Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-one, timing

Maria suddenly went berserk, leaving Eggron confused.

However, Maria has always given people the impression of being sharp and irritable, so Aigron did not delve too deeply into the reason.

But of course he could see that his mother's relationship with her was very bad and almost impossible to repair.

But so what? Anyway, there is no intersection in the first place. If they hate each other, just hate each other. It is not a problem at all.

In the next few days, Aigron continued to recover from his injuries, but Maria did not say goodbye immediately, but chose to stay and continue to take care of him.

Gradually, Aigron's injuries recovered. Although he was still weak after the serious injury, at least his movements were no longer hindered and he could finally get out of bed and walk.

However, because of Bianca's attack, he had several shocking scars on his body. Some scars will slowly recover over time, but some scars may remain on his body permanently as marks after the battle.

Thinking of this, Aiglon was filled with anger towards Bianca, and he vowed to come back with revenge in the future.

Of course, we'll talk about the future later. Right now, he just wants to relax.

He has always been an energetic and active person. He has been exhausted from lying in bed for so long during this period. Now that he can move independently, of course he can't be idle.

So he decided to hold a small party to celebrate his recovery.

He summoned the confidants who came with him, as well as Her Royal Highness Princess Maria, and sat at the banquet together.

The conditions of the hotel are simple, the standard of the banquet is naturally not high, and the number of people is very small, but there is a saying that soldiers are more valuable than elites. Among the people present, there are gathered an emperor (only calling himself for the time being) and a princess (this Real ones), a marquis (unrecognized by the outside world), and a cardinal's illegitimate son (kept secret), the lineup is enough to make up a small "court".

Seeing Aigron's happy face after recovery, the others also breathed a sigh of relief and also became relaxed.

When the banquet started, Aigron stood up with a smile on his face, picked up his wine glass and toasted to the people present.

"Everyone, I don't know what words to use to express my recognition and gratitude for your loyalty... In short,

You have proven that my trust in you is worth every penny. I once fell into a dangerous situation and almost lost my life. It was you who never left me, saved my life, and gave me a chance to escape. territory. I know what expectations you have placed on me. I can only say that my life not only belongs to me, but also to you. I will risk my life to realize these expectations - let us drink to glory and victory! "

"Cheers to His Majesty's health!" Andre Davout took the lead in picking up the wine glass and toasting Aiglon.

"Cheers to your Majesty's health!" Others also congratulated one after another.

Even Maria, although she didn't speak, picked up the wine glass and toasted him.

After taking a sip of white wine, Aigron felt greatly relieved.

Because he was seriously injured and out of the bath, Aigron knew that he couldn't indulge, but of course there was no problem in drinking two glasses of wine.

These wines were specially sent by his mother from the Little Palace of Parma. They were high-quality cellar products and fine wines produced by the best wineries in the Principality of Parma. Although she had a quarrel with Maria, Luisa still had to do it after all. Knowing the seriousness, he did not vent his anger on Aigron, but kept his promise and gave his son the material care he deserved.

It is brewed from a grape called "Malvisa". After several processes, it has a complex taste and exudes a unique and delicate grassy aroma.

After all, Aigron also grew up in Schönbrunn Palace, and was used to drinking all kinds of top-quality wines since he was a child, so this specialty wine was not enough to amaze him. It was just the joy of recovering from a serious injury that made the wine in his mouth change. It becomes more and more sweet.

The others were similar. Their joyful mood made them drink freely, wishing from the bottom of their hearts that this young man would not encounter the same disaster again in the future.

However, amidst all the joy, Aigron keenly noticed that Maria was a little depressed. She was obviously a little distracted when she drank the wine, as if she had something serious on her mind.

"Your Highness Maria." In order to please Maria, Aigron quickly greeted her alone, "I thanked everyone just now, but now I must thank you one more time, because I am their benefactor and they follow me. It is their duty to help me; but you are different. You just rescued me enthusiastically out of good intentions. Not only did you rescue me, you also took care of me carefully during this period - I think this contribution is valuable. And it's irreplaceable. God, when I think that without you, I can only enjoy the care of a few big and rough men, I can't help but shudder, and I even wish that I just couldn't wake up! "

Aiglon's deliberate joke made everyone burst into laughter. Even Maria herself couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Your Highness, you saved my life, and you convinced me with your sincerity that you had good intentions for me. When faced with a critical moment of death, you did not choose to run away immediately and hesitated to face the danger with me. Just imagine how many people can do that? From that moment on, you became one of my best friends. I will never forget that scene - I grew up in the palace and listened to the false polite words. Countless, but I have only seen sincerity a few times, but this time, I saw sincerity that social rhetoric can never match. This is a priceless treasure, and I really deserve it...Thank you for being willing to give these to me."

After saying this, he raised his glass to Maria gratefully and gestured.

After hearing this, Maria felt a little emotional. Finally, she gave him a look that said, "Finally you still have some conscience." Then she picked up the wine glass and took another sip of wine.

When the people nearby saw the interaction between the two people, an ambiguous look flashed in their eyes. Not only were they not stupid, but they were also quite shrewd, so they could clearly see that His Majesty was deliberately trying to please Her Royal Highness Maria.

As for the purpose... it should be very obvious. Your Majesty definitely wants to have something happen with Her Royal Highness.

The same conclusion was reached, but Andre Davout and Leon Esposito had different ideas.

Andre Davout is only loyal to His Majesty. He will not be concerned about any of the young man's actions. In his opinion, as long as Your Majesty is carrying out his great cause, then it doesn't matter if he is romantic during this period, and it can even highlight His Majesty's dignity. Charisma is a great thing.

And Leon Esposito only joined Egron halfway. Although he was quickly recruited by Egron as his personal secretary, he was an "outsider" after all. They couldn't get along, but his position happened to be very close to that of Princess Teresa, who was also an outsider.

