Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and forty-four, see through but don’t tell the truth

At Teresa's suggestion, Agron told the people around him the next day about his decision to support their future marriage.

Sure enough, everyone was happy to see their two majesties caring so much about their life-long affairs, and thanked Aiglon for his kindness.

But as Aiglon had predicted in advance, not many people chose to marry someone of the right age in the Principality of Ioannina right now. Instead, they chose to "not get married for now, and wait until they return to France to find a suitable partner and receive support funds." "This option.

After all, if they have a choice, most people still hope to marry someone from the same cultural region and with similar living habits. Although Aigron has made it clear that Ioannina’s marriage partner will also convert to Catholicism, it is still not very good after all. Meet their expectations.

Aiglon accepted their choice and promised that after returning to France, he would make this matter a priority and Teresa would handle it personally, and would never forget to repay their loyalty.

After learning that it was Teresa who offered to solve life-long problems for them, they were quite grateful to Teresa.

Although Theresa is an Austrian princess, since she married Aiglon, everyone has seen what she has done and admired her generous character. And Theresa has always been there. Trying hard to win the favor of the people around you and establish your own prestige invisibly.

As time went by, Teresa's efforts were recognized by everyone, and she also gave birth to an orthodox successor, so it can be said that she is now the undisputed second person in the Bonaparte Group .

Even if something happens to Aiglon, the supporters of the Bonaparte family will only unite around Princess Theresa and will not follow his cousins.

Teresa is extremely satisfied with this status. She wholeheartedly just wants to make the dream of her beloved Highness come true and make her family happy. She firmly believes that all the efforts she has made are meaningful and meaningful. All for this family.

The couple is of one mind and working hard for a common cause. Why worry about not being able to achieve their dreams?

A few days later, Aiglon's order was conveyed to the Count of Monte Cristo in Paris.

When he learned that "Marshal Soult has begun to take the initiative to contact His Majesty," Edmond Dantès was almost as happy as Aiglon himself, and he also knew the great significance of this development.

His Majesty ordered him to go to the town where Soult lived during his last visit, and then bring Soult's trusted lieutenant to His Majesty,

Although it was understated in the text, the significance of this task was very important, and Edmund was fully aware that His Majesty would never allow any mistakes.

In this case, he must execute it perfectly.

So, after receiving the letter, Edmund immediately began to prepare his luggage, but he was still a little worried in his heart.

He was not worried for himself, but for Emily and his daughter.

In the past, he was wandering alone, without fear or care, and could go to the most dangerous places without any scruples. Now, although he still has the same courage and will, he already has worries that he can't let go.

That kind of care is "family".

Ever since he slept with Lady Emily, Edmund's life trajectory has undergone tremendous changes. Although he had a green love affair with Mercedes in the past, they were innocent at that time and did not cross the line. But now he realized this from Emily, and in order to please Edmund in exchange for security for the rest of his life, Emily also deliberately used all her "skills" to please the Earl, almost making him enjoy a paradise. of happiness.

Physical pleasure comes second, and spiritually he also gets indescribable satisfaction - just ask, when a beautiful and noble lady obeys your words and faces you with the most gentle attitude , how could you possibly resist?

What's more, she has a talented daughter who treats you with the same respect.

All in all, during this period of time, Edmond Dantès has completely regarded them as family members, who must protect them with everything he has. He would rather die than want anything to happen to them.

He also knew that after executing His Majesty's order, he would travel back and forth between Marshal Soult's residence and His Majesty's Swiss mountain village. He might also stay with His Majesty for a while, so he might not be able to return for nearly a month. Paris, this time he was a little worried about the mother and daughter.

Because of this, after arranging his luggage, he came to the mansion that originally belonged to Tanglar.

"Sir!" As soon as he arrived, Lady Emily received him with full joy and enthusiasm.

The relationship between the two was so harmonious now that there was no need to be reserved anymore, so after seeing Edmund, she smiled happily, then took Edmund's hand, and even almost half of her body was pressed against his body.

