Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eighty one, disaster

"Agnes——you really...you explain it to me!"

The father's scolding made Agnes flustered immediately. She knew in her heart that she had caused trouble, and she didn't know how to make up for it.

She is not a person who is good at lying, nor does she have the quick wit to save the situation, so she blushed for a while, and wanted to speak but couldn't say anything.

Seeing his daughter's embarrassment, the Duke controlled his anger a little bit, and then heaved a long sigh, "Agnes, do you still want to hide it from me? At this moment, doesn't your father have the right to know what you did?" What? You can be proud and complacent, you are devoted to your sister, but what about us? Where did you put us?"

"Father, don't embarrass me..." Agnes was about to cry out of anxiety, she bowed her head to beg for mercy from her father who was always proud, "I swear, I have never done anything against you."

"Subjectively, you will definitely not do things that are not good for me, but objectively? Look at how much trouble you have caused me? The king asked me what happened to the Count of Monte Cristo, and I It’s hard to keep you secret! That’s fine, but God knows how many surprises you will bring me..." When he mentioned this, the Duke became even more angry, "Agnes, I beg you , let me understand the situation clearly, at least I can take precautions in advance, so as not to be taken into the pit by surprise! Do you think I will harm you and your sister? What are you looking for here, I just want to keep our poor family, so as not to face disaster again, can't you be considerate of father?"

Agnes suddenly woke up from her father's lament.

Yes, father wouldn't tell—if he did, both of his daughters would be involved, and he couldn't tell.

How could the king believe that a person whose two daughters are in collusion with the rebellious party is innocent?

So even if he learned the truth, his father would deliberately conceal it.

Thinking of this, Agnes immediately lifted her spirits.

Although it is definitely impossible for her to tell her father the whole story, at least it is okay to reveal a little bit of the situation to him, and it can relieve her guilt.

"I went with my sister on her wedding trip before. Neither of us knew the situation when we left. I swear at least at that time, I had no idea about the Bonaparte family at all... However, my brother-in-law had other plans at the time , he took us to a small town in Switzerland, and there, we met the Duke of Reichstedt—” After making up her mind, Agnes finally told her father about her previous experiences, “My sister was very surprised at the time ,

She didn't want her husband's family to be involved in this kind of political conspiracy, but she couldn't do anything about it, because General Treville was determined to make a fortune by joining the Bonaparte family, and her brother-in-law had to obey her father's orders... helpless Under the circumstances, she had no choice but to pay respect to the Duke of Leichstadt, and we spent some time together in Switzerland. "

Speaking of this, Agnes looked at her father again, "I just said that my sister and Duke Reichstedt have a good relationship. It was during this time that they had a good conversation when they were together, and they even went boating together on the lake. Traveling together... I heard the Duke himself say that they are friends, I think, I am afraid that few people are qualified to receive such recognition from him, with this level of relationship, my sister will definitely be able to speak in front of him..."

Agnes whispered more and more, because she clearly remembered that Duke Reichstedt said the same thing to herself—but what followed was impudent frivolity, and even threatened herself.

Thinking of this, and having to flatter the Duke against her will in front of her father, this made her extremely sick, and she just barely endured it.

Fortunately, my father listened quietly, and didn't notice any abnormality in her. He didn't even show any emotion on his face, just thinking silently.

"So you've met him too, what do you think of Duke Reichstedt?" he asked calmly after a moment.

"He is a very powerful young man. He is both smart and skilled, and he has a convincing demeanor in every gesture. Everyone around him respects him sincerely and takes pride in his service." Agnes first praised After a few words, he immediately changed the topic, "However, he is also a hopeless narcissist, arrogant and arrogant, as if he always feels that the world revolves around him alone..."

"It's not a shortcoming, our king is like that." At this moment, the duke replied dryly, "All kings and people who want to be kings look like this."

Seeing that her father actually said good things to him, Agnes felt even more uncomfortable like swallowing a fly.

