Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and thirty, sincere and good at tempting

"Madam, you definitely don't want him to know the secrets of your past, right? In that case, your last hope will be gone."

As soon as Alice said this, Mrs. Emily's face suddenly turned pale.

However, after all, she had been in the social scene for many years, and she finally had some composure, and she soon managed to calm down. "Secret? I don't know any secrets... If you think you can threaten me, you have made the wrong calculation."

Seeing Lady Emily's resistance, Alice sighed inwardly, so she decided to just show her cards to prevent Emily from getting lucky and causing trouble in the future.

"Now that things have happened, do you still think that I am just scaring you?" She looked at Madam calmly, but her eyes became stern, "Madam, your ex-husband, Baron Negany, died after being angry. He died of illness, and the reason why he was so angry was because he learned that you were having an affair with the famous Inspector Villefort and that you were pregnant... You thought you were keeping this affair secret, but Unfortunately, I still have some clues."

Although Alice spoke calmly, the lady felt as if she had been hit by a giant hammer. In an instant, she felt dizzy and fell back on the chair. At this time, her face had become extremely expressionless. Pale.

"You...you..." She stared at Alice, but couldn't form a complete sentence.

This was a secret she had hidden for a long time, but Alice unexpectedly revealed it.

"I didn't want to threaten you originally, but since you have shown such an attitude towards me, I have no choice but to show my cards -" Seeing her like this, Alice felt a little bit unbearable, but she still had a heart to say it. "I admit that I did this out of my own interests, but at the same time, I also hope to help Mr. Earl and your daughter. I think this is the best of both worlds... But that's why, I I need your cooperation even more. I hope you can stay with the count peacefully and not cause any trouble. If persuasion is of no use, then I can only use threats - Madam, do you think this secret? Is it possible for him to know?"

"No...can't!" Emily said it almost bitingly while holding back her dizziness. "Alice, I was wrong, please spare me!"

Seeing Lady Emily pleading to herself, Alice nodded slightly, "Don't worry, if I wanted to tell the earl, I would have told you long ago. I will keep your secret, but you must also come up with the appropriate measures." Come with sincerity and let me confirm that I made the right decision.”

"..." Emily looked at Alice speechlessly, seemingly giving up resistance.

Alice paused deliberately,

So that the other person can catch their breath.

After a moment, she asked again.

"How's that kid?"

"Dead...died at birth," Emily whispered, "Villefort buried him."

"Dead?" Alice was a little surprised.

Emily said she died in infancy, but is it definitely an infancy?

Maybe that sanctimonious inspector killed the child when he was just born in order not to leave any "evidence" in the scandal? Or is Emily herself that innocent? Doesn't she want the "evidence of guilt" to disappear?

In fact, before she got married, Alice secretly overheard her mother gossiping about Lady Emily's love affair with others in private. She didn't fully understand this, and only thought that she had an illegitimate child outside - which was not the case these days. What a strange thing.

But after learning this, she suddenly felt a sense of disgust in her heart - as a mother, she could not understand another mother's indifference to her child, no matter what the reason.

This shows that she certainly doesn't care much about Eugenie either... Alice thought to herself.

Could it be that I am wrong in thinking that she is not good for Eugenie and is not worthy of the Count at all?

All kinds of thoughts came to her so much that she lost her words, and Emily was completely lost at this time. She could only look at Alice with pleading eyes, waiting for Alice to pronounce her sentence.

Alice calmed down, and then thought about it silently.

Finally, she spoke again.

"Madam, the past has passed after all. I am not a judge or a judge in heaven. I will not dwell on the things you have done in the past. I only hope that you will see your situation clearly and act cautiously in the future. , don’t make the same mistake again. The count will be your only hope from now on. You must accompany him with all your heart and let him regain the joy of life. If he abandons you, you will no longer have anywhere to go——"

Hearing what Alice said, Emily finally breathed a sigh of relief and nodded quickly. "I know... I know. I promise you! From now on, I will only stay by his side wholeheartedly. I will do everything only for him and only act in his interests. I know that everyone has abandoned me. This is my last hope."

