Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty-four, allies and destiny

Of course, Egron could not know the grand march of the Russian Empire to the Balkan Peninsula and what happened in the prime minister's residence in Vienna at this time, but all of this was basically in his expectation.

The so-called time makes a hero, he took advantage of a favorable time point to stir up the situation on the European continent, and then quietly waited for his victory to arrive.

Combining his own understanding of history, the knowledge he has learned over the years, and long-term thinking, he firmly believes that based on the current development of the situation, everything he is waiting for will definitely happen.

Of course, he is not an evildoer who can count everything, and cannot predict everything 100%, but he is willing to make a gamble with a chance of winning because he has no choice.

If everything turned out not as he wished, then he didn't need to admit defeat to fate, anyway, what he had won now was enough.

After discussing the next step with Edmund Dantès, he began to prepare his subordinates for this. At the same time, he waited for another good news from the Austrian diplomat, Ambassador Von Genz. The secretary, Herr Alfred von Mayrhofen, hastened to Messolonghi to see him.

He deliberately asked Teresa to negotiate with the other party first, so as to listen to the tone of the Austrian government. Judging from the talks between the two, the effect was very satisfactory. After that, Teresa rushed to Mesolonghi to rejoin him, while Mr. von Mayrhofen stayed in the Peloponnese, meeting with Aeglon's Greek allies to understand the local situation .

A few days later, Mr. von Mayrhofen finished his investigation and officially came to Mesolonghi to see the Lord in order to complete his final mission, and Aigron was also very happy to help him complete his mission at this time.

After learning about him, Aigron didn't delay, and had someone call him to his and Teresa's residence, and then met him with Teresa.

Guided by the guards, the cautious diplomat came to the reception room, and then saw the boy and girl sitting upright.

After recognizing the two of them, Mr. von Mayrhofen immediately took off his hat and saluted the young man.

"His Royal Highness Duke Reichstedt and Princess Teresa, I am very honored to have this opportunity to meet with you."

"Mr. von Mayrhofen, I am also very honored to know you." Aigron also replied formulaically, and at the same time stood up with Teresa, nodding for the diplomat.

While the two were talking, although von Mayrhofen lowered his head, he kept looking at the young man opposite him from the corner of his eyes.

The young man's face was much more handsome than he had imagined, even with a hint of childishness, but perhaps because he was used to bossing around his subordinates, he already exuded a sense of majesty in his gestures, and his gaze was even more majestic. With a murderous courage.

Von Mayerhofen felt a little embarrassed, because he was that person's successor after all.

Moreover, this young man has become a legend, and his illustrious reputation is enough to make people forget his age.

"Please sit down." Eggron saw the other party's embarrassment, so he gently asked the other party to take a seat, and then the three of them sat down together again.

"Excuse me, have we met before?" Then he asked again.

"Unfortunately, this is the first time we meet, Your Highness." Mr. von Mayrhofen replied cautiously. "However, I have read about you several times in the newspapers."

"Oh, it's not surprising. Although I lived in the palace for a long time, I seldom show up to the outside world. It's normal for you not to see me," the young man replied with a smile. "The Austrian government will not let so many people come to see me."

From his expression and words, he couldn't feel any hatred, but it seemed that he couldn't hide some complaints.

"Prime Minister Metternich also has his concerns." Embarrassed, von Mayrhofen could only smile wryly, "I admit that you may have encountered some unpleasantness before, but judging from the results,

Only the Austrian Empire has given you enough honors, and sincerely hopes that you can become a qualified and excellent prince. "

"That's true. I know very well that my treatment will only be worse if I stay in other places. At least my grandfather allows me to enjoy the safety and treatment that a royal family member deserves." Speaking of this, Aigron looked at To Teresa, "I have been given the best fiancée in the world... I am a person with clear grievances, and I will be grateful for all of these."

Teresa was a little shy, but still looked at Aigron with a smile.

