Eagle’s Glory

Three hundred and thirteen, self-interest

"Face it, Talleyrand! Stop joking."

Marshal Soult scolded impatiently, which made the Treville brothers feel secretly happy.

They have experienced the world for a long time and are used to seeing big winds and waves, so they have accumulated a keen sense of smell. Therefore, Prince Talleyrand's proposal of the so-called "National Salvation Committee" cannot impress them no matter how tempting it is.

Because they all know that now is not the time when everyone has the opportunity to become the grass-headed king in troubled times.

The Great Revolution was already in the distant past. After several decades, the people were tired of the popular movement. They no longer wanted to fight, and they were even more tired of the agitation of mass leaders, because they had witnessed the Feuillants, Gironds, and How the Jacobins fought.

Now that they have lost their enthusiasm, there is no way to encourage them to risk their lives for strangers.

In the past, a villain like Barras could rely on fortune to rise up and finally become one of the five governors of the Directory. How is it possible now?

Moreover, several of the people here are considered prestigious in their respective political parties, but what is their image in the hearts of the people? Especially Talleyrand, when thinking about his image in the hearts of the people, no one would have any hope in the so-called "Committee for National Salvation".

The same is true for Duke Treville. He has been a loyal servant of the royal family for more than ten years. How can he transform into a new dignitary? It’s unrealistic to even think about it. That's why Marshal Sirte was so angry.

Today's careerists must have a sign, find a sign with appeal, and then hide under that sign to seek personal gain for themselves.

This is also the most realistic path before them.

Looking at the gloomy and solemn expressions of the three people, Talleyrand shrugged.

"Okay, I'm just joking, you don't have to take it seriously. I also know that we can't control the situation on our own. We have to have a sign to lead the charge... I guess everyone has already planned this. Alright?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the three people with different expressions.

"I know that you all have your own calculations and scruples. After all, you need to play your own roles and you must adhere to principles. You are all good gentlemen! Only I am the most despised and ridiculed, and the least need to be particular. What principles, so I'll just be the one to make the point - Gentlemen, you can all see now that His Majesty the King is in a precarious situation.

It seems to me that his time on the throne is numbered, and it is time for us to find a new pillar for the country..."

At this point, he sneered again, "Of course, we are good gentlemen, but we don't want to do business that is losing money. It is of course our duty to save the country, but we must find a good place for ourselves, otherwise, why take the risk?" What? Right?"

Talleyrand's words were both sarcastic and humorous, causing the other three to nod secretly.

Although he is really annoying all the time, once you get along with him, you can always magically forget how annoying he is.

"For me, my personal future is actually not that important." Marquis Treville took over, "My brother and I are not only connected by blood, we are also exactly the same in personal emotions. We escaped together and depended on each other together, and finally got to where we are today... For me, as long as our family can continue to prosper, there is no difference whether it is me or my brother who climbs to a high position. "

"It's such a touching brotherhood." Talleyrand blinked, and then agreed with the Duke's statement, "I have always suspected that you two brothers are singing a double act, and now it is finally confirmed. But this doesn't count. It’s unexpected. After all, if you want to fight against fate, you have to play some tricks. I play tricks alone, and you two brothers play separately. You all rely on your own abilities. If you can survive until now, it is victory. Come, let’s drink to victory together. , you shouldn’t refuse this time, right?!”

After finishing speaking, he picked up the wine glass again and gestured.

At this time, the two Treville brothers finally stopped resisting. They looked at each other, then they both picked up the wine glasses and drank it in one go.

After drinking another glass of wine, Talleyrand became more energetic and his voice became louder involuntarily.

"Talleyrand wants a high position, Soult wants a high position, and the Treville brothers also want a high position. That's no problem. This world should be about the capable. We have the ability, so we want more. Isn't this a natural thing? However, if we conflict with each other, it may cause unpredictable consequences, and may even make our efforts come to nothing - and conversely, as long as a few of us stick together, no matter who we support, All can play a major role. Playing a major role means receiving a lot of rewards. If we fight alone, we may be abandoned, because all kings like to be ungrateful, and they naturally do not like to owe money. The love of others! If we unite, we won't be afraid of them breaking their promises. We can put people on the throne and push people down."

This time, his words aroused the agreement of the other three people.

"That's true." Marshal Soult nodded, "We want to make meritorious deeds, but we also need others to remember to reward them based on their merits."

"However, there are not many people who are qualified to reward us based on our merits." Talleyrand cleared his throat, and then continued, "Or to put it bluntly, there are only two people, the Duke of Orleans and His Majesty the King of Rome - —Gentlemen, which one do you think is more appropriate?"

Although he spoke calmly, everyone knew that this was the core and most important issue.

"The power of following the dragon" is important, but it is also risking one's own wealth and life. If something goes wrong, it is impossible to laugh it off.

The Marquis of Treville knew that the reason why he was not liquidated last time was because his brother was secretly protecting him, but if he was on the wrong team again this time, he would never have the same good luck as before - because with the royal family's If he falls, his brother may not be able to protect himself.

But even so, he still spoke out the answer in his heart without hesitation. "To me, there are never two answers. Only the King of Rome is fit to sit on the throne."

"You are indeed the loyal General Treville. Such ardent loyalty is rare in the world." Talleyrand was not confused or surprised, and just nodded with a smile.

