Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and forty-two, moved by emotion

"Now, I think you are that person, please don't hesitate any more!"

After finishing speaking, Marquis Treville looked at Marshal Soult with sincere eyes.

Now that he had reached this stage, he didn't hide it and made his intention clear. He was here to recruit marshals for the Bonaparte family.

However, despite his excitement, Marshal Soult still had a cold expression and did not seem to be moved by him.

He just twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, appearing to be smiling.

As a commander who has led troops for many years, mobilizing the emotions of his subordinates is his specialty. He has seen similar words before, and even said them himself too many times. How could he be excited about it.

"Save the nation and the country? You think too highly of me." He smiled and shook his head, "Besides, what can we do now? The fortunes of the Bonaparte family have inevitably declined. We have tried A rebellion against fate, but what was the result? How many good men did we lose in Waterloo, and what did we get in the end? Nothing was gained in exchange. We lost, unmistakably. If it happened again, how much blood would this nation have? Does it need to be shed? How much blood is it willing to shed for the Bonaparte family? Are you sure?"

The Marquis of Treville was suddenly speechless.

After a moment, veins popped out on his forehead, as if he was angry, "Destiny? I really didn't expect you to mention this word to me... I didn't expect that our former commander, the God of War whom I admired, would actually talk to me about fate. ? If you want to obey fate, then what is the reason for the rivers of blood in this country? Isn't it enough for everyone to obey fate and kneel at the feet of the king and nobles? Why do they pick up swords and guns to smash the entire system? , and why do you want to join the revolution, and why do you want to become a general of the Republic and the Empire?!

Why did we achieve such brilliant results at that time? Is it because of fate? No! On the contrary, this is the result of fighting fate! In 1789, they rebelled against fate and overthrew the dynasty. From then on, the sons of grooms could become generals and the sons of peasants could become emperors. If they had followed their fate, who would they be now? ! It is precisely because they resisted fate, they despised the shackles imposed on them by their ancestors for generations, they had ideals in their minds and swords in hand, they braved the hail of bullets and charged into battle fearlessly, and they made the entire continent crumbling! I have seen the brilliance in the eyes of those energetic young men under the emperor's command, under your command, under my command. They once believed that they were invincible, and you were one of them... As a result, things happened Do you want us to succumb to our fate by now? With all due respect, Marshal, you are not denying the empire or the Bonaparte family, you are denying yourself! "

After a pause, he sneered again, "Don't forget,

My surname is de Treville, and my father is a Duke of Versailles. If the entire nation and you had succumbed to fate at that time, I would be the marshal today, and you would not even be a general! Your Excellency, will you succumb to this fate? No way? "

The Marquis of Treville's words were half angry and half performance - he had always deliberately created a "straightforward, resolute and decisive" persona in front of outsiders. He maintained this image very successfully, even when the emperor and him He could neither be humble nor overbearing in front of his successor, and he wanted to show this image to Marshal Soult, so he dared to question and contradict him face to face.

He knows the marshal, and he knows that the marshal prefers people with sharp personalities to those incompetent people who only know how to flatter and fawn over. Moreover, he is now playing the role of lobbyist for the Bonaparte family in front of the marshal. If he behaves If you feel guilty and short of breath, you will be looked down upon by the marshal.

As he expected, the marshal was not angry, but glanced at General Treville in slight surprise.

"I didn't expect that you would actually acquire the eloquence of an orator over the years."

"I pay more attention to practicality than eloquence. I just expressed my feelings just now." General Treville shook his head, and then looked at the marshal sincerely again, "Your Excellency, you are completely free. No one can order you now. , even the King of Rome is the same - that is to say, you can choose how to go next, you can continue to live in seclusion and pay attention to your boring coal mines, or you can choose to plunge into the torrent of the times again - —Bah! What kind of fate? You smashed it once in exchange for your current title and wealth, why can't you smash it again now?"

"Even if I want to smash my destiny, I don't only have Bonaparte's hammer to choose from." The marshal replied calmly, "Victor, although your words are very moving and moved me, you can't change the reality. ——The Bonaparte family has tried restoration, and it has failed, failed completely. It has exhausted the prestige it once accumulated, and even the emperor himself has passed away. So if the Bonaparte family wants to try again, it The enemies we have to face are more powerful than imagined——"

The Marquis of Treville and Edmond Dantès looked at each other covertly.

Since the marshal said this, it means that his heart has moved.

"It is true that you do not only have one side to choose from. With your prestige, no matter who wants to overthrow the dynasty, they will come to you for cooperation." Marquis Treville immediately answered, "But you should see that in the hearts of the people, The surname Bonaparte still has high prestige, and the death of the emperor is a great disaster for us, but from another aspect, his fate also aroused infinite sympathy from the people. At this moment, public opinion seems a bit illusory, but If there really is a day when the dynasty collapses, in the chaotic situation, the voice of the people will be a force that no one can ignore - yes, the Bonaparte family does not have a province or city in France, but if the people If you are willing to arm it, then it will definitely own the whole country! There are countless careerists in Paris now, everyone wants to have a taste of the highest power, but none of them can compare with Bonaparte The family is more able to arouse people's enthusiasm, because the emperor's name is the people's eternal memory, and the emperor's only heir is the natural candidate to carry their memories. No one else can gain the people's enthusiasm..."

There is no doubt that the words of the Marquis de Treville are a bit boastful, but to some extent they are grounded. Even Marshal Soult has to admit that within the country today, more people will remember the Emperor than Louis X. Six or King Louis XVIII had more people.

If he were a hereditary noble, he might despise the power of public opinion, but the marshal would not, because in his life, he had ridden the turbulent waves of the Great Revolution to finally reach this point. He knew the power of the people and the power of the people. What exactly can they do.