It was already midsummer, so Edmund was only wearing a thin shirt, and Emily was only wearing thin silk clothes. Edmund suddenly felt a fire rising in his heart.

But he still had some willpower after all, and knew that something important was at stake, so he suppressed the flames forcefully, "Emily, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Emily asked with a smile, "Please tell me."

"I'm going to leave Paris for a while." Edmund replied calmly, "It's going to be a little long, so I want to explain it to you in advance."

"You...you want to leave here?" Emily was so surprised that her smile froze, "You...what happened?"

"Don't worry, I just have something to do." Edmund gently patted Emily's hand that held his own, and then comforted him softly, "You and Eugenie can live here peacefully, and all expenses are covered. Withdraw it from my bank agent, and if anything unexpected happens, go to the Marquis de Treville and he will help."

After Edmund explained, Emily finally calmed down, but she still looked at Edmund reluctantly, "I understand, sir, don't worry, we will stay here well. But... you Be sure to come back soon, no matter what happens, please don’t forget that we are all here waiting for you.”

She spoke sadly and truly, and there were even tears in the corners of her eyes.

There was, no doubt, an element of showmanship in this, a little trick on the part of the ladies who wished to keep the count in check by this tenderness.

But to be honest, after spending time with the count, she couldn't tell whether she was acting or sincere. But one thing is true - after experiencing the pain of her family going bankrupt and being saddled with huge debts, she was already frightened and she never wanted to experience it again.

No matter from any aspect, the earl was the best home she could find under the current conditions, and she would definitely not want to lose it again.

Maybe this is not love, but this kind of attachment is not far from love...

Just because he felt the other party's attachment, the Earl became more and more unable to let go of Emily. He held Emily in his arms and then comforted her a few words.

Emily enjoyed the tenderness between the two people, and after a while, she boldly asked the earl.

"Are you going home? Or are you going on a trip?"

Edmund understood that the other party was testing him, but he also understood Emily's motives.

After all, for Emily, she was still too mysterious right now, and she definitely wanted to know more information.

However, even if he knew, he didn't want to reveal too much to Emily. After all, the fewer people who knew his identity, the better.

"Emily, I'm sorry, I did hide a lot of things from you... But please believe me, not only is it harmless for you to hide these things, but it will isolate you from danger. Please understand me." He said softly He kissed Emily on the cheek, and then solemnly warned her, "I promise you, when my career comes to fruition, I will tell you everything, and we will share what I have gained." success."

Since the count said this, Emily had no choice but to give up the temptation.

However, she had been interacting with the count for so long and shared the same bed so many times, so of course she had picked up a lot of clues.

She had already guessed that the count was not just a foreign nobleman living in Paris, but was carrying out some political conspiracy, and it must have involved the Marquis Treville and his family - both the Marquis himself and Alice had become guests here. , is the clear evidence.

Then the further answer is ready to come out.

However, the saying goes, see through rather than tell the truth. Of course, Emily would not dig into it, let alone report on Edmund. She would rather see through than tell the truth.

Because to her, it doesn't matter what politics or not, as long as she can continue to enjoy her current life.

Moreover, if the Earl and the others really succeed, with the Earl's attachment to themselves, they will definitely rise and regain their past status in the social world, and even become more prominent than before.

In this case, of course she hopes that the Earl will succeed, and even wants to do her best to help to show her value to the Earl.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I'm so meddlesome..." So Emily lowered her gaze and apologized to the Earl softly, "Although there are still too many mysteries about you, I can feel the connection between your character and your soul. How noble. I believe that no matter what you are doing, it must be a good deed that is beneficial to the world. I wish you all the best. And if there is anything you need me for, please feel free to tell me. I want it so much. I want to repay your kindness to me! Believe me, I will do anything for you. I just hope that we will always be close."

"Noble, kind deed...?" Edmund smiled bitterly in his heart, but he was still deeply moved by Emily's tenderness and affection.

Although this was not his most ideal life, he felt in his heart that it would be pretty good if this kind of life could continue forever.

