Eagle’s Glory

Seventy-three, escape

"His Majesty!"

Hearing this anxious call, Aigron's spirit, which had been gradually weakening, suddenly revived.

"Your Majesty!" Another call came next.

This is not an auditory hallucination...this is real!

Aigron's heart suddenly became ecstatic.

It seems that he finally delayed the time until his men came to rescue him.

In other words, you will be able to survive soon...!

Under the impact of this ecstasy, infinite power arose in Aigron's body, and the weakness caused by excessive blood loss was temporarily dispelled.

Like him, Bianca, who fought against him, naturally heard these calls.

When she was fighting to the death with this young man, she had forgotten the passage of time, but these calls ruthlessly told her the fact that her action was about to fail.

She, who had always been arrogant, found it difficult to accept this fact, so her mentality became more and more anxious.

"Clang!" Amidst the heavy metal clang, she took a step back and temporarily stopped the fight.

There were still lightning and thunder in the sky, but at this time, fine raindrops began to fall from the sky.

The raindrops became bigger and bigger, hitting the bodies of the two people, and then gathered into water and dripped from the bodies. These raindrops were covered with the blood on their bodies, and also extinguished the anger ignited in the hearts of the two people.

Bianca opened her eyes wide, and then with the help of electric light, she struggled to stare at the young man opposite in the darkness.

No doubt his men had come up and were now searching everywhere for him.

Aigron naturally knew this fact, so he took advantage of the moment when the two men stopped to shout out. "I'm here! Come here!"

"His Majesty!"

After hearing the young man's cry, the other party almost cried in response, and then immediately rushed here - obviously, within a few dozen seconds, Aiglon will receive reinforcements and completely win today. battle.

And he also knows,

Bianca will never stay here and wait to be captured. She will take advantage of the last moment before they arrive to make a last-ditch effort.

As he had predicted, Bianca did intend to make one last stand.

After a brief pause, the fervent desire to kill in her heart had faded, and she returned to her original indifference.

However, her current condition cannot be compared with before - now, in addition to half of her face being beaten and swollen, and her neck being bleeding from the wounds, she also has several wounds on her body from the fierce battle just now, and she is wearing There were a few cracks in the skirt.

Such a miserable look was extremely rare in her life, and she couldn't even remember the last time it was so tragic.

But she knew that all this could not end like this. Neither her honor nor her self-esteem would allow her to fail like this.

In the short interval, she had recovered some physical strength, and her body was forcibly adjusted to a state where she could fight again. Raindrops kept pouring on her body and the ground.

When another bolt of lightning flashed across the sky and briefly illuminated the earth, she moved again and rushed towards the young man again.

The cold light of the sword drew a beautiful arc in the darkness. This was a blow that Bianca made with all her energy and concentration. The angle and speed were almost impeccable. She believed that it would definitely take away the young man's life.

However, it backfired for her.

Aigron was also waiting for her blow with all his concentration, so with the help of the power of lightning, he bent his knees slightly, then swung his sword with all his strength, blocking the path of the dagger to his throat.

When the sword blades collided together again, Aigron only felt a huge force impact on his arm, making his body already weakened by blood loss even more dizzy.

However, he still mustered up his last strength and continued to confront the opponent with his sword.

He knew that time was on his side and that the outcome would soon be known.

At this time, rapid and detailed footsteps sounded near the minaret, and these footsteps made a soft pattering sound because they stepped on the rainwater.

Obviously, it failed...

Although she didn't want to accept it, she had indeed failed - Bianca recognized this fact.

Although she was helpless in her heart, reality could no longer allow her to continue fighting or hesitating. If she continued to delay, she might become the prisoner of this young man.

"King of Rome, you are indeed very powerful." Bianca took a few steps back, then withdrew her sword and assumed a posture that she no longer wanted to fight.

As if she was a little unwilling to do so, she added, "However, with your current physical condition, if you give me a few more minutes, you will definitely not survive."

Of course Aigron knew what she said was true, but he had even more reason to be unconvinced, "If I had weapons from the beginning, you would definitely be my defeat!"

Such shameless words made Bianca sneer, but she did not refute again - on the one hand, she had no time, and on the other hand, for a young man to survive in a desperate situation, she herself I also felt very shameless and couldn’t say anything more.

No matter what, failure is failure. In the life she has always been proud of, there is an unbearable stain here.

This stain must be washed away with the blood of this young man.

"I will kill you, although not today, but one day, you will die by my sword!"

After he finished speaking, there was another burst of lightning and thunder.

Under the illumination of the electric light, Bianca bent her knees slightly, lifted up her skirt, which was already torn and stained with all kinds of filth, and saluted the young man.

Compared to the contemptuous manner she saluted the first time, her salute this time seemed much more solemn.

It is precisely because of her solemnity that her determination at this moment is even more highlighted.

Then, she turned around and ran away, quickly disappearing into the darkness of the rainy night.

Aigron watched her disappear. He had no desire to pursue her, because his physical condition at the moment was indeed on the verge of reaching its limit——

Just now, he just relied on his will to survive and his arrogance to hold on. Now that the life and death crisis has been passed, he finally feels the fatigue after blood loss again.

He only felt that his eyelids were extremely heavy and his body began to stagger, so he used his sword as a crutch to support himself.

Raindrops were pattering around him, and his hearing gradually became blurry, but even so, he could detect that several people were approaching him.

Then, he was supported by someone.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" the visitor asked with a cry.

"I - of course something happened." Aigron hissed in reply, "But it's okay now."

Then, his eyes darkened and he fainted.


I don't know how much time passed, but Aigron gradually opened his eyes.

His vision was a little blurry at first, and it took him a while to slowly adjust to the light.