Then, she glanced at Alice secretly, "Please...please help me convey this feeling to the earl. He has been so kind to me, and I will repay him even if I am broken into pieces..."

Although this was said quite sincerely, Alice certainly did not completely believe her, but the situation had reached such a point, whether it was true or false, Emily indeed had no choice but to completely rely on the earl.

But Alice has changed her mind.

She felt that by letting Lady Emily be the count's mistress, mother and daughter would have someone to rely on in the future - anyway, she was still "Mrs. Danglars", and it would be difficult to get a divorce when Danglars disappeared. , there is no way to become the "Countess of Monte Cristo".

Emily has such a deep dark history. Although it can be used as a handle and easy to control, on the other hand, if even she knows something about it, there is no guarantee that others will know about it too.

If he really tried his best to bring them together, and when the news reached the ears of the earl, even if he tolerated it, wouldn't he be angry at himself who was the matchmaker?

When Alice thought about the risks here, she thought it would be better to change her mind.

Rather than taking the risk of letting Emily, who has a lot of criminal records, become a countess, it is better to let her become the count's mistress - based on Alice's understanding of the count, he has always been very affectionate, and he will not easily abandon his mistress, and their mother and daughter will still be together. Have something to rely on.

Moreover, in such an ambiguous and dangerous situation, Emily will have an even greater sense of crisis and try her best to please the Earl, which will also benefit the Earl. Alice's "residual value" in the Paris social circle can still be faithful to help the count.

After changing her mind, Alice suddenly felt enlightened and found that her idea was several times better than what she had just thought.

However, she didn't plan to say a word to Emily.

She wanted to use the carrot of "becoming a countess" to dangle in front of Emily, making her work hard for this elusive goal and be willing to play a good mother and lover.

Maybe he couldn't deceive her for the rest of his life, but it would be okay to deceive her for a few years. But after a few years, at Emily's age, even if she figured out the truth, she wouldn't have the energy to bother anymore, and could only maintain the status quo wholeheartedly.

Alice had no sympathy for the deceived Emily at all. Based on what she had done before, she was lucky to end up like this - she would only be worse off if she left the earl. She was helping her, but she didn't. She just had so many delusions.

Unknowingly, Alice has become accustomed to planning and acting in silence, and is also used to being indifferent to others. Just a few months ago, she could not imagine that she could do these things, but now it seems so normal.

Maybe, everyone has their talents and potential, but they just lack an opportunity to stimulate them, so that they don't even know their talents - Alice took the risk to grab the resources in front of Aigron, and after Aigron's praise, Among them, she finally inspired that kind of talent. Although she was full of hesitation and fear, she was able to overcome these fears and firmly implement her carefully thought-out conclusions.

After giving Emily the assurance, Alice comforted Emily with a few more words to free her from the panic just now. Then Alice said goodbye to Emily and returned to the room where she had just met with the Earl. .

At this time, Edmund had just finished breakfast with Eugenie. When he saw Alice coming back, he asked Eugenie to leave. "Madam, how was your conversation just now?"

"To be honest, it's a bit gloomy." Alice lowered her brows and replied with a hint of sadness, "I believe you can understand that in her situation, it is very difficult to maintain a superficial calm. It’s easy, but it’s really hard for her to entertain others as happily as before.”

Edmund nodded slightly. "Yeah, I can see her sadness, so I always avoid irritating her."

He didn't know about Lady Emily's past. In his eyes, she was just a beautiful, graceful and unfortunate lady, so he was naturally full of sympathy for her.

It is precisely because of this sympathy that he has been trying his best to avoid communicating with his wife during this period, so as not to make her feel that he is dependent on others.

"Mr. Earl, you are really a good person... I admire you very much in terms of ability and character." Alice suddenly sighed, "Judging from everything you have done to their mother and daughter, I am even more convinced. Make your own judgment.”

Good guy?

The word seemed strange to Edmund, even a little ironic.

He, a good person, is the culprit who caused their mother and daughter to fall into this situation; and it's not just their mother and daughter? In order to avenge his enemies, he worked with Bowang to create a financial crisis. In addition to Tanglar, there were many other victims. In front of them, did he still have the right to call himself a good person?

