Eagle’s Glory

Extra (12) Two branches and two graves

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

[Completely independent world line, everyone has fun~]

December 29, 1837

As the New Year approaches, all parts of France are filled with an atmosphere of joy, and this joyful atmosphere is even more extraordinary at the Palace of Fontainebleau, where His Majesty the Emperor lives.

Because today is the tenth anniversary celebration of the marriage of His Majesty the Emperor and His Majesty the Queen.

Ten years ago today, their two Majesties held a wedding in Athens, Greece.

Under the gaze and cheers of countless people, they got married and became an inseparable body, and it was from that time that a new era also came.

On that day, they did not hold even half of the power in France. However, ten years later, they had become the supreme authority in the country. All citizens, regardless of class, had to kneel before this couple and obey their orders. rule.

And they did not abuse their hard-won authority, but kept their oaths, ruled the country with incomparable energy and enthusiasm, and prioritized the well-being of the people at all times. It is precisely because of their efforts that the French people finally Escaped from long-term turmoil and anxiety, enjoying rare days of prosperity and peace

Of course, when it comes to governing the country, the two majesties are both talented and knowledgeable people, so they sponsor a lot of art and industry, and use celebrations to decorate their rule in a colorful way.

Today, the two Majesties are in their prime, and the people cheer for every progress of the country under their leadership, hoping that their rule will last as long as the peacetime.

As night falls, the Palace of Fontainebleau suddenly becomes a sea of ​​lights and flowers. Fireworks are constantly burning in the sky. Adults and children carry special lanterns and wander between the gardens and buildings, laughing and celebrating. The 10th wedding anniversary celebration of our two Majesties.

The two majesties did not join the cheering crowd, but were alone in the emperor's bedroom.

After all, they are already tired of the hustle and bustle. On this day that belongs to them alone, they would rather just enjoy each other's tenderness.

They sat upright at the dining table, where all kinds of dishes and famous wines had already been placed, and the attendants had already retreated, and only the two of them enjoyed the moment.

His Majesty the Emperor poured a glass of wine from the bottle in front of him, and then looked out the window.

The fireworks in mid-air are gorgeous and colorful, constantly blooming and extinguishing, flashing and flashing, beautiful and beautiful.

"Beautiful things don't last long." Eggron sighed.

Then he looked back at Teresa, "But our marriage lasts forever, Teresa, I love you."

"I love you too, Your Highness~" Teresa smiled sweetly.

Then, she also poured out the wine from her own bottle, and took a small sip. "I didn't expect that ten years have passed... It's like a dream, it's too fast!"

"Yeah, time is so ruthless." Aigron also nodded, "But there is still a lot of time left for us."

"On this day, I can't help reminiscing about every bit of our relationship." Teresa took another sip of wine, and then looked at her husband.

There was a bright light in her eyes, full of love and tenderness. "Although there have been sorrows and pains, I still feel that I am very happy...I thank God for bringing you to me and giving me the privilege to be with you at the closest distance."

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"Me too." Eggron replied with a smile, and then took a sip of his wine. "Without you, I wouldn't be able to do what I have done now... We will be engraved in the history books together. God bless, I can marry a wife like you!"

"But God blesses too many people -" Teresa suddenly smiled bitterly.

Aiglon probably understood what she meant, and he suddenly felt a little confused on his face.

"Cheers!" Fortunately, Teresa didn't mean to embarrass him on this day, but took the initiative to pick up the wine glass.

"Cheers!" Aigron was so happy that he quickly picked up the wine glass.

The two were chatting and drinking, and the atmosphere was harmonious, making this wedding anniversary even more tender.


Just as they were reminiscing about the past, an extra-large firework exploded in the air, and the colorful fireworks lit up the room into a rainbow-like illusion, and Teresa's eyes were also drawn towards it.

"Your Highness, I heard that if you make a wish while the fireworks are blooming, it will come true. Is it true?" Teresa asked.