And von Mayrhofen laughed sheepishly.

He knew very well in his heart that the Duke was deliberately playing the emotional card, deliberately exaggerating the atmosphere of "everyone is a family", and he was happy to cooperate because his task was to cooperate with His Highness.

"Your Highness, I am very glad that you are so discerning between right and wrong. You are right. No matter how the situation changes, blood relationship is eternal. It is an unchangeable fact that you are the grandson of His Majesty the Emperor. Although due to various unfortunate reasons , There have been some conflicts between you and His Majesty, but His Majesty has never thought of cutting off your relationship, he thinks you are one of his best descendants in his heart, and the reality has proved this." He pretended to be full He replied affectionately, and then he also looked at Princess Teresa, "Despite all the turmoil, His Majesty the Emperor still congratulates the two Highnesses on their marriage, and he will always love you both."

"I will always love His Majesty the Emperor and pray for his health and longevity." Princess Teresa replied with a smile.

A pot of ecstasy soup was poured down on each other, and all three of them were smiling. On the surface, they were already having a good time, not even a diplomatic event.

But Aigron himself knew that these nice words were earned by himself, and they must not be taken seriously. Once he loses his value of use, or goes to the opposite side of Austria, his grandfather will turn his face and be ruthless as fast as he is now. That's how he made trouble for his son-in-law Napoleon back then.

"We are all very good at looking forward, and now is indeed the time to look forward." Aigron changed the subject and became serious, "Although I have won victory after victory and the situation is very good, but we are all now We can see that a heavy dark cloud is pressing on our heads, and it is getting closer and closer to us."

"You're right." Von Mayrhofen also nodded solemnly, "Your Highness, from our point of view, the Russian Empire's march is imminent, and it may even have begun at this very moment."

"This is the problem that is giving us all a headache..." Aigron sighed in annoyance, and then asked the other party, "So what do you think about this?"

"Your Highness, with your ingenuity, you must know what we want you to do." Von Mayrhofen was not polite, and directly got to the point, "We hope you can help Greece become independent as soon as possible, and exclude pro-Russian people influence, and if possible, try to allow this independent country to maintain stability in the entire Balkan Peninsula with a neutral and pragmatic attitude.”

Although the second half of the conversation was a bit cloudy, Aegron continued to ask.

"Then tell me, how much do you think Greece can cut from the Turks if it becomes independent?"

"I can't give you an accurate answer to this question. After all, Austria still needs to discuss with other important countries in detail. However, judging from the current situation, the recovery of Greece is already an inevitable reality." Von Mayrhofen laughed again. "Until everyone comes to a conclusion, you can play as much as you want...but you must maintain the basic survival of the Turkish Empire."

Eggron understood.

"It can only end in Thrace?" he muttered, "I didn't expect you to care so much about Turkey."

"Turkey..." A trace of contempt flashed across von Mayrhofen's face, "Who cares about Turkey! This sick man is alive now because Christian countries are wary of each other and hate each other. Europe needs a way to stay. Watchdog on the Channel, so it wasn't divided up."

Austria and the Turks have been enemies for generations. They have fought many wars with each other before modern times. They are the mortal enemies of the Sudan. They were only replaced by the Russian Empire later. Therefore, when it comes to Turkey, of course von Mayrhofen can’t say anything good. .

However, just because Turkey has declined, it is safest to keep Constantinople in their hands. No Christian country can tolerate another Christian country taking it into its pocket. Although it is hard to hear, it is the reality.

Aigron thought about it for a moment. To be honest, the result was not beyond his expectation, and he just pretended to be disappointed in order to raise the asking price.

"So is Ioannina okay?" A moment later, he asked another question. "Would you like to see me get there?"

Von Mayrhofen froze for a moment, then nodded immediately, "If you like, this is your freedom, but I suggest you better beware of the Russians, after all, they are hostile to you."