In 1815, the emperor easily mobilized the country, allowing those who had surrendered to the Bourbon family to take up swords and guns to fight for him again. Even if the future was so slim, they had no hesitation. Although so many years have passed, that name is absolutely It will not be easily erased from people's hearts.

Whether it is a century or two, his name will be the most vivid mark in history.

Because of this mark, the marshal also knew in his heart that the Bonaparte family now had a chance - even if it was so weak, it still had a chance.

So, do you want to participate in it?

The marshal was weighing in his mind, and his eyes wandered over General Treville.

This decision was difficult to make.

He made the wrong decision before and paid a heavy price. Now that he is old, there are not many opportunities left for him. If he makes a mistake again this time, he may not be shot like Ney, but in the last days of his life There will certainly be no chance of touching power again.

Because of this, you can’t be in a hurry, you must weigh the pros and cons, and make a decision after seeing the situation clearly——

His eyes moved to the man next to Marquis Treville.

Although the general claimed that this man was his follower when he came, the marshal just observed his words and noticed that the two men were exchanging glances and understanding each other silently, so he could tell that this man was definitely not simple.

——Think about it, if he was just a follower, how could the Marquis of Treville let him stay by his side and hear such important things?

"Who is this gentleman...?" After a moment of silence, he asked the Marquis.

Being stared at by the marshal, Edmond Dantès suddenly felt his heart beating rapidly.

He was already a person who had crawled out of the dead and was used to life and death, but when he looked at the Marshal, he instinctively felt a little guilty.

His mouth went dry, and then he looked at the Marquis of Treville, who was also caught off guard.

After thinking for a while, he cleared his throat and spoke proactively.

"Marshal, you are right. This gentleman is a close minister of His Majesty. He is also someone specially sent to France by Your Majesty to take charge of the overall situation. Your Majesty has great trust in him and has granted him the full authority to represent himself."

Now that the matter has come to this point, the Marquis of Treville no longer hides it. He no longer becomes "King of Rome" and directly uses "Your Majesty".

Moreover, he felt that there was no need to play any more tricks on the marshal.

If the marshal had not been tempted and did not want to overthrow the dynasty, then he would have been driven away when he had just mentioned that he was a lobbyist, and he would not have been left by the marshal to talk so much.

Under the encouraging eyes of the Marquis, Edmond Dantès quickly calmed down.

He has accumulated so much experience and has seen so much of the world. Now he has become a nobleman who owns a manor. He has also developed his own magnanimity. Although the marshal is famous, it will not scare him into confusion.

"The Marquis is right, I am the special envoy sent to France by your Majesty." He looked at the marshal calmly, and then introduced himself to him, "My name is Edmond Dantès. Thanks to your Majesty's love, I was chosen by him. Conferred the title Count of Monte Cristo.”

"Huh?" The marshal glanced at him meaningfully again, "Being named a noble by the Prince of Rome? Then you must be a very outstanding talent."

"Mr. Earl is His Majesty's most trusted subordinate, otherwise he would not have been appointed by Your Majesty to undertake such an important task." Marquis Treville complimented Edmund, "He is brave and resourceful, a fighting hero, and fought bloody battles for Your Majesty. After all, he is a unique talent."

The marshal blinked, seeming interested. "Appreciate further details."

Edmund didn't want to play tricks in front of the marshal, so he simply poured beans through a bamboo tube and told the marshal exactly how he served for him after meeting His Majesty - but the past matter involved privacy, and he didn't want to mention it again. Of course, the marshal didn't want to ask more about it.

The marshal listened patiently. After hearing Edmond Dantès's experience in the battle, he couldn't help but clapped his hands gently to show respect to Edmond.

"I can't see that you are such a powerful warrior! I was short of people like you among my men back then... Mr. Count, you are indeed qualified to receive such a reward. I also congratulate the King of Rome for getting your service." .”

After all, he was the one who led troops to fight, and he naturally liked warriors, so after hearing about his experience, the marshal instantly had a better impression of Edmund.

Of course, this good impression was not enough to make him immediately decide to side with the Bonaparte family, but it was enough to make the originally serious atmosphere in the room more harmonious.

After seeing the marshal's attitude, Edmond Dantès decided to strike while the iron was hot.

"Your Majesty, Marshal, I don't think I can be called a warrior. I just want to repay His Majesty's kindness to me... His Majesty trusted me, helped me selflessly, and gave me such grace. I should repay you with this. In fact, It's not worthy of praise." After a few words of self-effacement, he turned back to the marshal, "And you are the truly deserving commander-in-chief. You participated in creating our country's most glorious achievements, and you also saved the world. When the empire needed you most, you stood up without hesitation and followed the emperor until the end - I long for you to pick up the passion and loyalty you once had, and to be with Bonaparte again. Once the families join forces, I believe, and I can guarantee you, that you will receive all the gratitude and rewards from the Bonaparte family, and I will serve you with utmost respect!"

The marshal just smiled calmly and refused to make a decision.

"Young man, it's a good thing that you are enthusiastic, but even without me, this country is running just fine now. Moreover, I am old and our era has long passed. Now it is your era - "

Edmond Dantès wanted to say something else, but was stopped by the marshal's gesture.

Then, the marshal looked at the two people opposite.

"Since you have come from afar, you are my distinguished guests. I will entertain you warmly until you leave. We have been sitting in this small room for a long time today. We are really a little depressed. There is still some time before dinner, so why not How about I take you on a tour?"

"That's fine, but...where to visit?" asked Marquis Treville.

"My coal mine," the marshal shrugged, then replied with a smile.

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