Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and sixty-nine, father?

At this time, Aigron was of course unaware of the series of events that had occurred in Vienna. His entire body and mind were already focused on the matters he was currently focusing on.

After a series of battles around Nafpaktos, he was pleased to find that he had established a foothold in this chaotic place and even had the initiative.

Moreover, he can clearly see that the entire trend is developing in his favor, and he can now freely decide his next move.

So, the real question becomes – where to go next?

In his letter to Theresa, he had already initially elaborated on his plan - that is, to march westward, capture the fortress of Messolongion, and then control a large area of ​​western Greece as his own territory, and then consider More next steps.

However, it is difficult to formulate a practical strategy, and it is even more difficult to implement this strategy.

Eggron knew the difficulty he faced.

First of all, Messolonghion is a key garrison of the Turkish army. Although he defeated the enemy troops that came from there to attack him, they retained the main force and withdrew after all. This means that at this time, the defenders there were at least With thousands of people, it is definitely not a soft persimmon that can be solved easily.

Secondly, Messolonghion itself is also a fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack - in fact, in the previous war, the independence army soldiers relied on this fortress to tenaciously resist the Turkish army for more than two years; and now the fortress After falling into the hands of the Turks, it will definitely not be easy for Aiglon's army to capture it.

Finally, and most importantly, Aegron knew that his power was weakening.

Although in the just-concluded battle, he led his army to defeat more with less, defeated the enemy several times and won beautiful victories, he also had to suffer huge losses in this series of battles.

After careful counting, the total number of casualties and missing persons in his army reached hundreds, almost one-seventh of his total strength of 4,000.

Compared with enemy troops and fortresses, this last issue was what bothered Aiglon the most. He knew that he had to restore his army's strength as soon as possible, otherwise with a few more such victories, his army would all fall apart.

The only good news is that the members of the Knights who served as officers for him did not suffer much loss. On the contrary, after the bloody battles, they gained experience in battle. Their command capabilities and combat experience were improved, and after several runs-in, After that, the entire chain of command has become quite smooth.

That is to say,

It is becoming a real army.

As for the casualties of ordinary soldiers, whether they were Greeks who surrendered to him or people recruited from other places, he regarded them as nothing more than cannon fodder, a loss that he could bear, or even necessary to temper his sword. fuel.

And now he needs more fuel.

Because of this, after the war ended, he did not take the next step immediately. Instead, he let the entire army rest and recuperate. He urgently needed to replenish his army.

He asked Theresa, who stayed behind, to continue recruiting local Greeks for him, and to accept volunteers who came from all over Europe to defect, and then sent them to him to enrich his team.

Because Aiglon did not attack for the time being, his enemies were unable to continue attacking him, so the seaport of Nafpaktos temporarily fell into calm.

The entire army was working hard, receiving additional personnel and intensifying training, but he personally was idle.

After he finished his duties on weekdays, he led the guards around the picturesque harbor while enjoying the cheers and salutes of the soldiers.

Today, Aigron held a small welcome ceremony to welcome the new volunteers - General Treville from France, and sent him a group of Bonaparte supporters.

Because they were politically reliable and French, this group of people naturally received preferential treatment from Aigron, and he welcomed them warmly; these people were originally his followers, and they all saw Aigron's influence along the way. Because of his fame and victory, everyone was full of respect when they saw this young man. Therefore, the atmosphere at the ceremony was very warm and there were endless cheers.

The highest point of the atmosphere was when Aigron temporarily named some people as members of the Knights of Fontainebleau.

The last time he was on the island of Monte Cristo, he made all the followers on the island knights, but this time he did not do so. He only made some of the volunteers with rich military experience and seniority in the empire. .

Last time it was a last resort, he had no one, so he could only try his best to win over everyone; but now, he is an unshakable leader, and the membership of the Knights has become a precious honor, and he has The selection of qualifications has begun.

Now he wants to make it clear to his subordinates that no treatment comes easily.

He wants to establish a threshold among his followers and give those within the threshold a sense of superiority; he should give those outside the threshold the motivation to forge ahead.

During the ceremony, Agron also received a piece of personal news - General Treville's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Alice, gave birth to a daughter, and the mother and daughter were safe.

The Marquis de Treville also wrote a letter entrusting one of the volunteers

Hearing the news, Aigron was also happy for Alice.

He still remembered that Alice had asked him to name the unborn child on the shores of Lake Constance, and he had said that the boy would be called Charles and the girl would be named Charlotte - that is to say, the daughter was Charlotte de Tre. Miss Vail.

So, after the ceremony, Agron specially invited Edgar and Agnes to have dinner at his place to celebrate the good news together.

Of course, although it was dinner, it was a wartime situation at this time, and there was no spare time to make it too sumptuous. Apart from roast chicken, vegetables, shortbread and olive oil, there was only some low-quality wine.

Because she lived next to him, Agnes quickly attended, and Edgar rushed over immediately after hearing the invitation.

It was getting late now, and the dining table was covered with a white tablecloth and candlesticks were placed on it. The dim light and shadow gave it a bit more of a family dinner atmosphere.

"Your Majesty, good evening." Edgar first saluted Aigron and then sat down to express his excitement. "Thank you so much for giving me this honor."

"No need to be formal, today is just a dinner between our friends." Aiglon replied, and then laughed again, "Actually, Edgar, Agnes, I have good news to tell you."

The two immediately looked at Aigron.

