Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and eighty-nine, elder

Chapter 673 289, elders

"Undoubtedly, I have broken many promises and gone back on my word many times, but I will keep this promise. As for the loss, it is completely within the acceptable range."

Aigron's words were both calm after careful consideration and pride of "I can do whatever I want", so that Queen Ortense was stunned again.

To her, it was nothing for her nephew to have a romantic affair. Even if she gave birth to an illegitimate child, it was just an accident. However, it would be a bit deviant to make this daughter's identity public and take her to her.

But she also knew that she had no ability to overturn Aigron's opinion, and he was not here to discuss it with her.

In the end, she could only sigh with a wry smile, "Well, now you have grown up. Although I am your elder, I am not qualified to take care of it. This is your own business, so you can decide for yourself."

However, even though she said that, she was still a little suspicious in her heart. Although Teresa was generous, could she accept what Aigron did? Even if you can accept it, you must still feel a lot of dissatisfaction.

If there is only such a thing, that's it, and now there is also the matter of Miss Agnes... Even if Aigron has paid attention to keeping it secret and deliberately received her father in his place, this kind of thing cannot be wrapped up in paper after all. Fire, as long as this kid continues, sooner or later the trouble will become known to everyone - how should Teresa react then?

Because she was a little worried, she couldn't help but persuade the young man again, "Egron, I think... you'd better pay more attention to Teresa's thoughts. After all, she is not stupid, on the contrary, she is quite smart. It's hard to hide it from her. And unlike me, my husband and I don't care what each other does. We are happy to let each other be free. But she is different! She is passionate about you and follows you without hesitation. , even if she became a laughing stock for a time, she has never changed her original intention of marrying you. I'm afraid she won't be so willing to let you be free."

Even if his aunt didn't say anything about this, Aigron would naturally know it in his heart.

However, everything has its own gains and losses. Since you want to do something, you must bear the corresponding consequences. Even if Theresa is dissatisfied in the future, she can just tell her off at the earliest opportunity. Anyway, their marriage must continue. .

This is undoubtedly selfish, but Aigron has long been accustomed to this.

"I understand what you mean, but let's talk about it at that time." So he answered perfunctorily.

Of course Queen Hortense could see his perfunctory behavior,

So I could only sigh, "Oh, that's all, I'm just reminding you that you young people have your own lives, and I can't interfere. I just hope that you and your wife can live in harmony and have a good future together." If I can do it for the rest of my life for decades, I will be satisfied.”

"You still have a long life." Aigron replied with a smile, "In the future, you will be our role model, and the imperial court will be bathed in your grace and your gentleness. I hope you To be the most respected person.”

This wasn't just a casual compliment from Egron, it was actually his intention.

Although he and Teresa are both smart and skillful, they are still too young after all. They are only 18 years old now. It is definitely not enough to show any "elderly style" at such an age. He needs to be in his own court. There is an elder who wins people's hearts with his generous image.

He does not need to be too smart or too ambitious, but he can serve as a lubricant to connect various interest groups, and he also enjoys the respect of all parties.

His uncles were unsuitable, either ridiculous or ambitious, and it was too late for him to stay away, so how could he find a "overlord" for himself.

The two women most qualified to play this role are his grandmother Letizia and his mother Luisa.

However, his grandmother is now old and living in seclusion in Rome. She never liked to participate in court life then, and she is even more unwilling to get involved now; as for his mother... He has never liked his mother, Queen Louisa, And his mother certainly had no interest in leaving Parma to come to his court and serve as dowager.

That mother and son could relate to each other with icy respect was the last tender touch in their scarred relationship.

Since neither of these two candidates works, at last glance, the most suitable one is this aunt. First of all, she likes palace life very much and will not refuse to play this role; secondly, she has no power ambitions, as long as everyone surrounds her and flatters her.

In a sense, Aigron transferred part of his obsession with his mother to the queen - after he fled, the first person he turned to was his aunt, and her aunt did live up to his expectations and did her best. I helped him and have been supporting and encouraging his career ever since.

Even back then, she had a good reputation, and no one would oppose her now.

Of course, the opposite is not without its disadvantages - Queen Ortense's two sons are not economical lamps. On the contrary, they are as ambitious as other members. If she has such a transcendent status, then her cousins ​​will also take advantage of it. Develop your own power.

However, this is an acceptable price.

After all, Aigron is now alone. To defeat the tiger brothers, he still needs to rely on the power of his relatives - no matter how untrustworthy a sect is, it is much easier to use than outsiders.

Besides, Aigron's right of inheritance was unquestionable. Now that he has a son, the orthodox lineage of the Bonaparte family is even more unshakable. Their personal ambitions are at best seeking their own power. They are still Within the controllable range, Aigron has many ways to restrict them.

So after weighing it, he made up his mind.

Of course Queen Hortense knew nothing about it, but she did miss those glorious experiences in the past very much, and she wouldn't mind tasting them again if she had the opportunity.

As usual, the two of them got along very harmoniously, and their conversation was almost unguarded. Aigron gave her a friendly kiss and then said goodbye to her.

After seeing off her nephew, Queen Ortense returned to her reception room. At this time, Duke Nordlien didn't know how the master planned to arrange himself, so he simply stayed in his seat and admired the majestic beauty of the valley outside the window. scenery.

As soon as he saw the queen coming, he quickly looked away.

