Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eighty-one, scheming and journey


Although Theresa's voice was not loud, Chanel, who was accompanying her outside, immediately dropped what she was doing and ran all the way to her.

"Your Highness, do you have any orders?" she asked respectfully.

"Instructions are out of the question. I have something to ask you." Teresa replied.

Then, she continued to ask, "If I leave here temporarily, can you do the things here for me?"

Chanel was a little confused and didn't understand why she asked this, but she still answered seriously, "I still don't understand many things, but I have done my best to complete the tasks assigned to me by Your Majesty and you - —”

"Yes... I have always seen your hard work." Theresa nodded and looked at Chanel with approval. Then she changed the subject, "Chanel, if you are free, go for me. Please take a trip to His Highness - I think His Highness must be very worried about us since he has never been able to see us."

"What?!" Chanel was surprised and happy, and raised her head to look at Theresa.

Today, Chanel was given the status of female official by Theresa, and received deliberate courtesy from Theresa. However, even so, she was never happy in her heart, but was always worried about His Majesty.

Ever since she met that boy, she had been by his side, serving him with incomparable enthusiasm, even giving everything of herself. In her heart, only this one person really has weight.

Although due to the master's arrangements, she had to stay here to assist Theresa, in her heart, she was thinking about the young man almost all the time, worrying that he could not take care of her life.

But no matter how much she missed him, she still couldn't disobey His Majesty's order. She could only suppress herself and accompany Princess Theresa, looking forward to the early end of this separation.

She didn't expect that everything she expected would turn around so quickly.

Great...if there is Princess Teresa's order, then I am not disobeying Her Majesty's will.

However, the sudden ecstasy made her hesitate, fearing that it was just a joy in vain.

"Why did you suddenly have this idea?" She asked cautiously, "Your Highness, I stay here to assist you. Is there anything that dissatisfies you?"


Chanel, I have nothing against you. Teresa shook her head, and then held her hand affectionately, "In fact, because you also stayed in Austria and took good care of His Highness when he was injured, I have always been very impressed by you." Well, I have seen your attitude towards me these days... I am very satisfied. "

Chanel was simply flattered by Teresa's kind attitude.

Although she had always felt a little jealous that Teresa occupied the position next to His Majesty, she had great respect for Her Majesty's demeanor, so she acquiesced in this result in her heart - since His Majesty will always have a wife by his side. And it won't be me, so Her Royal Highness Theresa is at least a very good candidate.

"So... what are your intentions?" Chanel asked with confusion, "If I'm here, I should be able to share some of the hard work for you, right?"

"Yes, that's true, but... right now I have more important things to entrust to you." Teresa said seriously.

"Huh?" Chanel was still confused.

Teresa hesitated, then decided to tell her what she really thought.

"Actually, I want you to go over and help me keep an eye on His Highness... to prevent him from doing something ridiculous at a critical moment."

"What do you mean by this?" Chanel became even more confused, "Did His Majesty encounter any danger?"

"It's more insidious than dangerous." Teresa frowned slightly, looking very unhappy, "I heard that His Highness stayed with Miss Agnes over there, and the two of them had close contact... …This makes me understand why the Treville family insisted on letting a little girl come here to suffer such suffering. It turns out that they had planned everything beforehand."

Shanel's eyes widened with shock and disbelief on her face.

After a moment, she shook her head subconsciously, "I don't think Miss Agnes is that kind of person. She is so arrogant and arrogant, and she will definitely not be willing to stoop to seduce His Majesty..."

Even you talk to her? Theresa's heart sank again, and her expression almost changed.

She really didn't expect that Agnes would win the favor of the people around His Highness so easily.

And this made her feel even more uneasy.

She vaguely knew in her heart that Chanel and Aiglon had a close relationship, but after all, they were masters and servants who supported each other and placed infinite trust in each other. Even she did not want to break this trust - and in the final analysis, As a maid, Chanel could not have any influence on her.

But Agnes was completely different. Although she was not born into a royal family, she was from a famous family and could face him with her head held high. Moreover, she had impressive skills and talents, and her personality was very contagious. More importantly, She is French, and naturally there are many people around His Highness who admire her.

The combination of many factors made her admire and be a little afraid of Agnes from the moment they met.

And everything that happened now was enough to prove that the vague worries in her heart at that time were true, which made her both angry and a little regretful——

You are obviously so dazzling and enjoy the envy of others, why do you do this again and lower yourself? !

She tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart, and then replied in a flat tone, "Maybe Miss Agnes is not this kind of person, but those despicable people may not have the idea of ​​using her in their hearts."

"Are you talking about Mr. Edgar?" Chanel also understood.

"Yes, I'm talking about him and the Treville family." Although Teresa tried her best to maintain her demeanor, she couldn't help showing a trace of resentment, "They deliberately lured Miss Agnes over here. , I just want to use her to flatter His Highness... From the first day we met, I felt that Edgar was frivolous, but I didn't expect them to actually do such a thing!"

"So that's it..." Chanel finally realized it, and the doubts that had been accumulating in her heart suddenly became clear, "I understand!"

After thinking clearly, she finally understood what Theresa meant, "So you want me to go there just to stop His Majesty's affair with her?"

"Yes, that's it." Teresa nodded, "I think about it carefully, the reason why His Highness did such a foolish thing is probably because a person has been away for a long time, and has been witnessing the flames of war, and the mental pressure is huge, so I think He needs to find some comfort... If you are by his side, he will definitely be able to relax a lot and not do that kind of thing again."

