Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and thirty-five, appointed

"Your Highness, how about paying a visit to your mother then?"

This sudden question left Aegron at a loss as to how to answer it.

Technically, there was no difficulty - since his mother, Empress Luisa of the Empire, is now the Grand Duchess of Parma in Italy, so close to Rome that he could take the time to visit her if he wanted to .

But... From an emotional point of view, he didn't want to see her.

Since coming to Austria, he and his mother had been separated from each other, and the gap between them had been irreparable-and he didn't want to.

"Why?" Aegron asked after a moment of silence.

He knew that Teresa had always wanted to bridge the relationship between him and his mother, and he had persuaded him to improve the relationship with his mother many times before, and he obeyed, but going to meet his mother was another matter...Why?

He couldn't find any reason in his heart to see her, and he never missed his mother.

"Do you still need to ask why? After all, she is your mother. Is it necessary to have a reason to visit your own mother alone?" Teresa asked the young man, "I know you have a bad relationship, and she owes you too much, but Isn't the past all over? She didn't cause you any trouble anymore. "

"That's not a reason." Aegron retorted Theresa annoyedly. "Blood relationship doesn't mean I have to respect her unconditionally! Yes, I don't hate her anymore, but I don't want to have anything to do with her either. As long as the two of us live our lives well with each other, I sincerely wish her a long and healthy life."

It is extremely rare for Aigron to speak to Teresa in this tone. On the one hand, he hates being kidnapped by this kind of morality. On the other hand, mentioning his mother reminds him of the dark days before, and the old enemy New hatred is welling up in my heart, how can I be calm.

Seeing Aigron's performance, Teresa was a little flustered for a while, but she still insisted on her opinion.

"Your Highness, maybe you don't like to hear it, but the starting point of my saying these words is for your consideration - I know that although you are open-minded in your mouth, you are still full of resentment towards her in your heart, but it is precisely because of this that you should go to Looking for a chance to clear up the resentment, don't you? Are you going to spend your whole life cutting off your mother and ignoring each other? That's too sad. Think about it, if we start a family and have a child in the future, and the child asks How should we respond to the question of where his grandmother is? What will your children think of you when they know you see your mother as your enemy?"

This question made Egron speechless.

Seeing that the young man was shaken, Teresa continued to chase, "Also, think about it, after we came to Greece this time, she actually helped us a lot. Without her approval, we wouldn't have been able to do so easily. She has exchanged all the jewels for cash to support your war - from this point of view, she is kind to you, can you deny this? In this case, even for the sake of this kindness, we Wouldn't it be okay to visit her once?"

Aigron finds himself persuaded by Teresa.

Anyway, it won't take much time to see each other when the time comes, so let's treat it as a "homecoming".

"Well, if she writes to me saying that she wishes to see me, then in the light of our blood relationship, I would like to spend a little time to visit her—" At last, he replied stiffly.

"Pfft haha..." Teresa couldn't help but covered her mouth and laughed when she saw his arrogant and stubborn appearance. "Well, I will fight for it. Today you promised, if Queen Louisa writes to invite you, you will find time to visit her. Don't regret it then, let me embarrass you..."

"Of course, I never go back on what I promised." Aigron nodded with a wry smile.

Now only Teresa dared to insist on such opinions in front of him.

This is a good thing, if everyone only promises to themselves, such a life would be too boring.

After this little argument, the two held hands and continued to look at the distant sea together, enjoying the rare leisure that only belonged to the two of them.

Before he knew it, Teresa had already leaned against him, and then buried her head in his arms, using his chest to shield her from the howling sea wind.

Then, with her eyes closed, Teresa uttered her emotion with a sense of enjoying comfort.

"Your Highness...In retrospect, although I have suffered and suffered in the past few months, this is the most intense chapter in my life. In these short few months, I bid farewell to the study and truly touched the world... ...I seem to see fate is weaving under our feet, weaving it by our own hands, this is the extraordinary I dream of!"

Then, she smiled slightly, "Thank you for leading me to achieve extraordinary things together... Next, we will be together, always together, to achieve those extraordinary careers, I will always look forward to it, and I will never feel tired , I am so grateful to God for bringing you to my side."

Aigron also replied with a smile, "Then I hope I can keep you happy forever."

Teresa is like a young girl who is not familiar with the world, full of romantic imagination developed in the study, but she does not lack the reason and judgment in the world, which is really commendable.

Perhaps only in the environment she lived in since she was a child can she have the opportunity to develop these two seemingly contradictory qualities.

After the two hugged for a long time, they parted ways.

"By the way, Your Highness, if we leave, what will happen to the Principality of Ioannina?" Teresa asked again. "Have you figured out who to take care of?"

"I will appoint Father Faria as the Prime Minister of the Principality, and Edmund Dantès as Haidee's guardian." Egron replied directly.

"Father Faria?" Teresa was a little surprised at first.

This surprise was not due to doubts about the priest's ability - when Aigron was away on an expedition, Teresa was left to take care of the rear, and Father Faria was left as her advisor, so Teresa was more than other priests. Anyone knows the ability and wisdom of the priest.

But... the priest also has his flaws.

Firstly, he was not a well-established Bonapartist, and he was unknown during the empire, so he might be a little hard to convince the public; secondly, he was in poor health and could not move easily, so it was difficult for him to bear the pressure of a lot of government affairs.

Teresa has been with the priest for so long, so she can see these problems more clearly.

