Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and seventy six, trick


Seeing his wife weighing the pros and cons, and finally agreeing to his proposal helplessly, Edgar felt elated. \u003c/p\u003e

At least in this step, the task assigned to him by his father has been successfully completed. \u003c/p\u003e

Moreover, he is not just playing the side drum. Looking at the whole process of the incident, it can be said that he is almost responsible for it - he used his mistress, Princess Kadiyang, to suppress Agnes's social activities space; Alice's concern and distress for her sister finally led to her nodding and agreeing to let Agnes get further involved in the political turmoil. \u003c/p\u003e

And with Agnes' character, as long as Alice nodded, she would definitely obey, no matter how reluctant she was, she would grit her teeth and obey. \u003c/p\u003e

The most wonderful thing is that from the beginning to the end, he hid behind the scenes, manipulating the development of the whole incident like a puppeteer. Everything was under control, but he did not reveal the slightest trace of himself. \u003c/p\u003e

It was no wonder that his father hated him so much. With his talents, if he was willing to devote his intelligence and energy to political conspiracy, why would the Treville family not be able to revive? \u003c/p\u003e

It's a pity that Edgar is Edgar after all, he doesn't want to change, and he has no interest in devoting himself to the great cause - he got the promise from his father that "as long as the children grow up, you can get away, and I won't care about you anymore" After that, while he felt guilty, he felt relieved, because that was the life he wanted. \u003c/p\u003e

However, now is not the time to be done, Edgar decided to pave the way for the next thing. \u003c/p\u003e

"Alice, Agnes is also our family. For Agnes, my father and I are willing to make sacrifices. We only hope that she has a bright future, and she deserves this."\u003c/p\u003e

"Of course she deserves it." Alice replied decisively with great pride, "But it doesn't have to be that serious, right? Sacrifice... She doesn't need any sacrifice from us, on the contrary, she has always been helping us. "\u003c/p\u003e

"She was helping us before, and we may be helping her in the future." Edgar was still stubborn, "Alice, don't forget, if we take Agnes to Switzerland, there will not only be His Majesty, but also him." His wife is also there."\u003c/p\u003e

Reminded by Edgar,

Alice remembered too. "That's right, Princess Teresa is here this time! I've never seen her before."\u003c/p\u003e

"Are you afraid of her?" Edgar suddenly laughed. \u003c/p\u003e

"Afraid of her? Why do you need to be afraid of her?" Alice was a little puzzled, "Although her actions show that she is a stubborn girl, I haven't heard of any bad things about her? It is said that Princess Teresa has a temper when dealing with others. Isn't it great?"\u003c/p\u003e

coming! \u003c/p\u003e

Edgar laughed secretly in his heart, but there was a trace of sadness on his surface, "If you think so, you are very wrong. Alice, I have something that I kept from you before, and I think Agnes did not tell you. You said, now I think I should tell you."\u003c/p\u003e

"What's the matter?" Alice asked quickly. \u003c/p\u003e

"When I was in Greece, Agnes met Princess Teresa a few times. Although they got along well on the surface, I clearly felt that Princess Teresa had a deep hostility towards her."\u003c/p \u003e

"Hostile? Why?" Alice frowned. "She...she has no need to be hostile at all, Agnes is such a peaceful person!"\u003c/p\u003e

Then, she stopped, because if there was any hostility between two girls of similar age, it must be...\u003c/p\u003e

"Jealous, she is jealous of Agnes." Sure enough, Edgar gave the answer, "Agnes is so good, so dazzling, she can only pale in comparison when standing next to her, so she is jealous in her heart, she is afraid of Egger Nisi stole her limelight in front of everyone...Actually, Agnes did. When I was in Greece, the members of the Knights around His Majesty all admired and fell in love with Agnes, even His Majesty also praised Agnes's demeanor, but how could she be happy to see it? So the relationship between her and Agnes is actually not harmonious."\u003c/p\u003e

After a pause, he changed his tone again, "Of course, I'm not afraid that Princess Teresa will embarrass everyone in person. After all, Her Royal Highness is self-confident and won't be so gaffe, but thinking about it, she might be cold-eyed to us. ...For the sake of Agnes' future, it is nothing for me to endure such a little humiliation, I just want to remind you to avoid embarrassment in time."\u003c/p\u003e

Edgar deliberately provoked and boasted that one point became ten, in order to plant a seed of discord between Princess Teresa and sister Alice. Maybe this seed of discord will be used when needed , it will be catalyzed into the fruit he wants to see. \u003c/p\u003e

