Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-four, appointment

"My dear, when the time comes I will give you the Louvre, and you will win."

Aigron's seemingly impromptu words made Teresa deeply moved.

Of course she knew what the Louvre meant. The art treasures collected there were as brilliant as stars. She had been fascinated by it when she was still in Austria.

If you can become its owner, it will certainly be a great blessing in this life.

But Teresa thought about it, and finally shook her head and rejected the proposal, "No need, Your Highness. It's fine if I have the honor to enter it and visit it. If you give it to me, it will cause trouble for me." Well, it’s too arrogant. I’m afraid the French people will scold you for bringing them a greedy Austrian woman..."

Aigron was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "You are different from your great-aunt."

"But how do the people know the difference? To them, I am just another Habsburg princess... So I have to be cautious so that they can accept me sincerely." Teresa answered with a smile. , "Actually, as long as you can always see those priceless treasures, why do you care whose name it is? Let it belong to the country and the people. We just need to keep them on behalf of the people."

Doesn't this actually mean the same thing?

Aiglon couldn't help laughing.

"Teresa, you are truly worthy of being my wife... Well, yes, I want to be the people's emperor, you will be the people's art conservator, and we will both dedicate ourselves to the people."

At this point, he suddenly became interested.

He picked up a piece of paper and drew a sketch of the Louvre and the surrounding terrain on the paper.

"Theresa, a few hundred meters away from the Louvre is the Tuileries Palace, which is now the King's Palace." Aigron explained to Theresa while drawing, "Before the Revolution, you know , the French court is in Versailles, but after the Revolution, Louis XVI was kidnapped and taken to Paris, and then lived in the Tuileries Palace. My father chose this place as the royal palace in the early days of his reign. After the restoration of the Bourbon family, they It’s still there.”

He drew the locations of the Tuileries Palace and the Louvre, and then drew two long lines directly on both sides of the two palaces to connect them together.


He looked at Teresa again, "When it becomes ours, I will build two corridors, connect them, make them one, and become a brilliant building that attracts worldwide attention for everyone to witness. The glory of our family..."

In fact, someone in history really did this, and it was Napoleon III, the emperor of the Bonaparte family.

He connected the Tuileries Palace and the Louvre with gorgeous galleries, and then turned the two palaces into a whole to show the prosperity and glory of France under his rule.

Napoleon III was ambitious and worked hard to leave his mark on the world.

Under his rule, Paris was renovated and truly became a gorgeous modern metropolis, and the two palaces project was the most eye-catching pinnacle of this massive project.

During the heyday of the Second Empire, grand balls and celebrations were often held here. France, which had completed the Industrial Revolution, used this to show off its wealth and strength. The entire upper class also competed to compare with each other, insisting on ranking in front of His Majesty the Emperor. .

It is a pity that the Second Empire eventually became a mirage. After the humiliating defeat in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, the empire was wiped out.

The Tuileries Palace actually became a victim of the destruction of the empire. The Paris Commune launched an uprising and took over the city of Paris. After the provisional government decided to suppress it, in order to eliminate "symbols of the exploiting class", the rebels burned the Paris City Hall and the Royal Palace. , so the Louvre once again stood alone, with only the gallery and the Tuyinlery Garden next to it, silently recording the original two-palace project.

Regarding this matter, Aigron said that the disaster was a very long-term problem, and he did not need to worry about it now.

Since he had Zhuyu in front of him, Aigron took over his cousin's "creative idea" in history without any courtesy.

Under his encouragement, Teresa soon became interested. While she was pleasantly surprised by her husband's ambition, she excitedly discussed with Agron the shape and scale of the gallery building, as well as what art should be collected and exhibited there. Taste and so on, unknowingly, the two people were discussing until nightfall.

"It's already dinner time..." Teresa looked at the bright red setting sun in the distance and sighed with unfinished emotion. "Your Highness, I really hope we can make what we discussed today come true! But it's interesting to think about it. We don't even know whether we can dominate that country, but we are already thinking about how to dominate it..."

"It will definitely come true, Teresa." Aigron touched her face, and then replied softly, "It can only belong to us, and no one can stop us."

"Yes, as long as you are here, there will be miracles... I firmly believe that miracles will come to us one after another, because destiny belongs to you." Teresa smiled and then leaned on his shoulder , "As long as I'm by your side, I have the courage to face anything."

Then, she lowered her gaze and looked at her bulging belly, "Little guy, you must be as ambitious and far-sighted as you are, worthy of being your and my child..."


After the couple warmed up for a while, Agron and Teresa went to the restaurant together to prepare for dinner. Usually it would be very quiet here, with only Chanel at the side. No one would disturb the couple's time, but today it was a little quiet. There is an extra guest at a different table.

Michelle Neyin sat upright in her seat, looking straight up and looking nervous and uncomfortable.

He was specially invited by Aigron to have dinner today.

It is a great honor for anyone from the Principality to be invited to dinner by His Majesty, and the same is naturally true for Michel Neyin. However, he was not sure what his Majesty's plan was for calling him here, so he felt a little uneasy.

As soon as he saw the two majesties coming to the restaurant, he immediately stood up from his chair and saluted Agron and Teresa as if he was pretending.

"No need to be formal, Michelle." Aigron nodded cordially and motioned for Michelle Neyin to sit down. "Today is our private party. You can treat us as friends, just like visiting a friend's house for a meal."

Come on, Your Majesty, whoever dares to think that he is free in front of you will definitely die quickly.

Michelle Neyin smiled bitterly in her heart, but she still responded and relaxed a little.

Judging from Aiglon's cordial attitude, Michelle Neyin guessed that she would not encounter any trouble today, or maybe she would be lucky.