"He's still a dissolute and shameless playboy!" Finally, she couldn't hold back, so she angrily reprimanded in a low voice.

"Huh? Why do you say that?" the Duke asked.

"He was rude to me."—Agnes wanted to answer like this, but she felt ashamed when she thought about it, so she swallowed the words again.

"It can be seen from his words and deeds." In the end, that was all she could answer.

The duke shook his head indifferently, "Even so, it's not a big deal—after all, who is not like this? Our ancestors have been here for generations. It's a common problem for young people to like to mess around, let alone a What about a pretender to the throne? Henry IV was like that."

"Dad?" Agnes was surprised by her father's attitude.

Comparing a founding king like Henry IV to the Duke of Reichstedt, not to mention that Henry IV, the founder of the Bourbon dynasty, is really suspected of being disrespectful to the dynasty. Once this word gets out, my father may suffer.

"We'll just talk about this in private. There is nothing to avoid between father and daughter." The Duke shook his head indifferently, "To be honest, I don't have much hatred for the Bonaparte family. It was the Jacobins who were kicked out of France, and it has nothing to do with them. Of course, we have to disagree with them in public, but we don’t need to gnash our teeth when we talk about it in private. This is our proper demeanor—”

Having said that, he glanced at his daughter again, "Besides, my daughter has already become his friend, so can I restore our family's innocence by swearing?"

Although her father was talking about her sister, Agnes couldn't help feeling guilty, and hurriedly lowered her gaze. "In short, the situation is like this. Dad, as I said just now, it's best if everything remains the same, and we don't have to worry about anything; if there is a day when the Bonaparte family becomes powerful, then at least my sister is able to protect Us, it's good for us too, isn't it?"

"So, when you went to Switzerland this time, you followed her to meet the Duke of Reichstedt again?" the father asked again without comment.

"Yes." Agnes nodded, "More, please don't ask any more... I don't want to trouble my sister any more."

She was also afraid that her father would press for the exact location of the village and then inform the Wang family, so she made her attitude clear.

Seeing that his daughter was so determined, the Duke stopped asking questions and began to meditate again.

After a long time, he let out a long sigh, breaking the silence, "Hey... your sister looks smart, but she is stubborn like a fool. At the beginning, I tried my best to persuade her not to marry, but she didn't listen! The result is up to us. How much trouble has been brought... dragged you into the water! I still feel angry when I think about it now, so I haven't been with her for the past two years, and she must be angry with me in her heart. "

"How could it be? My sister has always felt guilty for disobeying your will, and she will never forget your kindness in nurturing her." Agnes quickly persuaded. "Actually, I also have some complaints about this marriage, but what can I do? Since this is my sister's decision, I can only support and bless her. Judging from the current situation, she has a happy family and a lovely daughter--"

"Happiness? Where is she happy? Edgar is just a show, looking glamorous, but in fact he is just a libertine! He has no ambition, he only wants to have fun all day long!" When the son-in-law was mentioned, the duke suddenly I got angry again, "Look, even after they got married, has the situation improved? That guy still goes out to eat, drink and have fun from time to time, maybe he still has broken ties with those lovers in the past?! God knows how long Alice will swallow her anger in the future !"

Agnes was silent, she knew in her heart that what her father said was actually right, even if she was biased towards her sister, she didn't want to defend Edgar.

"But so what? All of this is done, we can only accept the reality, can't we? If Edgar really has something to do to his sister, I will teach him a lesson." So she mustered up her courage and comforted her father, "Why don't Edgar mention it, at least their children are being looked after by their sister, and they will have a bright future—you should really go and see, Xia Lu is so cute! As a grandfather, even if you are still dissatisfied with the past, But Xia Lu is always innocent, she is your granddaughter! No matter what, you should show your kindness..."