"It's pretty, don't you think?" the queen asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's so magnificent. I have never seen such scenery before." The Duke nodded in agreement, "This is such a good place."

"It is indeed a good place, but it can't be compared with Paris." The queen still smiled. "Do you miss it?"

This nonsensical question surprised the Duke, but he chose to answer truthfully.

"I miss it, Your Majesty. Not only because of the prosperity there, but also because my family members are there. It's impossible for me not to miss them."

"You see, you have missed it only a few days after leaving it, but I have missed it for more than ten years." The queen's smile suddenly became a little bitter, "But maybe I can make up for this regret in the future. "

"You can definitely do it, Your Majesty the Queen." The Duke continued to compliment the other person, "As long as Your Majesty steps into the country, you will be the most respected person in the empire!"

"Hahahaha... I don't dare to be arrogant about this. No one can be more respected than him." Queen Otangs couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Since coming here, my friends and I have already I lost contact. In order not to inconvenience them, I did not take the initiative to contact them, and I don’t know what happened to them..."

"Then you can resume these friendships." The Duke quickly replied, "I think many of those people who have been with us for more than ten years must still be alive."

"Friendship? People who are abandoned are not qualified to talk about friendship. To them, I am just a meteor that suddenly broke into that world and disappeared sadly due to fate." Queen Otangsi shook her head. Shaking her head, although her tone was calm, there was still a bit of resentment. Obviously she was still a little bit brooding about what happened to her back then, "If possible, I would entertain them warmly and politely, but friendship... I didn't have it in the past, and it will be natural in the future. There won’t be either.”

These words made the Duke hesitate greatly, and he did not know how to answer them.

After all, "friendship" in the court and social circles is inherently full of affectation and conformity, and it comes and goes quickly, as he himself has experienced recently.

"I'm afraid I resonate with you on this issue. Many of my former friends may not be friends in the future." In the end, he could only sigh.

"So on this point, we quite resonate... We are all frustrated, abandoned or forgotten. There are too many people who have taken my favor, but there are surprisingly few people who are grateful. Even they still I am so happy to forget about me." The queen looked at the duke and nodded slightly, "Of course, I am not saying that we will go back for revenge. I will forgive these people. Tolerance is also a virtue. I was just thinking. , if there is a chance this time, I will rebuild our lost reputation, the empire will need this reputation after all."

The Duke didn't quite understand what Queen Ortense meant specifically, but it was obvious that if she had the chance in the future, she would definitely exclude a group of people from the imperial court.

Of course, this kind of "retaliation" is within a reasonable range and is human nature. It also coincides with his position of urging Aiglon not to engage in large-scale bloody liquidation.

"You are absolutely right, Your Majesty," he replied.

Queen Ortense thought for a moment.

Based on what Aigron just said, he definitely hopes that he can temporarily take care of palace affairs for him in the future, so that he also has the right to decide who is qualified to get close and who is not.

Of course, she also knows that this "authorization" comes from Aigron himself and is not something she takes for granted, so she will also take into account Aigron's own thoughts.

Since the Duke is one of the first people to come over, he must be qualified, not to mention he also has a daughter, Agnes...

Therefore, even though she didn't think highly of the Duke in her heart, the Queen showed herself to be extremely polite. She instinctively felt that it was important to establish a friendly relationship with the Duke - and Miss Agnes behind the Duke. .

So, after laying the groundwork, she took the initiative to propose.

"Speaking of which, I have always had a good impression of Miss Agnes. Not only do people around me say good things about her, but my nephew has always missed her. It's a pity that I have only seen her a few times before. If you have the chance, you can bring her over to see me more often. It would be a good thing for an older person like me to feel the vitality among the younger generation. Are you right?"

The Duke suddenly felt happy.

It was obvious that Queen Hortense's many complimentary words for Agnes must have come from the young man's kindness - that is to say, it was a proactive show of kindness to herself.

And for him, having another backer beside Aigron is also a good thing.

Because of this, he was naturally happy to agree.

"Of course this is the best, Your Majesty! Being able to win your favor is a rare blessing for her. As long as you are willing, I will bring her to see you if I have the chance."

"Then I'm looking forward to that day." Queen Otangsi smiled and nodded.

To be honest, she didn't want to please the Duke's family. After all, with her status, even if she did nothing, Aigron would respect her and give her honor.

But she had told Aiglon before that she was worried that something might happen. After all, Teresa must have other ideas.

So after thinking about it, she decided to intervene herself and see how things develop. If there is really any problem, then we can mediate as an elder - of course, the so-called mediation cannot be completely fair. Although she also likes Teresa, she is Agron's aunt after all. Her position It can only be completely biased towards Aigron's side. No matter whether Aigron is right or not, he must be right.

In other words, if Theresa really has any opinions in the future, she, as an elder, can mediate.

Although she would definitely get into trouble if she got involved in this kind of thing, this could be regarded as a reward for her nephew.

Seeing the Queen's attitude toward his family, the Duke was overjoyed. He had fully felt the Bonaparte family's admiration for him.

Whatever the reason for this patronage, it is a very important resource - and one that will be of great help to his descendants.

As for the price to pay for this, he knew it very well.

The two people were talking sincerely and hypocritically. Suddenly, the queen's speech and behavior returned to the graceful and calm demeanor of the past.

At the end, the Duke expressed his gratitude to her by gently kissing the back of her hand.

This visit of his could come back with a full load.

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