Eagle’s Glory

Extra (19) Heart-to-heart connection

[Princess Keli and her daughter reunite in the world line, and the plot continues from Extra Chapter 10]

In the blink of an eye, the weather turned from hot to cool, and Clestel, who came to France, spent her first few months in the court.

These past few months have been an earth-shaking change for her destiny - she was publicly recognized as a daughter by His Majesty the Emperor, and thus had the title of princess.

This decision undoubtedly caused an uproar among the court and the people, and people everywhere were whispering about it. However, because the addition of an extra princess would not affect the succession of the empire, it did not cause any violent turmoil. People just regarded this matter as a rare topic of conversation.

After all, although His Majesty is young, he has the same reputation as the previous kings. Ever since he ascended the throne, various palace rumors have been circulating in the streets and alleys. Therefore, when he publicly revealed that he had an illegitimate child, people did not I was surprised, just secretly speculating, who was the mother of this lucky Princess, who could be so favored by Your Majesty? You know, the Sun King Louis XIV only gave birth to a limited number of his illegitimate children. Just a few legalizations.

However, the rumors running around did not affect the young Crystal. She grew up in isolation from the world and did not even understand what these things meant. She just silently accepted the gifts from her father. Give yourself everything and try to adapt to your new life.

To be fair, this kind of life is very luxurious - she lives in a spacious and magnificent palace, with people waiting on her every day, enthusiastically fulfilling all her whims and wishes, and she can get whatever she wants, Clarisse in the fairy tale book I have never seen such a "princess" life.

She could tell that her father really regarded her as his daughter to compensate.

However, in addition to unlimited wealth and prosperity, young girls also sensitively feel the feeling of being "excluded from the family."

Her Majesty the Queen and her children (although theoretically they should be Crystal's younger siblings, it is difficult for both Crystal herself and these younger siblings to regard each other as siblings), right She was very polite and courteous, but she seemed to be a thousand miles away, and Kristel did not want to blend in with them - because she keenly felt that she was a sudden intrusion to this supreme family. Otherwise, except from her father, she would not be welcomed from the bottom of her heart.

Not only her family members, she could also feel the indifference permeating these magnificent palaces. Although all the smiles facing her were extremely respectful, they lacked warmth. All of them were just serving "Her Royal Highness." As for They didn't care at all who Kristel was.

Just because I can feel this cold indifference,

So she missed her mother more and more, missing her mother who could sit next to her with the gentlest voice and read fairy tales to her.

She couldn't stop missing her so much that she dreamed of her mother every night.

Mom...why did you send me here? Why don't you come over? Even though his father has such great power, he is only willing to bring him here alone and leave his mother alone?

The young girl did not understand so many complicated things. She simply believed that Her Majesty the Queen had taken away everything she deserved. She had taken away her father and shattered the family she originally deserved.

So no matter what, she couldn't get close to Her Majesty the Queen - and Her Majesty the Queen could certainly see this, so she never showed any closeness to her, she just tolerated her existence.

In this lonely palace, apart from her most beloved father, the only person she felt close to was the playmate designated by her father, Miss Charlotte de Treville.

Although Xia Lu came to him because she obeyed orders, she was much more lively than others. Perhaps because she was favored in front of her father, she was domineering in the palace, and all the children were right She was in awe. Because of her care, no child dared to be disrespectful to her.

In addition, Kristel also felt that Xia Lu knew things far beyond her age, and her brain was extremely active. She often had endless clever ideas. After noticing this, she became accustomed to obeying My friend's advice is correct anyway.

The time he was able to spend with her every day was also the time when Kristel was happiest and most carefree.

In the afternoon of this day, after Kristel finished her lessons with the tutors, Xia Lu ran to Kristel again as usual.

"Kelly! Good afternoon!" The little blond girl in a white skirt seemed to be glowing with golden light under the sunset. She looked at Christel with a smile.

At Christel's insistence, Xia Lu no longer called her "Her Royal Highness", but called her this affectionate title. After all, she felt that there should be no hierarchy between friends.

"Xia Lu, good afternoon." Kristel replied with a smile.

While talking, she held Xia Lu's hand and waited for the other party to suggest what to play next - anyway, to her, it didn't matter what she played, as long as she could spend the rest of the day with this playmate.

However, Xia Lu gave her a little surprise today.

"Keli, how about taking you to my house today to play?" Xia Lu asked with a smile on her face.

Crystal's eyes widened in surprise at first, and then she nodded heavily in ecstasy, "Okay!"

She didn't know why Xia Lu made such a proposal today, but being able to visit her friend's house was exactly what she wanted - wasn't that proof of their friendship?

Besides, since she came to France, she has always stayed in Fontainebleau. Even though her life is countless times more prosperous and luxurious than before, it is nothing more than the prison of the past being expanded hundreds of times. She also wants to go somewhere else. Have fun.