The Marquis of Treville ignored the sarcasm hidden in the other party's words, but continued to speak impassionedly, "I know, you may think that I am used to playing the role of a loyal minister, so I can't help but continue to play the role of a loyal minister. But I have always been a pragmatic person. As a person, I can face reality and evaluate reality calmly and objectively, so my conclusions are not based on my emotions, but on my judgment after careful consideration.

I am probably the only person here who has had close contact with him. Yes, he is indeed young and immature now, but he has a... a temperament that is difficult for me to describe. His thoughts surpass his Despite his age, he can even occasionally reveal ideas that transcend his times, and he can also focus on the overall situation, which is definitely not comparable to ordinary people. Such a person can achieve great things, and he also understands that his foundation is weak, and is very willing to share power with others. This attitude must be very beneficial to you. "

At this point, he emphasized his tone again, "And, more importantly, he is still so young! Because he is young, he can learn and wait; if we choose the Duke of Orleans, what will happen? He will tolerate it Us? What kind of person is he? More importantly, he has so many supporters, can we really ensure that he continues to need us?"

Marquis Treville's impassioned speech was certainly true to his heart, but he also had some more personal calculations that he did not say.

The "bargaining power" of the Treville family was different between Bonaparte and Orleans.

In front of the Bonaparte family, the Marquis himself is a loyal minister and has made great contributions. It is absolutely indispensable to reward him for his merits; but in front of the Orleans family, what is the scene?

The elder brother is a die-hard royalist, and the younger brother has always been a die-hard Bonapartist. No matter what kind of "personality" it is, it is impossible to please him, and the Treville brothers who have lost power do not have much use value. There is no benefit to be gained from giving rewards based on merit.

Since this is destined to be the result, why would he suddenly change his family and destroy the reputation he had finally accumulated for no reason? After discussion, the two brothers finally decided to continue to be "loyal ministers".

The questioning of the Marquis de Treville also caused Prince Talleyrand and Marshal Soult to fall into deep thought.

After a moment, Prince Talleyrand looked at Duke Treville.

"Although I know the answer, please allow me to ask one more question. Sir, do you and your brother have the same idea?"

"Of course I do," Duke Treville replied immediately. "I have said that my brother and I are connected in destiny, and I will support his decision, even if it costs my life and fortune."

The answer was short but powerful enough to show his determination.

Talleyrand and Soult looked at each other.

They have naturally thought of what Marquis Treville said just now. They have been thinking carefully and weighing the pros and cons for many days and nights. Of course, they will not fail to think of these.

However, after the Treville brothers firmly stated that they sided with the Bonaparte family, they undoubtedly added a lot of weight to the young man, making these reasons even more "real."

And this was not beyond their expectations.

The Marquis of Treville, as he said himself, is the only person who has had contact with the King of Rome, which means that he has established a personal impression on the young man. Once the young man takes power, it is obvious that his interests can be maximized. ——So, from the perspective of self-interest, his "optimal solution" is to encourage these people to support Aigron, and then use this credit to discuss merit with Aigron and reward him.

Combined with his past loyalty and current achievements, he will surely be able to rise to prominence by then.

Everyone else is aware of this little calculation, and no one will blame it. After all, they themselves have their own calculations.

"I appreciate your loyalty, Victor." At this time, Marshal Soult spoke, "To be honest, personally, I also have a good impression of that little guy - we have not met, but we Through letters, I can understand his attitude and ambition. If fate really pushes him to the throne, it is not a good thing for me... In this case, let me tell you one thing first, I have asked my adjutant to go to the eastern border for activities, and he has contacted many people there. If the time is right, they will quietly take action, and then work together to welcome the King of Rome back to the border."

This news shocked the Treville brothers.

After Aiglon made the plan to return to the country, he did not inform the Marquis of Treville. This was not because he doubted his loyalty, but because he was far away in Paris and telling him would not help. Instead, it might be leaked on the way. News, so now the Marquis heard it for the first time.

The Marquis' first reaction to this news was to be secretly happy, happy that he had a better chance of winning.

And he immediately came to his senses - so Marshal Soult was testing himself just now? Did he actually have a plan?

Before he had time to think more, the marshal continued, "I have reached an agreement with him. I can continue to wait and see the situation until he returns to Paris - and accordingly, I will help him return to Paris. So, for As for me, the day when he stands in front of me is not far away. Victor, you are right, I am indeed a little wary of him. The more capable people are, the more unruly they are. This is true for you and me. So I never expected him to really respect me or appreciate me from the bottom of his heart. Of course, the Duke of Orleans is the same, there is no difference."

"So, what do you mean...?" the Marquis asked softly.

"We stand together to ensure that the situation develops in our favor." This time, Marshal Soult still looked as normal, "Once chaos occurs, we will muddy the situation and help him delay time until he comes over. Next, let’s see how he treats us. If he is really suitable to work with us, we will help him up together and eliminate other unsuitable candidates. If he is not suitable, then I advise you not to hold on to him. Don’t let go of one tree, and broaden your horizons appropriately.”

Now the Marquis finally understood the true intention of the Marshal and Prince Talleyrand to win over his brother.

Among the two candidates, after weighing the pros and cons, they did slightly lean toward Aigron, but they still wanted to wait until the last minute to gain personal gain from it.

And they huddle together to keep warm, ultimately to demand higher "bargaining power", and even their own brothers are part of it.

So, should I follow?

"We'll be at risk," he reminded the marshal.

"If there is a risk, then we must eliminate this risk." Marshal Soult replied calmly. "My decades of experience in the military tell me that victory always belongs to those who are the most courageous. Yes, warriors may Die, but cowards always die faster.”

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