Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and seventy six, butterfly

Chapter 660 276, Butterfly

The sound of the door being slammed heavily shocked the Duke's body.

He was still shocked and couldn't understand what was going on. He didn't understand why his daughter turned out to be like this. He was even more afraid that Agnes was as indifferent to everything as she said.

In the end what happened? He thought hard, but couldn't get a clue at all. He could only attribute it to the meaningless reason of "his daughter has grown up."

Rather than figuring out what happened, he wanted to figure out how to solve the current dilemma.

It would be fine if Agnes loses her temper normally, but now she is suddenly willful at this critical moment, which is an unbearable blow for him.

Bowang's meaning was very clear. He had to get another handwritten letter from the King of Rome himself before he would cooperate, and it was impossible for him to get this handwritten letter on his own - so he could only ask his daughter to help.

This point is unavoidable. If he cannot do it, then all his previous efforts will be in vain, and all his previous efforts will be in vain, and he will continue to be held hostage by Alice.

So after thinking about it, he could only decide to put a little more pressure on his daughter to stop her willfulness and contribute to her family.

The pain and helplessness made him feel an indescribable feeling of exhaustion. He also saw his daughter's miserable appearance just now, so why wasn't he heartbroken? It's just that he has more important things to worry about now, and he doesn't care what his daughter thinks.

No matter what, let's go get some sleep first... He blinked his eyes, finally getting some moisture for his raw eyes, then stood up amidst the soreness, and walked back to his bedroom tremblingly.

At this time, Agnes was also in her bedroom.

Although she was very tired physically, the pain in her heart kept her from falling asleep.

She lay on the bed, burying her head deeply in the pillow, sobbing silently, and the tears flowing from her eyes had already wet the pillowcase.

After running away from her sister today, she walked aimlessly in the street, feeling chilled by the rain.

But the chill she felt in her body was far less than the chill in her heart.

Originally, she had made all preparations and ran to make an appointment with her master.

She was preparing for an upright contest, and either the master would be captured or die gloriously by the sword; however, when she finally came to the master, the scene she saw was unforgettable and unforgettable for her.

Her master, such a proud and powerful master, has fallen into a pool of blood, and the culprit of all this is her most beloved sister!

What's even more hateful is that my sister's "victory" didn't have any upright factor. She seriously injured the master by means of a sneak attack.

Nothing made Agnes more angry than this.

Although the elder sister did not describe her sneak attack in detail, she was not stupid. She could roughly guess that the elder sister deliberately brought Xia Lu with her. She must have used Xia Lu to lower the master's defense, and then took the opportunity to pull out the pistol. sneak attack.

Agnes never thought that such a shameless evil act would be committed by her sister!

If it wasn't her sister who did it, she could have drawn the sword on the spot, killed the villain with her own hands, and avenged her master, but it was her sister who did it...

In her mind, her sister was so elegant, kind, and intelligent, a collection of almost all the beautiful qualities in the world. However, reality taught her the cruelest lesson - it was this sister who treated the master without mercy. A sneak attack with a gun left her seriously injured.

She is not an innocent girl who has never seen blood. She has had a lot of blood on her hands before. However, in her opinion, the blood is proof of honor, which she earned with her own efforts and skills.

But with this bloody scene, almost everything she had believed in since childhood and her entire worldview collapsed.

The person she loved the most would actually do such a thing... No matter what, Agnes couldn't accept it.

What made her even more angry was that her sister kept saying that she was doing it for herself and didn't want to see her risk her life. This meant that her whole person had been denied.

The honor and dignity that she was willing to defend with her life, everything, were so ridiculous in their eyes and not worth mentioning.

She painfully felt that her personality and talents, everything she was proud of, seemed to have no meaning, even her close relatives were laughing at and denying her.

Both my sister and my father are like this. In their opinion, their swordsmanship is just a child playing tricks. They are not proud of it. No matter how much they take care of and love them, they have never understood them for a moment. They would rather see To a well-known lady who is at home in the upper class...

Who is right and who is wrong?

If the vote is based on the number of people, it seems that the sister and father are right, because aren't they rejected and disliked by the royal family for these reasons? In their eyes, she is just a deviant wild girl.

When she thought about this, she couldn't help but shed tears.

Now, her whole world has almost collapsed.

Relatives are separated from each other, and the master is seriously injured and his life or death is uncertain - it seems that he no longer has a foothold in this world.

"Is there no one in this world who thinks that what I have done is good, right, and worthy of admiration? Is there anyone who is willing to praise me, admire me, agree with everything I believe in, and admire the honor I uphold?!" In despair, she In my heart, I almost gave up on myself and asked.


It seems there really is.

Quietly, there seemed to be a voice in my heart that answered this question.

What followed was the vague shadow of a young man and his elegant and joking voice.

"Miss Agnes..."

Every time this voice echoed in her mind, it reminded her of those hateful experiences and the shame of his attempts to trivialize her.

But even so, Agnes knew that he really appreciated her from the bottom of his heart and praised his superior swordsmanship.

——He agrees with all this, so he wants to get involved.

Although it is dissolute and despicable, isn't this also recognizing one's own charm?

When she thought of this, Agnes, whose mood had hit rock bottom, seemed to have found some dignity again.

You despise me just because you are ignorant. There will always be someone who will agree with me, even that person is stronger than you!

This thought helped her regain her energy a little, and she finally came out of her self-loathing and self-denial.

