Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and thirty-six, dying

After discussing with the Marquis of Noirtier, Edmond Dantes calmed down, stopped other activities, and waited for news from the Marquis.

The Marquis was indeed a reliable person. On the day they agreed, the Marquis came to Edmond with his entourage, and then took him on the road to visit Prince Talleyrand.

The last time, Edmund also left Paris with the Marquis of Treville and went to the southern mountains to visit Marshal Soult. That visit also left a deep impression on him.

But this time, their journey was much shorter and easier——

Compared with Marshal Soult, who was still very enterprising even after his retirement, and even went to the countryside to mine, Prince Talleyrand's "retirement life" seemed much simpler. He took his family to the scenery in central France The beautiful Loire Valley, and then built a magnificent castle there as a place to spend his later years.

Not only is the castle beautiful, exquisite and comfortable, Talleyrand also brought the art treasures he had accumulated over the past few decades to the castle for him to play with at any time.

After a period of journey, the Marquis and Edmond arrived at the Castle of Valensay.

This castle has a long-standing reputation. The design of the castle is very Renaissance style. At the entrance is a huge main tower with many windows, small towers and protrusions. There are skylights and spectacular chimneys on the pointed roof.

In addition to the beautiful architecture, there are also carefully arranged and cared for gardens surrounding the castle. Looking around, the castle, gardens and courtyards are integrated into one, the design is very harmonious, and everything forms a wonderful picture.

"He really found a good place for himself!" After seeing the appearance of the castle outside, the Marquis of Noirtier said wittily, "Isn't he afraid that if there is another revolution, maybe he will have to change the owner again."

"If there is another revolution, I'm afraid he will be full of energy and become a revolutionary pioneer again -" Edmund also replied with a sneer, "and then earn a lot of money to make this castle more luxurious and magnificent."

The two men looked at each other and smiled. On the one hand, they both despised Prince Talleyrand for his repeated leaps and bounds, but on the other hand, they also secretly admired the abilities of these princes - especially the ability to use power to seek personal gain for themselves.

Since 1789, the political arena has gone through countless ups and downs, but this man who has been involved in politics from the first day can't help but be able to save his own life when all the left, center and right factions take turns to go to the guillotine. Let almost every government hold its nose and use him,

This is nothing short of a miracle.

Not only did he become a roly-poly in the political arena, he also became a very rich man in an era when rich people easily went bankrupt.

In that era, it was an almost open unspoken rule for diplomats to accept bribes from other countries when doing business and signing contracts, and Talleyrand was a veteran at this. During the empire period, he was in almost every country he dealt with. They all squeezed money (after all, everyone was afraid of the imperial bayonet and were willing to use bribes in exchange for his good words).

In addition, when Napoleon was with him during the honeymoon period, he also gave him a high-ranking official and generous salary, named him a prince, and gave him a large amount of income.

As a result, over time, Talleyrand accumulated a jaw-dropping family fortune.

Even if he fell out with the emperor later, the emperor only dismissed him from office and did not inspect his family property. Therefore, he landed safely and became a reclusive wealthy man.

According to common sense, such a life in his later years can make everyone envious. However, Prince Talleyrand is Talleyrand after all. This man who has been making trouble on the European stage for so many years is destined to be unable to settle down. - Even though he is old and weak, his heart full of cunning and intrigue is still restless.

It is precisely because of this that he took the initiative to invite the agents of the Bonaparte family to come to him, inquire about the information, weigh the situation, and prepare for his next bet.

After chatting, the Marquis and Edmund arrived outside the castle, and then asked the concierge to see Prince Talleyrand.

No letter of introduction was needed, the Marquis Noirtier's face was his business card. After recognizing him, the prince's servants quickly went to inform the prince, and not long after, they received a solemn invitation.

The servant led them through the garden to the castle, and then took them to the spacious reception room.

Not long after they sat down at the table by the window, the door reopened.

Then, a thin old man holding a wooden cane slowly walked in.

Almost in an instant, the two people stood up from their seats at the same time to welcome the arrival of this prestigious old man, and at the same time saluted respectfully.

During the interval of saluting, Edmund looked at the old man.

He wore exaggerated clothes from the last century, with shiny gold buttons, and a wig on his head like a courtier in Versailles. The white wig was covered with powder. However, the more exquisite the dress, the more... It made his thin body look extremely dry.

Although there was a smile on his face, the wrinkled face no longer showed much vitality. The result was like a ball of yarn that had been twisted into a ball, coupled with the fact that he was limping slowly towards the The walking posture was actually a bit funny. Edmond Dantes thought of a withered zombie for a moment.

Yes, from the outside, this old man is on his deathbed and will leave this world soon.

However, after just looking at the old man's eyes, he felt like he was being peered into by a hungry wolf.

From this sight, one can see the unabashed cynicism and magnanimity that has seen everything, without any hesitation or awe.

The hungry wolf wanted to eat people, and the old man wanted to share power and wealth. Although the purposes were different, they were equally cunning, evil, and aggressive. The world seemed to him like a snack house, waiting for him to jump on the dining table and devour it at any time.

Seeing these eyes, Edmond Dantès understood that although this old man was dying, he still had too many desires and obsessions in his body. Even if he died, he would die in the field of power. Only in this way could he die. Willing to close eyes.

Yes, this man has been slandered all over the country. Regardless of his position, almost everyone will frown when he mentions him, and those with a bad temper will even scold him. However, he is always able to sell himself to any ruler. Skilled and precise, no matter how much you despise him as a person, you will still use him for a period of time to get what you need.

Fortunately, he really doesn't have long to live. Your Majesty may be his last benefactor, Edmond Dantès thought to himself.

