Eagle’s Glory

Three hundred and eight, fear and wounds

Because he had great trust in his own think tank, the Duke of Orleans also accepted Mr. Gaudin's judgment.

After all, in his heart, he was quite disdainful of the current King.

When he was still the king's younger brother, he was known for his dissipation and squandering. He gambled every day and owed a large amount of debt. In the end, he relied on the help of his brother King Louis XVI to pay off the gambling debt. He was the one who fell into the Bourbon dynasty. One of the driving forces behind the financial crisis; and after the outbreak of the Great Revolution, as the king's younger brother, he did not help his brother. Instead of cheering up when the dynasty was in disaster, he was the first among the brothers to escape from France and took his brother's family to his death. Left to the raging tide of revolution.

Will such a person fight to the end for the throne? Will you risk your life to face the enemy? Absolutely impossible.

"You are right, he will definitely run away... He is not that material." He seemed to be muttering to his confidants as well as to himself, "The only one who can shoulder this responsibility is me! "

"In France, you are the only one." Gaudin replied quietly.

This was obviously a reply of approval, but the Duke instantly sensed something unusual.

He thought about it carefully and immediately understood what the other party meant. "You mean that little guy?"

"Yes." Mr. Gaudin nodded slightly, his expression becoming extremely serious, "I think His Majesty the King has nothing to worry about now, but you really have to be careful about that little guy..."

The Duke was a little skeptical about this suggestion. He instinctively did not believe that a young man could bring much threat to him, but his trust in Gaudin over the years forced him to consider it.

"He does have some skills, but after all, he is not in the country at this time...Although he has been trying to exert influence in France, he can't really change anything."

"If he is willing to stay in the Balkans, it is true. But I don't think he will be willing to give up his ambition and not take the opportunity to do something when France is in chaos." Mr. Gaudin frowned, "Recently I He has been paying close attention to the news from over there, but it is completely calm over there. Except for the clamor of 'war against Turkey' from time to time, he has done nothing... This is really unreasonable, I believe He must have another agenda."

After a pause, his expression became more serious, "Maybe he has been releasing smoke bombs. In fact, he has smelled the wind and came to the border, or even within the border, to spy on the situation and wait at any time. Jump out from the shadows and grab the fruits.


Gaudin's assertion made the Duke shudder.

He changed his calm attitude before and asked quickly, "Really?"

"This is just my guess. There is no evidence. You don't have to worry. Just think of it as my excessive delusion..." Gao Dan quickly comforted his benefactor, "However, I insist that we'd better deal with that person." Be careful little guy...no matter what happens, he will never settle for silence."

The Duke was suddenly speechless.

Gao Dan's words destroyed his originally excellent mood. When he thought of how hard it was for him to force the Wang family to this point, the sweet fruit was already in front of him, but he still had to face another enemy. I just felt upset.

"Ever since you came back from Austria, you seem to have always looked at him differently -" He raised his head and looked at Gaudin, "Does he really have that kind of ability?"

"From a situation of having nothing, he acquired a piece of land in a short period of time. What he has done so far has proven what kind of skills he has." Mr. Gaudin replied without thinking, "In that meeting Although he was still imprisoned in Schönbrunn Palace and had to be patient with his grandfather and Metternich, when we talked, he could deeply feel that he was clear-minded and eloquent. More importantly, he has the kind of self-confidence and arrogance that despises everything, as well as the unconcealable ambition, and these things will make him extremely eager to regain power. He will not consider himself lucky to have survived the turmoil. Instead, he will think that God and the world owe him a throne! For this, he is willing to be the enemy of the whole world and will not hesitate to pay any price."

"Humph! No one owes him anything! He should be grateful. It is because of everyone's kindness that he was able to grow up!" The Duke became more and more irritable as he listened, and then he couldn't help but curse. "Those damn Austrians should have been more cruel back then. I dare say that Emperor Franz will definitely pay the price for this! If that child falls into my hands, I will never let him live."

After a few harsh words, the Duke finally calmed down a little.

He felt hot all over, so he stood up from the sofa, walked to the window, opened it, took a few breaths of the cold outdoor air, and then looked at the gloomy and cold sky in the distance.

Although there was nothing in the dark clouds, he seemed to be watching from the dark side again. It was his father and his ancestors who were staring at him.

The cold feeling in his lungs woke up his brain, and then he asked Mr. Gaudan behind him without looking back.

"So what do you think we should do? Stop?" he then asked coldly.

"At this point, I don't think we have the option to stop." Gaudan answered him immediately, because he knew what answer his benefactor wanted. "Not only can we not stop, we must go faster. As long as we can control the situation as soon as possible and create a fait accompli, then you will win.

In a chaotic situation, everyone instinctively hopes to have a core that stabilizes the hearts of the people. As long as you let the king announce his abdication, and then let the parliament declare you as the legal king without hesitation, then you will be the king, and the people will accept you. , as for him...even if he wanted to do something, it was too late. "

Finally hearing what he wanted to hear from Gaudan, the Duke suddenly smiled again.

"Yes, that's what it should be!" He nodded heavily, "That's what I think. As long as we create a fait accompli, we don't have to worry anymore. At least, in the parliament, the people who support me account for the majority. As long as they Recognize me as king, then I can reorganize my government and control the police and army legitimately. By then, even if he wants to cause trouble, I will knock him down... I will never show mercy. .”