After hearing this, Alice also frowned, feeling very sorry for her sister. \u003c/p\u003e

Obviously Agnes has never been malicious to others, she is so pure and innocent, why is the world so hostile to her? Whether it is Bourbon or Bonaparte, a noble woman does not have a noble heart, but envies and oppresses her sister. \u003c/p\u003e

Could it be that this world has been so cursed and degraded to the extreme that it really can't accommodate even a trace of a holy soul? \u003c/p\u003e

No, it is precisely because of this that she cannot be discouraged. Agnes must have the brightest future so that there is justice in the world. \u003c/p\u003e

Because of her anger and sadness, she kept silent for a long time, and it was not until a long time later that she answered her husband in a calm and calm tone, "We can't control what others think, and it's not Agnes' fault. Jealousy, that is our glory instead!\u003c/p\u003e

Our allegiance is to His Majesty, not Princess Teresa, let alone asking for her favor. If she is friendly to us, that's of course the best; if she is cold to us, it doesn't matter, we don't need to force it! In short, I have met His Majesty, and from my impression of His Majesty, His Majesty is a wise leader who can distinguish right from wrong. As long as we sincerely serve His Majesty, he will appreciate us. We don’t need to be afraid of Her Majesty, even if she does. As our queen, she can't do whatever she wants. "\u003c/p\u003e

These words had both grace and backbone, so much so that Edgar couldn't help admiring them. \u003c/p\u003e

Although what he said just now was to deceive his wife, Princess Teresa must have resentment towards the Marquis de Treville and his son because of Agnes' incident, so Edgar was able to resonate with it. \u003c/p\u003e

My father said that politics is about trade-offs. Investing in Agnes means sacrificing the favor of Princess Teresa. This is a gamble that cannot be failed. \u003c/p\u003e

"You're so right, how noble!" He couldn't help clapping his hands, "Alice, I sincerely thank God for bringing you to me... My father also told me strictly just now that I should listen to you more in everything. Comments."\u003c/p\u003e

Hearing such praise from her husband and father-in-law, Alice was both happy and shy, "How can I have so much talent? I just try my best to help my family. You are everything to me."\u003c/p\u003e

Seeing his wife's flushed face and the rippling expression in her blue eyes, Edgar's heart suddenly throbbed. \u003c/p\u003e

God, what have I done? \u003c/p\u003e

In order to hide the panic and shame in his heart, he lowered his head and hugged his daughter. \u003c/p\u003e

"Look, you lucky little guy!" He teased his daughter in a doting tone while stroking his daughter's cheek, "When you grow up, the whole world will spread out grandly for you... Because your elders will prepare everything for you."\u003c/p\u003e

Xia Lu also giggled, stretched out her tiny arms, and also shaved her father's face. \u003c/p\u003e

As an aristocratic family, people tend to prefer sons—because sons can inherit the surname and family business, but although Edgar now has sons and daughters, he only gives his father's love to his daughter. To him, the illegitimate son is nothing but It was just an accidental product after a night of joy. If the Marquis de Treville hadn't strictly asked him to keep an eye on it, he wouldn't even bother to ask where the child was sent. \u003c/p\u003e

He has failed his father's expectations and his wife's love, but in front of Xia Lu, he hopes to be able to play a good father. \u003c/p\u003e

Watching the intimate interaction between her husband and daughter, Alice also smiled softly. \u003c/p\u003e

"Yes, we will definitely prepare everything for her."\u003c/p\u003e


Just as the Treville family was grieving over the mission entrusted by His Majesty, Edmond Dantès was also grieving over the mission entrusted by His Majesty. \u003c/p\u003e

However, he was concerned with other things. \u003c/p\u003e

During this period of time, he has been active in Paris and its surrounding areas. With the help of the Marquis de Treville and the Marquis of Noirtier, he acted as His Majesty's special envoy to gossip, connect with his party everywhere, and gather supporters of the Bonaparte family. , and select people who can be trusted as potential helpers for future operations. \u003c/p\u003e

As time went by, he gradually put this job on the right track, and gradually condensed an underground organization that could act secretly. Among them, some were in charge of liaison, and some were in charge of lurking, and each performed their duties in an orderly manner. Edmund Dantès discovered that he really has the talent of an organizer. \u003c/p\u003e

In addition, he is still preparing another big event—that is his plan with Mr. Bowan, the director of Poncena Bank. \u003c/p\u003e

