Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and nineteen, long sleep

Under Aigron's kiss, Chanel was spiritually satisfied, and her original guilt was also relieved.

She knew in her heart that she was sorry for Miss Agnes and Princess Teresa, two girls whom she respected very much in her heart, and it was because of this that her conscience was disturbed.

However, since this is His Majesty's wish, then I can only obey.

After appeasing Chanel, Aegron ordered her to return to Teresa, and he himself walked back to the auditorium just now to continue tonight's banquet.

Not long after he came back, Teresa came back quietly, her expression was very calm, as if she had relieved the burden in her heart.

"Teresa, did you have a good chat with Agnes just now?" Aegron asked with a smile.

Because I have learned the content of the conversation between the two people from Chanel just now, Egron already knew that what he was most worried about did not happen, Agnes kept her promise and did not reveal the ridiculous things she did; Sha was also disturbed by this series of changes, so she didn't have any interest in pursuing this matter, and only wanted to make Agnes withdraw voluntarily.

Therefore, under deliberate manipulation, the two girls who were supposed to open their hearts to each other ended up getting lost in the mist due to various reasons, and the young man who was supposed to carry their common anger also escaped for the time being. up.

Because of this, Aigron's mind was extremely relaxed, sweeping away the previous tension.

"It was a pleasant chat," Teresa replied softly.

Then, she asked Aigron, "Your Highness, Miss Agnes is indeed an admirable person. As you know, I like Fanfan, so I am very happy to continue to be friends with her. And during our conversation, she also Promise me that you will treat me with the same respect, and you will never do anything that offends our friendship..."

The implication is that Agnes has withdrawn voluntarily, and she hopes that Aegron will stop pestering Agnes and tarnish their friendship.

For Aigron, there is of course only one answer to this question.

"Of course." He replied emphatically. "I'm glad to see you two get along so well. I will cherish your friendship."

Aigron's attitude was very considerate, but these words were vague when he thought about them carefully. It's just that Teresa was already in a state of confusion at this time, so she didn't have the energy to think carefully about these subtle words.

She was already a little tired from tonight's accident, and since Agnes and Egron had both expressed it, she also felt that it should be over.

For her, it is the best result for everyone to give in decently, so that she can continue to go on with her fiancé for her dream...

"Your Highness, it's getting late, let's call it a day, shall we?" she suggested.

Eggron was of course happy to agree. "Okay, then I'll announce the end of the banquet."

So, Aigron walked to the center of the auditorium, then waved his hand and made a gesture.

Following his gestures, none of the officers who were still chatting, or laughing and cursing, dared to speak out anymore, and hurriedly stood still and looked at the young man.

"Everyone, it's getting late, and our banquet is over." Aigron said to everyone calmly, "I believe that tonight will be a pleasant night for all of us. Whether we I will never forget the lively scene of the victory celebration, or the gorgeous performance of the unknown lady. We celebrate our hard-won victory with happy celebrations, but we will always remember the suffering and sacrifice we have endured , there are still too many difficulties and obstacles before us, we must not stop here and hesitate, today we are celebrating in Greece, and one day we will celebrate together in Fontainebleau!"

Then he picked up a glass of wine and yelled, "Let's toast to victory!"

"For victory!" Everyone present picked up their glasses one after another.

Aigron drank the wine in the glass generously, and then glanced at the people present from the corner of his eyes.

Soon, he found Agnes in the corner just now.

Although the candlelight in that corner was relatively dim, the girl's haughty figure was conspicuous enough. Coupled with the corolla on her head, it was as if Artemis, the goddess of hunting, had arrived.

While he was watching, as if feeling something, Agnes also raised her head, and immediately met his gaze.

As if being stung, Agnes immediately frowned, as if she was about to raise her sword and kill again.

However, fortunately, she doesn't intend to spoil the scenery now, so there are no unnecessary actions.

Aegron still kept smiling, and then nodded to her lightly as a greeting, while Agnes gave him a hard look, and immediately looked away.

Eggron hadn't been treated like this for a long time, but he wasn't angry at the moment, because he knew that this was the price he had to bear.

Okay, it's okay, you will feel better then.

In this way, under Aigron's order, the celebration banquet came to an end.

Everyone filed out one after another. For them, tonight was full of excitement, delicious food and wine, as well as the rare performance, which was enough for them to have a good time, clear away the fatigue accumulated on their bodies, and have a little more to talk about.

And for Eggron and Teresa, they have finally completed an essential courtesy show.

Being a member of the royal family is something they have learned from childhood, and even an important part of their lives.

But now, they are all quite tired and just want to rest as soon as possible.

In the deep night, under the guidance of Chanel, they came to the upstairs room where they rested.

Then, Chanel helped them change their clothes, and washed them briefly, and then they went to bed together.

After lying down on the bed, Teresa hugged her fiancé habitually. Because she was exhausted tonight and because of drinking a lot of wine, she was not in good spirits, so she didn't have much to say.

"Your Highness, do we have any plans for tomorrow?" She asked a simple question softly.

"Let's visit the remains of Mr. Byron together." Aigron suggested, "I promised you before, now that you have come to Mesolonghi, it's time."

"Really?" Teresa suddenly recovered, and then looked at the young man with wide eyes, "That's great...!"

"As long as you're happy." Eggron replied with a smile.