She raised her head from the pillow, then wiped away her tears, then raised her head and stared blankly at the moon outside the window.

The cold moonlight would not bring any warmth to the world, but it allowed Agnes to sort out her thoughts.

What should I do now?

First, the master’s life needs to be ensured.

If Bianca was seriously injured or even killed in a duel, that would be the end of a swordsman's glory. Of course Agnes would be proud of her teacher, but the situation is completely different now. She was seriously injured in a despicable attack. People like the master should not wither in this way.

So...the master cannot die, she should survive.

Agnes recalled the previous scene, where the master was carried away.

Her sister must know where she is going, but Agnes doesn't want to see her sister now, and she also knows that there is no point in asking her sister.

So, I have to find another person——

The people present at the time were also the Count of Monte Cristo, he must have known!

Moreover, with the earl's status, the master might be in the earl's hands.

So no matter what, we must first find the count and confirm the teacher's life, death and whereabouts.

Just understanding this is not enough. The earl cannot decide the life or death of the master. Now that she has fallen into their hands, the one who can decide her life or death is naturally the young man.

In the final analysis, the reason why the master fell to this point is because the assassination offended him, so only he can forgive the master's life, and it is useless for others to say anything.

Agnes gathered her thoughts and came to her first conclusion.

But... I had boasted in front of the young man before that I would capture the master with my own strength in exchange for him sparing his life, but now I have not done it, so what reason should I use to plead with him? Did he forgive his assassin?

This question made Agnes's newly ignited fighting spirit almost extinguished again.

There is another problem - things at home seem to have encountered new setbacks.

Although Agnes had spoken decisively in front of her father just now, they were just angry words spoken out of desperation, and she still couldn't let go.

How could she bear to see her brother and future family heirs return to the same miserable life after her father passed away?

I heard what my father just said, Mr. Bowang asked for an additional certificate, and he asked for it to be written by the young man himself, so that he could lend money with confidence.

This condition meant that she had one more thing to plead with the young man.

Agnes was shocked to find that the various difficulties she faced now and the final solutions seemed to fall into the hands of that young man. It was as if unknowingly, a spider web quietly fell on her head, and she seemed to be A butterfly fell into a spider web. Although it struggled desperately, it could not find a way out.

In a daze, she seemed to see the young man again, who was looking at her with a smirk on his face but leisurely.

"You can't escape, Agnes."

This image made her feel angry and disgusted, and she immediately expelled it from her mind, but the reality seemed undeniable.

To beg, or not to beg? It seems very simple, but it is extremely troublesome.

Agnes thought about the moonlight for a long time, but could not find any other way out except giving herself more headaches.

Forget it, I can’t control that much anymore…

Agnes knew that she was not a wise counselor. In the past, she relied on her sister to give her advice no matter what situation she faced, and she was used to obeying her sister's orders.

But now, she has broken up with her sister, and she has lost the only person she can turn to for advice.

Therefore, we can only rely on intuitive judgment.

The situation was urgent now. Whether it was her master's problem or her own family's problem, she was not allowed to delay it any longer. The master was already in danger and might die at any time, so she had to solve these problems quickly while the master was still alive.

As for what price to pay...

What had the King of Rome thought about before?

Agnes's head hurt even more because she still remembered the proposal - to play the role of a girl who had been dead for hundreds of years.

When she first heard this proposal, she thought it was so ridiculous, and she didn't think she would do it. But now, after a series of blows, she found that she could only use this "chip" to exchange for others. Make significant concessions.

In this case, then agree to him, otherwise what else can you do?

Agnes was worried.

She has always been a cheerful person. Once she has made up her mind, she will do it. What's more, time is tight now, and she cannot tolerate any further delay.

So... I have to find the earl, inquire about the master's current situation, and then give the young man my determination and conditions, asking him to be magnanimous to me.

Yes, that's how it should be done.

Agnes nodded slightly.

This was the only solution she could think of under the current situation.

The reason why she wanted to make everything clear was because she vaguely felt that she was far behind the young man in terms of swordsmanship, so she didn't want to (nor dared) to play any scheming tricks to avoid getting her own way. The humiliation wasted time and cost the master's life.

As for whether it can succeed...it can only be left to fate. Agnes has no way to influence Aigron's thoughts. She can only hope and wait.

Agnes also knew that she was now trapped in the quagmire. No matter what the outcome was, she would only be "uncomfortable" or "more uncomfortable".

If it fails, the master dies, and the family goes bankrupt, it is naturally unacceptable.

But assuming it succeeds... that would be quite embarrassing.

Then, she subconsciously turned her gaze away and looked at the floor-length mirror beside the bed.

Under the moonlight and candlelight, the girl in the mirror has messy hair, unfocused eyes, and dirty skirt, covered with water stains and mud.

In what way do you look like a saint? She looked at the girl in the mirror and showed a bitter smile.

Although Agnes has a careless personality, she is still a self-disciplined girl who loves to be clean. After she comes to her senses, she will naturally dislike her current appearance.

Yes...how can I meet people like this? How can it be possible to be admired and proud of others?

Although Agnes was very tired at this time, she still cheered up and walked out of her room.

She wanted to take a good bath, change into good clothes, and then have a good sleep to recuperate and regain her former self.

No matter how bad today is, when the sun comes up, it will be a new day. She can still work hard, and she must work hard.

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