Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty-eight, trump card

"Speak, ma'am, I'm all ears."

After finishing speaking, Edmond Dantès looked at Madam Alice expectantly.

However, Alice did not seem to be in a hurry to get to the point. On the contrary, she pondered for a moment, seemingly thinking about how to word her words.

Edmund was not in a hurry, after all, he respected Lady Alice very much.

After a moment, Alice finally broke the silence in the room. "Sir, you know, I went to see His Majesty not long ago. When I left Paris, everything was as usual; but when I came back, so many big things had happened, and everything was different... When I arrived in Switzerland Later, I learned from Agnes that my father had suffered heavy losses due to his investment in Danglars Bank, and the family business was in jeopardy as a result, which was really disturbing."

Edmund understood what the lady meant - after all, Agnes's family was also her natal family, and she must have been a little emotional when her natal family suffered such a disaster.

And this "disaster" happened to be sent by myself.

He felt a little guilty when he thought of this, but recently he had developed a calm attitude, so he finally maintained his calm. "I'm sorry, ma'am."

"Mr. Earl, don't worry, I'm not here to complain to you. Although it makes me feel very sad that my parents' family has suffered such a big disaster, the cause and responsibility lies with my father. It was he who knew people poorly and placed his trust in them. I fell in love with a liar... It was all my own fault that I ended up like that." Alice sighed, and then changed the subject, "But even so, he is still my father after all, and neither I nor Agnes can do anything about it. Perhaps we were happy to see our family in ruins, so we all hoped to do our best to help my father - and in the end, we chose to ask His Majesty for mercy."

"What did your Majesty say?" Edmund was not surprised at all by this - in fact, that was what he and the Marquis of Treville intended.

"Your Majesty happily agreed to our request, which makes me very grateful. I will always remember his generosity in helping us in times of crisis." Alice replied, and then changed the topic, "However, Your Majesty also has his concerns. , After all, if you want to help my father, it will definitely cost a lot of money. Even for His Majesty, it is definitely not something that can be thrown away lightly, so he had to attach a condition."

"What conditions?" Edmund asked quickly.

"Your Majesty believes that it is necessary to add a trustworthy person as a supervisor for this aid." Alice replied softly. “And I am fortunate enough to be appreciated by His Majesty and entrusted with this important task by him.


"What?!" Edmund was completely shocked now. He stared at Mrs. Alice dumbfounded, completely unable to believe what he said.

In his mind, Lady Alice is an excellent lady with a gentle personality and talent, but these advantages are not enough for her to undertake any important tasks. He does not believe that His Majesty will make such a decision.

However, the reality completely surprised him.

"I know you don't believe it, sir, so I asked Your Majesty to prepare evidence for me in advance -" Alice was not surprised at the other party's reaction. She smiled and took out a letter from her sleeve, and then handed it to Edmund. "Please take a look, sir."

Edmund took the letter with him.

Because the matter was so important, Alice kept it hidden in her sleeves when she came over. When she took it, Edmund could feel the residual warmth on the paper and the faint fragrance on it, but at this time, Edmund I was so upset that I had no time to care about this.

He unfolded the letter and scanned the contents carefully.

After all, he had stayed with His Majesty for so long, so he naturally knew His Majesty's handwriting.

Yes, this is indeed His Majesty's handwriting, so Madam Alice did not lie. He did authorize Madam to handle the matter with full authority, and even told him to try his best to cooperate with her...

So, why is this? Why does Your Majesty value his wife so much? Is it because he can't stand this lady's pleading? Logically speaking, it shouldn't be the case...

All kinds of ideas were rushing through Edmund's mind, but at this moment he didn't have much time to think.

"Do you believe it now, sir? I have indeed obtained your Majesty's authorization." Mrs. Alice asked with a smile.

Edmund sighed, handed the letter back to Madam, and nodded heavily.

"Yes, madam, I have confirmed that your Majesty has authorized you to handle this matter. I am his servant, so since he has given such an order, I will definitely obey his order. Please rest assured."

"Since you said that, you must be a little bit unconvinced in your heart?" Alice still smiled, showing no trace of anger, "Well, this is normal. If I put myself in her shoes, I'm afraid I would also doubt it. This lady sees It looked like there had been no wind and waves. Can she really handle it? I know that no matter what I say now, I can't change the facts, so I am ready to use actions to prove that I am indeed worthy of His Majesty's trust."

Edmund was still a little doubtful, but at this time he had no other choice but to acquiesce to the reality.

"Of course I believe you, ma'am, so what do you want me to do?"

But his question did not get an answer. On the contrary, Mrs. Alice still stared at him with an unchanging smile, but her eyes became sharper.

"Before I figure out what to do next, I feel like I need to figure out what happened before?"

Edmund was a little uncomfortable being stared at by this sharp gaze, and he couldn't help but ask, "What do you want to find out?"

"I want to find out what role you played in the whole incident." Alice replied calmly, "Sir, I am not a person as amazing and talented as your Majesty, but I have some brains and can Analyzing the facts I saw, what facts did I see? Tangglars Bank went bankrupt, and you are Mr. Tangglars’ enemy. Maybe this is nothing, just a coincidence, but what’s even more strange is, Just when he went bankrupt, you showed up in time and acquired or embezzled his family's mansion... What is going on? Does it mean that you were actually involved in it early on? "

Oops... Edmund immediately felt something was wrong, and then his hand under the table shook slightly.

This is a huge omission, why didn’t I think of that before?

The Marquis of Treville knew that he had a grudge against Danglars and that he had snatched the mansion, but he did not know that Lady Alice also knew these things, so when Alice asked about the whereabouts of the count, he casually mentioned the mansion. Told to Lady Alice.

