Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and sixty-one, generous

Of course, Edmond Dantès could not hear the secret discussion between Marshal Soult and his closest men. He took Captain Foresti and two men and headed north. After several days of journey, they quietly Arriving near the castle of Valensay, Prince of Talleyrand.

As with the marshal, he quietly came to the gate of the castle and announced his name, and soon after the announcement, he was allowed to enter.

Not long after, Prince Talleyrand walked into the reception room and met the Count of Monte Cristo, who had visited him last time.

Under Edmund's gaze, Talleyrand moved in step by step, using a cane and dragging his lame leg just like last time. Although it had only been less than two months since they last met, Edmund Demong could clearly feel that the aura of decay on this old man's body was getting stronger.

Prince Talleyrand was really too old.

Perhaps because of the remnants on his body, or perhaps because of his life of debauchery in his early years, his age was much more obvious than that of Marshal Soult, who had served in the army for many years. Even after just two meetings, Edmund felt that this old man might not live long. long time.

For Edmund, this is certainly not something worth being sad about, but he doesn't want it to happen immediately. After all, his benefactor still needs the support of this old guy, and it would be best to wait a few years before dying. .

Of course Talleyrand didn't know these malicious thoughts in the count's mind. He just raised his head and looked at the count with dim but still shrewd eyes. "Mr. Count, I'm glad to see you again... I believe you are here to bring me good news."

"You guessed it right, Your Highness." Although he disliked Talleyrand in his heart, the Earl still showed due respect. He lowered his head and replied, "In response to your previous handwritten letter, Your Majesty also gave a personal response. , please take a look."

After finishing speaking, Edmond Dantès took out the autographed letter written by Aiglon from his pocket, and then handed it to the prince respectfully.

When the Count and the Marquis of Noirtier visited last time, Talleyrand asked them to take his personal letter to Aigron when they left.

In the letter, he asked Aiglon about his plan on how to take power and what policies he wanted to implement after taking power - of course, the most important thing was to give a written answer and what exactly he promised to Talleyrand. reward.

And Aigron was not secretive and gave him a unified answer openly.

Aiglon elaborated on the diplomatic line he wanted to pursue - as Talleyrand had said before,

He will move closer to Britain, make major concessions when necessary, implement a moderation line for a certain period of time, accumulate national strength, and then wait for opportunities to expand his sphere of influence.

This line is quite consistent with Talleyrand's own views - Talleyrand never loved peace, but he knew how to assess the situation. When peace was needed, he would be a staunch peace lover. He learned from Aigron's Between the lines, we can also see this soft figure that knows how to assess the situation.

"The little guy is indeed wise. It seems that he didn't stay in Austria in vain." Seeing this, Talleyrand suddenly sighed, "Well, if the previous generation could have written these words of his, how could we have ended up in this situation? "

After sighing, he continued reading, and then found the assurance he wanted most.

"Prince Talleyrand, with all my respect, I hereby assure you that since our understanding of France's future diplomatic route is so consistent, assuming that one day I take charge of the country, I will entrust all the diplomatic powers of the Empire to You; and assuming you can win for me the acquiescence and even support of Britain, then in recognition of your merits, I will grant you everything you expect!

Please believe that this is the most solemn promise of me, François Joseph Charles Bonaparte. If it is violated, I can bear all the ridicule of breach of trust. "

Seeing this, Prince Talleyrand finally blinked with satisfaction.

He was unmoved by other things, what he really wanted was this.

From the time he was abandoned by the Bourbon dynasty in 1816, he has been idle for more than ten years now. Almost all major national affairs have not affected him, and no one has thought to consult him. For this man who is used to ups and downs, For the old guy, it was almost torture.

But now, he felt that fate seemed to be giving him the opportunity to step on the stage again.

Undoubtedly, he is now very old and dying, and he doesn't know how long he can live. But as long as he dies, he wants to continue to taste the taste of power. It is a feeling that he will never forget.

And the price he faces is attractive enough - he can be the foreign minister, and if he can help the young man deal with the British, he will hand over the golden position of prime minister to him.

Although Talleyrand had a life full of ups and downs, he had never become the head of the government. When the Feuillants first came to power, Mirabeau, Lafayette and others were in power. After the rise of the Girondins, Bouton was in power. Rissot, the Roland couple and others; after Jacobin came to power, the Robespierre brothers and Saint-Just were in power; in the Thermidor Party Directory, there were no five consuls without him; Napoleon launched a coup and made three people In power, his name also does not exist...

The political situation was changing, but Prince Talleyrand never reached the highest level. This was indeed a regret in the old man's heart.

But now, there seems to be a chance to make up for this regret.

Just imagining himself becoming the head of the government, the old Talleyrand suddenly felt a lot more strength in his limbs, as if he had been given a shot of morphine (of course there was no morphine in this era).

Seeing the old man's face suddenly glowing red, Edmund was also startled.

"I am very grateful for the personal love and respect shown to me by His Majesty the King of Rome." Then Talleyrand spoke in a passionate tone, "If possible, I would be very happy to drag my old body and do my best. To repay his kindness."

Then, as if explaining to Edmund, he said the excuse he often said, "I know that many people laugh at me for being too ambitious and betraying the people I once loyal to, but in fact, I don't, Before I betrayed them, they had already betrayed themselves! I just refused to let myself stay on a ship that was destined to sink. It was the same for Louis XVI back then, and it was the same for Emperor Napoleon..."

This kind of excuse made Edmund sound a little disgusted - you, an old guy, got so many benefits when you served your benefactors, but you turned around and jumped ship when the wind turned wrong, and you still have the nerve to boast about your wisdom. ?