"Your Highness... I really like every day I spend with you." Teresa hugged the young man tightly, and then slightly closed her eyes, "It would be best if we can always be like this in the future. We became a couple, and we have been together forever, you promised..."

Then Teresa stopped talking, and the two hugged each other like this, and fell into a deep sleep——

Early the next morning, Aigron took Teresa to the outside of a house in Messolonghi.

Aigron told her that this was Byron's former residence.

Because today was an ordinary private event, and she was visiting the relics of the deceased, Teresa was only wearing a rather plain dress, and her expression was quite solemn.

She has been obsessed with her father's study since she was a child, and she is especially fond of those poets and writers. Of course, she is already familiar with Lord Byron, a famous poet, and she also appreciates Byron's works.

When the news of Byron's death reached Vienna, she couldn't help but feel unspeakable regret at such a young age.

However, what made her happy was that the cause of Greek independence that Byron had been obsessed with before his death was being completed by her and her fiancé at this time. Feel really gratified to realize it?

Because of the coexistence of sadness and gratification, Teresa's eyes were also quite complicated. She looked at the dilapidated house in front of her, and then looked inside and out.

To her disappointment, there are not many traces of the great poet here, no daily necessities, no residents who knew him, and no his posthumous manuscripts, nothing.

Although she knew that this was a normal thing, she still couldn't help feeling a little sad in her heart.

"Has he left nothing?" she whispered to Aigron.

"I'm sorry, Teresa." Eggron spread his hands, "There is nothing left."

He didn't tell Teresa the truth. In fact, this is not Byron's former residence at all, and it is impossible to have his things.

After Byron's death, most of his relics were sent back to England with his remains, and the rest were shared among the local people.

Then, because of the back and forth invasion of the war, the Mesolonghi Fortress was already devastated. Even those who had lived here for many years could no longer find traces of Byron's former residence. What Byron memorial facility.

In the original historical line, after the end of the Greek War of Independence, in order to commend the poet’s contribution to the Greek Independence Movement, mainly in public opinion, the Greek government specially allocated funds to build a cemetery for Byron near Mesolonghi Byron's body was brought back to England for burial, leaving behind a lung and memorial sculpture in Greece.

In order not to disappoint Teresa, who was thinking about it, Aigron found a less severely damaged residence in the city, and then claimed that it was Byron's former residence. Anyway, no one could prove it.

Of course Teresa was unaware of her fiancé's little trick, and she felt rather regretful and disappointed at the moment.

She knows what's going on.

After Byron came to Greece, he worked hard for the Greek War of Independence and almost spent all his wealth. Later, when I was riding a horse, I encountered heavy rain, and unfortunately contracted pneumonia, and then became seriously ill and was bedridden for many days. Byron kept raving in his coma, encouraging his colleagues to move on.

The doctor who took care of him then bled him, cut the vein with a sharp lancet, and put it in a silver bowl, which weighed a pound.

Then all these efforts ended in failure, and on the final night, Byron fell asleep forever. Lying on a bed in Greece, with a window above his head, outside the window are gloomy mountains, rivers and moonlight, and a dilapidated ruin. His pillow is pressed with poems and official documents, and it is impossible to add more to these things in the future. pen.

Teresa looked around, and in the void, she seemed to see a tragic scene:

The poet who was once rich, handsome, and full of love and courage for the world is now only covered with a layer of white cloth, and there is only boundless silence left on the once intelligent head, and the original handsome face has also fallen asleep forever .

"Death will deprive a person of everything. He lost everything because of this place, but in the end there is nothing left for him here!" She couldn't help but sigh.

Aegron shook his head suddenly as if he knew she would say that.

"No, Teresa, he can stay."

"What?" Teresa looked at the young man in confusion.

"Follow me" Eggron said with a pretended mysterious smile.

Teresa was puzzled, but she followed Aigron obediently. She was full of curiosity and wanted to see what His Highness had prepared for her.

Surrounded by their entourage, the two walked out of the fort along the path, and soon came to a clearing.

The clearing was in the middle of a green field, surrounded by withered and yellow trees, and weeds were also growing here and there.

And in the middle of the clearing, a large group of people were busy, either carrying stones on their backs, or cutting trees with axes, and around them, a group of soldiers with guns seemed to be watching them and supervising their labor.

Thanks to the hard work of these people, a large piece of loess has appeared in the middle of the green land, and many pits have been dug, some of which have been filled with stones, but because the project has just started, it is not known what will happen in the future What does it look like.

"What is this?" Teresa asked the young man hastily. "Who are they?"

"They are all our captives this time, the Turks who survived." Aigron replied calmly, "As for what they are doing... they are building cemeteries and monuments. We will use this place as the resting place for the fallen soldiers .”

After a pause, he added, "Lord Byron's monument will undoubtedly be placed here."

After the Turkish soldiers had surrendered to him, Aigron had no qualms about keeping them in labor, for he knew they would be worse off if he handed them over to the Greeks.

Moreover, since I support them, it seems natural for them to make compensation.

He also has reason to use heavy labor to wear down their physical strength and will to resist.

Rebuilding cities, erecting tombs and monuments, was a necessity.

"This is great..." Teresa also fully understands and supports this.

She laughed in surprise, and then pointed to the cemetery, which was still in its infancy.

"We will leave traces forever, together!"

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