Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and fourteen, sideshow

"Miss Agnes..."

Prince Charlie's smile didn't make Agnes feel very friendly, but it made her a little baffled.

Of course she knew the other party's identity, but she knew even more that she had never had any contact with the prince in her life, so she couldn't understand why the other party would suddenly greet her.

And in such an occasion.

However, doubts are doubts, and the education she received since she was a child made her have to respond.

"Is there any order, sir?" she asked friendlyly, but clearly kept her distance.

Her indifference did not make the prince retreat, on the contrary he smiled more cordially.

"Miss Agnes, I know that due to your status, you don't want to participate too much among us, and would rather be a bystander. But... at this moment of celebration, are you willing to show a little bit of your demeanor? "

Agnes frowned slightly, not understanding what the other party meant.

So she just looked at each other, waiting for what to say next. "What do you mean?"

"I've always heard that you are good at swordsmanship—it's okay for ordinary people to say so, and even His Majesty, who is always easy to praise, is full of praise for you, so I can't help but feel curious." The prince Quickly explain.

Although this was a compliment to herself, Agnes couldn't help feeling annoyed when she heard him mention 'Your Majesty'.

"So, do you want to challenge me?" So Agnes asked not politely.

"I don't dare to..." The prince laughed awkwardly and waved his hands quickly, "I haven't studied swordsmanship before, how could I be your opponent? I'm afraid you can make me ashamed with a single sword. I just I just hope to see you show your skills..."

"Since you don't want to challenge yourself, how do you want to see it?" Agnes asked again.

"Naturally there are some passionate young people among us. They are not convinced by your reputation, so they want to experience your powerful strength for themselves." The prince still replied with a smile, "Everyone of us is in high spirits at the current banquet. It's a shame it ended like this, so I figured if there was any impressive sideshow, it would be the best..."

Agnes was slightly taken aback,

For a moment I didn't know how to answer.

She didn't expect that she would receive the challenge at this time.

According to her character, if she was in Paris, she would definitely fight it out. No matter how many challengers there are, just let them come. But now that she is in this place, is it appropriate to do so?

"That's not good..." After hesitating for a moment, Agnes shook her head. "I don't think it's appropriate to do this on this occasion, so as not to spoil the interest of all of you."

"Aren't you willing?" The prince was obviously disappointed. "Miss Agnes, you must not know that among us, there have always been people who have always admired and admired you. Among other things, the captain of His Majesty's personal guard, the Marquis André Davout, once challenged you. Then he failed. He has always been obsessed with his failure, so even those of us who have never seen you do it with our own eyes are already full of curiosity and admiration for you..."

The prince's words made Agnes happy and secretly funny.

"Mr. André Davout once mentioned this to me, but... I really don't remember it anymore. I have experienced many challenges. Even if I win, I will not laugh at any loser. Failure is not It would wear down on their dignity. He really doesn't need to be bothered about it."

"That's what he said, but he has made our curiosity reach its peak, and we really want to see your demeanor." The prince was still unwilling to give up, "You should just satisfy our curiosity——"

His relentless pursuit made Agnes suspicious.

"Sir, why are you so persistent? Do you have any personal reasons—?"

The prince smirked again in embarrassment, and then answered intermittently.

"Well... mainly because I made a bet with Edgar before."

"Edgar?!" Agnes was surprised again, "What did he do with you?"

"We were just chatting at first, but then the topic turned to his wife for some reason." The prince was embarrassed on the surface, but in fact he read out the speech he had prepared on purpose, "Edgar told her Madame boasted that she was incomparable in all the world, that she was gentle, virtuous, and able to manage the family business, and that no one in Paris could compare with her, which I completely agreed-but then he boasted that his lady's sister was also incomparable in the world. , there is absolutely no rival among his peers, and his appearance is also first-class; well, we have no disputes in terms of appearance, but in other respects, I always feel that he may be exaggerating, so the two of us quarreled Wake up... Finally we made a bet, I want to see it with my own eyes."

I see! Agnes was instantly annoyed.

It's Edgar again, how much trouble this guy has caused himself!

However, the prince's remarks suddenly aroused her strong desire to compete.

She doesn't want to shrink back under the contempt of others, and even more unwilling to shrink back when the other party mentions her sister.

My sister is naturally unparalleled in the world, how can I be inferior to her younger sister?

Well, since you guys are so ignorant, let me give you some color!

After some thought, she finally nodded.

"Okay... Since you are so kind to invite, I am really embarrassed to decline. However, I think that since this is a festive time, we'd better be careful not to disappoint everyone."

"Of course, of course!" Seeing Agnes let go, the prince was immediately overjoyed.

Agnes couldn't see the smug glint in the corner of his eyes.

That's right, this is the rhetoric that he and Edgar carefully fabricated——

Before, he had wooed Edgar and dealt with that "little Austrian girl" together, but he hated that Edgar was slippery and left without telling the truth, so he could only sigh helplessly; but he didn't Thinking of it, just today, Edgar took the initiative to find him and asked him to cooperate, to praise Agnes together, and to sing against Princess Teresa.

Upon hearing this proposal, the Prince was immediately overjoyed.

He has always had a heartache in his heart, that is, he was caught by Princess Teresa because of his negligence for a while, so he could only endure it for a while, and bowed his knees to Her Royal Highness, but the more he was like this, the more intense his anger was—— How shameful that a member of the dignified Bonaparte family, His Majesty's cousin, should be restrained by a little girl?

He had been looking for a way out, and Edgar's proposal just met his needs.

