Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-four, whereabouts and secret discussions

"How could you have such a stupid idea?"

The teacher's stern reaction puzzled Agnes, but it at least showed that what she worried about did not happen. The teacher had no collusion with the Bonaparte family.

That's right, I really thought too much. The teacher had never had anything to do with the Bonaparte family in his life, so how could he suddenly join them... Agnes was also a little funny, thinking that she was thinking too much.

It seemed that because of what that young man did, she had a bit of a psychological shadow.

"Don't mind, I'm just guessing..." Agnes quickly apologized to the teacher, "As you know, the heir to the Bonaparte family has been causing trouble at the border recently, and it's quite serious, so I I'm just worried that he will cause trouble."

"Of course he would think so." Bianca sneered, "If he can't be the emperor in this life, then what's the point of living? It's just... things in the world are not so satisfactory. I think he may not The previous generation was so lucky, perhaps being exiled to a desert island was a fate that they could not escape."

Although she had a bad impression of Duke Lechstadt, Agnes was still a little unconvinced when her teacher said this.

But she was not interested in arguing with the teacher about this issue, so she just nodded silently.

"How's Alice doing lately?" At this moment, Bianca asked another question.

"Sister?" Agnes hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "She's doing well."

No, it's actually not good at all.

Agnes knows better than anyone else that her sister obviously doesn't have much affection for the Bonaparte family, but she has been forced to get involved in the political turmoil in France because of her husband's family, and she will be in danger at any time. Although she comes from a famous family, But at this time, she was already rebellious. If the Wang family knew what she had done, they would definitely not show mercy.

If her marriage was happy and her life was happy, all these sacrifices might be worth it. However, Agnes vaguely felt that although Edgar was handsome and talented, his character was average. And he's not that kind to his sister, so...my sister's sacrifice may not be so worth it.

But now that the matter is over, what’s the point of thinking about it anymore? She could only feel sad for her sister in her heart.

"I heard that she married the son of a Bonapartist general?" Bianca continued to ask, "I have always thought she was quite smart, why did she lose her head this time? She followed that gang,

Any good results. Isn't she afraid that one day she will be suddenly caught and thrown into jail? "

"This is my sister's own idea, and I can only respect it." Agnes replied helplessly, "In addition, no matter what danger my sister encounters, I will do my best to protect her. Anyone who wants to arrest her and put her in jail will You have to step over my body first!"

"You do have some backbone." Bianca smiled happily, seeming to appreciate Agnes's will very much, "Don't worry, Alice is my first apprentice after all, and I don't want to Whatever trouble she encounters, or whatever happens to her husband, I will try my best to help her."

"Thank you, teacher!" Agnes was overjoyed.

"I heard she gave birth to a daughter?" Bianca asked again.

"Yes." Agnes nodded. "I was born last year. My name is Xia Lu. She is only one year old now."

"is it beautiful?"

"Of course she is beautiful! She is Alice's daughter!" Agnes replied without hesitation, "Not only is she beautiful, she is also smart and cute. She learns everything quickly. I really like her."

She really likes this little niece. It can be said that her sister's marriage seems to her to be unsatisfactory and gray, and Xia Lu is one of the few bright spots.

Suddenly she found that the teacher's vision was a little strange.

She immediately understood what the teacher was thinking

"No, no! Teacher, you already have an excellent apprentice like me. There is no need for another apprentice. Xia Lu is my favorite child. When she grows up, I will teach her myself!" She immediately protested.

"You are too soft-hearted. You don't know how to teach your disciples." Bianca disagreed. She believed Agnes's words. Alice's daughter will definitely not be ugly and is definitely qualified to pass on her art.

She traveled around all her life, rarely communicating with others, and being extremely conceited about her beauty, she just wanted to pass on her swordsmanship to an equally beautiful woman so as not to dishonor her reputation. Initially, she chose Alice. But because Alice was unwilling, she finally chose her sister Agnes. Although Agnes was equally beautiful, she still had a little regret in her heart.

As she got older, she felt that she had passed her peak period and was slowly declining, so she wanted it but regretted it. Since she didn't receive Alice, it seemed that it would be okay to let her daughter be a disciple in detention. very nice.

When she heard her words, Agnes remembered how her teacher "tortured" her back then, and she couldn't help but shudder in her heart.

Although she admitted that it might be necessary, she was not willing to let her precious Xia Lu suffer like this.

"Believe me, when have I ever let you down?" Agnes boldly retorted, "Besides, teacher, you are already old. You should live quietly, so why bother yourself? Now is the time It’s time for the younger generation to get to work~”

"What nonsense are you talking about!" No matter how capable she is, age is always a taboo for women. Bianca suddenly raised her eyebrows and raised her fist as if to hit her apprentice on the head. "It seems you can't do it without teaching you a lesson." It’s getting more and more outrageous..."

However, although she looked menacing, the blow on Agnes' head was very gentle, and Agnes did not resist at all, but just looked at the teacher with a smile.

"Well, since you said so, let's leave Xia Lu to you, but I will also pay attention to it in the future. If you teach too badly, don't blame me for not giving you face."

"Yeah!" Agnes smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed.

At this time, because of her reunion with her teacher, her heart was filled with joy. The depression and depression just now were completely swept away. She picked up the wine glass in front of her and looked at Bianca with high spirits.

"Teacher, let's drink a toast!"

"Ghost girl." Bianca glanced at her disdainfully, but still picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Agnes.

In the center of the hall, people danced in pairs, and the band's performance resounded throughout the hall. The master and the apprentice toasted and drank together in this splendid world, enjoying themselves and not being disturbed by the outside world.

Agnes was not a good drinker, and as she drank, her eyes began to become a little blurry. Although Bianca was not drunk, a blush inevitably appeared on her face.