Seeing his wife asking such a girly question, Aigron burst into laughter.

"Yes, of course I will. If God doesn't satisfy your wish, then I will satisfy it -" Then, he replied proudly, "There are very few things we can't do now."

"Okay." Teresa smiled and nodded, then turned to look at her husband, "Then can I boldly make a wish to God and you at this time?"

"Please~" Of course Aigron would not disappoint her, so he spread his hands.

"I promise that my husband will always stay by my side from now on, rely only on me and only care about me, and let our souls melt with each other until the end of our lives." So Teresa expressed her wish .

Aiglon felt something in his heart, and he looked at Teresa in surprise.

The fireworks were still being released, and the illusory and blurry light swam on Theresa's face, making her smile a little more mysterious.

"We are one and the same..." he retorted in a low voice.

"It should be like this, but there are always some unbearable impurities." Teresa replied softly, "It's still a little different from what I desire. My dear, am I too greedy?"

"Of course not..." Aigron sweated a little on his forehead, "That's how it should be, we are a couple..."

"Dear...are you feeling uncomfortable?" Teresa asked softly.

Aigron was a little confused by this question.

"I'm fine." After a moment, he replied with a smile, "Teresa...I want to celebrate with you tonight, I love you."

They have been a couple for ten years, and Teresa naturally understood the meaning of this celebration. Normally she would be happy or shy, but at this time she remained calm and even looked a little sad.

This look made Aigron feel that something was wrong even more.

He suddenly felt really uncomfortable - his body seemed a little weak and his head was a little dizzy.

Is he too drunk?

Impossible. Although his drinking capacity is average, how much did he drink just now? How could he be drunk?

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

He reluctantly tried to stand up and stretch his muscles, but found that his legs were shaking and he finally stood up.

Then, a terrible thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and he suddenly looked at Theresa, who was still sitting.

"Honey, are you okay?" Teresa asked with concern.

This question horrified the young emperor because he sensed something was wrong.

The calmness that almost became instinctive prevented him from asking his wife why she did this. He walked towards the door with heavy steps - no matter what happened, as long as he made sure that he was back among the crowd, everything could go slower. Slowly figure it out.

Teresa still didn't get up, she just sat by the window and looked at her husband quietly, her eyes full of love and tenderness.

Aigron's steps were slow, but he finally reached the door. He summoned up the little strength he had and opened the door, which was as heavy as a tombstone.

However, when the outdoor light poured into the room, his feet were completely weak, his whole body staggered, and he fell to the ground.

All he felt was despair.

He used his last bit of strength to reach out and cover his chest, and then let out a sad and weak sigh.

"Agnes, you are here!"

Seeing his painful expression, Agnes's sharp eyes showed a little pity. She quietly turned her face away, as if she didn't dare to look at him anymore.

However, at the same time, she took a step forward lightly, supported His Majesty the Emperor's body that was about to fall, and then dragged him back to Theresa.

Her hands were also trembling slightly, revealing the excitement and sadness in her master's heart. But even so, she still "supported" the young emperor tightly so that he could not move.

It looks like it's coming to an end.

Aigron's body was extremely weak, but his mind was still very clear, so he understood that his situation was desperate at this time, and his wife had completely won - although he had no idea why she did this.

She seized a good opportunity and struck a fatal blow in the fastest and most accurate way. When she came to her senses, everything was a foregone conclusion.

It's ridiculous. There are hundreds of thousands of troops at his disposal at any time, but he is held hostage by two women and has no ability to resist.

He was inexplicably reminded of the Incident at Honnoji Temple. The man who was about to unify Japan was also at the peak of his life. He was suddenly fatally wounded by a close subordinate and disappeared from history together with his eldest son.

And now I seem to be even more embarrassed than that guy - I don't even have a chance to set myself on fire!

Annoyance and pain made his scalp numb, and he wanted to shout for help, but his weak physical strength prevented him from shouting. He could only make a small cry, like a dying cry.

