Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and three, stumbling block

When Chanel took Agnes to rest, Agron walked out of the house, and happened to bump into Theresa, Alice and Edgar who had just returned.

As soon as he saw Aigron, Edgar gave a covert wink, indicating that he had worked hard to finally complete his instructions, holding back his wife and Theresa, and buying Aiglon enough time.

Aiglon also understood and nodded gently to express his gratitude to the other party.

Originally, Theresa didn't really want to talk to Edgar, but because she had a good impression of Alice just now, she couldn't bear to embarrass Mrs. Alice in person. In order to complete the task, Edgar took the opportunity to do his best. He used his tricks in the social scene, all kinds of compliments and jokes, and collected jokes he heard everywhere, forcing the conversation to be delayed.

Now seeing that there was only one person left beside Aigron, he felt a faint sense of pleasure in fulfilling his mission.

"It looks like you guys are having a great time chatting." Aigron walked between the three people with a smile, and then looked at Teresa, "Teresa, today is the first time you have met Mrs. Alice. Why? So, I’m not exaggerating, am I?”

"Indeed, Your Highness is not exaggerating. Mrs. Alice is really as beautiful and virtuous as you said. She can be called one of the few role models for women in our era." Teresa replied, "When I think about it... After France, I can’t help but feel lucky to have such friends by my side.”

"Your Majesty, you are too flattering. I really can't bear it." Alice blushed slightly and quickly denied, "I think you are more suitable for this evaluation. Looking at the royal families of various countries, there is no princess who can compare with you. I have never heard of it - if our country is lucky enough to have you as a citizen, what a blessing it will be!"

"Wow, I didn't expect you to recognize each other so quickly." Aigron joked in a joking tone, "Then let me join in the fun - if I am lucky enough to stand next to the two ladies, my crown will also be Overshadowed by it!”

His words made both ladies laugh.

"Your Highness, we just talked about the story of you and your wife taking a boat trip on the lake." After laughing for a moment, Teresa mentioned the past again, "She recounted the whole experience in front of me, and she was very happy. As a matter of fact, the original text recited the poems you composed at that time! Oh, it’s really fascinating to think about it.”

"It's so rare that I can still recite the entire text!" Aigron was a little surprised. "Two years have passed and I almost forgot."

"Your Majesty, for a talented poet like you, improvising poems is just a matter of casualness. Of course you won't write it down deliberately and forget about it later.

But for a housewife with little knowledge like me, what a rare and glorious opportunity it is to stand next to a poet and listen to your improvisation! So of course I kept it in mind and forgot about it for a while. Alice replied with a smile. "It's just a pity that I have never had the opportunity to retell it to others who like poetry. Today I finally have the opportunity to tell it to people who value your talent. This is my luck again." "

Although he knew that Alice was trying to flatter him, Aigron still felt very comfortable after hearing it - after all, no one in this world doesn't like to hear compliments, but some people are terrible at complimenting, and some people can grasp the audience. The mentality of prescribing the right medicine can only scratch the itch every time.

Agron now finally understood why Theresa was so attracted to Alice after only meeting her for an hour. She did have this ability.

"If you think I will blush because of this, you are totally wrong. On the contrary, you have aroused my desire to create. I want to find an opportunity to write another poem to commemorate the beautiful and worldly life of our two families. Reunion in a place of isolation." Aigron answered with a smile.

"That's great." Teresa took over, "Your Highness, I just made an agreement with Madam Alice that our two families will go boating on the lake again, so that I, who was absent before, can experience the fun at that time - —Of course, this fun must include your improvisation, otherwise I will be disappointed. Now that you take the initiative to create, that would be great!"

"Two families boating on the lake?" Aigron was stunned for a moment.

Before, he and Alice went boating together, but they just rented a small boat, which was quite inconspicuous and no one would care. And if the two families were together this time, the momentum would be much greater - and it included several beauties in the same frame, making it impossible not to attract attention.

Therefore, in order to avoid attracting attention, we not only have to rent a boat, but also find ways to clear the place. It is not just a matter of going there.

Fortunately, this is not something Aigron needs to worry about. Naturally, his followers will take care of it.

"Well, I happen to be in the mood, and since guests are here, they really need to be well entertained. Wouldn't it be more elegant to have a banquet on the ship?" After thinking for a moment, Aigron immediately agreed. "However, it requires some preparation time, and you are new here and need to rest and adjust your body, so how about we set the time in two days?"

Since it was his decision, others naturally had no reason to object, so the proposal of "two days later, the two families can go boating on the lake together" officially became the scheduled arrangement.

Aigron was very excited and couldn't help but think of the scene at that time.

What a wonderful picture it would be to see the beautiful scenery of Lake Constance, coupled with the four beautiful women Theresa, Alice and Chanel, boating on the lake together?

In addition, Edgar can paint this painting next to it, and it can become a classic handed down from generation to generation...

Wait, Edgar?

No! He shouldn't be there.

Just thinking about Edgar suddenly inserting himself into this beautiful picture made him feel uncomfortable.

Yes, Edgar was very useful and considerate to him now, but when he had him standing next to him, Egron always felt uncomfortable.

Maybe, this is the "same-sex repulsion" between the disciples?

He didn't understand the reason, but he knew one thing. He didn't want Edgar to be present and ruin his mood.

Surrounded by so many outstanding women, it is enough for me to be happy alone, why do I need another man standing beside me to ruin the scenery! Even if he was Alice's husband and someone who legitimately should be present, it still seemed too redundant.

No matter what method is used, he cannot be allowed to appear! The young man made a decision immediately.

But this kind of thing cannot be said - how would it be decent to invite Sister Alice but not allow Edgar to show up? Teresa would be angry too.