Thinking of this, Edmund felt even more upset, so he just smiled reluctantly in response.

"Earl, I know what you are thinking. You feel guilty, so you took in their mother and daughter as compensation..." Of course Alice could see what the other party was thinking, so she comforted the other party, "There is no doubt that your Your soul is no longer pure and flawless. You have killed and harmed others, but this is what you have to do. You don’t have to feel guilty about it - think about who your competitors are? They are They are more cruel, greedy, and shameless than you, and they have caused much more harm than you. What is even more terrifying is that they are completely at ease and greedy, and yet you still feel guilty. How rare are you? In this world, your hands are stained with Mud is inevitable, and those who are willing to make amends for it after becoming famous are already noble enough."

Alice was telling the truth. She had seen the behavior of the Bourbon family and the king's favorites, as well as the leader of the Bonaparte family and his followers. Perhaps these people had different goals. But no matter which side, they are equally indifferent and vicious, and they will never feel guilty for any crimes they have committed.

In comparison, how rare is the earl?

At least she truly thought the count was respectable and lovable.

Alice's comfort made Edmund feel a lot better.

"Thank you for your comfort, madam. In fact, what I did can only be called hypocrisy. I destroyed their lives and then pretended to repair them, but what can I do? There are some things that even if you don't want to do them You just have to do it.”

"Even hypocrisy is better than unabashed evil. At least a hypocrite knows what is right and what is wrong. A person who truly has no principles and no scruples is scary." Alice replied with a smile, "Earl, since you You’re already a hypocrite, so why not be a hypocrite to the end?”

"Hypocrisy to the end? What do you mean?" The count was a little surprised.

"We all know that originally you didn't have to take on the responsibility of taking care of Emily and her daughter. Even if you drove them away and left them to fend for themselves, no one could say you were wrong, but you chose to take on this extra responsibility. Responsibility - in that case, wouldn't it be great to just become a real family with them?" Alice was still smiling.

"What do you mean?" Edmund felt his scalp numb.

"Isn't it clear? What is tangled in their hearts now is the fear of the future. Today you are helping them, but what about tomorrow? They don't know who you are or what you plan to do. Your help today is Maybe there will be no tomorrow, and they can only live in precarious fear. They don’t even know how many days they can have a peaceful life, so they can only spend every day in fear - isn’t this a kind of mental torture?” Alice asked softly.

Under such questioning, Edmund could only nod, "I know...but I can only do this. I tried my best."

"You are not trying your best enough - you clearly want your family, you want to hear Eugenie sing, and you want Emily to take care of you. You are so eager, but you dare not take a step forward because of your inferiority and fear. As a result, you Isn’t it sad that I am suffering the same mental torture as them?”

…………Edmund was stunned.

It wasn't that Alice was hard-spoken, but because she seemed to hit the nail on the head.

Inferiority and fear?

He asked himself, it seems that there is indeed a point.

Although he has become a legitimate earl and a favorite, deep down in his heart, he feels that he is not worthy of all this. He longs for the love of his family, but does not believe that after more than ten years in a dark prison and his family has been destroyed, he still has Qualify to get it all again.

Isn’t this just inferiority and fear?

But...what's the use of just knowing.

"What do you want to say?" Edmund asked a little dejectedly.

"Has Emily made it clear enough? Even if you have never been in our social world before, she has made it clear enough." Alice lowered her gaze slightly, "You can give her a sense of peace of mind. , if you will.”

Edmund smiled bitterly, as if the Marquis of Treville had suggested this before - they are indeed a family...

"Then am I not even worse?"

"You are even worse now... longing for your family but shying away from people who are close at hand." Alice smiled and shook her head, "Up to now, everyone has thought that Mrs. Emily is 'favoured'. In the end, she got nothing! You have ruined her reputation, but you still pretend to be innocent. In my opinion, this is completely bad, right?"

"Huh?" Edmund opened his eyes wide.

"Emily just asked me to tell you -" Seeing the Earl's stunned look, Alice smiled and moved closer, speaking at a volume that only two people could hear, "Her bedroom door has always been unlocked, and it will be the same tonight. ."

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