories, and his life should all have an indelible French mark..."

"What are you referring to...?" Aigron asked.

“What I am saying is simple – although you have always been your Majesty to us, to most of France you are a prince who grew up in a distant country, received a full Austrian education, and He also married an Austrian." Edgar continued slowly, "Undoubtedly, I would never dare to question your personal choice, but you should also think about how to show your French side to them. You should try to downplay the Austrian color as much as possible... After all, you don’t want to be said that you relied on the Austrians to achieve your great achievements in the future, right?”

As soon as Edgar said this, Aigron immediately became furious, and it took a lot of effort to keep himself from being furious.

Although he used it in question form, for Aiglon, as his subordinate, just thinking of this thought was already disrespectful.

For a moment, he wanted to scold Edgar, but as soon as the words came to his lips, he suppressed his anger again.

Because he knows that Edgar is definitely not a particularly backbone person. On the contrary, he is good at catering to others and will never get angry easily by quarreling with others - let alone himself.

So when he said these words, there was bound to be a continuation of his words, so Aigron just frowned slightly and looked at him, gesturing for him to continue speaking.

Edgar was a little nervous now. Although the young man in front of him was a few years younger than him, he clearly felt a terrible pressure, and it seemed that he would be torn apart easily.

Your Majesty's swordsmanship is super strong. If you really want to anger him, let alone the guards outside, he alone can make yourself irreversible...

But even though he was nervous, he still had the courage to continue speaking.

"I'm not asking you to sever ties with the Austrians. I'm just asking you to carefully consider the public sentiment of the French... They are resentful, even hostile, towards Austria. Maybe they can still tolerate the incident of Her Majesty Theresa. After all, Marriage between kings is actually normal, but if you are too close to the Austrians in other aspects, it will inevitably arouse their doubts, so I suggest you..."

Here he paused deliberately.

"What do you suggest to me?" Aiglon asked coldly.

"Get closer to the French." Edgar boldly finished his last few words, "Although King Henry IV married Italian Catherine de' Medici as his queen, he never Let the Italians control the court - instead, he and the Duchess of Beaufort repaired the pain caused to the country by decades of civil war, and jointly created a new glorious era for France..."

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