Then his memories began to come back, starting with a visit to Milan Cathedral and ending with the scene where he drove Bianca away.

Then he found himself in a room he didn't recognize before.

He suddenly became alert.

"Are you awake?" A gentle call came from the side.

Aiglon turned around and saw Princess Maria sitting beside the bed.

Perhaps because of being too tired, her eyes were a little red and swollen, and her face was quite pale, but this actually added a bit of charm to her.

Of course, for Aigron, now is not the time to appreciate beauty. He still has too many questions to ask.

He tried to move his body and sit up, but soon, the severe pain from his shoulder made him give up. He looked closely and saw that his shoulder was wrapped in a bandage.

"Don't move." Maria reached out and held him down, signaling him to stop struggling, "You need to rest now."

Aigron assessed his current physical condition, and it was indeed quite bad. However, since he had woken up, it proved that there was no risk to his life, and his limbs were still sound. Everything was still within an acceptable range. As long as he rested for a period of time, It can be restored.

Because of this, he calmed down.

Now that he could do nothing else anyway, he began to question Maria.

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"One day and one night." Maria replied, "But the doctor said that although your body is very strong and although the injuries are serious, it is not life-threatening - and the facts prove that this is true."

"Where is this?" Aigron asked again.

Maria didn't seem to be hiding what he meant, and immediately answered him truthfully, "This is the hotel I rented, but don't worry, I have booked the entire floor, and no one will disturb me." Your."

Aigron did not feel at ease, but was actually a little surprised.

He was rescued by his own men, why was he sent here instead?

Could it be that after she fell into coma, Maria used a conspiracy to snatch herself away from her subordinates and then isolate herself in this place?

Logically speaking, he should be sent back to the manor that Leon Esposito rented for himself, right?

Although Aigron also felt that this idea was very bizarre, he had to be a little suspicious.

Perhaps sensing his thoughts, Maria glared at him slightly angrily, "Hey! How can you repay kindness with vengeance? It was obviously your guard captain who begged me to take you in temporarily—"

"Andre? Why?" Aigron was surprised.

"That gentleman thinks that since the woman has caught up with you, it means that your whereabouts have been exposed to her. If you are sent back to your original residence, you may be caught up by her again, and there may even be more. Many people came here, and your current physical condition is not suitable for moving around - so, after careful consideration, he begged me to temporarily take you in and treat this place as a secret shelter."

Then, there was a bit more resentment in Maria's eyes, "I didn't want to agree at first, but he begged me very sincerely, and finally I reluctantly agreed for the sake of loyalty. I didn't expect that you would You actually doubt me when you wake up! It’s really chilling, what good will it do me to kidnap you?!”

Maria's explanation and complaint actually made Aigron think clearly about the joints involved.

So that's it... I was wrong to blame her...

Aiglon felt both happy and a little ashamed.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness... I thought too much. Please forgive me, people in my situation will always be a little suspicious."

Then, he looked at Maria's clear face and saw that she was indeed exhausted.

"Your Highness, are you taking care of me during this time?"

"Otherwise?" Maria asked, "Do I still dare to entrust you to someone else?"

"Thank you...I really thank you." Aigron was moved in his heart.

Of course he could see that when he asked Maria to leave first on the roof of the cathedral, her words were sincere. She was indeed very unwilling to see him in trouble, and was even unwilling to leave at a critical moment.

Maybe it's because I want to give my sister an explanation, maybe it's because of other reasons, but no matter what, this concern is sincere.

And after he was injured, it was under her protection that he successfully averted the danger.

No matter what, this is an indelible kindness.

"Did anything happen when I was unconscious?" After calming down, he asked again.

"Of course you caused a commotion when you made such a fuss. The police in Milan treated it as a public security incident and investigated it." Maria replied indifferently, "As a last resort, I had no choice but to reveal my identity to them and tell them that I I was just traveling incognito, intending to see this beautiful city, but I didn’t expect to cause some accidents, so I asked them to forgive me and be accommodating... When I said this, they hesitated at first, but finally agreed."

Aigron was relieved at first, but soon became alert again.

Although the police will not deal with Maria further due to her identity, they will report the news to Vienna. After Metternich hears the news, he will definitely be suspicious of why Maria came to Milan... Then, he should be very You can quickly guess that she is here to meet him.

Eggron didn't dare to judge what Metternich would do after guessing the truth, but he definitely didn't dare to take a gamble.

Fortunately, there was still time between the news coming back and forth, so he didn't have to worry. He should first take good care of his health and regain his freedom of movement as soon as possible.

After Maria's explanation, Aigron finally understood his current situation. Although it was terrible, at least he was out of danger for the time being.

What he is even more curious about now is, who instructed the woman named Bianca to hunt him down?

He has offended too many people, almost countless, but judging from the timeline and other signs, he should not be someone from the Czar or the Sudan.

The Austrians can certainly be ruled out - if they knew their actions, they would either pretend not to see it, or directly send out hundreds or thousands of people to surround them, and would not do such a thing.

So, it should be French.

If you look at it from this perspective, the Bourbon royal family is definitely the most reasonable suspect.

But Aiglon felt that something was missing from this reasoning, so he fell into doubts.

"What are you doing?" Maria asked, seeing something was wrong with his condition.

Aiglon laughed dumbly. Since he couldn't think of an answer, what was the point of worrying about this question?

It doesn't matter, no matter who is her behind-the-scenes instigator, there will always be opportunities for her to take revenge in the future.

"I'm thinking about how I should repay you..." He raised his head and looked at Maria with bright eyes, "Your Highness, now you are my benefactor, and I am willing to serve you to the best of my ability -"

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