Eagle’s Glory

Extra (21) Magpie Laughing and Dove Dance

With the arrival of autumn, the beautiful scenery of Fontainebleau is more charming than ever.

Those historic and graceful buildings stand on the green and golden land, with clear rivers flowing from the surroundings, engraving gentleness and elegance on the period. Everything is like a fairy tale.

As for the young Princess Crystal, she was quietly alone in the palace garden.

Unknowingly, more than half a year has passed since Crystal came to this strange country.

To be fair, her life experience during this period was richer than the years since she was born. She also quietly obtained an enviable title and status. She could travel and view at will in this palace. Everyone respected her, and she became a real princess in this fairy tale world.

Logically speaking, she should be excited about this because she got everything every child dreams of, but she was not that happy.

Because... mom is not here.

She hasn't seen her mother for a long time. Every time she stays here, she misses her mother more. Recently, when she was dreaming at night, she dreamed that she was back in the isolated manor where she grew up. Inside, I am with my mother again.

Her mother sat on her bed and read fairy tales to her in her gentlest voice until she fell asleep... Sweet memories came to her heart and stopped abruptly when she opened her eyes, and that's when she discovered His pillow was already stained with tears.

However, the more she missed her mother, the more confused she felt - because she had no idea where her mother was or even who she was.

After this period of contact with the world, Kristel already knows that once a person reaches adulthood, he will have an "identity" or "career", but what is his mother's identity and career? She racked her brains and searched her memory, but couldn't find any answers.

She only remembered that every time her mother came over, the people around her were respectful to her, so her mother's identity was definitely extraordinary - and since her father was the emperor, her mother must also be a very powerful person, otherwise what would they do? Will they be together?

Mom, who are you? Where are you?

Every time Crystal asked herself, she could not find the answer. She was filled with yearning for her day by day and determined to find her mother.

She tried to ask the people around her,

As a result, she was either deliberately avoided or confused every time. When she asked her friend Xia Lu, Xia Lu, who always knew everything, just gave her an ambiguous smile and told her not to do it first. So many questions, be patient.

But she didn't want to wait patiently. Although she now lived a wealthy life and had the protection of her father, in her heart, her mother was the most important part of her world, and nothing could replace her presence.

If it weren't for the fact that she had a good friend like Xia Lu by her side to relieve her boredom, she might have been unable to bear the longing, but even she couldn't solve this problem.

For everything, it seemed that she could only rely on her father. Claristel knew that if anyone could allow her to see her mother again, then only her father could do it - after all, wasn't he the one who brought her back? ?

She could only wait day after day and spend every day suffering in longing.

She didn't know how long this torture would last, but she had no choice.

"Kelly." Just as she was immersed in longing, a tall figure walked up to her.

Kristel hurriedly turned her head to look over, and then discovered that the other person was none other than her father.

She quickly saluted her father according to the court etiquette, but His Majesty the Emperor didn't care at all and held her daughter's hand.

For some reason, Crystal felt that although her father's expression was as calm and majestic as usual, there was an indescribable excitement and excitement.

"Dad...?" Kristel felt a little pain in her arm.

"I'm sorry, Keli." The young emperor realized his mistake and quickly relaxed his hand, "Dad will take you to a place."

"Where to go?" Crystal asked quickly.

"Go to a secret place." The emperor answered, immediately picked up his daughter, and then whispered in her ear, "Go...to see your mother."

When he said this, it seemed that he could no longer hide his excitement, and even his voice trembled.

Crystal was a little confused by this sudden news, and it took her a moment to react.

"Is it true? Dad! Is it true?"

"It's true, my child... I'm just here to take you there." Seeing his daughter's excitement, the father felt a little distressed, "Let's go..."

"That's great...that's great..." Seeing that the biggest wish in her heart suddenly came true, Crystal was a little distracted and could hardly stand still.

After a moment, Crystal thought of something and asked again.

"Can I take Xia Lu with me?"

As a good friend she made here, she wanted to share it with her mother.

A helpless smile appeared on her father's face, and this smile made Crystal understand that she had asked a stupid question.

"Let's talk about it later. It's enough for the two of us to go there now."

"Okay...I understand." Kristel didn't want to say anything more, she just nodded obediently, and the huge feeling of happiness made her forget about other things.

Then, the young emperor left the garden with his illegitimate daughter, then got on an inconspicuous carriage, rushed out of the palace, and galloped towards the fields and cities in the distance.

Although the carriage was traveling so fast that it seemed to be floating on the road, Kristel's excited heartbeat was still too slow. She just wanted to see her mother as soon as possible.

If it weren't for her father holding her all the time, I'm afraid she would have been unable to bear the longing and excitement.

I don't know how long it took, but when dusk fell, the carriage finally stopped in a small manor. When Crystal and her father stepped out of the carriage, she felt as if a year had passed.

She looked at the surrounding environment. The house was unprepossessing and isolated by woods and fences. It was somewhat similar to the place where she grew up - so, would her mother be here too?

"Kelly, come with me." Her father urged Kristel, then took her hand and walked inside together.

Because her father's pace was too big and too hasty, Kristel couldn't keep up and staggered a little. Her father turned around and looked at her, simply hugged her in his arms, and then continued to stride forward. stairs.

Crystal, who was sitting in her father's arms, felt her father's increasingly heavy breathing and hurried footsteps, all of which were very different from the majestic image he had in the past.

This seemed to be the first time she felt the "mortal" atmosphere from her father.

Before Kristel could think about it, her father carried her up the stairs, then walked a few steps along the corridor, and then pushed open the door to the room.