The teacher has always been a majestic, serious and arrogant image in Agnes's mind, but today she was dressed up in gorgeous clothes, carefully put on makeup, and her hair was carefully taken care of. She looked like a real lady. So graceful and luxurious.

Although there were wrinkles at the corners of her eyes that could not be concealed, they did not detract from her beauty. Instead, they gave her a temperament that had accumulated over time. Her white peaks could still be seen through the open neckline of her skirt. It is standing tall and strong, proudly resisting the wear and tear of time.

Agnes knew that although the teacher advocated swordsmanship, he was an Italian and had a good cultural background. However, she didn't expect that after being carefully dressed up, she actually looked pretty good.

She has always regarded her teacher as her role model, and now she admires her even more deeply. She only hopes that she can retain such charm when she grows old.

"Teacher..." After the drunkenness came to her head, she suddenly forgot her self-control and spoke directly from her heart, "When I grow old, I wish I could be like you..."

What responded to her was Bianca's face with protruding veins, and her fierce iron fist punishment on the rebels.

In the midst of the fun, Agnes ended her "journey" tonight.

There is no doubt that her journey was a tragic failure. Until the end, no one came to invite her to dance. But this is very normal. The Duchess reprimanded Agnes, and Agnes contradicted the lady. Because it happened in public, it spread in a very short period of time.

Those young people who originally wanted to take the risk to seduce Agnes, but after hearing the news, they had to hold back for the sake of their own future.

For many young ladies who were jealous of Agnes, this was great news, and no one would steal their limelight; for Princess Cadyang, her purpose was also achieved, and she helped Agnes. Degas temporarily stopped those wild bees and butterflies from provoking Agnes.

As the only victim, Agnes knew nothing about the inside story.

Although she never expected to become a star that everyone noticed in the social world, suffering such a tragic failure was still a painful blow to a young girl.

Fortunately, she has always been an optimistic and open-minded person, and soon she adjusted her mentality, put her depression aside, and regained her usual vitality.

A few days later, she visited Edmond Dantès's residence, and then told him that the teacher had arrived in Paris, and informed him that the teacher could see him at the place where they practiced fighting.

Edmund was overjoyed and thanked Agnes repeatedly.

After Agnes left, he did not stay, but went directly to the house of Marquis Treville to visit.

He was quickly received by the general.

"Bianca has come to Paris, and I will be able to see her soon." As soon as they met, Edmund briefly told the general what happened.

He had told the general about Bianca before, so the general also knew what Bianca had done, and he immediately became energetic.

"How about it? Do you want me to mobilize some people to arrest her?"

Of course, Edmund also wanted to solve the problem in such a simple and hassle-free way. It would be best to capture Bianca immediately and secretly send it to His Majesty. Although he could not tolerate it, he still shook his head.

"No, this is too risky. Bianca is very skilled and will not be caught by us easily. If she escapes, we will have no better chance. Besides... Miss Agnes will be there at that time. If we do anything rashly around her..."

At this point, the general also understood what the count meant.

It's not that he's afraid of Agnes's skills. As long as there are more people and more guns, he won't be afraid no matter how skilled these two women are. But the problem is, if Agnes knows the whole story, she will not only hate herself to death Personally, even His Majesty will be hated by her. This is completely contrary to his plan.

So you can't do this.

"Then what's your idea?" So he asked the earl directly.

"Let's not worry. I will go meet her first and relax her vigilance. If possible, I will try to find out her whereabouts and at least get more information." Edmond Dantès replied, "Your Majesty It is also very important not only to seek revenge on her, but also to find out who was behind her."

"Well, that's true." The general nodded and agreed with Edmund, "Then let's closely observe her movements first. We couldn't find a needle in a haystack with her before, but now that she's in Paris... we can't I will let her go easily, and she must pay the price for her previous actions!"

Next, the two discussed some specific details about Bianca before Edmund left.

After the earl left, the Marquis of Treville stayed alone in the study and thought for a while, and then had his son called to him.

"Dad, do you have any orders?" As soon as he saw his father, Edgar couldn't help but feel his bones soften, and asked uneasily.

However, today, the Marquis of Treville did not reprimand his son, but asked another question, "I have heard that that little girl Agnes was reprimanded by the Duchess of Berry. Is this your fault? "

"Yes, Dad... I think letting her be ostracized from society will be conducive to your plan." Edgar answered honestly, and then told his father everything about how he deliberately targeted Agnes with the help of the princess. .

"You did a good job. You achieved your goal and remained calm without exposing yourself...that's how you should do it." The Marquis rarely praised his son, "Hey, you still have some brains and means, but Why are you just refusing to use it where it should be used? You just want to have fun."

Edgar had heard his father's nagging about iron not becoming steel countless times, so he just heard it in one ear and out the other.

"Dad, I just want to ask you something." Edgar boldly looked at his father.

"What's up?"

"Princess Kadiyan is useful to us, and she has indeed helped me a lot... If our business succeeds, can we keep her and not let her go into exile?" He asked cautiously.

However, what he got was his father's sharp eyes.

"Are you a stupid ass?" He interrupted his son impatiently, "If we succeed, what use will she have to you? A disgraced lady is not as important as a captain! Let her go into exile. Let her go into exile. Keeping her will only make you suspected of having an affair with the Wang family for no reason. If you want to find a lover, why don't you just pick a lover?"

After a pause, he remembered something again and added in a low voice, "But her son can stay first."

"But..." Edgar wanted to say something else.

But he knew that his father had always been bossy and would not easily change his mind for him, so he stopped.

He felt that in the end this matter could only be decided by His Majesty, as long as he showed mercy, everything could be solved.

At this time, the father and son heard the announcement from the servant.

"What? Agnes is visiting with a woman named Bianca?"

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