Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-seven, return home in splendor

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"I really hit it off with you, hahahaha...!"

His Majesty the King's compliment was very meaningful, but Aigron didn't feel honored at all after hearing it.

So he just smiled calmly, "Yes, we all shoulder the expectations of many people and have to shoulder the responsibility and do everything we can to promote our family - maybe this sense of responsibility is what we have in common."

Although he deliberately dodges, His Majesty the King agrees with this - although he likes romance, he must also fulfill his responsibilities as a king. If it is not to promote his own family, why would he invite the Duke and Duchess as distinguished guests? How about coming here by yourself?

Now that Aiglon has clearly shown that he regards Miss Chanel as his forbidden wife, His Majesty the King has stopped pestering Chanel in due course.

After all, he is also a seasoned veteran. He just saw the young, beautiful and charming Chanel for the first time, and his heart was touched. In addition, he regretted that he had let such a beauty go in his own court, so he was slightly excited. It was a bit too polite, but since the Duke had no intention of giving in, he didn't care.

His expression became serious again.

"Duke, you are lucky that Miss Noelle is so loyal to you. I think she should also be deeply moved by your deep friendship for her."

After finishing speaking, he winked at Aiglon.

Of course Aigron understood what the king meant - because the king had just been a little abrupt with Chanel, and he was afraid that Chanel would not agree to his request, so he wanted Aigron to propose it.

So he smiled and spoke to Chanel.

"Chanel, His Majesty the King has a very special preference. He wants to leave portraits of visiting beauties in Nymphenburg Palace. After seeing you, he thought you were quite suitable, so I hope you can waste a little bit. Time leaves a portrait here... What do you think?"

Shanel was stunned for a moment and didn't turn around for a while.

After a moment, she finally understood what was going on, and then immediately blushed, "Your Majesty, how can I be worthy of you... all those who can draw portraits are great beauties, I am just your maid..."

"What's wrong with it?" Aiglon interrupted her disapprovingly, "Beauty is something that others can tell with their own eyes. It has nothing to do with class. What's the conflict between you being a maid and being a beauty? Besides, , you are not inferior to anyone else, to me you are my important assistant and even a relative."

Then, Aigron glanced at King Ludwig I who was standing aside, and then joked to Chanel in a low voice, "Look, His Majesty the King was so distracted when he saw you just now. This is the best certification of your appearance." Well, as the master here, if even he thinks you are worthy, then who can make irresponsible remarks?"

Chanel's face turned redder when Aiglon teased her like this. This was due to both shyness and the excitement of being praised personally by the master.

"Since you said so, I will obey your order. I will try my best to cooperate with the painter and try to leave a painting that is eye-catching." Chanel leaned into Aigron's ear and whispered, "However, This is not because I want to boast about myself, nor is it to please His Majesty the King, this is just to make you happy."

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"Yes, I know." Aiglon patted Chanel's cheek gently, "Thank you, Chanel."

Then, Aigron turned his head to look at King Ludwig, and then nodded slightly, indicating that he was done and he had convinced Chanel.

On the one hand, King Ludwig was happy, but on the other hand, he secretly regretted that the pearl he cultivated fell into other hands - he did not know the inside story.

So of course it is impossible to know that this stubborn girl has pinned her hopes in life on the heir of the Bonaparte family from the beginning. She only thought that if she discovered this secret that no one in the palace cared about a few years ago, "Pearl", now she is blooming on her side.

But the matter has come to an end, and there is no point in talking more. The king is not interested in being a villain who wants to win people's favor, so he suppresses this small regret and turns his attention back to the young man.

"Great, I will instruct the painter later to use the same energy to leave a portrait for Miss Noelle, and also ask her to cooperate a little bit." Then he made another gesture, "That will happen tomorrow. Okay, let’s celebrate today! Please take a rest, the banquet will begin later.”

Then, he nodded to Aiglon, then turned and left.

Aigron also left the room with Chanel and came to the long corridor. Looking at the familiar scenery around him, Chanel's eyes became a little blurred, perhaps because it brought back many memories.