In fact, he already had the answer in his mind before asking the think tank.

Can't stop, can't stop.

For the throne, even if you don't count the ancestors, the father and son have been working hard for this for more than half a century. How can they stop?

At that time, his father, Louis-Philippe II, Duke of Orleans, publicly devoted himself to the revolution in order to seek to usurp power. He turned his residence, the Palais Royal in Paris, into a center of incitement for radicals, and contributed to the outbreak of the Revolution; After the revolution broke out, the Duke changed his name to Philippe Equality, became a member of the National Convention, and for a time became the ambassador of the Republic to Britain.

However, the Duke, who had set off a huge torrent, was unable to control this stormy wave. When the revolution entered the most radical and terrifying period, Philip, an equal citizen, was suspected because of his origin, and was eventually arrested and sent to prison. On the guillotine, his ambition ended in the most tragic way.

However, the guillotine did not end ambition. It flowed through the Duke's bloodline to his son, the current Duke of Orleans.

After a long period of exile, the Duke returned to France after the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty, and with the grace of King Louis XVIII at the time, he regained the family property and became the top richest man in France. one.

However, property could not satisfy his ambition deep in his blood. From the moment he became a royal duke again, he began to seek the throne as his life goal.

For more than ten years, he has been working tirelessly towards this goal. He is generous and courteous, making friends with people from all walks of life and from all walks of life. He maintains his "enlightened and friendly" persona, attracts supporters, and spends money to fund public opinion circles. and intellectuals and members of Congress, advocating enlightened constitutional rule and opposing various reactionary measures of the Restoration Dynasty...even including efforts to expand their families.

Before him, the line of the Duke of Orleans had been passed down alone for several generations. However, after he got married, he gave birth to a total of ten children, six boys and four girls. Compared with the current thin population of the Bourbon royal family, he It also has the upper hand in family inheritance.

His wishful thinking was that it would be best if his own generation successfully succeeded in ascending to the throne; if God did not favor him, he would pass on this ambition and dream to his descendants, and then let them complete the work of several generations. Sad wish. If you are lucky and the eldest member of the royal family dies due to various reasons, it will be even more difficult to win without a fight.

[ King Charles He never gave birth to a child, so the eldest branch of the Bourbon royal family in France became extinct when Henry V died in 1883.

After the death of Henry V, the only family closest to the royal family in France was the Orleans family. Although it was almost 10 generations ago... So the Orleans family became the heirs of the royal family, but after Among monarchist supporters, some chose to support the Carlos faction of the Spanish Bourbon royal family as the successor to the royal family because they hated the Orleans family.

Of course, what they were fighting for was only a nominal and imaginary right to the throne, which the Republic no longer recognized. 】

For more than ten years, the Duke has been looking forward to, planning, and thinking of ways to destabilize the royal family every day and create a situation that allows him to usurp the throne. He has been unable to sleep many nights, awakened by the dream that he is in charge of the king's power. If he could If given a choice, he would certainly choose to succeed in his own generation.

I have been waiting anxiously for the throne for so long. If I don't touch it, I might die without being able to rest in peace.

The throne is so close, will you be afraid? Do you hesitate? The Duke looked at the distant sky and asked himself.

No, absolutely not, it must succeed, and it will definitely succeed... For this throne, my family has paid so much effort and paid such a heavy price, how could it stop here?

Therefore, even if he faces the risk of being "picked peaches down the mountain", he will not have any scruples and must stick to the existing plan.

After all, he did not believe that all his years of hard work would be lost to a young man who had not spent a day in France for more than ten years.

Mr. Gaudin has followed him for so long, and naturally knows the Duke's thoughts better than anyone else, so he has never considered the possibility of "stopping here and continuing to wait for the opportunity."

"You are right, the plan must continue and be implemented urgently." Gaudan also echoed the Duke's words, "It would be best if he does not interfere. If he insists on causing trouble to everyone, then take The most drastic measures will not be spared."

Compared with the Duke of Orleans, Gaudan's hostility towards Aiglon is also very strong - but the starting point of the two people is different.

The Duke hates the stumbling blocks on his way to power, while Gaudin is afraid that the bloody past will happen again.

He has personally experienced the most turbulent times, and has also witnessed those bloody massacres and liquidations. He knows very well how much hatred and harm it will bring to the world - those wounds and hatreds that continue to bleed, and he knows very well that those wounds and hatreds that continue to bleed are still in France today. Wandering on the land.

When negotiating with Aigron at Schönbrunn Palace, Aiglon spoke rudely and showed frightening arrogance because he had been angry for a long time. This made Gaudin even more convinced that once Aiglon takes power, France will lose power. What we are facing will be another great liquidation and another bloody massacre.

Therefore, Gaudan has regarded Aigron as a terrible opponent. He has no personal hatred for Aigron, and even feels a little sorry for what happened to Aigron as a child, but he believes that this young man's arrogant ambition must be stopped.

"He will only bring disaster to this country... and make the pool of blood drown deeper. If he succeeds, even if he is finally eliminated, countless people will die during that period. Such a disaster has happened in the past, so it cannot be repeated. ." Gaudin whispered to the Duke with a trace of fear, "I have seen too much blood, and I know that enough blood has been shed. The time of peace is so precious, even if it can last one more generation, it will make me happy. I am extremely relieved that he must not come back and that you...only you are qualified to lead this country. I have no doubt that you can heal it of decades of hatred and wounds."

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