Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and forty-two, generous gift

"Lucky boy, you don't have to worry about your family fortune."

Eggron's words made Teresa and the people next to her laugh.

"As parents, isn't our greatest love for our children to try our best to prevent him from braving the wind and snow?" Teresa asked with a smile.

As if she was afraid that Aiglon would tease her son again, she snatched Francois back from Aigron and held him in her own hands.

Then, she and Aigron stood side by side again and walked towards the nearby woods. The family of three looked happy and full of family warmth.

Although the young couple are not very old, they have gradually adapted to their new status as parents. Although they are not good at raising children because they were pampered since childhood, they are usually very close to their children and always make time to accompany them.

The previous quarrels and disturbances between the two of them because of Agnes seemed to have disappeared, and no one took the initiative to mention it again. Teresa once again silently forgave her husband for what he had done, pretending that nothing had happened.

"Your Highness, who is the old man you just mentioned?" Theresa asked in a low voice after they reached the edge of the deserted forest.

"Soult and Talleyrand." Aiglon did not mean to hide it from his wife, but told the truth. "They all wrote to me and said they were willing to bargain with me."

For him, his wife is also an important participant in his career and the person he can trust most. Naturally, there is no need to hide this issue.

"Really? That's great!" Of course Teresa also knew the importance of these two people, and she immediately beamed with joy. "This opportunity cannot be missed. Since we have the opportunity this time, let's find a way to win them over. As long as these two elders are in hand, no one can stop you anymore."

"That's what I say, but it's not that simple..." Aigron nodded, and then sighed again.

After all, they had been sleeping together for so long. Looking at Aigron's expression, Teresa immediately guessed what he was thinking.

"Is Your Highness worried that you won't be able to persuade them?"

Aiglon expressed his affirmation with silence.

At this time, the cool breeze came out of the forest and blew on the bodies of the family of three. The fragrance of the soil and leaves made people feel relaxed and happy, and quietly reduced the serious atmosphere.

Teresa pondered for a moment,

Then he spoke softly.

"I heard that Talleyrand loved his money as much as his life."

The implication was, of course, that he was sending money to Talleyrand.

For a person like Talleyrand, no righteous rhetoric is meaningful. Only real money, fame, wealth and status can impress him. Giving him money is of course the most intuitive and effective way.

Of course Aigron has also considered this method, but for him now, it is by no means as simple as it seems.

——Because the Orléans family is now one of the richest families in France, and if they have to spend money to "bid", he can't compare.

After the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty, King Louis XVIII, out of some unknown state of mind, actually forgave the Duke of Orleans and his family for betraying the royal family during the Revolution. Not only did he restore the reputation and status of the Duke of Orleans, he also restored the family property that had been confiscated during the Revolution. Also given to Philippe, Duke of Orleans.

Not only what he thought, but his approach caused unsolvable problems for the royal family - this ambitious family now has enough resources to carry out their conspiracy activities.

When Louis XVIII died in 1824, his younger brother King Charles X came to power, but the Orleans family was obviously not grateful and embarked on the road to seize the throne. In the end, they did get their wish and usurped the throne on the original historical line.

The Bourbon family is having a headache about this, and now Aigron himself is also having a headache about it.

"Theresa, when I was still in Austria, an envoy sent by the Duke of Orleans found me and told me that as long as I made a statement and was willing to give up my competition for the French throne and support the Orleans family, I would be willing to give him a year's salary. My six million francs——"

"Is there such a thing?" It was the first time Theresa heard about it, so she was a little surprised.

Then, she secretly sighed, "As long as you make a statement, they are willing to give you six million a year. It's really generous..."

Aiglon rejected the proposal at the time, but it was obvious that the proposal itself proved that the Orleans family had amazing financial resources and could easily spend so much money to buy themselves off.

There is no doubt that they will not pay it honestly every year. They only want to stabilize themselves first in exchange for their endorsement of the Orleans family. But even if they only pay for a few years, they will still have to pay tens of millions of francs. This is already a huge sum of money that ordinary people cannot imagine, even more than the treasure that Aigron himself found on the island of Monte Cristo.