"Father Faria is indeed a very powerful person, but... can he bear it?" After hesitating for a moment, Teresa couldn't help admonishing Egron tactfully.

"I said he is suitable and he is suitable. If anyone thinks he is not suitable, they can come to me—" Aigron replied with great momentum. "I am the one who decides everything. Anyone who questions my appointment is against me."

"Even if you don't object publicly, I'm afraid some people will still be unconvinced." Teresa replied in a low voice.

She deliberately did not call names, so as not to show any traces, and she believed that Aigron could guess who she was referring to.

Sure enough, Egron frowned, showing disgust.

"They may have some opinions, but I will make appropriate arrangements accordingly, so don't worry so much."

He also knew that if he appointed Father Faria Prime Minister of the Principality, his two cousins ​​would be full of resentment, so as a precaution, he would deprive them of their military power after the war, and Send both of them out of the Principality of Ioannina to perform tasks for themselves.

Moreover, he will keep Edmund Dantès in the principality as Haidee's guardian, and assist Father Faria to manage this small principality by the way.

He believed that with Father Faria and Edmond Dantès, the adoptive father and adopted son, even if he and Teresa left, nothing would happen to Ioannina.

Of course, if this arrangement is made, there will be concerns that the foster father and foster son have too much power and "the tail is too big to lose", but right now he doesn't have the energy and manpower to make any checks and balances, so it's better to trust the character of these two people .

Besides, although Father Faria may not die in two or three years like the original book, judging from his physical health, he may not be able to live for a few more years, so worrying so much is completely unnecessary.

It's better to let this old priest fulfill his wish in his later years, enjoy the feeling of becoming a big man, and repay his service to him.

He had no time and no need to explain all these thoughts to Teresa, but from his attitude, Teresa had already seen that he really had a plan in mind, so she no longer raised any doubts.

She has no objection to Father Faria becoming the prime minister of the principality, because the priest has a good relationship with her and is very willing to serve her.

At this moment, she was laughing to herself instead, because she quietly aroused Aggron's disgust for his cousins.

Ever since that night, she had already made up her mind that to make them pay the price, it was just the beginning.

The more people stand on her side, the more unshakable she is, and those who oppose her, or even join forces to sing against her, have no room to live.

She is not obsessed with power and tactics, nor does she have to control everything, but if anyone wants to separate her and His Highness, he must pay the due price.

"Then let's go and inform Father Faria together? He is qualified to enjoy such an honor." Teresa suggested.

"Okay!" Eggron readily agreed.

So, the two walked down the city wall together, and then came to Father Faria's residence hand in hand.

At this time, Father Faria is also busy here, and the servants who take care of him are packing things non-stop—however, the priest's own personal belongings are not very many, except for some clothes, there are only various books left And the notebook diary.

During his more than ten years of prison life, he has already gotten used to a poor and simple life, and now he can get in touch with the outside world, which already makes him enjoy himself.

He really enjoys the feeling of staying beside the young man and planning for him, because at this time, for this paralyzed old man, the only entertainment is to use his brain power.

Father Faria, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was flattered when he saw his lords visiting together, and hurriedly greeted them.

"Father Faria, how is your health recently?" Teresa asked him with a smile.

"Thanks to your care, I am in good health now." Father Faria replied respectfully.

"So, do you think your body is strong enough to withstand the pressure of heavy affairs?" Teresa asked again.

Father Faria was a little puzzled, and for a moment he even suspected that he might be thrown aside and cast idle.

"I am always ready to undertake any tasks assigned by Your Majesty and you." He quickly summoned up his courage and replied, "Your Highness, you know that using my brainpower to serve you is now the only entertainment I live for, and I enjoy it... ..."

Seeing the priest's answer, Teresa nodded with a smile, and then looked at Aigron.

"Well, I can see it too, you look very good—" Aigron also made a conclusion, then he looked at the old priest and directly put forward his own thoughts, "So, Father Faria, before Teresa and I After some discussion, we finally agreed that you are the best candidate for the future prime minister of the Principality of Ioannina. I will ask you again now—do you think you are mentally and physically strong enough to take on such an important task?"

Aigron's question, like an electric shock, stunned the priest. He really didn't expect that this position would fall on him one day.

He had actually thought about it secretly before, and planned to assist the future head of government affairs of the principality in governing this new country as a consultant, but he did not expect that this young couple actually thought of giving him this honor directly.

To accept, or not to accept?

This is simply a question that does not need to be weighed-for the old priest who has nothing to worry about now, his only pursuit is self-realization in life.

And being appointed Prime Minister of the Principality is the best way for him to realize himself in life.

How could he refuse?

But the more he wants to accept it, the more he needs to be reserved and consider all aspects of His Majesty.

So, he suppressed the hot blood in his heart like a tide, and then replied pretending to be calm.

"If Your Majesty wants me to take on such a heavy responsibility, I have no shirkable responsibility. No matter how bad my physical condition is, I must fulfill my obligations... But Your Majesty, you can see that I am already dying and in poor health. My fulfillment of the task will affect me, and I implore you to reconsider."

"This is not a problem. We didn't choose the Prime Minister of the Principality to hunt rabbits in the mountains. We don't need any agile body at all. Even if we only stay in the study, as long as we have a clear enough mind, we can perform this duty—— Aigron replied firmly, "Father Faria, this is the result of our discussions. If you think you can bear it, I hope you will not refuse."

"That's good... I'm willing to serve you, even if I die." Father Faria let out a long sigh.


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