Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and seventeen, awe

Of course, Leon had no choice but to obey Aiglon's order. He dragged his tired body and copied the declaration that His Majesty had just prepared. He did not sleep after that, but held on until morning, and then sent someone to inform Prince Charles that His Majesty Want to summon him.

Prince Charlie was very puzzled by this sudden summons. He couldn't figure out why he suddenly gained the attention of his cousin.

After the establishment of the principality, he has been sitting on the bench with no hope of being reused. Whether Aiglon was in charge or Theresa, who was regent in his absence, deliberately refused to appoint him to important positions, so he had the title of prince and lofty status, but was indifferently excluded. outside the core of the principality. No one ever asked his opinion on any major matter.

His brother also suffered similar treatment, and compared to him, his brother Prince Louis' temper was even more violent. He even publicly quarreled with Teresa and some officials of the principality, and later even left Joachim in anger. Nina - Of course, his external name is to marry his uncle Joseph's daughter, the former Spanish princess Charlotte Bonaparte.

Unlike his brother, Prince Charlie has a much calmer temper. He knows that if he chooses to run away, it will mean openly contradicting His Majesty. Although his cousin seems to be open-minded, he is also proud and stubborn in his heart and will never tolerate this. This kind of offense means that it means the end of political life.

Therefore, you must not ruin your future just because of a moment of anger, especially if you still have capital.

As a member of the Bonaparte family, especially for helping Aiglon escape from Vienna, Aiglon did not treat his cousin unfairly in terms of material treatment. Instead of holding him accountable for embezzling the money from the sale of gems, he was also included in the list. He has joined the ranks of the highest-ranking nobles in the principality, and a large manor was granted to him in the suburbs - the meaning is very clear, I will give you what should be given, and you can just settle down.

Prince Charles also knew that he was wary of his cousin and resented Teresa because he had offended her, so he chose to hide his power and bide his time in his manor, entertaining guests every day. As a pastime.

However, for this equally ambitious young man who is only in his early 20s, his desire for power cannot be diluted by generous material treatment. On the surface, he pretends to indulge in feasting and hunting, but in fact he is Take the opportunity to make friends with people from all walks of life and cultivate personal relationships. At the same time, he was always paying attention to outside information, spying on the international situation in the principality and the mainland, looking for opportunities for himself to get ahead.

He also knew in his heart that his cousin completely overwhelmed him in terms of prestige and family legitimacy. He would never be able to establish his own business no matter what, so he could only wait for the opportunity to see when the wind direction changed and he could get something. His Majesty's important position, taking the opportunity to seek power.

But he didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly.

Is it because I have done something taboo recently, and His Majesty is going to come and reprimand me in person? For a moment, he was murmuring in his heart.

But no matter what, His Majesty's summons could not be refused, so he could only leave his manor with an uneasy mood, and then came to Aigron's residence.


Aigron woke up from his dream. Teresa had already gotten up and was walking outside with Chanel's support. He looked out the window and saw Teresa walking slowly on the grass. of two people.

Looking from the window, the two people were talking and laughing, and there was no hint of any grudge - just as Chanel said, Theresa would not hate her.

Aigron whistled happily to them, and they immediately turned to look at the window. Aigron waved and said hello to the two women closest to him.

Such frivolous behavior was not regal, but considering his age, what was there to blame?

In a happy mood, Aigron took a hasty shower and then found his secretary Leon.

"Has Prince Charlie called over?" he asked straight to the point.

"He has been waiting for you for almost two hours." Leon replied quickly.

In order not to delay Aiglon's affairs, he sent someone to notify Prince Charlie early in the morning, but when the prince arrived, his majesty was still sleeping, and he did not dare to disturb his precious sleep, so he had to beg the prince to let him attend the meeting. The guest room is waiting.

For Leon, he was loyal to His Majesty personally, not to the entire Bonaparte family. Of course, he himself knew the importance.