Next, at Emily's insistence, Edmund stayed to have dinner with their mother and daughter, and then left Paris at night.


Just as Edmund was saying goodbye to Emily, Archduke Karl, who was far away in Austria, also received a letter written by Theresa from the messenger sent by Theresa.

After reading the letter, he frowned and walked to Mrs. Henrietta.

"Hey, look at our precious daughter, she's here to torment her parents again!" He complained softly.

"What?" Seeing her husband's displeasure, the lady was a little surprised and quickly took the letter and read it.

After reading it, she breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, what did I think? Teresa just asked us for a few gadgets..."

"What gadgets! Look at the things she listed, they are all treasures." The Grand Duke retorted.

"Even if it's a treasure, it's just a trinket compared to Theresa." Madam replied disapprovingly, "Besides, she doesn't have a legitimate reason... wouldn't it be good for our grandson to feel the artistic atmosphere from an early age?"

"What kind of artistic flair? It's deceiving at first glance. François is less than a year old, what kind of artistic flair does he need?" The Grand Duke's anger level increased even more. "She was just trying to pull the wool over my eyes and take something from us."

The lady fell silent, obviously she also knew that her husband's analysis should be correct.

"Even so, it doesn't matter if you give it to her...she said she would return it to us anyway." After a moment, she whispered.

"Will she pay it back if she says it will? How many times has she lied to us?!" The Grand Duke interrupted the lady anxiously, "Besides, didn't the dowry she took from us be small? What's the result? Come again I want... I want to give it today, and again tomorrow. Next time, should I give the entire Albertina Palace to her husband's family?"

Under her husband's complaints, the lady could only remain silent and let him vent.

It wasn't until the Grand Duke's anger was almost vented that she hesitated to persuade her husband.

"But I still think Theresa is more important than those things. We won't be in trouble if we lack a few paintings, but what will we do if something happens to Theresa? Besides, Theresa is not a greedy person. , she must have her reasons for wanting something, and she’s not just trying to piss us off for no reason.”

The Grand Duke didn't speak anymore, he just frowned and continued to think.

After a while, he returned to the study, and then called Teresa's messenger, Captain Foresti, in front of him.

On seeing the Grand Duke, the Captain immediately saluted him.

"Give me a reason." Because the Grand Duke was in a bad mood, he didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point. "What does Teresa want to do? Has she told you?"

Seeing the stern expression of the Archduke, the captain immediately broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, when leaving Switzerland, Teresa had already told him that if his father lost his temper and asked questions, she would tell him her true plans, so the captain did not dare to delay anymore and quickly reported it to the Archduke.

"Talleyrand...? My daughter wants to use my collection to please that ugly monster?!" As expected, upon hearing Theresa's true intentions, the Grand Duke immediately became angry, "What a good daughter!"

"Don't be angry..." The captain boldly tried to persuade the Grand Duke, "The princess is just a temporary measure. She will take it back when the time comes..."

"Hmph! In that case, my things will still be soiled by those dirty hands!" The Grand Duke was still very unhappy.

The captain didn't dare to say anything more, he just lowered his head and waited for the Archduke's decision.

However, although he was frightened, Princess Teresa had already guessed these reactions before coming, so he was not surprised.

"Forget it...well, what else can I say?" Sure enough, after a moment, the Grand Duke sighed, "At least everyone has a reasonable reason. When you go back, say that I didn't question you, and we will treat it as a temporary Give me my grandson.”

Of course he knew that his daughter used such a despicable reason just to let everyone "see through it without saying anything", but now that he had a reason, he felt a little better.

"Yes! Your Highness!" The captain immediately stood at attention.

The Grand Duke was not in the mood to continue chatting, and waved his hand to let the captain leave. After the captain left with relief, he sat on the chair alone.

At this time, his mood was quite contradictory. On the one hand, he was extremely dissatisfied with his daughter's scheming against him, but he seemed to be vaguely relieved.

"She is getting better and better at how to be a queen..." Finally, he whispered to himself.

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