Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and five, aboveboard


Hearing this answer, the Marquis of Noirtier raised his eyebrows, "Marseille! That's a great place! I've been there several times. My useless son worked there for several years, and my granddaughters are all there. born."

Edmond Dantès did not expect that he and the Marquis would have such a fate, so he immediately became energetic.

"The scenery of my hometown is really unparalleled! Although it is not as majestic as Paris, it still has a vibrant harbor and endless sea. It is a place that I have always dreamed of..."

"What you said makes me want to go there again..." The Marquis laughed, "But I think that when His Majesty's career is successful, you can return home in fine clothes and enjoy the scenery there for a while."

Edmund suddenly felt a little sad.

His hometown is a place he is proud of, but it is also a place of sadness for him. It was there that he was taken away by the police at his wedding banquet, and then inexplicably sent to the Castle Eve Black Prison, where he lived for more than ten years. Years of darkness in prison.

If his adoptive father, Father Faria, hadn't helped him analyze his situation, he might have died unaware of why he was facing such a disaster.

Of course, this is all thanks to His Majesty for rescuing me, otherwise even if I come back to my senses, it will be of no use and I can only cry out in the dark cell about my misfortune.

All kinds of sad things made his eyes suddenly filled with sadness, and both the Marquis of Noirtier and the Marquis of Treville, who were sophisticated in the world, noticed the count's abnormality.

The two of them didn't know why, but they naturally knew that they should change the topic.

"Sir, you can't say that your son is incompetent. He is recognized as one of the most promising people among the young generation." General Treville joked with a smile on his face, "If my son is With your son’s abilities, why should I worry so much!”

Although these two people are both powerful figures, as they get older, they inevitably adopt the common traits of parents - comparing their children. The Marquis de Treville was extremely disappointed with his son Edgar. When he saw the son of the Marquis Noirtier rising to prominence and having a bright future, it would be impossible not to feel sad.

However, the Marquis of Noirtier also had his own pain points, and he sighed deeply.

"Hey! I hope that little bastard can be a wandering cloud and crane like your son! He climbs up ambitiously,

But he is standing on the opposite side of us. I really didn’t expect that I would raise such a son..."

The long sigh of the Marquis of Noirtier aroused the interest of Edmond Dantès. According to the conversation between the two of them, the son of the Marquis of Noirtier should be a current high-ranking government official and loyal to the royal family, so The Marquis was so heartbroken.

He is not angry, he knows that these famous families are intertwined, and it is very common for family members to be loyal to different forces - isn't the brother of the Marquis of Treville also a favorite of the king? His Majesty the Emperor does not care about this.

"I wonder what position your son is in now?" he asked curiously.

"The son of the Marquis is Mr. Gerard de Villefort. He is now a prosecutor at the Paris Public Prosecutor's Office. He has a very outstanding performance and has a reputation of being selfless. He is a very shrewd and capable man. Everyone said that a few years later He can definitely become the Attorney General of the Kingdom." The Marquis of Treville answered this question instead of the Marquis of Noirtier.

As if he was afraid that Edmund would misunderstand him, he continued to explain, "Well... this prosecutor has had disagreements with his father's political views since he was a child. He was influenced by his mother and was more inclined to the royalist side, so during the restoration After that, he took his mother's surname and joined the royal government. For this reason, the father and son had many quarrels, and now they almost have no contact with each other..."

"I have seen too many tragedies of roommates fighting against each other. Back then, fathers and sons killed each other because of their political disagreements. Now that something like this happened to me can be regarded as retribution." The Marquis of Noirtier was obviously a little uninterested, " That little bastard liked to rebel against me since he was a child. Later, he married the daughter of the Marquis de Saint-Meran, a die-hard royalist, and then used his help to get the job of acting prosecutor of Marseille... So this is what I have with Marseille. There have been some intersectional reasons.”

Edmond Dantès heard the words of the two marquis very clearly, but he seemed to be unable to hear anything clearly. His ears seemed to be making a noise, making him a little dizzy.

"De-Villefort...Prosecutor de-Villefort..." he murmured to himself.