"Very good." Aigron didn't feel guilty about making his cousin wait for so long. He just nodded, "Then take me there."

Soon, Leon brought Aigron to the reception room, and Prince Charlie, who was already bored with waiting, quickly changed his expression to serious and upright after seeing Aigron, and then stood up to salute Aigron.

"Good morning, my cousin." Aigron greeted him cordially, "I feel sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. I'm sorry, I slept too late last night..."

"Your Majesty, please don't say that. I should wait for you. Your precious sleep is more important than anything else." Prince Charlie replied quickly.

Of course he was very unhappy, but he had to bow his head under the roof of others. Since he was his cousin, he could only accept any treatment from the other party, but he did not dare to show confrontation.

Aigron made a gesture, asking the prince to sit down, and then sat down himself.

"I stayed up late last night, not because I lost track of time because of my indulgence in entertainment, but because I was doing something important -" Aigron explained the reason. He did not intend to give it away, "To be precise, I prepared a A manifesto, a public declaration to the French people.”

"Huh?" Upon hearing this, Prince Charlie immediately became interested.

If you think about it for a moment, you will know how important such a document is. It represents the foreign policy declaration of the Bonaparte family - and this is the first one!

And his cousin specifically called him over for discussion. Does that mean that in his mind, he is qualified to speak on this matter?

Prince Charlie didn't expect such a good thing, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

"You...what do you plan to publish?" Finally, he still had some wit, so he managed to calm down.

"You'll know after you take a look." Aiglon picked up a manifesto copied by Leon on the table and handed it to his cousin.

Prince Charles nervously picked up the pages and read the neat handwriting carefully.

His expression grew increasingly confused and eventually turned into shock.

"Your Majesty, do you want to openly support the Republic?" He raised his head in surprise and asked Aiglon.

"Yes, I wrote it very clearly." Aigron nodded and admitted simply.

"But you don't want to be emperor anymore?" Prince Charles asked.

He only found it incredible, because he knew that his cousin would never give up on his dream - it could even be said that this cousin was originally created to be an emperor, how could he give up the meaning of his existence? ?

"Why, is there anything strange about being an emperor in a republic?"

Aigron asked with interest.

It's particularly interesting to ask this question to this cousin, and it even seems to be a bit of a dry humor.

But Prince Charlie couldn't feel his cousin's wicked sense of humor. He just felt that his brain was a little confused.

However, deep down in his heart, he also had a keen talent as a politician, so in this mess, he slightly understood the situation in a very short period of time, and tried to guess why His Majesty did what he did.

"Are you trying to retreat in order to advance?" Soon, he cleared his mind a little, and then asked Aiglon tentatively. "Do you think that temporarily supporting the republic can unite the opposition forces and fight against the false king..."

"That's part of it." Aigron nodded.

That means there's another part to consider.

Prince Charlie thought about it again based on this clue.

Then he noticed a detail - in the second half of the article, His Majesty scolded the Bourbon royal family and the Duke of Orleans at the same time, accusing them of despicably trying to bribe him, and tying them all together as enemies of the people and the cause of the country's chaos. The culprit.

"Are you wary of the Orleans family?" he concluded before asking.

Eggron was not surprised that his cousin performed like this. In fact, history has already proven that he does have such a talent.

Therefore, he has always been afraid of this cousin in his heart, and has been trying every means to restrict him, because he knows that if he cannot do it, then this cousin is the person most qualified to take over his banner - and Historically speaking, he at least did a pretty good job.

But now is the time to employ people. In any case, achieving the restoration of the country is the most important. To this end, everyone must use their talents. No matter how to guard against Prince Charlie, that will be a matter for the future. Now, go to all means to suppress his helpers, just You will lose a lot for a small amount of money.