So on the surface he remained calm, without showing any evil spirit, and chatted with the couple and Teresa with a smile on his face until he sent them to rest.

After the Edgars went to rest, Aiglon summoned his guard captain Andre Davout.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?" Andre asked after seeing him.

"Andre, I just decided to invite our guests who arrived today to have a boating banquet on the lake in two days. You go and deal with it first." Aigron said his order.

Andre was not surprised by this. After all, His Majesty and his wife both like elegance and have young minds, so it is not out of the ordinary to entertain guests in such a way.

Although it's a bit troublesome, isn't this his duty?

"Understood, Your Majesty, we will make preparations in advance. I wish you have a good time when the time comes."

"If you want me to have fun, you have to do another thing -" Egron whispered another thought of his, "Andre, no matter what you think of, you must let Ed We can’t add a boat!”

Andre was stunned and speechless for a moment. "Your Majesty...you...what do you mean?"

"Literally, I don't want to see him on the ship when the time comes." Aiglon replied coldly, "Andre, you can use any means, but don't let him get hurt, and don't make it public!"

Andre grimaced, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Isn't Edgar your Majesty's favorite? How could it suddenly become like this? Could it be that Your Majesty...Andre suddenly thought of something.

But he couldn't continue thinking about it. He knew that what he should be thinking about was how to carry out this order - but this order was too difficult to deal with. He couldn't hurt anyone and he had to be absent.


After thinking for a while, Andre finally found an idea.

"Your Majesty, when we were in Greece, we occasionally drank a few drinks together. This time we reunite, we can also drink a few more times for the same reason." After hesitating for a moment, Andre looked at Aigron carefully. , "I know there is a kind of mugwort. When you put it into wine, it will have a particularly strong stamina..."

"Okay! Let's do it!" Aigron was overjoyed and couldn't help patting Andre on the shoulder, "Andre, you have never let me down. I leave everything to you."

Andre bowed his head and saluted helplessly, accepting this task that he didn't like.

In the next two days, Andre kept drinking and chatting with Edgar every night. However, in order not to alert others, he did not add any ingredients to the wine, but just drank a little more each time.

Edgar is usually a person who likes to spend time and party. When he was in Paris, he often hung out in clubs and wine. After arriving in this remote place, there was no other entertainment, and he was happy to have dinner and drink with Andre to pass the time. .

Finally, the night before the scheduled banquet, Andre and Edgar got together again.

The two of them were still chatting about interesting things about Paris, eating wild deer they had hunted, and toasting frequently.

After getting drunk, Edgar was in high spirits and talked about his "great achievements" in hunting for women in Paris.

Andre was not married. Although he had a romance with a young woman in the past according to the usual habits of young people, the relationship ended without any problems. He quickly put the romance aside and went to Agron's account. , so his emotional experience is lackluster.

"My friend, you are good at everything, but you are too serious and rigid, and you have let down your most precious youth!" After bragging about himself, Edgar felt deeply sorry for Andre, "I didn't mean It’s not good to serve His Majesty, but you can’t not take into account your own enjoyment at all, right? Life is short... If you don’t enjoy it while you’re young now, what’s the point of being successful when you’re old later?”

"Edgar, there is some truth in what you say..." Andre sighed deliberately, "It's just that I have been following His Majesty, and now I am in a remote country. I have no time and nothing to do. What about the opportunity to have fun? Let’s talk about it later.”

"That's true..." Edgar nodded, and then sighed.

He sincerely felt sorry for his friend. On the other hand, Andre was His Majesty's most trusted captain of the guard and had the value of making friends.

"But don't be discouraged, Andre." He stretched out his hand and patted Andre on the shoulder, "When I return to Paris, I will introduce you to some girls, and don't worry, they will never What kind of low-level goods are they? They are absolutely beautiful and considerate... Of course, you can't consider getting married with them. I will find you a lady with a better family background..."

It was obvious that Edgar was a little drunk and his voice sounded a little hoarse.

Hearing what Edgar said, Andre was not moved, but at least he felt a little guilty.

However, His Majesty's orders were in his hands and he could not tolerate being soft-hearted.

He glanced at the side and made a gesture secretly, and the guard next to him understood it and handed him a bottle of wine.

Needless to say, this wine was spiked.

In order to ensure that His Majesty's wish came true, Andre also deliberately added enough alcohol. Even if Edgar had a good drink, it would definitely be enough for him to be unconscious for a day and unable to even shout.

Edgar, I'm sorry... While thinking silently in his mind, Andre poured wine for Edgar. At this time, Edgar, who was already drunk and hazy, didn't notice his little movements at all and was still minding his own business. Speak your own words.

Originally, with Edgar's cunningness, he wouldn't have been easily tricked, but he was in a good mood recently, and he never expected that His Majesty, whom he was loyal to, would attack him because he disliked him and was an eyesore, so he fell into the trick unpreparedly.

"You won't believe it. In fact, although my family is ostracized by the upper class, I have had relationships with many eldest ladies... Of course, I can't reveal the specific names to you. In short, it's okay for me to introduce you to them. The question is, whether you can win her heart or not depends on...it depends on your...performance..."

After he finished speaking, he picked up the wine glass and took a long sip.

"I prefer having a stable family to having a romantic affair. I really envy you for having such a beautiful wife and such a lovely daughter. If I could have half your luck, I would be satisfied in this life." Ander Lie said with sincere envy, "However, you probably won't be satisfied yet. You and your father need a son to inherit the title..."

"Son... son... I already have one!" Edgar suddenly answered loudly.

This unexpected blow made Andre's face smell of alcohol, but because of the shock, he didn't even notice it at all.


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