Eagle’s Glory

one hundred and ninety one, reunion

"I believe that no matter what happens in the future, we will always be together and never leave."

Teresa's tone contained incomparable firmness and longing, and Aigron did not doubt her sincerity at the moment.

This is my wife for life, no matter what happens, this will not change.

However, besides his wife, is there anyone else who "never leaves" with me? That's another matter...

"We will, Teresa." He nodded slightly, and then walked in with Teresa.

At this time, the Edgars and their party had already arrived in the lobby of the farm under the guidance of Andre Davout.

Except for the young Xia Lu, the other three people have been here last time and spent a short time here, so after seeing the familiar but slightly different furnishings and scenery around them, they can't help but fall into the memory among.

The three of them had their own concerns at this time, Agnes needless to say, felt a little uncomfortable when she thought of returning to that person's territory; Alice was half expecting and half guilty, while wanting to make her family prosperous, but at the same time feeling I am really sorry for deceiving my sister; as for Edgar, it was much easier. He secretly rejoiced at the smooth implementation of his plan, and waited for His Majesty's next "reward".

After a short wait, Eggron and Teresa appeared in front of everyone.

Although they had different thoughts, after seeing the young couple, the three of them stood up together to pay their respects. Even Xia Lu was embraced by her mother, welcoming the arrival of her benefactor together.

"Edgar, Alice, long time no see!" Aegron warmly greeted the couple as soon as he entered, and then shook hands with Edgar.

In order not to continue to irritate Teresa, he intentionally ignored Agnes for the first time, but the moment he entered the room, he had already glanced at Agnes's position from the corner of his eye.

Well, it's been a long time since I saw you, and it hasn't changed at all. Sitting so upright, your eyes are still as piercing as before.

This is Agnes, this is delicious... Agron thought.

He has always been obsessed with his "Project Joan of Arc", now that he has tricked her to come here, it will be easy to handle.

Edgar has almost never seen His Majesty treat him so warmly,

He was flattered all of a sudden, and finally came back to his senses, and shook hands with His Majesty excitedly.

"Your Majesty! I haven't been able to see you for so long. I miss the days of fighting with you so much! I am very happy that I can finally bring my family to meet you again today—I hope I didn't disturb you and Teresa The life of a princess."

"How could it be? It's good news for me that you can come and see me." Aigron replied with a smile, "The scenery here is indeed beautiful, but it will be boring if you stay for a long time, and everyone around you They are all familiar faces, and to be honest, I don’t even want to say more, now that you are here, it can be said that it has added a little more fun to our life—"

"It would be a great honor for our family if I could bring you a little more fun." Edgar complimented quickly. "Whether it's me or my wife, I'm willing to take care of you."

Of course, Egron would not take this kind of scene seriously, but Edgar and Alice are indeed smart and good at observing people, and they will not be boring when they are by their side.

With a smile all over his face, he walked up to Alice again.

"Madam, I can see you now... Although two years have passed, you are still as beautiful and generous as you were then."

"Your Majesty, you are flattering me..." Alice smiled humbly, "Since giving birth to my child, I have been much busier than usual, and I always feel that my spirit is much darker than before."

"Believe me, that won't detract from your appearance, it will only add to your maternal brilliance and make you more charming." Eggron continued to compliment.

At this time, Teresa also deliberately skipped Edgar and walked directly in front of Alice.

Alice saw Teresa for the first time, so she immediately focused on her.

Although it was just a glimpse, Teresa's appearance had already made her deeply recognized, and Alice was quite surprised by her dignified and quiet demeanor.

From Her Highness Teresa, she can't see any danger, and she doesn't look like a person who would be jealous or deliberately suppress Agnes.

Of course, there was no room for her to think too much at this moment, she put down her daughter, and then hastily bowed her knees to salute Teresa.

"Hello, Mrs. Alice..." Teresa also nodded to her very gently and greeted her, then looked her up and down, "You are indeed as beautiful as my husband praised."

"My beauty is nothing compared to yours, Your Majesty." Alice complimented her.

"I don't dare to take this kind of words seriously, otherwise I will be laughed at..." Teresa smiled.

Then, her eyes fell on Xia Lu again, "What a lovely child!"

While sighing, she actively bent down, trying to hug Xia Lu into her arms.

Seeing a stranger for the first time, Xia Lu was naturally a little shy, but Alice immediately grabbed her daughter's back, and then sent her to Teresa's arms.

Teresa looked carefully at the pink and jade-carved Xia Lu, and she couldn't put it down. Although she didn't like Edgar, she had a feeling that she fell in love with his daughter as soon as she saw her.

"Aigron, look, what a lovely child!"

"Yes, very beautiful." Aigron agreed, "It would be great if we could have such a daughter in the future."

"Your Majesty's praise, I really can't take it seriously. Your two daughters must be several times better than Xia Lu." Alice said while looking around the young couple, "That's right. , Where is Your Highness?"

"He's not here, he's at his grandfather's." Because the two families have a deep relationship, Aigron didn't care about leaking the secret, and told her the answer directly, "Teresa originally wanted to bring him here, but my father-in-law and mother-in-law I don’t want to part with the children, so I’ll stay with them first.”

"So, for His Highness, it must be very happy to be able to stay with grandpa and grandma." Alice suddenly realized, "But it's a pity, we originally wanted Xia Lu to be His Highness's playmate for a while, Unexpectedly, this child will not have this honor after all—”

At this moment, she, who was very close to Aigron, finally noticed the abnormality of the young man—one of his ears was bloodshot and red, as if he had been severely grabbed by someone just now.