And the fireworks that were constantly blasting outside the window were bringing the atmosphere to a climax. There were people everywhere, and it was impossible for anyone to hear their shouts.

Teresa, is this part of the plan?

Hey, after being tricked to this point by her, what else is there to say, she won. Aiglon was immediately devastated.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

He wanted to stand upright and face his end with imperial dignity.

But his physical weakness made it difficult for him to do even this. In the end, Agnes took him back to his seat.

At this time, Teresa finally stood up, sat down on the seat where her husband had been, and then gently put her husband's head on her lap.

The warm touch cheered up Aigron's weakened spirit slightly, but he could only raise his head and stare at his wife's face.

Begging her?

It's impossible and unnecessary.

She asked after she had finished drinking - that is to say, no matter what answer she gave, the matter would only have one result; or in other words, she knew exactly what answer she would give, so she asked from the beginning No hope.

A couple is a couple.

Since begging is useless, he doesn't want to lose face in front of Teresa——

Even at the last moment, he wanted to play his wife her favorite hero.

"Okay... Teresa... you... you won! You won beautifully..." He lamented in despair, "This country belongs to you, you can do whatever you want, the power is in your hands In your hands, you still love it more than me after all. I congratulate you, this is your skill, I am glad, anyway, you will give it to our son in the end, after all, this country is still named Bonaparte. "

His body is getting weaker and weaker,

"What I cherished was never this country, nor any power on the throne, but you... Although you broke my heart, I still love you, and I appreciate all the good things about you, even you I can find beauty in all the evil and betrayal, and sometimes I even think, what a genius His Highness is who is not restrained by the world!"

After saying this, Teresa suddenly shed tears, because she was looking down at the emperor, so these tears dripped from her face to Eggron's face—however, Eggron's consciousness at this time was already slowly Withered, he couldn't feel the coldness of the teardrops.

"Maybe you won't believe me, but I will prove it to you - I will raise François, and when he comes of age, I will put him on the throne as Napoleon III, and then I can't wait to take you away Paris, get away from all the hustle and bustle of the world, and let you enjoy the peace and company I've dreamed of giving you since I was a teenager."

Teresa's words were so sincere that Aigron didn't know how to refute her for a moment.

He even forgot about his anger for a moment.

Hey, when it comes to why Teresa did what she did, he's the one in the world who knows why—or rather, he himself is the reason.

He believed Teresa's words.

And this also means that Teresa has actually planned everything.

As expected of you, my wife... He wanted to smile bitterly, but the muscles on his face had stiffened, so he could only turn into an embarrassed expression.

The fate that Theresa arranged for him was not what he wanted to accept, but now that it was in someone else's hands, what could he say?

He can still beg for mercy now, and he can even try to play emotional cards to persuade Theresa to rein in the cliff, but it would be too ridiculous to do that. Napoleon II can't act like a clown even if he goes to the end.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

The nightmarish darkness made Aigron almost lose all his vision. Aigron sighed softly and blew away the last strength he had gathered.

"I... do love you," he said, closing his eyes.

"I know, so I hate you even more—but no amount of hatred can erase my love for you, Your Highness." Teresa hugged her husband tenderly and kept looking at his face, "Until today I Still so excited for that night, we hugged each other, twirled... twirled, brilliant lights surrounded us like stars, blessed us...God, how favored I am!"

Aigron was resting on her lap, and the posture of the two of them was as if they were telling a bedtime story, full of warmth and love, but this was a shocking coup after all.

And it has been fittingly successful.

Agnes stood quietly aside, watching the couple's last conversation. She felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart, but she still pretended to be calm on the surface.

"Is this over here?" she asked in a hissing voice.

"Well, yes." Teresa nodded.

Then, she stroked her husband's sleeping face, as if stroking a beloved pet, "But... we still have to race against time. You quickly join William and Pierre and lead people to seal off the palace. According to the list, Arrest them while they are together, it will save us a lot of trouble."