When the door was pushed open, Kristel immediately saw the scene inside clearly - the furnishings here were quite simple, with only a few furniture and desks. Compared with the extremely luxurious palaces everywhere, it looked like a desert.

However, to Kristel, none of this mattered, because she saw a figure from behind by the window.

It was a lady. She was wearing a brown dress, and her graceful figure was highlighted. She wore an exquisite little hat on her head, and a thin black veil hung from the brim of the hat, covering her face. got up.

However, the veil could not stop Crystal. She recognized the other party simply by relying on the familiar scent in her memory.

"Mom!" She shouted out with joy and tears at the same time.

At this time, her father seemed to freeze and stood motionless at the door. However, Kristel didn't care so much, struggled and jumped out of her father's arms, and then rushed towards the madam.

One step, two steps, three steps...the distance shrinks rapidly until it reaches zero.

Crystal threw herself on the lady's body and hugged her with all her strength.

At this time, a sob came from behind the veil. "Kelly..."

Then, the mother reached out and hugged her daughter to feel her.

The warm feeling that she missed so much instantly immersed Crystal in it.

It was a mother's love that she could never forget. She didn't know how many days had passed before she finally saw her mother again.

Mother didn't lie to herself, she would indeed come to see her...

"Mom...Mom..." Clestel burst into tears and hugged her mother's legs tightly. Unknowingly, tears were pouring down her face, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

"My poor daughter..." Seeing her daughter crying, the lady sobbed and squatted down.

Then she took off her hat and threw it aside, and her delicate and beautiful face was revealed.

It is indeed my mother...

At this time, the face was wet with tears, and she kissed her daughter's cheek hysterically, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Seeing this touching scene when mother and daughter reunited, the young man at the door shed tears unconsciously. He indeed owed them so much.

He closed the door and walked step by step to the mother and daughter.

At this time, the crying lady suddenly raised her head, then reached out and pinched his ears viciously, "You bastard! It's all your fault!"

"Ah..." The young man groaned under the pain, but he did not dare to resist or struggle, so he could only stay put and let his wife vent.

The lady twisted her hand a few more times in frustration before letting go. At this time, the once inviolable Emperor's ears were already half red, looking quite funny.

Seeing what her mother had done, Crystal was horrified - after all, in her understanding, His Majesty the Emperor was the most supreme and noble existence. Everyone around him usually respected him, but her mother actually dared to follow him. He took action... She no longer understood who her mother was.

After the mother and daughter cried for a while, the lady finally seemed to have calmed down. She stroked her daughter's face lovingly, seeming to compare it with the way she remembered it.

"My child, you have grown taller and more beautiful."

Crystal nodded.

"Did your father treat you badly?" Mom asked.

"No! My father is very good to me." Crystal replied.

"What about the others?" Mom asked again.

...Crystel hesitated for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Madam frowned, and for a moment, her pretty face revealed a sinister look.

Then, she seemed to have guessed something, "Did your younger siblings bully you?"

Crystal didn't know what to say.

Although her father's love for her is unmistakable, he also has other children, and those father's love will naturally be spread to other children. In the real "royal", she is destined to be just an outsider. Her father welcomes her, and the others People may not be like this, they just barely allow her to exist.

But she also knew that this was not bullying, and she wouldn't know how to interact with this "sister" if she was in another place.

Besides, I can’t make my mother unhappy right now.

So she shook her head, "No, they are very good to me. Her Majesty the Queen ordered them to respect me. We get along pretty well."

"Yes, Teresa took great care of her. She fulfilled her promise and accepted Keli as a member of our family." His Majesty the Emperor, who had been unable to find a chance to interrupt, finally spoke.

"Humph, that's what it should be! Kelly should have enjoyed all this, why should Theresa pretend to be a good person among them? Do I still need to thank her for her generosity and giving my daughter what she should have?" The lady gave him an unceremonious look.

But having said that, her face looked much better. Apparently what she was most worried about did not happen after all. It seemed that her daughter was living a good life here.

"Finally you still have some conscience left." She said to His Majesty the Emperor again.

"How could I leave our daughter alone?" His Majesty the Emperor asked.

Then, he took the lady's hand and looked at her affectionately, "I miss you too, Your Highness... Now we are reunited."

"Yes, we are reunited..."

There was a joyful smile on Madam's face, but suddenly she felt sad again, and tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes.

The angry look on her face turned into a mixture of sadness and sadness amidst her sobs, "God knows what we have gone through because of this..."

"At least we have this moment." His Majesty the Emperor kept holding Madam's hand, and then comforted Madam, "We will be reunited again in the future."

"Yes, at least we still have this moment..." Madam's crying gradually stopped, "We not only have this moment, but also the future. Whatever we have lost, we can get it back twice as much."

Then, she looked steadily at the young man in front of her, her eyes filled with resentment and nostalgia.

"You are so proud of yourself...you are even more energetic than before."

"You are also in your prime." The young man complimented her.

"If you had not left my side, I would have been even more prosperous!" the lady replied angrily.

Then, she suddenly looked at Kristel and said, "Good daughter, please go out for a while and play downstairs. I want to settle accounts with your father."

"Huh?" Kristel was a little confused by her mother's words. Did her mother want to beat her father and didn't want her to see it?

Although she was a little scared, she didn't dare to disobey her mother's request, so she nodded gently and walked out obediently.

At this time, although her face was still stained with tears, the lady's eyes were as arrogant as before. She looked at the young man, then pointed at him and gently raised her fingers.

"Bad thing, you have to pay me back what you owe me. Let's settle the score!"

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