Just as Edmund looked at Prince Talleyrand, Talleyrand also looked at the two people opposite him.

The Marquis of Noirtier is his old acquaintance. Although he is old now, he is still as sharp as before. Yes, he has not changed.

And the other person... although he looks young, he has a decent bearing.

"Is this Mr. Count of Monte Cristo?" He walked up to the two of them and asked Edmund in a low voice.

"Exactly, Your Excellency." Edmund bowed slightly again, "I'm glad that you have heard my humble name."

"To be named Count of Monte Cristo by the King of Rome himself, you are no longer a humble person. No matter where his career goes, your name will be recorded in the history books - although the length will probably be a few pages shorter than mine." Tallie Prince Lang said, smiling at Edmund and extending his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet the leader of our country's young generation, sir."

Although the prince's tone was a little arrogant like an elder treating a younger generation, Edmund still felt a little honored. He quickly reached out his hand and gently held the wrinkled and dry right hand.

It would be easy for him to break this hand or even the old man's neck, but at this moment, it was Edmund who felt the pressure.

How many conspiracies has this hand been involved in? How many treaties have you signed on behalf of various French governments? This is history borrowing his hand to shake my hand...

For a moment, Edmund even felt a little excited.

But fortunately, he has also developed concentration over the years, so he quickly regained his composure.

"You have given me a great reward, Your Excellency, and I am not worthy of it. I came to see you on His Majesty's orders, and I would like to extend my most sincere greetings to you on his behalf."

sincere? The word was not in the dictionary of the Bonapartes, and certainly not of the Talleyrands.

People on both sides know that the other party has no good impression of them, and they also know that there is no goodwill in this kind of contact, but this does not prevent them from shaking hands and planning.

In politics, it is very common for opponents who were fighting to the death one moment to suddenly stand together again - not to mention that now that both sides have been marginalized, the hatred in the past is even less worth mentioning.

While Prince Talleyrand greeted the count, he was thinking silently in his heart. Although his appearance was dying, his brain was not rusty and he was still able to seek his own interests soberly.

And just as he expected, this time he ran into luck again, and those who coveted political power were also seeking his support, hoping to use his ability and fame to add glory to themselves.

Prince Talleyrand ushered in another spring in his long political career.

He will never let go of an opportunity.

No matter which side he joins, he wants to be high-ranking and well-paid, so that he can express himself freely on the stage, just like he did in the past.

His life was chaotic. In addition to power, he also enjoyed all the glory, wealth, wine and beauties. He had enjoyed all the pleasures in the world. But at his current age, at the age of seventy-five, he no longer cared or had the ability. Go indulge yourself again.

Only power can make this decaying body feel the vitality of life again. This is his only pursuit now.

No matter who it is, as long as it has power, he is willing to cooperate with it, even if it is a demon from hell - anyway, he has already reserved a seat there.

The boy from the Bonaparte family is also one of his planned cooperation targets. That boy is ambitious and has skills that belie his age. He ignores the old grudges between his father and his father and woos him so enthusiastically, which makes him even more... It proves that he has the basic qualities to go to the throne.

But does that mean he can really take the throne?

Then we have to look again.

At least worth a try.

"Please sit down, you two." He retracted his hand and nodded to the two guests.

The Marquis of Noirtier and Edmond sat back in their seats.

"Old friend, you are full of energy. It's really hard for you to be running around at your age!" As soon as he sat down, Prince Talleyrand teased the Marquis, "There are not many die-hard Bonapartists like you. "

"No, there are too many die-hard Bonapartists like me." The Marquis of Noirtier shook his head, and then replied seriously, "Because there are too many, so for the sake of my own future, even at this age, I I still have to run around so that I won't be able to leave my name with His Majesty and be rewarded for my merits."

"This is an exaggeration... With your qualifications and prestige, even if you sit still, who will forget you or dare to forget you?" Talleyrand shook his head, and then joked with a smile, " We all remember what you did in 1815, and it would be difficult for the Bonaparte family to find a more loyal and astute minister than you."

"1815 was 1815, and now is now. Everything in the past has passed away. No matter what I did at that time, I was a loser, and losers are not qualified to rest on the credit book -" Nuo Valtier shrugged, and then answered the other party seriously, "No matter how old or senior you are, if you want to gain trust, you must show your abilities. This is His Majesty's expectation."

Edmund listened quietly to the pleasantries between the two old friends without interrupting.

He knew that although this was just a small talk, it was also a confrontation in the air, with each other showing their respective wills and positions.

In his opinion, compared with the straightforwardness of Marshal Soult whom he had met before, Talleyrand was worthy of being from an old aristocratic family. He was very reserved and reserved, and treated people with great courtesy.

However, this kind of politeness did not make Edmund feel warm. On the contrary, it gave him a kind of indifference that could repel people thousands of miles away.

Under the guise of etiquette, he was full of fear of the prince - after all, anyone who knew even a little bit about past history would know the consequences of trusting Talleyrand credulously.

"What you said makes sense. No matter what you have done in the past, it is in the past after all." Although the Marquis of Noirtier's attitude was not polite, Prince Talleyrand was not angry either and still faced the other party with a smile. “But the past can also provide guidance and lessons for the future—”

"My body lives in the old era, but my brain -" Prince Talleyrand stretched out his hand tremblingly, and then nodded his head. "It's still as fresh as the flowers that were just picked in the vase today."

This nondescript metaphor made Edmund want to laugh a little, but the Marquis of Noirtier remained serious.

"Then do you have any new advice for me or Your Majesty, Your Highness?" he asked solemnly.

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