Precisely because she realized the surging financial resources of the Orleans family, Teresa suddenly fell into a difficult situation in China.

While thinking, she unconsciously touched her son's forehead gently, as if to draw inspiration. Francois did not cry, but lay comfortably in his mother's arms, enjoying the warmth of maternal love. .

"Since it doesn't make much sense to simply give money, let's give something more valuable -" After a moment of pondering, Teresa finally spoke, "Talleyrand not only liked money, he also liked collecting art. Everyone knows this, if we give him a few world-famous paintings and sculptures, I think even he will take a high look at it and feel our sincerity, right?"

"Perhaps it is true...but how can we have any handed down works of art?" Aigron shrugged.

Teresa looked at her husband with a half-smile. "Have you forgotten the last time we met in Austria?"

"Ah..." Aigron immediately understood what she meant.

He was certainly very impressed.

Before fleeing Austria, he was invited to attend the Christmas party of Archduke Charles and his family, and to show their respect for him, the couple specially received him at the Albertina Palace in their name.

This palace was owned by the late Duke Albert of Cieschen, who already had a wealthy family, married an Austrian princess, and once served as governor of the Netherlands, through which he made a large sum of money. .

In accordance with the custom of the times, he spent his life's energy and money acquiring various works of art, and eventually turned his residence, the Albertina Palace, into a famous art collection, which can be called Austria's Louvre.

The Duke of Cieszyn had no heirs, so he later adopted Archduke Karl as his adopted son. After his death, the Albertina Palace and the artworks inside naturally became the property inherited by the Grand Duke.

In the original history, after the death of the Archduke, his descendants continued to inherit the family business until after World War I, Austria overthrew the royal family and became a republic, and the Albertina Palace was nationalized and became the Albertina Museum. ——It is also the most famous art museum in Austria and even the world, with countless collections.

Obviously, if a few treasures could be taken out, even Talleyrand would be fascinated by them... This is certain.

But the problem is, that is not something that the Agrons can decide. Those treasures do not belong to them.

"Is your father willing to part ways with you?" he asked cautiously.

"Of course not. Dad has always looked down on Talleyrand. If he knew that we actually gave his collection to Talleyrand to please him, he would definitely be mad!" Teresa replied seriously.

However, then she laughed again, "But surely Dad wouldn't mind lending me something to enjoy, right? And Francois is about to grow up, so there's nothing wrong with letting him cultivate his artistic taste from a young age, right?"

Hearing Theresa say this, Aigron's eyes suddenly lit up.

He had already learned the love of a grand duke for his daughter, and he indeed loved Francois, his grandson. After all, he was his only grandson now. If Teresa used this reason to beg or "borrow" a few items, If the art was to be collected, he thought the Grand Duke would agree.

The more Aigron thought about it, the more it made sense.

However, because of Teresa's incident, he already owed the Grand Duke too much, and now he wanted to go even further and try to seize his collection. It seemed a bit unreasonable. The Grand Duke would probably be furious if he knew the truth.

"These things are just temporarily moved to another place. They will be returned to dad sooner or later." As if she saw Aigron's hesitation, Theresa smiled and explained to Aiglon, "Didn't you say so, Prince Talleyrand?" We didn’t have a few years left to live. We made a list and after he passed away, couldn’t we get back the treasures that should belong to us from his heirs? If we only had a few years, Dad wouldn’t be able to afford it. .”

After a pause, she added a few words, "If we succeed, we will be the emperor and empress. We will be worthy of Prince Talleyrand if we do not confiscate all his ill-gotten gains and get back a few treasures." What does it matter? Who dares to criticize us for this? I think his descendants probably don’t dare to publicize it, and just hand it over obediently. Without our protection, how can they still want to inherit such a huge family business safely? ?"

Makes sense. Aigron found that he was actually convinced.