This is His Majesty's territory, and the guards are strictly guarded. If someone else dares to do this, he must be dead, so... there is probably only one person who dares to do this and His Majesty has not lost his temper...

Princess Teresa is indeed a difficult person to mess with! But don't be fooled by her appearance.

Alice and her husband Edgar looked at each other quietly, and then gave each other a knowing look.

"Of course she will." Aigron didn't care about the couple's eye contact, but shook his head with a smile, then stretched out his hand and gently pinched Xia Lu's cheek, "In the future, she will have a lot of opportunities to be with me. When I meet my son, I think they will become good friends."

After hearing these words, Edgar and Alice glanced at each other secretly, and they were both very happy——for them, Xia Lu's future is the most important thing, and since this young man said so, That means that Xia Lu will have the opportunity to have a close relationship with the heir of the Bonaparte family in the future, which means that the future will be worry-free.

Although as daughters, they don't expect Xia Lu to be able to make a good appearance, but if she has this layer of amulet, at least no one will dare to bully her in the future.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Alice quickly thanked Aigron, "Next, I will teach Xia Lu to be loyal to the Bonaparte family. I assure you that Xia Lu will be the most loyal minister to you and your heirs." servant!"

"You don't have to be so restrained, ma'am—" Aigron reminded her with a smile, "Your family is not just a meeting of courtiers, I hope it is more of a gathering of friends. If you are so respectful to us, then there is It means losing a friend...I still remember your words and deeds when I met you last time, and I have to say that it brought me a lot of interest. Next, I hope that you, as a guest, can give us the same The monotony of life brings more color."

Aigron's compliment made Alice feel more relaxed.

Why doesn't she remember the relationship between the two of them after they met? It's just that she was afraid that after two years had passed, that young man had developed an arrogant character after being praised by the people around him, so she had to be careful and cautious.

Looking at it now, although this young man already had such a big name, he was still as kind and calm to him as before, so she felt relieved.

In all fairness, if you put aside the differences in status and rank, she really thinks this young man is a very suitable person to be a friend. After all, he is talented and heroic. As long as you don't become his enemy, you will inevitably have a good impression of him .

"If you want me to treat you like a friend, then I will try my best." She replied with a smile, "I still remember the scenery when I went boating with you on the lake, and I don't know if I can still do it." Let's revisit-"

"Of course!" Aigron gestured, "Not only can we go boating with you, but we can also take you to go skiing. I think it will be a very rare experience for you."

"I'm looking forward to it." Alice nodded.

After finishing his courtesies with Alice, Aegron finally walked up to Agnes. He knew Teresa must be watching him silently at this moment, so he didn't dare to put on an overly friendly air, and just greeted him indifferently.

"Miss Agnes, long time no see. You have worked hard to escort my sister and brother-in-law all the way here."

Seeing Aegron's proud look, Agnes recalled the indecent actions he made to herself triumphantly back then, and her heart immediately became very blocked.

But now, in order not to hurt her sister, she can't turn against this young man, so she can only salute Aigron indifferently.

"Nice to see you again, sir. Also, congratulations on becoming a father."

She deliberately mentioned the latter sentence to remind Aigron that he now has a wife and children, and he can no longer act freely—but, for Aigron, what kind of obstacle is this?

He had to have what he wanted.

And at this moment Agnes was sitting in front of him, her awe-inspiring demeanor and unyielding eyes made him feel the familiar Ji Dong even more.

That's how he likes Agnes.

However, there is no rush.

He knew that if he used strong tactics, even if he succeeded for a while, it would only destroy Agnes' self-esteem and spirituality, which would run counter to his wishes and preferences.

Therefore, if you want to achieve your wish, you have to act cautiously.

"Being a father is indeed a wonderful thing, Agnes." Aegron replied with a half-smile, "It's hard for me to describe it to you in words, but I believe that one day you will also be able to experience the joy of being a mother." - Then you will understand."

Although there seemed to be no problem with these words literally, Agnes immediately sensed Aegron's teasing meaning, her face flushed suddenly, and then she gave the young man a hard look.

You can't turn your face, you can't turn your face... She murmured silently in her heart.

Then, she looked at Aigron with a straight face, "I'm afraid you are thinking too much, because I have already decided that I will keep my surname for life and will not bind myself with marriage, so I will definitely not become a mother."

"No one can tell what will happen in the future, so why say so much now?" Aigron retorted with a smile, "People often change their minds, and maybe one day you will change your mind."

"Some people do, but I don't!" Agnes replied forcefully.

Then, she turned her eyes to the other side - obviously, she had reached the limit of her endurance to maintain a superficial respect and talk to Aigron so much.

And Egron also knew that he and Agnes had talked so much in front of Teresa, and it was almost time to stop here, so he just smiled and nodded, then ended the two people's greetings, and returned to the In front of the Edgars.

And Teresa has been chatting with Alice, but she has also been watching the greetings between Aegron and Agnes.

Fortunately, both of them behaved decently, which finally made her breathe a sigh of relief.

I hope they know what proportion is...

After the initial pleasantries, Aigron glanced at Edgar.

"Edgar, I think you have a lot to say when you're new here, come with me, let's have a good chat, and leave this place to the ladies—"

These two people are the ones who really know all the information and intelligence, and can have an overview of the overall situation, and they also have their own ghosts, ready to push the situation in their own favorable direction.

Edgar, who had intended this for a long time, naturally understood, "Your Majesty, it is my honor."

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