And Princess Theresa had indeed tried to win over him before - according to this logic, he should be on Princess Theresa's side.

Leon was naturally fully aware of Princess Teresa's purpose of winning over him, and she hoped that she could be a sounding board to let her know what she wanted to know.

And the scene happening now must be "something she wants to know".

So the next question is - should I tell her this?

Leon was a little tangled in his heart. After all, he had to take the risk of informing, but at the same time, he would definitely gain Princess Teresa's absolute trust and gain a solid backer.

Risks and benefits coexist, which is really confusing.

However, having received a strict theological education since childhood, he did not show any flaws on the surface. He still dealt with the people around him normally, and from time to time he would make a few jokes to liven up the atmosphere at the table.

Of course, neither Andre nor Leon, either of them, has ever considered the moral burden - Your Majesty is Your Majesty, even if you want to have something happen with Her Majesty Maria, what's the problem? ?

Amid everyone's chatting and laughing, the celebration banquet was carried out cheerfully and harmoniously. Everyone chatted happily and joked from time to time. It was a great time for the guests and the host.

Of course, everyone was worried about Aigron's health and did not toast him in large numbers. Aigron just dealt with the situation a little and did not indulge in it.

As time came to evening, the banquet gradually came to an end, and the people present began to feel a little drunk.

At this time, Aigron stood up again and announced to the people present that the banquet was over.

People stood up to salute him one after another, and then left each other, while Aiglon paid attention to Maria's movements.

At this time, Maria had drunk a lot of wine and her face was red, but she was obviously staying awake.

She walked up the stairs, seemingly wanting to go to the balcony to enjoy some fresh air, and Aigron naturally followed her.

As he expected, Maria came to the balcony, sat down on her seat, picked up a folding fan and started to fan herself.

Although it is only spring, it is quite normal for her to feel hot all over because of drinking...

Aiglon walked in front of her while observing her.

At this time, the blush on her face has not dissipated, her eyes are half-open and half-closed, and the lace on her cuffs is placed on her chest, looking lazy and magnificent.

Looking at her gorgeous appearance, who could imagine her usual harsh words?

But considering her kindness to him, Aigron didn't care about any harshness.

Unknowingly, he quietly moved next to Maria.

He did not speak in a hurry, but followed Maria's line of sight to look at the scenery in the distance.

It was dusk at this time, and the Palma River not far away was sparkling. The spring breeze caused the waves on the river to break, just like golden scales.

On the river, there are some small cargo sailing boats moving around under the influence of the spring breeze. Sails of various shapes are dotted among the golden waves, as if they are floating in a fantasy world.

Quite a beautiful view indeed.

"It's so beautiful here." Aigron finally made a voice, breaking the silence between the two people. "Your Highness, what do you think?"

Maria didn't seem to be surprised why he came quietly to her side, but she didn't seem to be interested in answering him. She just nodded slightly with half-closed eyes, acknowledging his emotion.

"This land belongs to my mother." Aigron continued, "But in fact it was only given to her by my grandfather. After she passes away, I am afraid it will not belong to her descendants. It is true that pity."

Of course Maria knew what Aiglon was referring to.

"If you really get what you want in the future, then you will definitely have a way to protect this land for her descendants -" So, she said softly.

"It's hard for me to say, after all, it's a matter of the future." Aigron shook his head, "Her agreement involves the inheritance dispute between the Habsburg family and the Bourbon family. It is a troublesome matter, and it can be considered a serious matter. It’s a bargaining chip, I can’t directly decide its ownership right now——”

At this time, Maria turned her head and looked at Aigron seriously.

Aiglon is a little confused. Did I say something wrong?

Just when he was confused, Maria suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha... Duke Leichstadt, you have really been trained to become a complete lord. Seeing such a beautiful scenery, you are thinking about the ownership of the country. It is really a bit of a disgrace..."

Aigron couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"This is my job. I have to be dedicated. I have no choice..." Finally, he replied sarcastically.

"Okay, I'm not blaming you, I just think it's a little funny." Maria shook her head, still smiling, "Your soul is probably engraved with these things, and you will never get rid of them... so I also I don’t know how true or false what you just said is true.”

"It's pure gold." Aigron quickly assured, "You can't think of me as a monster. I also have my own personal feelings outside of work - I have some principles, and repaying kindness is one of them."

"Is that so?" Maria seemed a little confused, but there was still a smile on her lips.

"Then how about you forget your job as a king now and change roles for me——?" She changed the subject.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Aigron asked quickly.

Maria half-opened her folding fan, then raised her hand and pointed to the Palma River in the distance, "The scenery here is beautiful. When I go back, I want to commemorate it with a brush, and I also want to write a poem for it. …And this is something I can’t do. Your Highness, can you?”

Aigron understood.

Not only did he understand what she wanted, but he also understood why she was depressed——

She was leaving, but she couldn't bear to leave!

Really, for such a simple reason, why do you think about it for so long?

Aiglon knows that separation is inevitable, because both people have their own homes, and they need to part ways after all.

However, he also knew that they would definitely meet again.

Now I have to fulfill her wish and let the memories before the separation remain in her mind.

Besides that... there are others.

He had thought of doing something before, but now was the perfect time!

He certainly knows how to seize the moment.

"Then can I put some polish on my pen?" he asked pretending to be serious.

"What retouching?" Maria was stunned, "Do you still need my money?"

"No... not that... Your Highness..." Aigron smiled.

Then, he possessed him gently.


The sound was blocked halfway out, and the "touch" Aigron wanted was their kiss.

For a moment, everything was silent, and only the spring breeze echoing on the Palma River in the distance quietly witnessed the absurdity of the young man.

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