"That's right!" Chanel replied almost cheering.

After a while, she realized that something was wrong, so she quickly straightened her face again, and then solemnly assured her, "Your Highness, don't worry, after I pass by, I will definitely pay attention to admonishing and restraining Your Majesty, after all, he has important responsibilities on his shoulders now." The mission really shouldn't be distracted by other things, nor should it make other people laugh..."

"Yeah..." Teresa sighed. "He should know what he is doing!"

"Are you still angry?" Chanel asked cautiously.

"Of course, I am very angry with His Highness. I can't wait to run up to him right now, grab his face and ask him why he did this." Teresa smiled bitterly. "But I can't let my temporary anger affect the careers of the two of us and our future, so I can't leave here rashly. I have to deal with everything before going over, so I can only let you go first. "

Then, she continued, "After you meet His Highness, first tell him that I am dissatisfied with some rumors and hope that he will not spend his energy on irrelevant things... Finally, tell him that I miss him very much. I will come to see him as soon as possible, please wait for me."

"Okay, I will tell him." Shanel nodded repeatedly.

At this moment, she couldn't bear to gloat about Theresa's misfortune. After all, she was the first witness to Her Majesty Theresa's deep love for His Majesty.

"Well, let's do it like this. I hope everything goes well for Your Highness." Teresa collected her emotions and then smiled slightly, "Chanel, don't be frightened when you see the artillery fire. Don't lose us. The face of the chief female officer!”

"Of course!" Chanel quickly replied confidently.


Of course Aigron, who was far away in Nafpaktos, would not know about the little disturbance in Methoni.

Early this morning, he was ready to embark on a new journey.

According to Aiglon's deployment, he will lead his main force to expedition to Mesolonghion and its surrounding areas, while Andre Davout, the captain of the guard who has just been promoted to the Marquis of Lepanto, will lead a small number of troops to stay in Nafpak. Toss, to stabilize the rear line for him and at the same time monitor the movements of the enemy forces in the east.

There is no doubt that leading his main force to attack a strong fortress is a gamble. A slight mishandling will cause him to suffer a bloody head injury, but he is still determined to take such a gamble - because if the gamble wins If so, the harvest is indeed big enough.

From before to now, he has been gambling for his own destiny. He has enough courage to move forward towards danger - of course, he does not act blindly and recklessly. Every time he has a certain degree of certainty before going bet.

Just like before the army set off several times before, as early as early in the morning, the officers had gathered their soldiers together, lined up in an orderly manner, and only waited for an order before heading to the new battlefield.

Under the gaze of everyone, Aiglon wore a brand-new uniform and a blue knight's medal on his chest. He rode a tall horse and paraded in front of his army with great satisfaction.

After rest and recuperation, this army had swept away the fatigue from previous continuous battles and was full of vitality. Moreover, after replenishment during the rest and recuperation, their military appearance was now at its peak, even better than before.

Wherever Aiglon's horse hoofs stepped, deafening cheers erupted - this young man who brought victory and freedom seemed to have a dazzling aura at the moment. In the eyes of those admirers, he seemed to have nothing left. cannot.

Although he knew in his heart that he was not omnipotent, Aigron still showed the kind of calm and unhurried demeanor. He knew that his prestige was the core of maintaining the morale of the military, so there must be no wear and tear.

Then, following his order, the phalanxes everywhere began to move slowly, marching westward along the road.

Their target is dozens of kilometers away. At normal marching speed, they can reach the predetermined combat area within a day or two.

Aegron rode a tall horse, surrounded by guards, and marched in the middle of his own army, while several of his advisers—former Austrian officers headed by Major Hench—followed him on horseback.

Of course he didn't know that just recently, the major had secretly complained about himself to Teresa, so the two of them were still talking happily.

It was the crisp autumn season at this time, and the temperature was already a bit cool. Marching along the road next to the seaside was quite interesting.

"Your Highness, you look full of ambition." Major Hench suddenly reined in his horse and approached Aigron, and then whispered to him, "It's good to be confident, but you'd better not be blindly optimistic, remember to bring Soldiers must remain calm at all times when fighting."

"Okay, I'll take note of it." Aigron nodded, then looked at the other party, "Major, how do you think we should fight this time?"

"Since the scale of the operation is so large, our enemies must know our movements, and they will make corresponding preparations." The major immediately replied, "The most ideal situation is that they will fight us squarely around Messolonghi. field, and then be annihilated by us with peace of mind, but I don't think our opponents will be so stupid as this-so, I think the most reasonable way for them is to leave some scattered small groups of troops around to monitor your movements, and then, When they judge that they cannot fight you head-on, they will shrink their forces into the fortress and then use this to fight you stubbornly."

Aigron remained silent. He knew that the major's judgment was correct, because he thought so too.

"So what we have to do is to clear all the area around Mesolonghi, turn it into an isolated city, then besiege it, and then find a way to break through this fortress." The major continued. "I don't know the specific situation of the fortress, so I can't give you any further advice for the time being. We'll have to wait until we get to its walls."

The major's words were tantamount to admitting that there was no way to completely defeat the enemy for the time being - but this was normal.

Aigron knew that his time was limited, and he had to capture this fortress as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

This is exactly what he has been thinking about recently.

"We must hope that the Greeks, especially those who have stayed in the fortress, will provide us with the necessary information... At least let us know what to do next. I have already asked my allies Yes, they will provide me with appropriate help.”

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at the distant skyline to the west.

There is his new journey.

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