She left here with Sophie at the end of 1824, and it was only three and a half years ago. Of course, such a short time would not wear out her memory. She was very familiar with everything here.

However, compared to the little girl who was homeless, cautious, and had a deep hatred but didn't know where to go in the future, after more than three years of ups and downs, her mentality was completely different. It's an appropriate description.

"What are you thinking about, Chanel?" Aigron noticed that Chanel's expression was not normal, so he asked in a low voice.

"It's nothing, Your Majesty." Chanel was shocked, and then immediately shook his head, "I'm just sighing, I've only been away from here for such a short time, and my life has already undergone earth-shaking changes... The person I was before I left, I see the person I am now. I'm afraid I won't recognize that this is me."

"People will always grow, and change themselves little by little through their own choices, until one day they will find that they are completely different from the past, either displaying their talents, or degenerating to the point that even they can't believe it." Aigron consoled him. She said, "At least for you, these changes are positive."

"It's more than positive, it's just what I dreamed of!" Chanel replied with excitement, "I realized my wish, even better than I dreamed... I came to your side, took care of you and worked for you. My career may go through fire and water, and my loyalty to you is as natural as my father's sacrifice for the late emperor. I have found the anchor of my life with you, and I no longer need to have any doubts and confusions from now on."

"I didn't expect you to be so talented." Aigron replied with a smile.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"I will always learn something from being with you~" Chanel replied sweetly, "Don't forget how many poems I hand-copied for you."

"That's right. It seems that I am a good teacher." Aigron couldn't help laughing.

The two of them walked while talking, but Chanel was leading the way.

Because he deliberately wanted to spend more time with His Majesty, Chanel took Aiglon to wander beside the bronze statue on the grass. As they passed by, the gardeners and servants occasionally cast surprised glances at Chanel— —It seems that someone has already recognized Chanel.

At this time, Chanel just followed Aigron, smiling shyly, without saying hello to anyone, as if he was just a new visitor.

She really doesn't belong here anymore - or rather, she never belonged here.

For her, it would be best for this soulful time to remain sealed in the corner of her memory forever.

Aiglon looked at Chanel's smile and suddenly found himself full of love and pity for her.

"Chanel, I'm sorry." Aigron reached out and touched the bronze statue in front of him, and then whispered.

"Do you have anything to apologize to me for?" Chanel was a little surprised.

"Compared to your efforts, what I can give you now is still too little... But we will have everything. By then, everyone will forget your past downfall, just like they forgot my past downfall."

"Please don't say that! You...you have given me enough." Chanel's face turned serious, and then she replied seriously, "You gave me the honor of staying with you forever, and you don't care about me. My abilities are limited, and trusting me and reusing me is enough. If there is anything else to pursue, maybe I am still a little greedy..."

"What? Just say it." Aigron immediately asked.

"I...I haven't received your favor for a long, long time..." Although she tried her best to appear calm, Chanel still unconsciously carried a little resentment, "If I have any regrets, this is the only thing I have. gone."

After saying this, Chanel inevitably blushed, but lowered her head and did not dare to speak, while Aigron's face suddenly became embarrassed.

Since the official marriage, Agron can only spend time in bed with Teresa, which has no choice - after all, the two are newlyweds and want to be together all day long, and there is also a grandma who "hurries to hug her great-grandson as soon as possible" He had to devote himself wholeheartedly to Teresa.

In other words, in these few months, Chanel could only stand quietly and watch herself and Theresa enjoy their love, and she could only endure it.

——Although she knew that this was necessary and should be done, it would be impossible if she didn't feel a little sour in her heart.

Seeing her shy yet expectant look, Aigron couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Chanel, I praised you in vain. You are really a bad maid. You actually seduced your master and betrayed the lady who has always taken good care of you." He said with a smile.

Although this was literally a scolding, Chanel had been with Aiglon for so long, and of course she could tell that the master was just joking, so she blushed and replied, "I am a servant of you and the princess, you are just using It's just your own artifact, how can it be called betrayal..."