The Marquis of Noirtier noticed his abnormality and asked Edmond curiously. "What? Earl, do you know my son?"

Edmund's face was very ugly, and he didn't know what to say.

After he came out of the prison, he made a special trip back to his hometown and secretly investigated what happened to him back then. Then he clarified the ins and outs of this uncomplicated case.

Danglars persuaded Fernand to write a letter to inform him. Prosecutor Villefort believed it and arrested him and sent him to a dark cell.

The facts were clear and simple - although he had no idea why the prosecutor was treating him this way.

Why? He actually threw himself into a black jail without doing basic checks? Why does he treat himself so cruelly?

He couldn't think of an answer, and in the end he could only attribute the reason to "the royalists incited white terror at that time, and killed the wrong ones without letting go." After all, there were quite a lot of that kind of thing at that time.

No matter what the motive was, the prosecutor was one of his enemies. If the prosecutor hadn't caused harm, how could Fernand and Danglars have put themselves in jail even if they tried their best?

Naturally, he also included Prosecutor Villefort in his liquidation list.

But today, he was shocked to find that the prosecutor's father was sitting in front of him, and he was a high-ranking and well-known boss among his party members.

Prosecutor Villefort's father was the Marquis of Noirtier, a revolutionary nobleman and a former Girondin member of the National Assembly.

In January 1793, the National Assembly passed a death sentence for the treason of King Louis XVI. At that time, 361 votes were in favor, 334 votes were against, and 26 votes believed that the death penalty should be suspended. After the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty, those who were in power at that time Those who voted in favor of Louis XVI's death sentence were regarded as "regicides" and were severely condemned and liquidated.

However, many of those regicides back then had already been executed by other revolutionary factions during the bloody purges of the great revolutions...such as Robespierre, Saint-Just, Philippe Equality, etc., etc. Needing to trouble the Wang family for revenge, they themselves died in the revolutionary storm.

As a member of the National Assembly, the Marquis voted against the death sentence. Therefore, although he was also guilty of "rebellion", he was not stigmatized as regicide. In addition, he was also a member of the hereditary nobility, so he was not subject to much punishment. Punishment that is too severe.

After the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty, King Louis XVIII advocated "reconciliation" and did not punish him severely. He was only imprisoned for a few years and then released. Of course, his political career came to an end and he would never be seen again. It is impossible to exert any influence in politics.

In any case, for Edmond Dantès, the Marquis of Noirtier is a senior who must be respected, and he will definitely be His Majesty's loyal minister. On the occasion of hiring people, Your Majesty will definitely rely on these loyalties. Geng Geng and experienced officials stabilized the overall situation for him.

Therefore, in His Majesty's heart, the support of the Marquis of Noirtier must be very important!

So in this case, can he take revenge on his son? Can it be done?

When he thought of this level, Edmond Dantès couldn't help but break out in cold sweat and feel extremely painful.

Why does fate play such a trick on me?

"What's wrong? Count? You look like you're being tortured." The Marquis of Noirtier felt something was strange and couldn't help but ask.

what to do? What should be done?

Is it a concealment? Say nothing and then secretly take revenge on his son?

As a victim, you have this right.

But do you really want to complete your revenge in a sneaky way? Are you afraid? What are you afraid of?

With his mind spinning, Edmond Dantès suddenly became passionate. He decided to take a risk and reveal everything to the old Marquis as a comrade and junior to see how he would handle it.

He must take revenge, and no one can stand in his way except His Majesty.

"Marquis Noirtier, may I venture to ask, are you a gentleman?" He raised his head and looked at the Marquis calmly.

"We French people are not in the mood to talk about this..." The Marquis was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile, "However, I can assure you that I have acted openly and aboveboard in my life, although I have killed people several times under the pressure of the situation. , but I always kill each other in fair duels, and there are witnesses who can testify."

"Hey, why did you suddenly talk about a duel?" Marquis Treville felt something was wrong in the atmosphere and quickly stopped it.