"As long as you like it!" Seeing Kristel looking so happy, Xia Lu nodded.

There is no doubt that she did this with His Majesty's permission - otherwise, no matter how courageous she was, she would not have dared to take Her Royal Highness outside privately.

Although His Majesty did not explain in detail, Xia Lu could guess His Majesty's good intentions. He also hoped that his daughter could have more fun - and wasn't this his mission?

Kelistel regards the two as equal friends, and Xia Lu usually behaves cheerfully, but she is quite sober and clear in her heart - Her Highness the Princess is Her Royal Highness the Princess, no matter whether Kelisi looks like it or not, since His Majesty has given her this status, then there is a gap in status between her and herself. If she wants to satisfy His Majesty, she must complete the task of being a playmate.

Soon, Xia Lu took Crystal and boarded a carriage that had been prepared, and embarked on the way home together.

Because of His Majesty's care, Xia Lu, Kristel and his entourage did not encounter any obstruction, passed several checkpoints, and then rushed along the road towards the outskirts of Paris.

After driving for a period of time, the carriage drove into a forest and stopped at a magnificent imitation Cubanoque-style building in the forest.

The two girls stepped out of the carriage, and then looked up at the huge creature in front of them.

The fountain at the door gave a soft call, and the marble facade had magnificent columns and sculptures. The three-story building stood in front of them, silently showing its majesty.

"Is this your home?" Crystal asked. "so big!"

"It's indeed quite big, but it's nothing compared to your palace..." Xia Lu shook her head, "This was given to my grandpa by your father."

Crystal once again had a new understanding of her father's generosity, and she was worthy of being the most powerful person in this country.

"Your grandpa must be an amazing man!"

"Of course, otherwise how could you get such a reward." Xia Lu replied unceremoniously, "Of course, what's even more remarkable is His Majesty, because our whole family is loyal to him."

After saying that, under the respectful guidance of the servants, Her Royal Highness the Princess and her eldest lady walked in from the door together on the carpet.

The majestic building on the outside also has commensurate luxury inside. Because it is still daytime, the chandeliers on the ceiling are not lighting candles, but those exquisite crystals are still shining in the sun, showing off Treville. The family's illustrious appearance.

After walking in, Crystal looked at everything around her curiously. Of course, she was not shocked by the luxury, she just wanted to take a good look at her friend's home.

However, she was keenly aware that this magnificent mansion did not seem to be very popular.

"Where is your grandfather?" she asked smoothly. "It... feels so deserted here."

"He holds an important position and is busy with affairs every day, so he doesn't have much time to stay at home." Xia Lu replied to her with a little regret, "I usually live with my mother in the palace, so I don't stay here often, of course. It’s deserted.”

There is usually no place to live in such a big house, and even Kristel, who has no idea about money, feels a little pity in her heart.

"What about your father? Also, didn't you say you have younger brothers and sisters?" she blurted out.

As soon as she asked this question, she suddenly noticed that the temperature of the air between the two people seemed to have suddenly dropped a few degrees.

She immediately thought that when she was in front of her, Xia Lu rarely mentioned her father and siblings, and she definitely asked some questions that she shouldn't ask. "I'm sorry, Xia Lu, I may have talked too much..."

"It's nothing...it's just that I don't know how to answer..." Xia Lu was not angry, she just shook her head gently, and then let out a sigh that should never be done at this age, "Every family has its own troubles. , even you and me are no exception..."

Then, she steeled herself, took Kristel's hand, and looked at her with a smile, "Okay, let's not talk about such boring things. Come on! I'll take you to a good place." !”

Before Crystal could react, she was already pulled by Xia Lu and started running.

The two girls held hands and ran along the spiral staircase together, their skirts fluttering slightly. This scene was as beautiful as a picture.

Soon, the two of them ran to the second floor together.

Then Xia Lu took her to the door of a room, looked at her with a showy smile, shouted "Open Sesame!", and then opened the door.

What caught her eyes was a fairy tale kingdom world piled up with various colorful ribbons, lamps and toys. In the center of the room, there was an exaggeratedly huge sand table. The sand table was carefully piled up to create various terrains. There is forest and moss cover.

Next to the sand table, there are a lot of lifelike soldier models, wearing a variety of brand-new uniforms, and the guns and cannons are all made to perfection. At first glance, they are valuable handicrafts.


Looking at the dazzling array of things in front of her, Crystal couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Are these all yours?" she couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, these belong to me alone! When I am at home, I will tinker with these to pass the time when I have free time," Xia Lu nodded, "But now it is shared by the two of us."