The content of this plan is very simple. Mr. Bowan persuaded Mr. Poncena and other senior bank executives to adopt an economic strategy of tightening money, so as to drive the domestic financial trend, cause the financial order in Paris to be turbulent, and then trigger the national economic turmoil. \u003c/p\u003e

Since they finalized the plan, Bowang has been running up and down, trying to complete the plan with all his abilities. \u003c/p\u003e

However, the matter is so important that Mr. Poncena and other high-level officials are still hesitant, and with the size of Poncena Bank, it is still quite difficult to realize this plan perfectly. \u003c/p\u003e


So Edmond Dantès and Bowang can only take it step by step. \u003c/p\u003e

Disrupting France's national financial order is on the one hand to create a better environment for His Majesty, on the other hand it is also for some of his personal grievances, and the latter cannot be known to others. \u003c/p\u003e

During this period of time, Edmund Dantès deliberately monitored all the operations of Tanglar Bank through Bowang. They also bribed the bank's internal staff to record almost every money transaction in Tanglar Bank. , and every important saver and business object. \u003c/p\u003e

At the same time, they also quietly absorbed a large number of notes from Tanglar Bank at high prices, using them as ammunition for a thunderous blow. \u003c/p\u003e

For Edmund, he has three life and death enemies-Count Fernand de Morcerf, Prosecutor de Villefort and Tanglars. Although the first one is the biggest enemy, but he temporarily He can't move, and he doesn't want to settle it so early; the second is because of the Marquis of Noirtier, he can't do it for the time being; then, Tanglar can only bear his initial fire of revenge. \u003c/p\u003e

This raging fire must burn Tanglar to the last dregs, everything he has accumulated in the past twenty years must be completely burned. \u003c/p\u003e

There is no doubt that this is public revenge. Although His Majesty will definitely agree to it if he knows it, Edmond Dantès is still unwilling to let others know. \u003c/p\u003e

As a successful banker, Bowang knows the principle of "keeping secrets for clients". He knows that whether his dream can be realized depends largely on the future prosperity of the Count of Monte Cristo, so he tried his best The way is to cater to Edmond Dantès, try to cooperate with all his actions, and don't even ask about his motives at all. \u003c/p\u003e

If the Earl wants to bring down Tanglar, then he will go to bring down Tanglar. As for why, it doesn't matter at all. \u003c/p\u003e

During the intermittent meeting, Edmond Dantès and Bowan talked and planned, and unknowingly, a delicate net was also woven by the two of them, and it was cast on Tanglar who was still ignorant. \u003c/p\u003e

Today, Edmond Dantès was once again invited to visit Mr. Bowan's home and was warmly received as always. \u003c/p\u003e

After the screen retreated left and right, Bowang brought Edmund to the study and mentioned the plan of the two of them again. \u003c/p\u003e

"Mr. Earl, I have good news for you." Bowan's chubby face showed a hint of complacency, "After my unremitting persuasion, my boss's attitude has loosened. He agrees that we need to be conservative recently. As for the business policy, if he nods, my colleagues can talk about it. Now is the opportunity for us to make a final decision!"\u003c/p\u003e

"A final decision?" Edmund Dantès asked the other party. \u003c/p\u003e

"Yes, in order to strengthen their will and to create pessimistic expectations in the market, I think we can attack Tanglar Bank first." Bowang nodded, "Tanglar Bank is neither big nor small, if it Falling into a serious cash crisis, pessimistic expectations will form in the market, and when we tighten monetary policy, pessimistic expectations will immediately become panic reactions, and then it is time for us to show our talents!"\u003c/p\u003e

On the one hand, Edmond Dantès was excited about the breakthrough of the plan, and on the other hand, he was also delighted that Bowan took care of his face so much. \u003c/p\u003e

Obviously, he offered to bring down Tanglar in order to avoid the embarrassment of avenging his own personal revenge. \u003c/p\u003e

It's no wonder that this guy is able to rise to the top, it's really amazing. \u003c/p\u003e

"Then I will thank you." Edmond Dantès replied calmly. \u003c/p\u003e

Looking at Edmund's attitude, Bowang also knew it in his heart - he remembered his favor. \u003c/p\u003e

In order to maximize the favor, he handed Edmund another piece of paper, "This is the important depositor of Tanglar Bank we found out, please take a look and see if there is any friend of yours? If so , you can hint them to stop loss in advance.”\u003c/p\u003e

Edmund took a look at it, and immediately noticed the names on the front row. \u003c/p\u003e

"Duke de Nordrien?"\u003c/p\u003e

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