"Oh...let's talk about it later, I don't dare to offend their family now, just to make others suspect." The Duke shook his head and rejected his daughter's proposal, "In my opinion, since Edgar can't bear the responsibility of a husband , then there is no need for Alice to devote herself wholeheartedly to him, if she and Duke Reichstedt become close friends and go a step further, that would be a kind of compensation..."

When her father said such words, it really made her feel like she was struck by lightning.

Because she fully understands the hints in it.

"...You, what are you talking about?" She looked at her father in disbelief, never expecting to say such words from her father's mouth.

"Isn't that what you said just now? The two of them talked very happily, and the Duke of Reichstedt himself said that they were friends. As a libertine, isn't it obvious what this means? Alice did It's beautiful, and it's very normal—" the duke replied calmly.

"You... how could you think like that?!" Agnes' eyes darkened with anger, and she almost fainted.

She didn't expect her father to have such a terrible misunderstanding with her untruthful words.

What made her even more angry was her father's happy attitude... How could he treat his daughter like this? !

She glared at her father angrily, "You are insulting my sister, how can her chastity and her reputation be slandered by this? Alice has always maintained the proper measure towards the Duke, and my conscience can testify to this! "

"Slander? In my opinion, being Edgar's wife is more embarrassing than being the lover of the Duke of Reichstedt. At least the latter can let the world understand her value." The father didn't show restraint at all. Instead, she shrugged her shoulders and replied coldly, "She was loyal to such a husband, sacrificed her former fame, was closed by the social world, and her former friends abandoned her... What did she get in the end? I don't see where Edgar respected her sacrifice."

Agnes blushed, and her breathing became more and more rapid-if someone else had said such words, she might have already done it directly.

But that was what her father said, and she couldn't use her fists to teach the other party what not to say.

"Father, I didn't hear anything you said." Finally, she could only say to her father word by word, "I beg you, don't humiliate my sister anymore, her life is already so difficult, we can't do it anymore Using such malice to increase her mental pain..."

After she finished speaking, she almost cried.

After all, she could see all the pain and disasters that her sister faced, and she could empathize with them. Now that even her father showed such unabashed malice, it was even more unbearable for her.

Seeing his daughter's rebellious attitude, the Duke didn't say anything, but just sighed lightly.

"Well, since you don't want to hear it, I won't mention it. Nowadays, disasters are coming one after another in this era, and everyone is too busy to take care of themselves. Why should I bother my daughter who is already married? Alice's Life is her own business, I can't control it—"

"Disaster?" Agnes was keenly aware of the abnormality in her father's words, "What disaster?"

The Duke hesitated for a moment, then waved lightly to his daughter.

"We're out of luck, boy."

Agnes was taken aback, and hurried to her father's side. "what happened?"

"If you don't care about current affairs, you may not know that the market has been turbulent recently, and various rumors are flying all over the sky. Some people say that Tanglar Bank is failing and is facing a major business crisis..." the Duke explained to his daughter in a low voice, "After I heard the news, , secretly wrote to ask Tanglar to return our deposits to us, and that fellow Tanglar wrote back to me today, saying that he encountered a temporary shortage of funds, but everything is fine, the amount on my side It's huge, and he couldn't get it together in a hurry, so he asked me for a period of grace, and he promised to pay us all the money..."

"What?!" Agnes was startled when she heard that, "Do we have any business dealings with Tanglar Bank?"

"Yes, and not a lot." Father nodded regretfully, "Actually, we should be one of his biggest depositors—"

"Why? Why do you want to invest a lot of money in him? There are people in Paris with more reputation than him?" Agnes asked.

"He is a smart guy, and his business has always been very bold, but he has stepped on the tightrope well over the years, and his wealth has expanded rapidly—" the Duke darkened his face, and then shook his head, "I have taken a fancy to his business ability, So I lent him money to invest, and he has given me a lot of returns in the past few years. I thought this guy should be able to go smoothly for a while, but I didn't expect... Hey... It seems that this time he might be really good It's over."


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