Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and fifty eight, battle

"Let's pray."

"No, I don't pray!" Egron laughed and shook his head, "I don't entrust my destiny to God, it can only be in my own hands!"

After saying these words full of pride, he resolutely walked down from the high place and came to Michelle Ney's tent—and at this time, Michelle Ney was already outside the tent, relying on Looking at the enemy army in the distance by looking at the brick wall.

"Michelle, we finally got our guests here." He said loudly to the other party.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Michelle Ney replied to him with his head raised, his eyes also sparkling with excitement, "We're going to eat them alive!"

"Yes, we can't spare him, but we can't take it lightly." Aigron nodded.

Then, he issued an order to the other party, "Immediately order the whole army to be on alert, and then send people to investigate the enemy's situation."

It was already evening, and the enemy's situation was very unclear, so he didn't intend to act recklessly right away. He would rather wait and wait until he had a decision in his mind before fighting a decisive battle.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" His order was quickly responded by Michelle Ney.

Then, Michel immediately sent out scouts, left his position, and ran towards the enemies on the opposite side, while Aigron and Michel stayed by the city wall and continued to observe the opposite side with binoculars.

At this time, the enemy army in the distance also discovered the army entrenched around the castle.

An army of nearly 3,000 people cannot be completely concealed in this environment.

After the initial astonishment, the army on the opposite side immediately stopped marching, and then launched a battle. At the same time, they also sent scouts to investigate the movement and reality here.

As the enemy's formation slowly unfolded, the two sides faced each other on the front line of a few kilometers, between the two hillsides-the difference was that Aigron's side was more concealed because it could rely on the fortress.

Time was slowly passing by, and night began to fall on the land. Because the enemy was unknown to each other, neither side took the initiative to launch an attack. The sound of the wind echoed across the valley.

Under Aigron's gaze, many bonfires were lit on the opposite slope, flickering like dense fireflies in the night sky.


Aigron knew very well that this was nothing more than the calm before the storm. Both sides were gearing up, waiting for the inevitable fight that would follow—and the battle was estimated to start tomorrow morning.

Just because he knew it well, he temporarily summoned all the important officers under his command to come to his tent at night for the final pre-battle meeting.

"Michelle, tell me what you have detected." Aigron first said to Michelle Ney.

"Yes!" Michel Ney nodded in response, and then immediately explained the situation to Aigron, "The enemy's number is about 4,000 to 5,000, and the equipment is good, but there is no cavalry. In addition, from Judging from their clothing and orders, some of them are Egyptian troops, and as you have previously received information, they seem to have come to besiege Naphpaktos."

Although Michel Ney's description was brief, it was accurate enough, and Aigron nodded in satisfaction.

"Looks like they're the big fish we're going to catch."

Then, he looked at all the people present with piercing eyes, "Everyone, our plan has been successfully implemented so far, but I don't dare to guarantee the next result, but it depends on your hard work and bravery... ...You have heard that the enemy outnumbers us, but I don't want to back down, I want you to fight for me and win them, can you do it?"

"Yes!" His words immediately received an eager response.

"Needless to say, you know that some of our friends are besieged and suffering in Nafpaktos just now, and their only hope is us, and the only one who can save them is indeed only us! We can't afford time, The bastards in front of us must be killed!" Iger waved his hand solemnly to express his determination, "Yes, no matter what, tomorrow is the decisive battle, we will trample them to pieces, and then go back to rescue Andre! "

"Yes!" Everyone, including his cousin Charlie, called out in unison, and then looked at Aigron in unison.

Aegron saw enthusiasm and desire in their gaze, but not fear and withdrawal.

Very good, it seems that everyone has a high fighting spirit and is not intimidated by the enemy's strength.

That's what he wanted to see.

His plan is simple—tomorrow, no matter what, he must decide the outcome with the enemy in front of him. If the enemy attacks, he will fight with them until he defeats the opponent; if the enemy cannot bear the pressure and retreats, that is even better , he launched a ferocious and merciless assault, causing the enemy's unstable foothold to bear a heavy price.

Only by eliminating the enemy forces along the way, can he quickly return to the division, rescue Andre Davout who is still fighting hard, and then lift the siege of Nafpaktos.

Other than that, he has no other ideas.

After conveying his instructions, Aigron sent the officers back to their original positions, and then stayed in the tent to rest.

Although it was a rest, he was already extremely excited at this time, so it was naturally difficult for him to fall asleep. He kept lying on the camp bed, tossing and turning, and did not fall asleep until midnight.

Early the next morning, he woke up.

At this time, the sky was already slightly bright, and there was a layer of moist mist on the ground, which blocked the sunlight, and the golden sunlight dyed the mist into a golden yellow. These mist gathered into pieces of white flocs between the valleys, It diffused, and then rose to the nearby hillsides, covering the entire land in his vision. For a moment, Aigron suddenly felt that he seemed to see the glorious scene he saw when he crossed the Alps.

At that time, he had just fled. Although he was full of confidence and ambition, he had to walk through the rolling glaciers and snow-capped mountains, and finally came to Switzerland; but now he has an army in his hands, and he is fighting for his dream—— —How can the encounters in life not be amazing!

While he was meditating, the clouds and mist pervading everywhere rolled up waves like the sea, setting off rows of soft waves, shaking slightly, ups and downs, condensing the sun into a bright red glow, but its color Slowly thinning, like ice and snow melting in the sun.

Under Aigron's gaze, the visibility of valleys and hillsides is getting higher and higher, and the wind blowing everywhere accelerates the speed at which the fog dissipates.

Before long, the mist cleared, leaving only a little dew on the grass, and this was the last remnant of the glorious scene just now.