Agnes knew what she needed to do, so she didn't raise any objections.

But she still didn't leave.

"If you dare to hurt my family and children, I will kill you." She suddenly emphasized.

"Of course, we have agreed." Teresa nodded calmly, "Since we have become an alliance, I will definitely abide by my promise."

As she said this, there was a hint of amusement and pity hidden in Theresa's eyes.

This strong and beautiful girl still looks charming and majestic even at her current age.

It's a pity that she is still as innocent and almost cute as before. No wonder she is played by her husband.

Since I have already started, how could I not finish it? The power of the country has completely fallen into her hands. She wants to pay off all the people and things she resents at once.

It's just that she has too many more important things to do now, and it's too late to deal with her. It won't be too late to deal with her later after finishing what needs to be done.

Well, the most important thing now is to block the news, and then take over the country's power as quickly as possible. Fortunately, as a queen, she naturally has the legitimacy to govern when the emperor is in poor health. As long as everyone is caught off guard as quickly as possible, If the situation creates a fait accompli, then the next step will be easier.

Teresa worked so hard to take over the country as soon as possible and ensure the stability of the Bonaparte family. Even though she was not obsessed with power, she would never want everything she and Her Highness had worked hard to build to fall into the hands of irrelevant people. .

This country can only belong to the Bonaparte family, and since this is His Highness's wish, she must realize it.

After getting her promise, Agnes was a little relieved, and she walked towards the door, but the moment before opening the door, she suddenly looked back at Theresa.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"You should be satisfied that things have come to this, right? Don't plot to kill him..." She begged softly.

Teresa's smile disappeared, and then she raised her head and looked at Agnes angrily.

"I'm more reluctant than you!"

Agnes was silent, then opened the door and walked out, closing the door tightly again.

Now, there are only two people left here again, and the fireworks outside the window are still continuous, seeming to be talking and crying.

"Wait for me... Aigron, the day is not far when we will be together forever. Only we... we will enjoy our old age together in the castle on the Loire River, and no one will disturb us. That is what I have longed for. day……"

Even though she knew her husband could no longer hear her, Teresa still whispered it out.

Then, she kissed her husband's forehead tenderly, as if she was making some kind of contract.


It's another lonely afternoon.

In a luxurious bedroom at the Palace of Fontainebleau, Amberdine looked at the bleak and solemn scene outside the window, and inadvertently fell into a trance again.

It was still the middle of winter, and it was still snowing, so the entire palace was shrouded in white blankets. The river froze and everything was extinct, which made people feel chilly just looking at it.

However, no matter how cold it is outside, it is not as cold as the heart of the people.

Amberdine turned back to look at the bed in the bedroom, feeling sad for a moment - the young man lying on it, her beloved brother, was still unconscious at this time.

He was the victim of a coup, and the most terrifying thing was that the person who launched the coup was his wife, the lovely, charming, graceful and luxurious Queen Theresa.

This was simply beyond Amberdine's imagination, and she is still a little confused until now.

Since she and her brother William were entrusted to him by their parents ten years ago, she has always regarded him as the monarch she will be loyal to in the future. After the two majesties ascended the throne a few years ago, she and her brother were officially entrusted to him. He was summoned to the palace and became a court official as he wished.

Her heart was filled with gratitude, and in her daily interactions with him, her talented brother had long since become the object of admiration in her heart.

Since arriving here, she has always taken refuge in Theresa, and her brother is also Theresa's loyal subordinate.

She originally thought that this was not a contradiction - after all, the emperor and the empress were so close, but the reality taught her a cold lesson.

Before she came to her senses, she found that she had lost the right to choose - the person she wanted to be loyal to was unconscious, and her brother had already been deeply involved in Queen Theresa's conspiracy.

Where does she have a choice?

If Queen Theresa failed, she and her brother would definitely not survive.

So she became her brother's enemy.

