Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and forty-two, the Spartan agreement

After returning to Methoni in a low-key manner, Aigron and Teresa enjoyed a short period of joy. During these few days, they no longer need to worry about the outside world, and can concentrate on savoring the fun of daily life and all the troubles in the world. , seems to have nothing to do with them.

However, this is only an occasional rest after all, there are too many things waiting for the young man to decide, and he cannot be left for too long.

Just as the agreed date was approaching, Aigron and Teresa reluctantly left Methone, and under the protection of the guards, they embarked on a journey to Sparta together.

The last time Aigron went along this road to meet with Theodoros Kolokotronis and reached a cooperation agreement between the two parties.

But this time, he met with the other party again in order to celebrate his success and to delineate the border between the future Kingdom of Greece and the Principality of Ioannina.

In terms of the current relationship between the two parties, it is not difficult to reach a tacit agreement on this issue.

Therefore, compared to the seriousness and depression last time, this time Egron felt much more relaxed. He and Teresa rode together and walked slowly through various villages and towns surrounded by guards. It's like traveling in mountains and rivers.

At this time, the news about him and Teresa had already spread in the Peloponnese Peninsula, so wherever they passed, the villagers gathered on both sides of the road, cheering for them, and some even Send bread and salt to this small caravan as a sign of welcome and respect-although it is winter now, it has not stopped people's enthusiasm in the slightest.

Such enthusiasm, of course, is not all out of love and gratitude to Aigron and Teresa. These villagers have lived in their own villages for generations, and most of them even live in the small Peloponnese Peninsula. I have never walked out, and I have never seen a few important people in my life, but I just have a vague idea of ​​the outside world.

So it's no surprise that when Napoleon's son and the Habsburg princess passed through the country together, they instinctively wanted to see it.

Perhaps—their demeanor when passing through these villages will become the biggest talking point in these villages in the next few decades.

Of course Aigron and Teresa can see the mentality of the villagers, but they are also very happy to satisfy their psychology of watching the excitement, so every time they pass a village, they will meet the village chief and accept the bread and salt they worship, As well as other gifts, although they did not understand the language, they all accepted these gifts with a very humble attitude, and made everyone who was received feel like a spring breeze.

For Aigron and Teresa, this is the basic skill they have practiced since childhood, and they both know that,

One day in the future, they will also hold this kind of people-friendly show in France. It is a good thing to practice and preview in advance.

In this way, the two of them walked and stopped among the villages along the way with a playful attitude, and it took two days to arrive after a journey of dozens of kilometers.

At this time, Theozolos and Panos, father and son, were already waiting here.

When they saw this mighty team, the father and son quickly asked the guards around them to fire their guns into the sky to show their welcome. As the distance between the two teams got closer, Aigron and Teresa also got off their horses , and then walked together in front of the father and son.

"I'm glad to have met you so soon." Theozolos Kolokotronis changed his usual seriousness and looked at Aigron with a smile on his face, while his son Panos translated beside him. "I have to say, you are doing better than I imagined."

Even if he didn't translate, Aigron could guess what he meant, so he also smiled and replied to the other party, "Without you holding a large group of Turks, I wouldn't be able to win easily, so... the victory now belongs to us. Yes, we also need to cherish together.”

After listening to Panos' translation, Theozolos nodded solemnly, "Yes, that's right, we must cherish the hard-won victory and the peace that will follow. Your Highness, I can't express it in words. I am grateful to you, but please rest assured that my son and I will always be your friends, and as long as we can speak, Greece will always be your friend—”

After speaking, he warmly opened his arms to the young man, and then hugged Aigron to express his kindness and gratitude.

Then, his eyes fell on Teresa next to him.

"Your Highness, you are so beautiful and graceful, worthy of your family's reputation." He complimented Teresa, "I can't help feeling that after so many centuries of devastation, our country, which has suffered a lot, When will a woman like you be born who can lead the country?"

After listening to the translation, Teresa still smiled happily even though she knew that the other party was speaking politely.

"You are really flattered!" She quickly and humbly replied, "Your motherland is a great civilized country, and all European countries have bathed in the blessings from here...Although it has experienced catastrophe, it is destined to be reborn from the ashes. Those outstanding women will emerge sooner or later, like the goddesses in mythology, to inherit the culture and elegance of this civilization."

After finishing speaking, she took the initiative to hug Theozoros with the courtesy of a junior to an elder.

Seeing Princess Teresa being so humble, Theozoros was also extremely happy.

After hearing the news from his son that Princess Teresa came with her fiancé, he already found it very interesting. Now that he saw the real person, he felt that it was really extraordinary.

Therefore, when Panos reported that Her Royal Highness wanted to use the Parthenon as the venue for the wedding, he agreed without any hesitation.

Of course, he didn't just consider this matter from the perspective of personal feelings - the wedding of the Duke of Lechstedt and Princess Teresa must also be the first international event facing the newborn Greece, at least in the news The effect is already full, and when this sensational event spreads to the whole of Europe, Greece itself will inevitably benefit from it.

Of course he was happy to see it happen.

Looking at this soon-to-be young couple, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart that "the era does not belong to me anymore"-they have already done so many amazing things when they were still so young, and after that they will be even more amazing. Unlimited, and an older generation like myself can only watch quietly from the sidelines.

However, it is also a historical necessity that a new generation wins over the old, and there is nothing to be sad about.

Theozolos put aside some emotion in his heart, and then made another joke to Egron.

"Your Highness, I think we should settle the matter as soon as possible. With your fiancée by your side, you definitely don't want to waste time on a bad old man like me."