"Yes, that's what I thought." Aiglon nodded and admitted the other party's guess. "As far as I'm concerned, the false king is certainly hateful, but the Duke of Orleans is also an opponent that needs to be wary of. They have always been ambitious and want to usurp the main branch. We have been preparing for this for many years. We can bribe important people in France, and they can bribe them too, and they will bribe them more easily than us! I have been worrying about this for a long time, and finally I came to the conclusion , we must not only take the top-level route, but also ask for the trust of the people, use the name of the people to add glory to us, and then use this glory to face these two royal families - what qualifications do they have to represent the people? And what are their qualifications to represent the people? What reason is there to continue to ride on the people? As long as we can arouse such doubts among the French people, then I think they will face great pressure."

Aiglon did not tell Prince Charles the information about Count Telewin's visit, Prince Talleyrand's expression of goodwill, etc. He only expressed the Duke of Orleans' movements in general, but even so, Prince Charles quickly understood what he meant.

After thinking carefully, Prince Charlie finally became enlightened about his cousin's idea.

"Wonderful! You tie both sides of them together, and then ask them to explain whether they are enemies of the people, which means that no matter which side of them, they will lose points in the discussion you set off. You call for A referendum is held to determine the future of the country, but neither of them dares to implement it, so you just raised a cover, and this cover is enough to expose the fact that both of them are just the same thing! In this case, you can let the Duke of Orleans also Then they lost the support of the people.”

"A declaration is not enough to achieve the effect you said, but this is indeed the direction I hope to work towards." Aigron admitted his thoughts, "The Duke of Orleans is a sneaky conspirator. Thirty years ago, he My father was like this, and he is still like this thirty years later. For such conspirators, it is difficult for us to defeat them if we only play the same conspiracy with them, because they are in France and we are outside, and they have enough space to attack Okinawa. Zu——So we have to find ways to set up issues and seize public opinion. Compared with them, we are more generous, because we have nothing, so we are willing to give anything, and we will give what we want first."

"Yes! That's right!" Charlie nodded repeatedly, looking sincerely convinced.

This time he really wasn't pretending, because after thinking about it carefully, he sincerely agreed with his cousin's considerations. He even felt for a moment that he was enlightened.

Various thoughts came to him, but the most important thing was to be vigilant - his cousin was too powerful, so he had to be careful in front of him no matter what.

He also knew that for his cousin, it was useless to question him, and to oppose him would definitely be self-destruction. He could only follow his orders, and only after he had accumulated enough capital would he have room for bargaining. .

"Your Majesty, what do you need me to do?" He simply made it clear.

"I see that you are really a little idle lately." Aiglon replied with a smile, "You indulge in pleasure all day long, and you are almost becoming a profligate prince in people's eyes."

I've been feasting and hunting all day long, and it's not because of you. Do you think I want to be like this... Prince Charlie thought resentfully. But of course he didn't dare to express his resentment, so he could only show an attitude of being scolded honestly. "I'm sorry, I may have been a little complacent recently and relaxed my requirements on myself."

"So, I want to entrust you with an important task -" Aigron stopped beating around the bush and went directly to the topic, "My cousin, do you miss your mother?"

This sudden question made Prince Charlie stunned again.

But he soon understood the meaning. "You want to send me to Switzerland?"

"Yes, Switzerland." Aigron nodded, "When you go there, on the one hand, you can bring my greetings to Queen Ortense, and on the other hand, I hope you will make some preparations for me there. After a while, I will be with you. Come with Teresa.”

Prince Charles quickly understood what Aigron meant - Ioannina is too far away from France, and the message transmission is not efficient. Once changes occur in France, even if His Majesty wants to take action, it will be too late in time, so he wants to stay Very close to the French border.

And Switzerland is quite ideal - there are large mountains there, there are enough places to hide, and Queen Ortense is there.

He didn't dare to disobey Aigron's order in the first place, especially now that he respected and feared Aigron. So he agreed without thinking.

"Your Majesty, thank you for your trust in me. I will definitely do it for you!"

While bowing his head in salute, his heart also ignited a raging fire. His cousin finally recognized his talent and gave him a chance to prove his ability.

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