As she spoke, she took out the chessboard and chess pieces from the surrounding corners like a magic trick, "Kelly, let me teach you how to play a kind of chess? Let's play against each other, and then use small soldiers to play on the sand table..."

Although she was still a little confused, it was certainly interesting for Kristel to be able to play with Xia Lu.

Moreover, in such a huge "paradise", she can do whatever she wants and no one can restrain her. This is something that even a princess would not dare to achieve.

"You live a much happier life than me." She said with envy. “There are so many things to play with!”

"That's what I say, but if I want to keep these things, I have to work hard..." Xia Lu shook her head, "Nothing is naturally destined to belong to me... Just like this mansion, They are all gifts from His Majesty."

"Since it's a gift, doesn't it belong to you?" Kristel asked in a daze.

"Then you can't think so. Since your father can give us all this, of course he can also take it back effortlessly." Xia Lu calmly answered her friend, "So, we have to try our best to please him. Come on, how dare you be a little bit negligent."

When Xia Lu said these words, Crystal noticed the sadness and fear in the eyes of Xia Lu, who always looked optimistic in front of her.

She was really scared.

In an instant, the originally delicate and timid girl suddenly felt a surge of courage that she could not explain.

"I will not allow him to take it back, Xia Lu. If he takes anything away from you, I will help you take it back!"

Seeing the serious look on Kristel's face, Xia Lu was stunned.

Although she couldn't believe that Keli really had this ability, she was still moved by her friend's true love for her.

So, she hugged her friend and said, "Thank you. But don't worry about me, I'm just saying, His Majesty likes me very much."

"Yeah!" Kristel also hugged Xia Lu tightly to express her thoughts.

"Xia Lu!" Just after the two people let go of their arms, a shout suddenly rang out from the door.

Before Crystal could react, a young girl wearing a skirt appeared at the door.

Kristel looked over curiously and found that the young girl was exquisitely dressed and had a slightly similar face to Xia Lu. She also had blond hair and blue eyes.

For a moment, she thought she was Xia Lu's younger sister, but upon closer inspection it seemed wrong, because this little girl looked almost the same age as herself, so she couldn't be her younger sister.

"Xia Lu!" As Crystal watched, she called Xia Lu and walked in, "Why did you bring an outsider in? Didn't you promise to take me to play with you when you come back?"

"Xia Lu, who is she..." Kristel asked doubtfully.

"She is Charlotte, my cousin, um... that is, the granddaughter of my grandfather's brother. She was a guest at my house recently." Xia Lu answered her in a low voice.

Then, Xia Lu said dissatisfiedly to Charlotte, "Charlotte, why didn't you knock on the door if you wanted to come in?"

"I've never knocked on the door since I came here," Charlotte replied proudly.

Then, her eyes rested on Kristel again, "Answer me, who is she?"

Because of the proud look on her face, coupled with the feeling of being scrutinized and even despised by others, Kristel felt very unhappy.

Although her appearance was somewhat similar to Xia Lu's, this sharp and proud look made Kristel instinctively disgusted.

"She is Miss Crystal." Xia Lu answered.

"Ah? So it's her?" Charlotte had obviously heard the rumors about Kelistel, so she looked at Kelisite more and more curiously, "In terms of appearance, being a princess is quite suitable. .”

Although she seemed to agree, there was no respect in her tone and eyes. She looked at Kristel as if she were looking at some kind of merchandise.

If it was the past Clarstel, she might not have cared about this kind of offense at all. However, in the past few months, after experiencing the fear and fear of the people around her, even though she was not arrogant, Clarstel would inevitably I am also used to being respected.

Therefore, she resented this Charlotte even more.

"Xia Lu, let's play this game together." She decided not to pay attention to the guy who suddenly ran over.

"Wait!" Charlotte interrupted, "You should play with me first. She has promised me before!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Xia Lu, "Really?"

Xia Lu secretly complained in her heart. As her cousin, she had always regarded herself as the orthodox member of the Treville family. Although she was only a few months older than her, she always acted like a cousin in front of her and treated her well. The Bonaparte family made more mockery of her, and this time she met an illegitimate princess who was even more unattractive, and she must have looked down upon her even more.

But she can look down on her, but not Xia Lu - because she is the one who eats the Bonaparte family's rice bowl.

Before she could reject Charlotte, Crystal suddenly exploded.

"No matter who you are, get out! Get out! I order you to get out!" Crystal glared at Charlotte, then put on her most aggressive look, "Don't disturb us playing games!"

"Haha, you really take yourself seriously!" Charlotte was not scared at all, she just curled her lips and said, "Everything must be done first!"

"Okay!" Seeing that something was wrong, Xia Lu shouted loudly, which finally stopped the two of them from arguing. "Let's all play together. It's not like three people can't play together! Whoever quarrels again will get out first!"

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