Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and ninety-five, quarrels and voices

"I will do it, Agnes, please give me some time—" Under the moonlight, Aegron looked at the girl in front of him with a smile on his face in an unquestionable tone.

The handsome face of this young man was even more radiant under the blessing of the moonlight at this moment.

And yet, to Agnes, the face seemed especially hateful at the moment.

She was so angry that she yelled at the young man loudly.

"Who allowed you to say such things to me!"

"I don't need anyone's permission to say what I say." Aigron was not in a hurry and just shrugged.

"...you are such a shameless egomaniac!" Agnes became impatient and couldn't help cursing, "I was still a little worried about you, but I ran here to comfort you like a fool, I should have let you go if I knew it earlier Already!"

After finishing speaking, she subconsciously took two steps forward, wanting to teach this shameless person who dared to treat her so frivolously a lesson.

But when she was face to face with the young man, she suddenly remembered that this guy's swordsmanship was as good as hers, and her strength was even stronger than hers. Wouldn't it be like a tiger's mouth to rush directly to fight him?

So she could only take another step back, and then looked at the young man with resentful eyes.

And Aigron didn't retreat, but just watched her reaction with great interest.

Just like the metaphor he just said, at this moment Agnes is like a cat whose tail has been pinched, her eyes are full of guard and even fierce, but this makes him feel interesting.

This kind of toughness is probably part of Agnes's charm.

"Come down, Agnes—" He waved his hand unhurriedly, signaling the girl to calm down, "You can see that what I threatened you just now was just a joke, and I never intend to use it against you." Violence, you are as safe now as you were before. If there is anything I want to do, it is simply that I can always have the opportunity to be close to you and appreciate you-in essence, I am no different from your admirers. "

"Do you still expect me to be honored? You...you bastard!" Agnes retorted loudly, "Didn't I wake you up that day? You have a fiancée and Princess Teresa who loves you, why are you still You want to talk to me like this?"

"Yes, Teresa likes me, I can feel it, and I am very grateful for everything she has done for me." Aigron nodded slightly, "Because of this,

I am willing to marry her, spend my life with her, and let her share in the business-"

Having said this, he suddenly changed the subject, "But, that doesn't mean that I have to leave all my feelings with her, I can still pursue everything I want..."

"What a shame! I won't let you go on..." Agnes interrupted him.

"Shameless? Maybe, but among the countless expectations I have been carrying since I was a child, who ever asked me to be an ascetic monk who has no desires or desires? Metternich taught me how to face the world with utilitarianism. My teachers asked me to judge the situation ruthlessly and find my best way out, but what about my followers? They long for me to be a king, even if I bleed for it!" Eggron looked up at the sky, and then Sighed melancholy.

"I have received all teachings, and I am ready to respond to all expectations. In order to obtain the freedom and glory I desire, I actively transform myself into what others need most, and use all my wisdom and energy to play my role; so I long for power, I long for everything I want, I'm greedy to the point of insatiability, because I've never been told that I should be restrained! If I'm destined to be a king, that's how the kings of France have come since ancient times, so why should I? Hypocritical self-restraint?!"

Aigron's words are indeed the voice of his heart that has been silted up for a long time.

Man is the product of all social relations, and he is shaped into himself by his own experience and all the education he has received from childhood to adulthood.

Rather than saying that he was alienated because of his own life experience, it is better to say that he himself is willing to become such a person and is working hard towards this goal.

He has lost too many things, and wants to get more things; so he hates failure and loathes losing, he greedily desires everything he wants, wishing to put everything in his own hands, and absolutely unwilling let go.

At this moment, he likes Agnes—and it happens that Agnes is carefully presented by his servants, so why can't he get it?

As for all obstacles other than this-such as moral scruples, he dismisses them in his heart.

The so-called morality and law are used to restrain those who are powerless to resist it. If he obeys the law and obeys the law, he should still stay in Schönbrunn Palace as a low-key, down-and-out prince. Why should he come to this place to kill and set fire?

Agnes watched the young man's arrogant declaration in front of her, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Obviously, it is useless to make any accusations and persuasion against him - he has formed his own unique logic of behavior during the time he grew up in secluded Schönbrunn Palace, and he firmly believes in himself with paranoid arrogance. It is correct, although it usually seems kind, but it seems that there is no point in reasoning with him.

If this is the case, then it is unreasonable!