"I just received a group of volunteers from France, and they brought me news about your family." Aigron didn't show off and told Edgar directly, "Mrs. Alice gave birth to a healthy daughter. Baby, mother and child are safe now."

Edgar and Agnes looked at each other, and then both of them smiled reassuringly.

"Great!" Then Agnes cheered a little.

She came here because of her sister, and now she is very relieved to hear that her sister and daughter are safe.

"Thank God and Alice for making me a father." Edgar also sighed, and then looked at Aiglon, "Your Majesty, Xia Lu will be your most loyal follower in the future."

Compared to the Marquis de Treville, who is looking forward to having a grandson to "practice the number" again, he doesn't care about the gender of his children. Even if it is a daughter, he will pour in the same love - of course, his favorite is himself.

"Well, congratulations, Edgar, from now on, you are a father." Aigron said with a smile, "Besides, Xia Lu will definitely be a very beautiful and lovely girl in the future. To be able to have such a daughter, It’s your luck.”

Aigron's words were not polite words, but what he said from his heart.

After all, Alice herself is very beautiful, and Edgar's character aside, his appearance is really good. With such parents, Xia Lu will definitely be very beautiful when she grows up.

"I will make her the cutest and most elegant woman in France." Edgar raised his head without humility at all. "The Treville family will be proud of her."

"But I also hope that you can make her proud of you in the future." Aigron replied.

This sentence made Edgar blush slightly.

Will Xia Lu really be proud of a father like her in the future?

Others don't know, but of course he himself knows what he did - when he left Paris, Princess Kadiyan was also pregnant with their illegitimate child. Although it was a little later than Xialu, she thought it would be born soon. Bar……

In other words, he may already be the father of two children.

Alice may not know it now, but can she really hide everything?

Not only the matter of having an illegitimate child, but also his other dissolute behavior, as well as his lack of responsibility and cowardice in risking life and death for his family, it is impossible for his children to be proud, right?

I am a failed father and can never set an example... He sighed inwardly.

But so what? It's not easy to live in this world, why do you have to consider who to set an example for, and who to live and die for?

The limited time is too late to spend on having fun, so how can you have time to care about other people's thoughts? Others can think whatever they like. Her daughter's life is left to her to decide, and she doesn't need to think so much.

So, in just a blink of an eye, this libertine who was used to having fun quickly forgot all the guilt he felt in his heart.

"Your Majesty, as a mediocre person, I have always been considered to be unable to bear the glory of the surname Treville, so it is difficult for me to expect that my children will be proud of me in the future." Edgar raised his head and said calmly Looking at Aigron, "But it doesn't matter. In my opinion, me having Xia Lu as my daughter, and Xia Lu having me as my father, are both accidental opportunities in fate. I can only do my best to take care of her and let her She goes to realize her own dream, and as for the rest, it can only be left to fate - in my opinion, only a dazzling person like you can be a father destined to make his children proud."

This time it was Aigron's turn to be embarrassed.

Edgar's flattery hit his right spot.

——Because at this moment, he is already a father.

Even if he has not yet adapted to this identity psychologically, the objective fact is this and there is no way to avoid it.

The situation that the newly born Crystal is facing is definitely not ideal. She is controlled by the Austrian government, and for the sake of the reputation of the royal family, it is absolutely impossible for her to have a normal life.

Therefore, it is also an unmistakable fact that he is now a failed father.

Although he didn't know what he said wrong, seeing Aigron's suddenly darkened expression, Edgar secretly thought something bad.

He quickly opened his mouth to make up for it, "Your Majesty, I just made this out of emotion, please don't mind."

Aigron was not angry, and he quickly returned to normal from the moment of gloom. "No, I don't mind. I just think that a father cannot completely leave the future of his children to the unpredictable fate. Since he has brought his children into the world, he should at least take due responsibility. Okay... …We may have strayed a bit, so let’s drink to Alice and Xialu!”

After speaking, he picked up his glass.

Edgar was relieved and quickly picked up the wine glass, "Cheers to Alice and Xia Lu!"

After taking a sip of wine, he felt physically and mentally relaxed.

During this period, he had been marching with Aiglon for so long, and most of the time he could only eat dry food while being displaced. When had he, who had enjoyed a luxurious life in Paris since childhood, ever suffered so much?

However, even though he was complaining in his heart, he could only grit his teeth and endure it for his father's instructions. Now he could finally relax a little. Even the low-quality wine in his mouth that he originally dismissed with disdain now tasted like Qiong Yao wine.

While the two were having a drink together, Agnes, who had been sitting next to her silently, suddenly spoke.

"Aiglon." She looked at the young man and called out.

"Miss Agnes, what's the matter?" Aigron put down his wine glass and asked her.

"To tell you the truth, before I came here, I never quite understood why my sister respected you so much that she spent so much effort to flatter you." Agnes whispered to the young man. Said, "However, following you during this period of time and witnessing your every move has made me understand a little bit... Since meeting in Switzerland, my sister is convinced that you will achieve great things. She thinks you are the one who can give She has high hopes for you, the person who brought a new style to France which is now lifeless."

When she said this, Aigron was surprised and felt a little embarrassed. "If that's what she thinks, then I'm honored."

"Now, her child is gloriously born in Paris with your name." Agnes picked up the wine glass, then smiled and shook it slightly at him, "I salute you for her, she is God has given you a good omen, and please take good care of her in the future."

Aigron was stunned.

After a moment, he couldn't help laughing, "So you can do this too... Okay, cheers!"

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