"I'm also embarrassed to waste your precious time." Aigron also replied with a smile.

So just like last time, Aegron and Theozolos left a large group of guards on the left and right, and strolled on the only remaining ruins of Sparta City. Just like last time, Panos followed them as an interpreter, The difference is that Edmond Dantès was replaced by Teresa.

The four of them chatted and laughed as they walked, and slowly came to the ruins of the Spartan City Theater.

Teresa came here for the first time, and she was very interested in these things, so her eyes were always looking around curiously, only regretting that she didn't bring a sketchbook to draw everything here.

For Aigron, "now" is much more important than "past".

What he was going to talk to Theozolos now was about the two nascent countries.

And Theozolos obviously also attached great importance to this issue. After making sure that no one else could eavesdrop, he looked at Egron again with a serious expression.

"Your Highness, what do you plan to do with the border between the Principality of Ioannina and Greece?"

Because Aigron is his ally, although he was not notified in advance, he still acquiesced in the establishment of this principality, and is willing to maintain a good-neighborly and friendly relationship with it-after all, most of the Balkans are still in the Turks. It is also a good thing to have multiple Orthodox neighbors who support each other under the rule of China.

However, part of the Ioannina region is within the territory of Greece. He cannot sit back and watch too much land being ceded, otherwise it will not only damage his own patriotism, but his opponents in the country will also take the opportunity to attack him for traitorous glory.

So he was also a little afraid in his heart that the young man would be too young and arrogant, which would make him unable to step down from the stage.

And Aigron has already prepared for this.

"I have studied this issue in detail with the think tanks around me." He said as he took out a folded map from his arms, and handed it to Seozuo in front of Ross.

"This is our plan for the division of the border between the two countries in the future. You can participate in the study." Aigron also emphasized, "If you are not satisfied with some of the arrangements, then we can talk about it again."

Theozolos took the map with a little apprehension, and then unfolded it to look at it.

Because this is the result of many discussions and discussions between Aigron and his subordinates, the map is already quite detailed, and Theozolos can almost understand it at a glance.

On this map, the Principality of Ioannina is located in the northwest of Greece. The north and south borders are bounded by Preveza Port and Amvrakia Bay on both sides, while the east is bounded by mountains, and the east is flat. Handed over to Greece, and did not get involved.

Theozolos was a little surprised, because the national border division plan was quite conservative, even a little more "gentle" than he expected.

"Is this true?" He couldn't help asking.

"Of course it is true." Aigron nodded, "Sir, I have never broken my promise in my life, let alone my promise on paper. Since I handed this map to you, then this is I have made a request, you can use it as a reference."

After being reconfirmed by Aigron, Theozolos finally felt relieved.

If the border is demarcated in this way, although his opponents will definitely clamor loudly, they will definitely not cause any major trouble.

After all, he can feel that most Greeks respect this young man very much. After so many years of war, all they hope is to return to peace and prosperity as soon as possible. If this map is used to delineate the border, the people There will be no hostility.

"Sir, do you have any other comments?" Aigron asked again, "It's still early, we can negotiate."

"No! Your Highness." Theozolos shook his head proudly, and then replied, "Since you treat us with sincerity, then I can't care about it like a small businessman. I recognize this demarcation agreement. Whoever dares to I'll kill anyone who says something weird."

"Very good." Aigron nodded very pleased.

After all, allies are allies, and they can still show their determination when they should.

Since the two sides have cooperated so happily, the border demarcation agreement has been passed.

In other words... Soon, the two newly born countries will define each other's borders as marked on the map in his hand, maybe ten years or maybe a hundred years.

This was the first national border determined by him—and considering practical factors, he also made the biggest concession on the premise of ensuring the duchy's future survival.

This is not because he likes the Greeks, but because he has great ambitions, and he doesn't want his energy to be scattered on this small peninsula.

First, he doesn't want to have any huge conflicts with the newborn Greece in the future; second, he doesn't want to cause too much damage and stimulation with Turkey, so as not to bear the brunt of the conflict with Sudan again, wasting his hard-earned backbone.

Therefore, under these two guiding principles, his claim for territory for the Principality of Ioannina was quite moderate, basically only asking for a corner of the land.

[The circle of book friends released a map by the way, roughly depicting the territory of the Principality, readers can refer to the following...]

Although the Principality of Ioannina is not large, it is enough for him, because he just wants to find a shelter for himself and his supporters, and the current area is more than enough.

Moreover, there are many mountains in the area where the principality is located. Because of the many years of war, there are bandits everywhere. When Ali Pasha was alive, he often suffered from this. Control, as for those desolate mountains, let the local bandits manage it themselves.

Because Aegron is so gentle, Theodoros Kolokotronis is also quite satisfied.

He is a rebel leader, not an exquisite diplomat, and he doesn't bother to continue to extract benefits by calculating and ingenious means.

For him, this agreement is enough. If he doesn't know what is good or bad, it will be disrespectful and even more ungrateful.

Therefore, under the sincere negotiations between the two sides, it took only a few minutes for Aigron and Theozoros to finalize the future border "Spartan Agreement", and also solved the biggest obstacle between them.

And then, signing a mutual aid covenant will be a matter of course.

Although Haidee was not present, Egron still signed the covenant with Theozoros on her behalf. It was agreed that the two countries would help each other in the future. If one party fell into a war with Turkey, the other party would help each other.

When the four of them walked out of the ruins, the onlookers couldn't help cheering in unison, because they instinctively sensed that a beautiful peace was not far away from them.

Endless sacrifices have come to an end.

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