"Look at the look in this gentleman's eyes. It's the look in someone's eyes who has prepared for all the awakenings." The Marquis of Noirtier pointed at Edmund, "I couldn't help but think of that."

"Two gentlemen, you are both my comrades, and you both come from famous families. More importantly, I admire your style and life experience extremely... you are my role models." Edmond Dantès suddenly spoke, his tone filled with incomparable sincerity, "I want to tell you about a past incident. I beg you to keep it a secret after hearing it, okay?"

The two marquises looked at each other, and each other felt the abnormality of the atmosphere even more.

But since the Count of Monte Cristo has already talked about this, they naturally have nothing to say. "Please tell us, we will keep it secret."

Edmond Dantès cleared his throat and began his story.

"Once upon a time in Marseilles, there was a merchant ship called the Pharaoh, and there was a young sailor named Edmond Dantès on it..."

In an unusually calm tone, Edmund told his story - from being a sailor to being a prisoner, and then joining His Majesty's service by chance. Became the Count of Monte Cristo.

This is almost a legendary story, so much so that the two marquises, who have extremely rich life experiences, were fascinated by it.

At the end, Edmond Dantès told the truth he had investigated, and the two people suddenly felt extremely heavy.

Prosecutor Villefort! The acting prosecutor of Marseille took away everything Edmond Dantès once had.

The expression and tone of Edmond Dantès's words made neither of them doubt the authenticity of his words. What's more, there are many things that can confirm each other in what happened.

Especially the Marquis of Noirtier, he understood everything, even more than Edmond Dantes.

He knew why his son wanted to put this little sailor to death - it was because he was afraid that others would know that his father was involved in the conspiracy to support the restoration of Emperor Napoleon, which would jeopardize his own future.

The letter was sent from Elba to the Bonaparte Club in Paris at that time, and he himself was the vice-president of that club and one of the leaders of the conspiracy!

After knowing all this, his mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

What should I do?

No matter from any point of view, his son was the Count of Monte Cristo and his enemy. He had an extremely fair and just reason to exact any degree of revenge - and he said it to himself directly and openly.

Undoubtedly, he could break the promise he just made and remind his son to be careful when he returns, but his innate pride and dignity would not allow him to play such a double-dealing trick in front of the earl.

"I have finished speaking. I ask you to give me a fair answer with your conscience and honor, Mr. Marquis." Edmond Dantès looked at the Marquis of Noirtier eagerly, waiting for his answer. , "What do you think I should do?"

The Marquis of Treville also looked at Noirtier secretly. To be honest, if it were him, he would definitely choose to protect his son at any cost, but of course he would pretend to be sanctimonious at this time. look.

"We all have the honor of our respective families," he whispered, hinting at his opinion.

"Yes, honor!" The Marquis of Noirtier, who had been silent for a long time, sighed.

Then, he stood up suddenly, and then leaned down to Edmond Dantès with great respect, and his gray hair fell down, covering the old man's eyes, "Sir, for what my son has brought to you, I am very sorry and sorry for those serious disasters...I admit that you have the right to retaliate, and I...I will keep it secret for you."

At this point, his tone suddenly choked up, and he seemed speechless for a moment.

The look in his father's eyes made Edmund feel pity for him, and he secretly admired his aboveboard reply.

But no matter how much pity and admiration he had, it did not dampen his tenacious desire for revenge. He must take revenge.

"How do you wish to treat him?" asked the Marquis of Treville suddenly.

"I...I haven't thought about it yet, but I must take revenge." Edmund replied.

"Then, when the time is right, you can duel and wash away your grievances and anger with your own hands." Marquis Treville suggested. "Although there will be some legal obstacles, we can easily suppress it."

Edmond Dantès did not object to this opinion, so the two of them looked at the Marquis of Noirtier.

But now the Marquis no longer had the high spirits he had just now, but instead became depressed.

He sat down slightly and let out a long sigh.

"Although we have different political opinions and often quarrel, he is my only son after all. Can you wait until he gives birth to a grandson before exercising your rights?" He looked at Edmund almost pleadingly.

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