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

This fallacy may sound ridiculous, but in many upper-class families of this era, it was common for maids and tutors to provide special services to their male hosts, and it was even commonplace.

"Besides, you are your Majesty... Everything your Majesty does is reasonable! Who can bind you with any rules?" Seeing that Aiglon was still laughing, Chanel became a little anxious and quickly continued, "You know, I only have this little request... Besides, Her Highness the Princess actually knows what happened before us, but as long as we don't deliberately provoke her, she won't care!"

"Okay, okay, stop talking, Chanel." Aigron reached out his hand and caressed her cheek, "I know, I'm also happy to do it - but we have to wait."

"Well..." Chanel blushed and nodded, then whispered coquettishly to the young man, "Your Majesty, even a king is dazzled by the flower, but it will only bloom for you forever. Don't waste the flower blooming. It would be the most splendid time in the end, but it would be a pity to wait until the flowering period is over and the flowers wither.”

"Hahahaha..." Aigron couldn't help laughing when he heard this. "Don't worry, we are still young and we still have a lot of time."

After the teasing was over, it was almost time for the banquet. The two returned to the palace together, and at this time Teresa finally found her husband.

"Aigron, why are you here just now?" She walked to her husband's side and complained softly.

Seeing Teresa appear, Chanel automatically moved aside and made way for the mistress.

"It's nothing. I just visited the surroundings accompanied by Chanel." Aigron replied calmly, "She has stayed here for a long time, so she felt quite emotional after returning here."

"I see... It was really not easy for Chanel back then." Teresa nodded in understanding, "Okay, it's about to start now, let's not waste time - Chanel, please come with us, You should also share in our honor today, His Majesty the King just promised us to let you return home in glory."

"Okay, Your Highness." Chanel replied quickly.

So, the three people came to the banquet restaurant together, and at this time, His Majesty the King, his courtiers, the Crown Prince, and Prince Otto, who had been unofficially designated as the future King of Greece, were also present one after another.

Today's King Ludwig, because his family has expanded its territory, his face is red with joy, and his movements show excitement. He took the lead in picking up the wine glass, and then pointed at his son Otto.

"Everyone, I am extremely grateful to tell you the news - my son Otto will soon become the king of Greece. We all know that although this country is new, it originated from an ancient and great civilization. We are grateful for its rebirth! From now on, Greece is closely related to our country, breathing and sharing its fate. Our country will do our best to help it, and our country will also gain spiritual benefits from its extremely rich historical accumulation. Nourishing, this is the honor and responsibility given to us by God, and we, the Wittelsbach family, will fulfill our duties with piety and respect. Let us drink to Greece!"

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】


Although everyone here had already known the news, they were still excited when it was actually confirmed - the Wittelsbach family expanded its territory, which meant expanding its power and influence.

Next, the king looked at Agron and Teresa.

"Next, I would like to thank our distinguished guests, the Duke and Duchess of Leichstadt. We all know how much effort and contribution they have made for the independence of Greece and the rebirth of civilization. They represent God's will. They Having practiced justice, we congratulate them on their success and toast them with a toast!”

"Cheers!" The wine glasses were all lit up to the couple, and Aigron and Teresa naturally picked up the glasses and drank together.

After two toasts, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves and the atmosphere became lively.

At this moment, the king walked up to Chanel, followed by a servant holding a tray.

"Miss Chanel Noelle, you are a close assistant to the Duke and have left a mark on us. I am very happy that we have a woman who has participated in such a great cause." The king fulfilled his promise. Promise, looking at Chanel with a gentle smile, "Please continue to work hard for the friendship between the Duke and Bavaria in the future."

Then, he took out a commemorative medal with the portrait of the late King Maximilian I from his servant and gave it to Chanel, "Not long after you left Bavaria, the late King passed away unfortunately. I think you are quite sorry to come, but fortunately we are here." There are also some commemorative medals, I will give you one to ease your regrets a little."

Although she had never regretted it, Chanel still received the medal respectfully, and then looked at His Majesty the King with tears of excitement.

"Your Majesty, thank you for your kindness, I will always remember it in my heart!"

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