At this time, the dishes were also served. Aigron picked up the tableware and started eating, and then looked at Michelle Neyin. "Michelle, how are you feeling lately?"

This Mohu question made Michelle Neyin feel a little difficult to answer or a little elusive about His Majesty's meaning.

In fact, his life has been quite boring recently.

Although nominally, he is the highest commander in the Knights except Aigron, but now that the principality is at peace and there is no war to fight for the time being, and other members of the Knights are not his clear subordinates, it is naturally difficult to apply his command authority. .

In the government of the principality, because Aigron trusted Father Faria more, he granted the priest unparalleled power. Father Faria may have felt that Michel Neyin was too high in both origin and status, for fear that he would He could not be commanded or he dispersed his power, so he rarely communicated with him, did not appoint him to any government positions, and even received little consultation.

Therefore, although Michel Neyin still carries the title of "Supreme Commander", he actually cannot command a few people, and no one needs him to command, leaving him in an awkward position.

Of course, in terms of material treatment, no one dared to owe the son of the former Imperial Marshal and the current senior member of the Knights. Like Prince Charles, he also received a large manor.

During this period of near-refrigeration, he and Prince Charles returned home by different routes and also enjoyed hunting and feasting to pass the time.

Of course, after all, he was born in a high-class society, and Michel Neyin had basic common sense in political judgment. He could see that Prince Charles was not very popular with His Majesty, and he almost broke with Queen Theresa publicly, so although he was equally He was idle, but he basically didn't interact with the prince.

For Prince Lai, who has extremely strong political ambitions, such a life is nothing short of torment; but for Michel Neinlai, although such a life is unpleasant, it is not completely unacceptable. He is living in Ioannina for the time being. The wealthy man lived in seclusion and even hired an architect from France and spent a lot of money to build a big house.

However, Michel Neyin is not completely addicted to the wealthy life. He still hopes that he can continue to be reused by His Majesty, give full play to his talents, and gain more power and wealth.

It was with this expectation that he felt so nervous, fearing that he would not perform well in front of His Majesty and waste this precious opportunity.

After thinking for a while, Michelle Neyin finally thought of her words.

"Your Majesty, I feel very good. I have enjoyed a peaceful and quiet life in the principality. I have my own honor. After more than half a year, I finally feel that I can stand upright and face my father in heaven. All of this , were all accomplished under your leadership, and I am full of gratitude to you.”

After a lot of pleasant talk, he put forward his request tactfully, "However, I am still young after all. A peaceful and quiet life is good, but I also hope to have more opportunities to serve you." Serve so that our Neiyin family can make greater contributions to the revival of the empire. This is also my unshirkable responsibility."

Although he had to be tactful, his meaning was very clear that he wanted to be an official, wanted power, and wanted to do something.

Agron was not surprised by his answer. He knew that after being suppressed for so long, Michelle Neyin would definitely be a little restless.

And this was something he did deliberately. Michel Neyin had made many military exploits with him before, and he was the supreme commander. He already had the feeling of deputy commander, so after the principality was established, he deliberately let him Father Faria temporarily ignored him and prohibited Michel Neyin from participating in government affairs.

Now, the political framework of the principality has been established, and various construction tasks have begun step by step. This also means that many small figures who were originally under Michel Neyin have now climbed up and do not have to worry about it anymore. Things are in line with him.

Now, it's time to pull him out.

Michel Neyin didn't know what Aigron was thinking, but from the special invitation today and Aigron's friendly attitude, he judged that there was a chance that he would be successful, so he made his request with great expectation.

Aigron did not answer him immediately, but looked at Theresa first.

"To tell you the truth, Michelle, I called you here today because I have something important to tell you."

coming! Michelle Neyin shouted in her heart, and then continued to look at Aigron expectantly.

"After Theresa gives birth to the child, we will set off together to Switzerland." Soon, Aigron came up with his plan.

"Are you going with Her Majesty the Queen?" Michel Neyin repeated, and then suddenly seemed to figure out the meaning.

His Majesty had left the principality for a period of time before, and Princess Theresa was in charge. If Her Majesty the Queen also left this time, wouldn't it be... His heart suddenly beat wildly.

"After we leave, the order of the principality must be maintained stable, which requires a military commander to sit here and never allow any unstable factors." Aigron leisurely stated his purpose, "Michelle, Te and I Lesa has discussed it and you are the most suitable person to serve as governor. I would like to ask your opinion, are you willing to take on this hard work?"

Of course I do! Michelle Neyin almost blurted out these words.

The comeback of his dream is just around the corner, how could he not want to.

But soon, the remaining rationality in his mind made him hesitate.

This "Governor" is great, but how long will it last? You won't stay here forever... That would be a big loss!

He never thought about ending up in this humble little principality on the Balkan Peninsula. In his heart, he desperately hoped that the Bonaparte family would restore the empire as soon as possible so that he could return to Paris to develop his ambitions.

Of course Aigron also noticed his hesitation.

Aigron knew that the reason why Michel Neyin and many officers in the Knights followed him and risked their lives for him was on the one hand out of loyalty to the Bonaparte family and the empire, but on the other hand On the one hand, what is more important is personal prosperity and wealth.

It was unacceptable for them to stay in Ioannina and spend their youth in this barren land thousands of miles away from France.

Every Frenchman will always remember the gentle town of Paris and the gold-selling caves, and Michel Neyin is certainly no exception.

For Michel Neyin, it would be nice to let him be the governor of this inhospitable place for a period of time and be able to dominate, but if he were to stay here forever, it would be as uncomfortable as being sentenced to prison. So he felt a little anxious.

"Michelle, if you have any concerns, feel free to let it go." He picked up the wine glass and took a leisurely sip of the wine.


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