Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and sixty, magnanimous

【Because of being oppressed for a long time at this time, Sophie's mental state is already very bad. It can be said that she is on the verge of collapse, but she barely maintains it because she still has thoughts in her heart. Now seeing Teresa getting married and having children and stepping on her own head to get everything, her mentality exploded under jealousy, so it is normal to say such harsh words... It can even be said that according to her personality, it should be like this ^_^! 】

After Chanel left, Sophie continued to rest until she felt that she had regained her composure, then she straightened her clothes and went downstairs.

Teresa was chatting with her family at this time, and when she saw Sophie coming down, she walked up to Sophie and looked at her with concern.

"Your Highness, are you feeling better now?"

"Well, it's much better, thank you for your understanding." Sophie replied with a smile, "The atmosphere here is much better than the cold palace. Although the time is short, I feel that I haven't had such a comfortable rest in a long, long time. ..."

Teresa couldn't help but feel a little sour when she heard this, but she couldn't bring up the past to comfort her, so she changed the topic, "My parents will be very honored to receive such an evaluation from you. When we are coming, would you be honored to dine with us?"

"It's a great honor." Sophie nodded with a smile.

So Sophie walked to the restaurant and sat down at the dining table with the Grand Duke's family.

The beautiful princess immediately became the focus of the dining table. Teresa's younger brothers couldn't help looking at Sophie with admiration and admiration. Although Teresa was equally beautiful, she grew up with them after all. , have already noticed the difference; and recently Sophie lived in seclusion, and they haven't seen her much, so they can appreciate her style at a close distance at this time, and the little boys naturally find it difficult to resist this charm.

However, after all, they had received strict education since they were young, so none of them lost their composure, they just secretly noticed Sophie's every frown and smile.

Grand Duke Karl didn't care much about the performance of his sons, after all, everyone had known Mu Shaoai when they were young.

However, because he knew the inside story of Sophie's previous actions, he was unwilling to let his family have any relationship with Sophie in the future.

From an emotional point of view, it is difficult for him to understand Sophie's harm to the dignity of the royal family; and from a political point of view, it is absolutely unwise.

Maybe in the future when the emperor's brother dies, Sophie's market in the court will rise, but now she can't have any influence, and being associated with her will only provoke the emperor's taboo.

It doesn't do the sons any favors.

Mrs. Henrietta, who didn't know the inside story, didn't think so much. For her, since Sophie gave her face so much this time, and she was Teresa's friend, she naturally wanted to entertain her warmly.

In order to make the guests happy, she took the initiative to chat with Sophie, and complimented her from time to time, which made Sophie laugh many times.

"Ma'am, I am so envious of you." After chatting for a while, Sophie complimented each other half-truthfully, "You have a great husband, such an excellent daughter, and she also found you a world-class woman." Famous son-in-law—and besides that, your other children are also very good, and I think they will achieve something in the future. In short, you have everything I envy. If I can do half of your level, I think This life is enough for me.”

"You are talking too much. You are so noble and beautiful, and you are admired by all, so why should you envy me?" The lady replied with a smile, "I believe that you will have the same happiness as me. The state of the empire will also continue because of you."

Although Madam was flattering her, Sophie felt mixed emotions in her heart, making her very uncomfortable. She obviously had a child, but she could only keep it secret. What aggrieved and painful it was.

She managed to maintain her superficial calm, and then asked the lady, "I heard that when Teresa got married, you were in charge of organizing the wedding? And it was still in Athens. This is really a rare thing. Can you tell me say?"

"It's all because of Teresa's willfulness. Hey, what can we do with her? We can only make a hard trip." The lady complained on the surface, but she was showing off secretly, "But fortunately, it is true It was very lively, and those Athenians celebrated my daughter's wedding with the greatest enthusiasm, and I am very grateful to them."

Then, the wife vividly described the experience of rushing to Greece to organize the marriage for her daughter, and really exaggerated the grand scene at that time. Teresa was ashamed and proud while listening, while Sophie A little more jealousy was added in my heart.

She wished so much that she was the one who would marry Aigron's scenery—it's a pity that she and him were destined not to have such a fate, even in her best situation, it was impossible to do so.

Because of this, Teresa, who took away everything she dreamed of, is even more hateful.

What's even more irritating is that now she can't show this hatred, and she has to greet Teresa and her family with a smile... Thinking of this, her bitterness boiled even more in her chest, It was finally suppressed by drinking.

The Madam didn't know Sophie's mood at the moment, the more she talked, the happier she became, and it also excited the family members. After all, Teresa and His Highness's twists and turns and highly anticipated marriage was like a legendary story to them.

"It's a pity that His Highness is not here." Albrecht sighed regretfully, "I wish I could see his sword skills again!"

Unlike Sophie, this is not the first time he has heard his mother tell these things—after returning from Greece, his wife told his family and friends about her daughter’s wedding many times vividly, as if she had already regarded it as a pride in life.

And the young Albrecht was equally proud in his heart.

When Egron visited the manor last time, Albrecht had seen his father defeated by His Highness's hands. After all, the young man was Mu Qiang, and he, who originally looked down upon His Highness, immediately changed his attitude and became the victim of this incident. staunch supporter of marriage.

Although His Highness left his sister and fled shortly thereafter, which brought a great stain on her reputation, as a young man with high ambitions, he was not as violent as his father. The legend of the next one also made him more determined in his own mind.

It took a long time, but His Highness finally became his brother-in-law, and maybe he could finally ascend to the throne and accomplish something that dazzled the world.

If that's the case, wouldn't it sound like an honor to be the brother-in-law of a legend? After all, Napoleon's brother-in-law was a famous marshal like Murat!

"Yes, it's a pity." Sophie replied with a smile, "However, if he is sitting at our table now, I must scold him once."