Although the marriage between His Majesty and Princess Teresa seems to be a certainty and it is impossible to change it, there has never been any rule that the monarch of France can only love one person-even on the contrary, the monarchs of all dynasties are all sensual, they Instead, the queen is just a mascot in the palace.

If His Majesty also abides by this "law of history", then he can find a chance to escape.

After all, in his capacity, what if he was greedy for some money? This was originally their family's money. The money and land that Emperor Napoleon bestowed on the brothers back then was much richer than this.

Now Teresa is restraining him, but if His Majesty has another love, what can this little Austrian girl do to herself? As long as His Majesty's "loved" is willing to intercede for him, His Majesty will just laugh at such "little things", and he doesn't have to be afraid of anything anymore.

After thinking about it, this kind of strategy of drawing salary from the bottom is the most once and for all.

Moreover, recently, while busy with the war, the prince has never relaxed to inquire about the news around His Majesty. He can naturally know that His Majesty was very close to this Miss Agnes before, and there was a tendency to burn firewood. Princess Teresa was furious and called Chanel over.

It was precisely because of this information that the prince hit it off with Edgar immediately after Edgar entered the door, and the two immediately reached a consensus of "resolutely supporting Miss Agnes".

Although the remaining time is limited, it is enough for the two of them to arrange.

After the banquet was held, the prince kept watching carefully, and when he judged that the fire was suitable, he walked over to Agnes and started their plan.

Sure enough, everything went well, according to Edgar's prepared rhetoric, he easily incited Agnes.

Although he had the first conversation with Agnes today, he immediately discovered that the girl had a bad temper and was aloof and indifferent, but she was not so thoughtful and was easily guided by others, especially the relationship with her family.

That would be great! He just needs this kind of person by His Majesty's side.

If the plan is realized, then as long as he can curry favor with her in the future, then he will have a strong backer in the future, and His Majesty will never be so strict with him again.

"Miss Agnes, please wait a moment, I'll arrange it right away." Because he was in a particularly good mood, the prince said goodbye to Agnes graciously, and returned to the place where he was standing.

While walking, he secretly made a gesture to Edgar who had been observing the situation not far away.

Seeing the prince's gesture, Edgar also smiled slightly.

Although His Majesty set strict conditions for him, he just tried his hand at it and allowed the situation to easily develop in the direction he wanted.

Right now, everything is ready, just watch the final performance...

For a moment, Edgar suddenly enjoyed the carefree feeling of "everything is under control".

However, after a moment of joy, he soon fell into sorrow again.

Looking at the well-dressed officers at the moment, he suddenly missed Paris very much, missed those gorgeous balls and those well-dressed ladies and ladies, and that was the stage he was really willing to gallop on.

This must be nostalgia... He picked up a glass of wine depressedly, and drank it down in one gulp.


While everyone was talking, Prince Charles quietly approached Egron's side.

"Your Majesty!" he whispered.

"What's the matter, my cousin?" Aigron asked with some surprise.

"Today's banquet was very grand and successful, and I think everyone enjoyed it very much." The prince said in a flattering tone, "Because of this, I think it's a pity to end here, and I think it's best to arrange some sideshows. "

"Side show?" Aigron was a little surprised, but soon became interested again, "Since you said that, then you must have an idea—tell me, I really want to hear it."

"Personally, I don't have any ideas, but I heard a suggestion from Edgar." The prince replied.

When he answered in this way, he could clearly feel that a look was sweeping over him - there was no doubt that the look was naturally cast by Princess Teresa who was standing next to Egron from time to time.

He was a little apprehensive, but now that this time had come, there was no point in hesitating any longer, so he might as well stick to it to the end.

"Oh? Edgar's proposal?" Aegron felt something vaguely in his heart when he heard this, but he was still a little curious, "What exactly is it?"

"Edgar has been boasting about the skills of his wife and sister to me before, as if no one can match it except you... So I don't believe it, so we made a bet that Agnes Show off your skills and see if he can blow as hard as he does." The prince first explained, and then urged Aigron, "Your Majesty, you see, everyone is excited today, and everyone is very excited. If so, why do we Wouldn’t it be more interesting to let everyone have fun? I believe that as long as Miss Agnes makes a move, everyone will be very happy regardless of the outcome.”

The more he talked, the more the prince felt chills all over his body, but he still bit the bullet and finished speaking.

After the prince finished speaking, Aigron suddenly realized.

It turned out that Edgar used this method to prevent them from communicating——

interesting, interesting.

He couldn't help showing a smile, then nodded heavily.

"It sounds very good. I haven't seen Agnes make a move for a long, long time. If there is a chance to meet again, it can indeed be regarded as a sideshow. I believe that the same is true for everyone else—but, is Miss Agnes willing? ?”

"She is willing, even eager to try. After all, she is happy to prove herself and make you and everyone present happy." The prince replied pointedly.

"That's good—" Eggron nodded again.

And this also means that the prince has obtained the authorization he wants.

So, he immediately walked to the middle of the crowd, and then shouted loudly.


After everyone stopped talking and turned their attention to himself, the prince immediately continued, "Today is a time of celebration, a time we will always remember, and it would be a pity if there were only wine and music. So... ...I propose to His Majesty to carry out a side activity. This side activity is..."

He purposely prolonged his voice, and after everyone had whetted their appetites, he spoke again. "Let a beautiful lady who is proficient in swordsmanship compete with her challenger! Since we soldiers live by swords, let's use swords to witness our glory today!"

Everyone first looked at each other in blank dismay, and was immediately infected by the prince's passion.

They had already drank a lot of wine, and their blood was surging at this time.


"Very good!"

The cheers came and went, and the people all gave way, crowding to the corners of the surrounding walls, leaving an open space in the middle.

This is the girl's stage.

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