Agnes took a deep breath to calm herself a little, and then she regained her composure.

Then, she replied solemnly and sharply to him. "You are free to have any absurd ideas, this is your freedom, you are self-obsessed, self-absorbed, and believe that the world will revolve around you alone, that is also your freedom-but you have to face the fact that Not everyone will act according to your will. I have never planned to flatter you before, and I will not do so in the future! As for the personal relationship between me and you... I advise you not to dream I would rather lose everything than let myself fall into such a shameful situation!"

Aigron didn't speak, just quietly looked at the girl in front of him.

Although nothing seemed to have changed, Agnes felt an unspeakable pressure invisibly, which made her heart beat faster.

She knew that her decision had angered the other party and put herself in danger.

However, although she is definitely unable to defeat the opponent with bare hands right now, she has made up her mind that even if she is desperate at this moment, she will never let this hateful boy succeed.

Agnes felt a surge of courage in her heart, making her look fearlessly at the young man in front of her, waiting for the judgment of fate.

Aigron quietly looked at the girl who was facing him fearlessly. Although she was wearing men's clothing right now, he couldn't help but recall the scene when they first met.

It was in Switzerland. He was hiding in a farm under the moonlit night. The girl was wearing a skirt and pulled out a sword from the umbrella rib in her hand, and then looked at herself with such piercing eyes.

What an elegant and beautiful scene... Although he fled in a panic at the time, that scene has been deeply engraved in his memory.

Therefore, he wants to keep this beauty in his hands forever.

Maybe it's a bug, but even a bug is worth a try.

He wasn't surprised by Agnes' violent reaction—in fact, it was odd she didn't.

"Everyone is going to have an opinion, it's just going to change over time, and I never expected you to kneel to me now, but Agnes...we both have time, and I'm going to make the world The way I want it."

Agnes sneered disdainfully, as if she didn't believe his rhetoric at all.

"It's late at night, Agnes, let's go back and rest." After a long silence, Aegron made a gesture.

And this also means that he doesn't have any willingness to stop the opponent.

Agnes, who was on high alert, was stunned for a moment, and then she finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that he really didn't intend to do anything.

So she faced Eggron, stared at him, and then slowly backed away step by step.

The young man under the moonlight did not take any action, but watched her leave silently.

After confirming that she was at a safe distance, Agnes finally turned around and walked back to her tent where she was resting.

Apart from anger and rejoicing, deep in her heart, there was actually an indescribable mood.

It stands to reason that when the noble ladies in Paris reach her age and have her appearance, they will start to surround themselves with a group of flattering suitors, and they will also easily learn from these suitors. The upper class welcomes all kinds of tricks; however, because she doesn't like to socialize and is superb in swordsmanship, there are almost no such attractive suitors around her, only those who are frightened by her. There is no way to experience the subtle feelings between men and women.

This is the first time in her life that someone has told her love to her face.

Damn bastard! Why is this kind of person?

Agnes suddenly had a painful feeling as if her soul was tainted, but she had nothing to do with him, and the sword skills she was proud of could not be used to teach this bastard.

The intertwining of anger and distress made her feel uneasy, and she tossed and turned sleeplessly all night on the simple camp bed.


Aegron watched Agnes's back going away without making any obstructions. He didn't move until she disappeared from his sight, and walked back to his tent along the original road.

"Your Majesty!" Chanel, who had already been waiting here, immediately asked him, "Did you have a good chat just now?"

"It's nice to be happy, but in the end we had a big fight." Aigron spread his hands and told the truth.

"What?!" Chanel's eyes widened in disbelief. "Why did you quarrel...? Did Miss Agnes say the wrong thing and offend you?"

In her mind, her master is eloquent and good at trying to figure out other people's thoughts, so the quarrel can only be caused by Miss Agnes.

However, her idea was still in vain.

"No, Agnes has been very polite to make me happy... It was me who angered her." Aegron shook his head lightly, "I told her that I want to keep her by my side forever .”

Chanel's expression suddenly became very exciting, including surprise and envy, but more of a helpless wry smile.

"At this time, if you say such things, of course she will be angry..." She sighed, "Miss Agnes is arrogant, she knows that you will marry Miss Teresa, of course she will not be willing to succumb Mistress... If you have similar thoughts, you should wait for the time to bring them up."

She felt that His Majesty must also understand this, so she didn't understand why His Majesty was so impatient.