But now he didn't want to offend Talleyrand, so he just replied calmly, "Then, I hope that His Majesty Napoleon II will be the last monarch you serve."

"Of course he will, if he is wise enough and willing to listen to my advice," Talleyrand replied in a light-hearted tone. "And I am so old that I don't want to jump around. I hope this It’s also my last stop.”

"So, you also agree to stand on His Majesty's side?" Edmund asked quickly.

"If he can control the situation in the capital and organize a legitimate government, I will be very happy to accept his invitation and become a member of this legitimate government." Prince Talleyrand replied.

Edmund frowned slightly.

Although this answer may seem like choosing a side, it actually sets a precondition - Egeron must first control the situation and elect a new government, and then he will truly express his stance and participate in this government, and then In the service of Aegron.

Cunning old fox!

Undoubtedly, Aigron would not be satisfied with such conditions.

When he thought of this, Edmund's expression became serious. "Prince Talleyrand, not only does your Majesty respect you very much, but I also respect you very much. However, I regret to find that you don't seem to have given me any respect." We have the same respect."

"What do you mean?" Talleyrand's expression suddenly became stiff. "Why do you have such a misunderstanding?"

"I didn't misunderstand anything, Your Highness. But from your words, I feel that you have only regarded His Majesty's kindness as a commodity that can be used at any time, rather than a favor. You don't cherish it-at least. I don't feel this kind of cherishment." Although Edmund was very respectful on the surface, he was very careful with his words. "Your Majesty has shown such sincerity. Of course he hopes that you can also run for him. What do you mean? What? You plan to sit back and enjoy the gains! Let me ask, if everything is ready and His Majesty can create a government of his own, are you still a necessity? Although you are indeed a diplomat with a high reputation in Europe, other outstanding diplomats You can find it the same way. If you want to occupy the best position without giving anything, it may be difficult to convince others."

Edmund's words made Talleyrand's face turn pale with anger.

"What? Who are you, and you dare to speak to me like this?" He couldn't help shouting, "When I decided the foreign policy for France, you were just an ignorant child!"

"If it were me personally, of course it would be insignificant and I would not be worthy to talk to you - but Your Highness, now I am His Majesty's special envoy, and I will negotiate with you on Your Majesty's behalf!" Edmund showed no fear, "What do you want from Your Majesty? , we should show due sincerity, otherwise, it would be too chilling."

Edmund's attitude when facing Marshal Soult was completely different from when facing Prince Talleyrand.

In the final analysis, this is not because of his personal feelings, but because the bargaining power of the two "elders" is different.

Marshal Soult is the most prestigious military commander in France today. He can call on the army when he goes out. Prince Talleyrand is a famous diplomat, but he is more like a "has-been star". Although he is full of wits, But if you don't have a position, you won't be able to order a few people. On the contrary, the people hate this old cunning man very much.

Although the barrel of a gun and the barrel of a pen are both important, when the two are compared, the united front value of the barrel of a gun is naturally higher.

Therefore, Aiglon's tolerance level is also different between Soult and Talleyrand. Marshal Soult can finally choose the time to end his life calmly, while Prince Talleyrand "will not wait until the time comes." This difference, It also comes from the difference between their influence and actual prestige.

Prince Talleyrand seemed angry at being so robbed by Edmund. He picked up the crutch in his hand and kept tapping the ground, looking furious. "Sincerity? I am already very sincere. Don't forget, he is not the only one who wants me to serve the country, but I am more inclined to him. Doesn't this show my sincerity enough?!"

"With all due respect, that's not enough." Edmund shook his head forcefully, "Sincerity is not expressed with words, but with actions. You must know this better than me."

At this time, Prince Talleyrand stopped talking, but looked at Edmund with a vicious look, "Then what actions should I take to express my sincerity?!"

Of course, although he looked angry on the outside, deep down the prince was completely calm. In his life, he had been humiliated many times in front of his face, but he just treated it like a breeze. How could such an ordinary white grab make him angry?

This is just a negotiation strategy of his, using bluff to test the other party's position and see how much confidence the Bonaparte family has in him.


The Count of Monte Cristo's performance proved that the young man was not that easy to talk to.

"His Majesty's request is very simple. The moment His Majesty steps into France, you must stand up clearly to support him and call for the organization of a government with the participation of all the people to strengthen His Majesty's support." Edmund said Egger Long's conditions.

Then, he turned to threaten the other party, "You can choose whether to agree or not, but if you don't do this, His Majesty will definitely doubt your sincerity... He can only reconsider the conditions he has given you."

Although he spoke implicitly, the meaning of this threat was already obvious.

This time Talleyrand was no longer angry, he just smiled coldly.

"You are quite suitable to be a diplomat. You are as immovable as a rock."

"Thank you very much. I still have a lot to learn from you, Your Highness," Edmund replied.

"Okay, I understand. I will consider it carefully and will give you an answer when the time comes." The prince seemed a little tired, and the light in his eyes dimmed again. "Is there anything else?"

"One more thing." Edmund replied immediately.

Then, he winked at Captain Foresti, who had been silent next to him, and the captain opened the box he brought with him.

Talleyrand took a closer look and saw that there seemed to be frames containing oil paintings.

He seemed to have thought of something.

At this moment, Edmund handed him a piece of paper. "This is a gift from His Majesty, Your Highness, please take a look."

Talleyrand reached for the page and found that it was a list with the names of some paintings.

And these names happen to be his famous masterpieces.

What a grand gesture!

Talleyrand's hands trembled unconsciously. He certainly knew the value of these works of art.

"He is quite healthy." After a moment of silence, Prince Talleyrand slowly took the list into his arms.

"He can be better off," Edmund replied, "if you make the right choice."

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