Aigron had no time to lament the disappearance of the beautiful scenery with the feelings of a poet. All his attention had been focused on the opposite position——as the fog disappeared, the visibility on the ground became higher and higher, and the troops on both sides could finally see clearly again the other party.

But this time, they didn't plan to give each other much time.

Even without the help of binoculars, Aigron could tell that the opposite position was in commotion, and a crowd of people was gathering momentum and preparing to rush towards him.

It seems that instead of planning to retreat, they are preparing to take the initiative to attack.

Although Aigron has an ancient castle as a position, it is a little convenient geographically, but the other party's investigation last night probably also discovered the weakness of the inferior force here, so I plan to use a strong attack to solve the problem.

Just what I want. Agron thought.

Only when the two sides launch a decisive battle together can the complete victory he is looking forward to come.

Naturally, the army on his side was not idle either. After the fog dissipated, the whole army was ready to fight the enemy. The officers' passwords and drums were beating endlessly, creating a tense atmosphere everywhere.

Under Aigron's gaze, the cannon on the opposite side made a loud bang, and the shells roared mercilessly towards the surroundings of the castle, hitting the ground and making the stone walls tremble.

Then, amidst the roar of shells, the assembled enemy troops also began to attack the slope on the left wing of the castle.

The whole operation was orderly, and the army's actions were as precise and ruthless as a pocket watch that was wound up.

Although the guns were rumbling and they were not far away from him, Aigron showed no fear on his face. He had been standing on a high ground looking at the enemy army in the valley. Because the distance was constantly shortening, he could quickly see their heads clearly. Red hat and white pants.

He took out his pocket watch and saw that it was a quarter past eight.

This is the moment when the "Battle of the Ancient Castle" began... I hope history will remember this moment, and my future children and grandchildren will be able to celebrate my victory...

Instead of praying to God, he clenched his fists heavily.

He is sacrificing human life to the gods in exchange for his authority in the world, and he is fully responsible for this.

The charge launched by the enemy on the left wing soon came to the front line, and a large group of people, like a group of ants on an ant nest, were squirming in the valleys and slopes.

As they approached the position, the artillery team assembled yesterday on the central high platform in the depression by the pond began to fire back.

Dense shotgun shells exploded above the crowd, and the shot balls flew around like a toy of the god of death, and the wind and clouds swept past the densely packed enemy lines, creating a tragic scene almost instantly.

The human body that was hit by the shotgun was immediately bloody and bloody, and the military uniform was also mutilated. Some people even had their heads exploded directly, leaving only half of their bodies crooked and fell to the ground.

However, this tragic scene did not deter the attackers. They still lined up in a dense formation and refilled the formation that had been vacant due to the bombardment, but their feet quickened their pace.

The roars and screams echoed everywhere, almost overwhelming the sound of the guns. They rushed to the front of the position against the bombardment of the shotgun, and then raised their guns and started to fight back.

Although according to the army's drill code, they must follow the orderly formation and movement to shoot at the opposite side, but at this moment, of course, it is impossible for anyone to act in full accordance with the rules, so one after another gunshots kept ringing from the front line, and at the same time, their footsteps did not stop. , as if like a tide, was about to engulf the opposing front.

Of course, it was impossible for the defenders to retreat. Amid the hoarse shouts of the officers, they kept firing on the opposite side.

As the distance between the two sides became shorter and shorter, the gunshots became more and more intense, and the accuracy of the bullets continued to improve. People on both sides continued to fall during the exchange of fire and became new offerings received by the God of Death.

The merciless fighting was not only carried out on the left flank, as the battle slowly unfolded, the armies on both sides almost put all their strength into fighting each other.

Aigron stood on the high platform, looking carefully at every corner under his feet, just like a chess player observing his own pieces, while Major Hench and the guards around him stood by his side as the final preparation team exists.

"Your Highness, the situation is acceptable." Major Hench was also watching the fighting on both sides, and then he nodded, "We have fully expanded our front, and the battle is in our favor, and they can't get cheap."

"I think so too..." Eggron replied with a smile.


While the two were talking, a loud noise sounded not far from Aigron. He took a closer look and found that a shell had just flown into the woods beside the stone wall. It fell into the nearby pond with a creaking groan, and then there was another loud noise, and the green pool water was splashed everywhere, and even Major Henchy on the stone wall had his head stained. A few pieces of green duckweed.

"Hahahaha!" Seeing his funny look, Aigron couldn't help laughing.

"At least your demeanor is qualified!" Seeing Aigron's mocking expression, Major Hench couldn't help laughing awkwardly, and then reached out and swept the pieces of duckweed off his head. "But Your Highness, you must remember what you promised."

Of course Aigron remembered that he had promised Major Hench last night that if the situation was completely unfavorable, he would retreat on his own, leaving Major Hench behind—but of course he hoped that this kind of thing would never happen.

"I won't leave you guys, at least not today!" He replied loudly.

Then, he pointed to his left flank - where the fighting was most intense.

After the fierce confrontation between the two sides, the two sides had already engaged in hand-to-hand combat with bayonets. Although the fighting was very fierce and the casualties on both sides were very heavy, it was obvious that the outnumbered side, with the help of the position and the spirit of brave sacrifice, was gradually attacking. Back off the opponent's offensive.

And this also meant that they defeated the enemy's offensive.

"They're dead! We're going to crush them!" Aegron was forced to raise his volume because of the non-stop gunfire, so his expression and voice became more murderous.

"It's still early, Your Highness!" Major Henchy replied loudly, "You wait first, when the time is right, I will lead your guards to charge, and you can stay here to witness the result!"

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