Precisely because she knew this fact, Teresa felt relieved to let her take care of her husband - she could neither entrust it to potential emperor supporters, nor was she willing to let her husband's safety suffer, so Anbo had no choice. Ting is naturally the best choice.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

When she thought of this, she felt sad again, and tears fell from her eyes.

"God...why do you punish us like this..." She sighed. "Obviously everything is so good, why..."

However, just as she was lamenting and crying, the young man who had been sleeping peacefully and seemed to remain motionless suddenly reached out and grabbed her right hand.

"Yeah!" Amberdin wanted to scream instinctively, but as if he thought of something, he immediately covered his mouth.

Then, she looked at her brother with disbelief.

"Your Majesty..." she said tremblingly. "Are you awake?"

"Amber, good boy..." The young man showed a weak smile, "Don't be afraid, I have been awake for several days, and I have been observing secretly. You have been taking care of me recently, and you have cried for me a few times. I sympathize with my situation, so I will let you share my secret now."

"..." Amberdine was happy and sad at the same time, almost crying, "Are you...are you okay?"

"How could it be possible?" Aigron frowned, "What the hell did he feed me? I still don't have any strength now. She must have given me medicine several times more. This cruel woman... I'm in a coma." How long?"

"Almost a month." Amberdine answered honestly.

"One month... So Teresa has taken control of the situation?" Aigron's face became even more ugly.

However, judging from the current situation, if Theresa does not control the situation, the situation may be even worse...

"Yes, Her Majesty the Queen said that you had a stroke, and then convened a meeting of ministers to let everyone see your sleepy appearance. In this case, she can certainly get the reason to be regent..." Amberdine nodded lightly. , "As for some potential opponents, as well as several princes, she had already arrested them before convening the meeting."

"Where's Chanel?" Aiglon asked.

"He was arrested. I don't know the specific place where he was imprisoned..." Amberdine shook his head.

As long as he didn't kill him, Aigron felt a little more at ease.

"Where's Maria?" then he asked tremblingly.

He asked later because he was afraid of hearing the worst outcome.

"Her Royal Highness Maria is very clever. When she went to catch her, she seemed to have noticed something was wrong, so she missed her. Now she is missing - Her Majesty the Queen is sending people everywhere to secretly search for her..." Amberdine shuddered, "I I don’t know what the situation is now.”

Hey, what else is there to say? All I can do is pray to God. Aigron had nothing to say.

After a moment, he felt extremely angry again.

betray! What a betrayal!

These two bad women who plotted to kill their husbands!

Although he was furious in his heart, he also knew that it was useless to be angry now. How to regain power was more important.

After all, this requires long-term planning.

Firstly, his current physical condition is very bad, and there is only one Ambotin around him who can help him a little; secondly, he wants to ensure that the civil strife will not endanger the stability of the Bonaparte family and take a long-term approach.

But no matter what, they must be punished as they deserve!

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

The more angry Aigron became, the gentler his expression became.

"Don't be afraid, Amber, now that I've woken up, everything won't be so bad..." He mustered up the little strength he had left, "Now that Teresa has temporarily stabilized the situation, let me rest first Come on, I’m relying on you.”

Amberdine's face turned a little red, and she felt both scared and excited.

The elder brother I have always admired is in trouble now and can only rely on myself. How can I stand by and watch?

But...it's also difficult to deal with my brother.

"Don't worry, as long as I bring the situation back, I won't be angry with you. On the contrary, I will remember your great achievements, Amber... don't be afraid." As if he saw what she was worried about, Aigron touched her gently. He took Ann Boting's hand to comfort her, "You are indeed the most reliable person, my sister."

Then, he snorted angrily. "Well, originally I was still a little restrained towards them. Now that they have voluntarily given up the honor I gave them, that's good. I'm very happy! When the time comes, I will tie the two of them together and beat them hard, hard Lesson, let them cry and beg me for mercy..."

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