"Agnes' character is like this. Even if I wait, what can I change? Do I want her to come to my arms voluntarily?" Agnes smiled bitterly, and then asked, "It's better to play guessing games with her." It's better to let her understand what I want directly."

"She understands now, and you got what you wanted?" Chanel couldn't help but mocked a little.

"Of course not." Aigron replied naturally, "On the contrary, she was furious and scolded me for humiliating her. At that time, I suspected that she was going to rush up and fight me desperately... Fortunately, she still retained a trace of reason in the end, knowing that the situation was serious. She is extremely unfavorable, otherwise I will have to spend a lot of effort."

"I'm also glad for you." Chanel couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

"You must have thought that I made a fool of myself and was rejected harshly, so I should be very depressed, right?" Aigron also smiled slightly, "But you are wrong, I am full of confidence instead."

"Where does this start?" Chanel was a little puzzled.

"Agnes's world is closed by her self. Her family and swordsmanship are all she knows of the world, and she is happy with it. She never thought of adding anything." Egron replied in a low voice, "You may think that she Be polite and nice to you, but honestly, she does that to everyone. She doesn't expect anything from the world, and doesn't intend to give any concern, except for a little bit of herself. Simply put , she doesn't know how to love, and if the outside world doesn't exert any influence, she won't fall in love with anyone, because...she doesn't need it at all. "

Chanel was stunned.

She felt that His Majesty's evaluation was a bit too harsh, but when she wanted to refute, she didn't know how to refute.

"So, I want to punch her closed world hard, shake her soul, and let her know that there is someone she can't beat, and she must be obtained. This is the only way to change her mind." Spreading her hands, she made a fist gesture, "Doing so will arouse her anger. I don't expect her to fall in love with me now, but if there is no love, hate is not bad."

What he said in front of Agnes just now, on the one hand, was indeed out of his interest and he couldn't help it;

Judging from the current results, he has succeeded. Although he doesn't know what will happen next, Agnes will never forget tonight.

"After that, will hate turn into love...?" Chanel asked blankly, she still didn't follow her train of thought.

"Of course not! Hate is hate, and it won't change. However, hate can also make her remember me. Maybe in the future, I can make her love me while hating...Of course, if I fail, then Only hate is left." Aigron couldn't help laughing, "Isn't this also very interesting?"

Chanel blinked ignorantly, obviously not understanding.

Aigron looked at Chanel's lovely face and couldn't help reaching out and touching it.

"Chanel, tell me first, what are you thinking? You asked her to comfort me on purpose, do you really just want to relax for me...?"

This question made Chanel a little embarrassed. She lowered her eyes and didn't know how to answer for a while.

After a while, she summoned up her courage, "Your Majesty... Actually, I also like Miss Agnes very much, and I admire her from the bottom of my heart, so I think it is a good thing if you can win her heart, Not only can it make you have fun, but it can also add a bit of prestige to you, after all, Agnes is very admired in Paris."

Although Chanel spoke vaguely, Egron immediately realized that she must have talked to Edgar, and these words were all Edgar's words.

This guy really has a bit of eloquence, and he easily fooled the people around him, even Chanel was bewitched... He was speechless for a while.

"So, you forgot the mission Teresa gave you, and deliberately came to create opportunities for me?" He laughed, teasing Chanel.

Chanel was even more embarrassed, she answered in a low voice. "Your Majesty...Maybe I did fall short of Her Majesty Teresa's expectations, but my bounden duty is to obey you and serve you. Your interests and your will are my top priorities. It is true that you Ask me to obey her orders and respect her, I have done so, but when your will conflicts with hers, I can only take your will as the standard, for me this is a matter of no choice... ..."

Chanel's heartfelt voice moved Aigron for a moment.

She follows herself with no regrets, and makes every effort to serve herself, only her own will.

How many people can achieve this kind of loyalty?

So, he couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed her cheek.

"Then... what are you going to do with Miss Agnes in the future?" Chanel asked with a blushing face without any resistance.

"Agnes's weakness is not in herself, but in the people she cherishes." Aegron replied, "I can't influence those people now, so I can only wait. But Chanel, one day their fate may be up to me." Come to dominate...and at that time, I am afraid they would be very happy to see me having an affair with Agnes."

Chanel blinked, seeming to understand something.

"Your Majesty, you will definitely have that day!" After a while, she replied firmly.

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