Teresa had already figured out the entire process in a short period of time, and her thinking was smooth and natural, and Aigron couldn't even find any loopholes.

What is even more "remarkable" is that she did not hesitate at all when she proposed to take back the gifts after Talleyrand's death. Everything seemed to be a matter of course.

After all, she is a princess of the royal family... She does things in a methodical and decent manner.

Of course, this is also because Prince Talleyrand's reputation is so bad. She hates Prince Talleyrand whose reputation has been ruined from the bottom of her heart, so she has no psychological burden on herself to accept the gift in return.

In any case, Teresa's idea was considered feasible by Aigron. Although the Orleans family now has a rich fortune, in terms of art collection, after the impact of the Revolution, it was impossible for them to match Archduke Carl. Aigron gave this heavy gift Talleyrand must have felt the weight in the past.

Although Talleyrand had countless bad habits and a very bad reputation, he still had a good reputation for one thing - doing things with money.

If he accepts the gift, then both parties will have reached a certain tacit understanding in a tacit understanding.

"Okay, let's do this...Thank you for your hard work, Theresa." So, he nodded and agreed with Theresa's opinion.

"It's not because of you and this little guy that we have worked so hard." Teresa seemed to be complaining and acting like a spoiled child, then she kissed her son's cheek gently, and then she continued, "In that case, then I'll make a list. It doesn't have to be many things, just enough to attract attention. Your Highness, just wait for my reply."

"Well, I'll leave it to you, Teresa." Aigron nodded.

After all, it would be more appropriate for Theresa to handle matters regarding Archduke Karl herself, and only she was qualified to make such an unreasonable request to her father.

"Since we want to send a gift to Prince Talleyrand, then Marshal Soult cannot be held back either-" Teresa reminded Agron again.

Yes, Marshal Soult was indeed extremely greedy for money. During the war, he often carried out plunder and looting, filling his small treasury with the looted property, and taking the opportunity to make a fortune.

However, Soult's appetite is still smaller than Talleyrand's after all, and he is not very obsessed with collecting art, so Aigron decided to directly give him a large sum of cash, and he could solve the matter himself. .

The two discussed for a while and finalized all the details, and the last worry in Aigron's heart also dissipated.

When it comes to wooing the old guy, he has laid out all the bargaining chips he can, and has done enough sincerity, even borrowing the help of his wife's family; as the saying goes, he will do everything he can to obey fate, and there is no need for him to worry about anything else.

If the two old guys still don't know each other and refuse to cooperate with me, then there will be no need for me to be merciful anymore. I will want to see who has the last laugh and who will settle who.

Aiglon believes that the two of them are important, but even if they are on the opposite side of him, they can't stop him, it will just make him work harder - after all, history has proven that the Bonaparte family can indeed use it. It is nothing more than a matter of time before his name returns to the highest stage.

However, if you have a choice, the sooner the better.

"Okay, Your Highness, have you finished worrying about the things you should worry about?" Teresa looked at her thoughtful husband, and then asked with a smile, "Now, please put aside those troublesome things for the time being and spend time with your family." Let’s get along together... Look, it’s just us here.”

Since Theresa said so, Aigron was naturally willing to cooperate.

Then, one by one, he and Teresa took hold of the young baby and toddled on the soft green grass road. From time to time, they laughed happily and uninhibitedly together with the baby.

At this moment, the family of three seemed to have put aside the aura brought by their surnames and origins, and enjoyed the joy of family affection like an ordinary family. Needless to say, Teresa had been in this kind of warm family environment since she was a child. He grew up under it, and for Aiglon, this is also an extremely precious thing.

Relatives, this word that was extremely unfamiliar to him, seemed to have practical meaning at this moment, and was vividly displayed in front of him, and the ice in his heart seemed to melt a little because of this.

"When can we get another one?" Aigron suggested. “Two people holding one person always feel like it’s a bit of a waste of manpower.”

Teresa's face suddenly turned red.

"I don't have any objections..." After a moment, she replied softly.

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