"Of course I have to give you a good scolding. How much pain he has caused us, you are also a victim." The lady nodded in agreement, "By the way, Your Highness, I heard that when he was in the court, you He took good care of you, so you must have had a good relationship back then, right?"

Another slash at this question caused Sophie's heart to throb violently.

In particular, the two insiders, the Grand Duke and Teresa, were sitting next to her, and it was even more like a public execution to her.

"Well, it's not bad." She pretended to be calm, and then replied with a smile, "At that time, I saw him as lonely and pitiful, so I tried my best to take care of him in life and didn't allow others to bully him. For this After he ran away, His Majesty the Emperor even took offense at me! Hey, I deserved to be unlucky too. It would have been nice if I had turned a blind eye to him like everyone else."

"So that's how it is... You really have suffered an innocent disaster." Because she had heard some rumors before, Madam didn't doubt Sophie's words, so she was more sympathetic to Sophie's experience, " Hey, I think His Majesty is getting older now, and his character is becoming more and more stubborn and arrogant! Franz's willful behavior offended His Majesty, it is not your fault, so how can you blame you and punish you? You take care of a suffering What's wrong with your child? I don't think a person should be punished for his own kindness, otherwise how many people in this world would dare to do good deeds?"

After sending a message of emotion, the lady asked Sophie again, "If one day he can come to our side, I must make him apologize to you. You are the most innocent victim in the whole incident, but you have to suffer It's just unreasonable to suffer the most."

Hmph, apology? How to apologize? Would you like to let your daughter go away consciously and disappear out of sight of everyone? Sophie smiled inwardly.

She was indeed the biggest victim, but in her heart, the person who caused all these disasters was not the boy, but someone else.

"There's no need to make amends." She shook her head, "Time has wiped out the resentment in my heart, and I don't have to worry about these grievances anymore. Maybe this is the fate God prepared for me, so I just bear it silently." up.

When I was with him, I had many pleasant memories. When this child wanted to please others, he would indeed be a very pleasing person. He had brilliant talent and extraordinary wisdom. Maybe it was because of In this way, he is not willing to die of old age in Vienna in obscurity... In all fairness, after he left, our place became more deserted and boring. I don't know what he will achieve in the future, but thinking about it, he will live a wonderful life, much more wonderful than mine, and I will bless him as a former friend. "

After finishing speaking, she looked at Teresa again, her smile still unchanged, "Of course, including Your Highness Teresa."

Seeing Sophie complimenting her son-in-law in this way, Madam was naturally very happy, and Archduke Karl and Teresa also secretly looked at each other, both of them were surprised that Sophie could say such tolerant and decent words.

It seems that after going through the torture of fate, Sophie seems to have become more "mature and open-minded", she walked out of the haze and let go of her grievances.

Both father and daughter were secretly glad, maybe this was the best result.

In this way, the dinner ended among the chatter of the crowd.

Sophie forced a smile on her face. Although the dinner was sumptuous, she was unwilling to eat and swallowed it with difficulty, while the others enjoyed it and were moved by Sophie's demeanor and tolerance.

But at this time, it was time for Sophie to say goodbye.

When she left, Teresa went to see her off alone.

The two walked in silence. Although they didn't interact much with each other, there didn't seem to be much hostility lingering around them.

After today's meeting, Teresa's impression of Sophie was much better, so she felt more of the winner's pity—the kind of pity that Sophie hated the most.

When Sophie was about to go back in the carriage, Teresa suddenly spoke.

"Your Highness, when you go back, can you ask the court for me, can I visit Crystal?"

Sophie stopped in her tracks, then turned her head to look at Teresa in astonishment, "Why?"

"It's nothing, I just want to take a look." Teresa replied calmly, "As I said, she is His Highness's flesh and blood after all, and since we have promised to take care of her in the future, why don't I take this opportunity to visit her?" Maybe I don’t know how long it will be until I see you next time, this poor child... I have to pay attention to her recent situation."

Teresa's words aroused all kinds of thoughts in Sophie's heart.

Half heartache for her daughter, half joy.

She was originally worrying about how she should bring Chanel to her daughter, but now Teresa's initiative has reduced her difficulty by half.

"Okay, I'll talk about it, but I don't know how the court will respond."

"I think His Majesty will agree—because he may be the person in the world who most wants us to take Christel to our hearts besides you. Isn't the greatest value of Kristel to him just to let us Is Your Highness worried?" Teresa calmly explained to the other party, "Besides, even if His Majesty disagrees, my behavior like this can increase the value of Christel in his mind, so at least her living conditions will be guaranteed... ..."

Teresa's rational analysis made Sophie feel quite appreciative after hearing it.

What touched her heart even more was the intention shown by the other party in just a few words.

Changing places, she asked herself that she would never be able to be so magnanimous.

Even if some of it comes from the "mercy of the victor", this kind of mercy is still invaluable.

And the compassion shown to Crystal touched Sophie's heart more than the compassion she showed directly to herself.

The daughter means a lot to her, and it is even the pillar that supports her from having a mental breakdown. She cannot accept that her daughter will be the same in the future.

Therefore Teresa's kindness means a lot to Crystal.

Because of this, for the first time in her life, she looked Tereza in the eyes without any prejudice or resentment.

Under the moonlight, Teresa's face was shining white, and she was still graceful after giving birth. Even Sophie, who was proud and arrogant, felt that her appearance and demeanor were worthy of standing in front of her and being compared with herself .

She said so many harsh words in front of Chanel just now, but now it is difficult to hate Teresa.

Forget it, thank her this time.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, but for the sake of Christel, I will forgive you once." She left a sentence that Teresa couldn't understand, then turned and walked into the carriage.

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