After a while, he said with some hesitation, "Also, Your Highness, with all due respect, since you can't wear the crown of Greece, you'd better not let Greece become too powerful after the war. The stronger it is, the better it will be." With the freedom of action, there is no need to be grateful to you, Dade, I have seen too much treachery in my life, I think you'd better think about it early..."

Aigron knew that the other party's words were purely out of goodwill, so he persuaded himself, and what he said was true. In fact, he had been guarding against this move from the very beginning.

Like these diplomats, he had no illusions about humanity.

"Thank you for your reminder, but I have also considered this, sir." He couldn't help laughing, "If I am lucky enough to capture Ioannina, I will not let it become the territory of Greece in the future. It will be a separate political entity, ruled by a Grand Duke."

"Then is he a member of the Bonaparte family?" Von Mayrhofen immediately became alert. "If so, I advise you to think again. After all, the current international environment is not good for you."

"No, you don't worry too much." Aegron shook his head, and then replied, "I plan to support a successor with appeal as the future Grand Duke."

He then detailed his plan

When he first heard Haidee, von Mayrhofen was a little surprised, but he nodded after hearing it. "This is an interesting idea, and it is reasonable. Although I have to ask Vienna to get the answer, I personally think that Prime Minister Metternich will not object to it. After all, Ioannina has already escaped from the rule of the Turks. .”

Then, he looked at Aigron again, "Also, Your Highness, I have a suggestion."

"What suggestion?" Aigron nodded immediately, "Just say it."

"Although Ali Pasha rebelled against the sultan, he is still a dictator, and so must Miss Haidee. If you pay the price of blood to support a dictatorship, it is not good for you I'm afraid the reputation will be bad," von Mayrhofen said in a low voice, "so I suggest that after you get that Miss Haidee, let her convert to the Orthodox Church and write a letter to the Tsar to confess her sincerity, so that she can get the support of the Greeks. Goodwill and support, secondly, the Russian Empire will also welcome this, and you will face much less resistance..."

Aigron thought about it carefully and found that this suggestion really made sense.

Converting Haiidee to the Orthodox Church will firstly win the favor of Russia and Greece; secondly, it will draw a clear line between Haiidee and the original supporters of the Pasha family, making her even more isolated and helpless, and can only rely on her own support .

Writing a letter to the Tsar won't bring any risk. Anyway, Haiidee will be in his hands when the time comes, so it's not a matter of saying how to manipulate it?

That's right, let's do it!

"Thank you for your suggestion, I will listen to it" So he nodded with a smile. "Mr. Von Mayrhofen, you are indeed an excellent diplomat. I think you will have a bright future."

"Your talent is far above mine." Von Mayrhofen also smiled and replied humbly.

While the two were talking and laughing, the fate of a little girl was decided, and the fate of a small future country was also decided.

This is the case with the world order where the weak prey on the strong in this era. Big countries can decide the future of small countries at will, without even asking for their opinions.

During the chatter and laughter, Aigron's impression of Mr. von Mayrhofen also became particularly good.

He could see that whether it was the persuasion just now or the supplementary suggestion now, he provided suggestions out of goodwill and from his own standpoint. At least at this moment, the Austrian diplomat is indeed regarded as "his own people".

Of course, this kind of goodwill does not come from charity, but from the capital he has robbed.

This is the first big country to express its kindness to him, and he still has a long way to go.

"Sir, in order to realize my plan, I still need you." Aigron said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" asked von Mayrhofen.

"I will assign one of my trusted subordinates to follow you back to Istanbul." Egron replied with a smile, "Please and Mr. Ambassador assist him in bringing that Miss Haide back."

"I didn't expect you to have such a skill." Von Mayrhofen was slightly taken aback, and then sighed helplessly. "Okay, Your Highness, we are happy to provide you with convenience if we can, but please remember what you need to do."

"I will always remember." Aegron replied solemnly, and held out his hand to him.

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