Edmund was careful and forgot to synchronize this information with the Marquis, which resulted in an information gap and caused this huge flaw.

In fact, this was not an oversight. After all, neither he nor the Marquis had ever thought that Lady Alice would have the opportunity to participate in these secret events.

So, what kind of evil has Your Majesty got into, to actually make such an arrangement? He was puzzled.

In addition, he also thought that Mrs. Alice deliberately chose to visit when she was in this mansion instead of visiting her usual place, in order to hint that she had guessed something.

I figured this out, but it was already too late. Since I was blocked by Mrs. Alice here, I had no way of denying it.

He secretly regretted it, but on the surface he could only hold on and pretend to be calm.

"Madam, Mr. Danglars' bankruptcy is a continuous process, rather than a sudden collapse one day. I heard the news when his money was tight. In order to retaliate against him, I decided to buy his Mansion. People driven by revenge will always do anything to make you laugh."

"A very reasonable explanation." Alice nodded, as if she agreed with his reason, but the suspicion in her eyes did not disappear. On the contrary, it became more aggressive.

"So, you can tell me, who told you this news, and who worked for you so that you could buy this mansion? I know you are a very capable person, but you are not familiar with these financial matters. You probably don’t know much about the affairs of the world. There must be someone who will handle everything for you. Who is he? And why can he seize all these timings so accurately-this mansion of Mr. Danglars, from In terms of location and workmanship, it should be a good collateral. Why did it fall into the hands of a foreigner like you? There must be his handiwork..."

This problem gave Edmund a headache. He definitely couldn't recognize everything.

"Are you interrogating me?" he asked.

"How can it be called an interrogation? Your Majesty did not give me this power." Alice shook her head, "I just have some questions that I hope you can answer for me. If you are unwilling to answer, then I will not ask further questions."

"I'm sorry, madam, it's not that I don't want to answer you, but some things involve confidentiality, so I can't answer them." Edmund quickly replied, "The person who handled all this for me is an important person, and he is also your Majesty's. Important follower, I cannot expose his name casually before getting His Majesty's permission. This will harm his safety and even more damage His Majesty's career. I can do my best to deal with the Duke Nordlyen family. I will cooperate with you, but on other matters, I can only remain silent, please understand."

Alice looked at Edmund's stern expression and knew she could only explore so far.

But to be honest, seeing the Count's reaction, she had generally confirmed her suspicions - the Count of Monte Cristo was definitely an important participant in the bankruptcy of Tanglar Bank.

In other words, if his family is in trouble, the earl may be an important person responsible.

However, even after knowing this, she was not angry.

First of all, she really had no evidence and could not accuse the count based on speculation.

Secondly, after all, she is now Mrs. Treville. Even if the count does those things, not only does it not bring any real harm to her, but it brings her an important opportunity, which she finally has the opportunity to grasp. The fate of himself and his daughter.

Winning His Majesty's appreciation is her first step on this road, but this does not mean that everything will be fine. She will still have to continue walking cautiously.

"Mr. Earl, you don't need to be nervous. I'm definitely not here to challenge you." She looked at Edmund and continued calmly, "If I really have any objections to you, I'll tell you now. I didn’t come here alone, but we sisters came together to question you——”

Miss Agnes…

Although Alice said it calmly, it made Edmund more nervous. The name was like a spell, making it difficult for him to calm down.

Not only was he afraid of Miss Agnes' skills, but more importantly in terms of conscience, he owed Agnes so much that it was difficult to face her.

If he was questioned by Mrs. Alice, he could survive it, but if he was questioned by Agnes, he would probably be embarrassed before taking action.

Wait, madam, are you threatening me?

He suddenly understood what the lady really meant - I haven't told Agnes now, but I don't guarantee that I won't tell her later.

This was a direct hit, and Edmund could no longer maintain his apparent composure.

"Madam, why are you doing this?" Edmund sighed weakly, "From a standpoint, we are both His Majesty's servants and should cooperate sincerely; from a personal perspective, I have always been full of love for you. Respect, even if you don’t threaten me, I will be very happy to help you.”

Seeing Edmund being so polite, Alice nodded secretly.

It seems that the count has learned a lot about worldliness during his time in Paris, and he can understand his intentions in an instant.

His threat worked, and for a period of time, the count no longer dared to hold anything back against him.

——In other words, by using Agnes's trump card, she convinced the earl again.

Then, the earl will be her card, and she can use the earl to do other things.

Before she got involved in everything, Alice thought it would be very difficult to play tricks, but when she really plucked up the courage to get started, she found that she seemed to be self-taught, and everything was not that difficult - maybe she really had this talent?

"You are right, we should cooperate next, so I think that instead of being suspicious of each other and defensive, it is better for each of us to make everything clear. This is more beneficial to each of us." She replied with a smile, "Don't worry. , I have always admired you and regarded you as my friend. I will never cause you any trouble——"

At this moment, a burst of singing suddenly came from outside the window of the reception room.

The singing was very soft, but it was like the sound of nature, which relaxed the tense atmosphere in the room.

"This is Mademoiselle Eugénie Danglars practicing singing." Seeing Madam's confused expression, Edmond quickly explained to Madam. “Her singing voice is so beautiful.”

Alice also understood instantly.

If her family falls into decline, will Xia Lu become like this, depending on others, relying on her talents to please others in exchange for a few days of peaceful life?

When she thought of this, her heart suddenly felt like a knife, and she finally regained her composure.

"Congratulations, sir." She managed to maintain a smile, and then congratulated Edmund, "Judging from the results, you can be considered a winner - no matter how it comes, victory is still a victory. I hope I have a chance. Taste the joy of victory as you do.”

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